Andrey VyshinskyBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyJohn DeweyKirovLeninMussoliniRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

WANIA SOCIALIST APPEAL Stalin Renders Commendable Service to Fascism. Mussolini Rome Dictator Thanks Stalin For Purge of Last Old Bolsheviks The Plot Against Lenin In 1918 Documentary Evidence Lacking tional labor movement Stalin Kirov. Witherto, only Germany land, it is a foregone conclusion of our military authorities and ened to weaken the ties between doubt at all that more than one has learned that neither England, and Japan have been mentioned. that the next trial will have its we do not know whether or not Russia and Germany, the Com quiet conversation took place in France nor the United States is Now that Stalin hopes for an quota of confessions by the dethese reports correspond to the munist spokesman in the Reich Berlin and in Moscow between concerned for a moment with the English alliance have been dash fendants that they were paid by reality. If we assume that they stag, Klara Zetkin, argued: Soviet and German representideals of democracy or with ed, the trained and well rehears and worked for the United States are not lies, then they have, in Germany future rests upon a atives, political and military. All the defense of the Soviet Union. ed defendants are made to enact Military Intelligence Service.
themselves, no significance. close community of interests with this is old stuff, fairly well Like Germany and Italy and Ja the role of British spies. just (Dec. 16, 1926. Not One Will Remain pan, they are concerned exclusi as in the previous trials they the Soviet Union, in economic, known. And this is all there is on vely with the preservation and starred as spies of Hitler and Zetkin Speech political and if needs be also mi ever was to the charge of KresWith Rykov, Bukharin, Rakov.
litary respects. even believe, tinsky or any other Soviet leadexpansion of their imperialist the Mikado.
position. The democratic bloc on the same grounds, France gone, there will remain apart sky, Rosengoltz and Krestinsky The foreign political line of the contrary to Mr. Deputy Wels, er espionage relations with Soviet Union and the line of the that is is not so hopeless as he Germany, or with Generals von in Europe, headed by England, is not mentioned at all, for the from Trotsky and Stalin not a Comintern were then anxiously imagines, for cooperation to fol. Seeckt and Hasse, in 1921 1922 dissolution, or more accurately, hopes that the Franco Soviet Revolution, scarcely a single in favor of a close alliance not low, under certain circumstances, and the years following. Any.
of reorientation. Instead of es Pact will be strengthened. Yet, member of the Central Commitonly between the General Staffs between the Reichswehr and the tablishing unity with Russia in the 1931 trial of the Menshe tees of the Party that functioned Renito Mueerlini docenin In pola of the two armies, but of the Red Army people. Reichstag thing more is simply the putrid against the fascist states, Eng viks, the defendants were depic in Lenin lifetime, only one or armies themselves. In her speech Minutes, 127th Session, 1926. product of diseased and vinland is moving rapidly towards ted as the agents of the French two members of the Soviet Govwork th flinitatis of a hutcher the Locarno Pact, which threat Along this line, there is no dictive police brain. Four Power act (England, General Staff!
ernment from 1917 to 1924, and He wrote in his own prner, Porola Italin thout Siolin, Italy, France and Germany, supWhy America Does Not not a single member of the Poli had become a Fascist ul. in effect that Stalin was ported by Poland. which excludes tical Bureau of Lenin day doing more than any other to do the faith anh the Soviet Union, isolates her The alleged foreign relations Not one!
occurred and is, primarily, directed at her of the victims of Stalin frame. The head worloers of the arrihet. Von No less foul is the charge, that it was made seriously, it second incident that four months after the revo was not taken seriously.
the Bonapartist which was likewise absolutely Why England Comes In ups have no reference to any counter revolution in Russia is For cutting down thousands of revolutionists as Fing. lution, that is, in March 1918, without any significance. Comreality whatsoever except that consumed with fear and desperLeadership Knew The recent events in Europe of Stalin own diplomatic policy ation. He knows that behind the dictator Mussolini. Let those who still think they can be. Trotsky and his group, jointly entire party leadership knew cations, the Left SR Prosyan rade Radek walked into the office cist spies, Stalin has won the gratitude of the Fascist Bukharin and his group of so The essential point is that the of the Commissar for Communi.
are the background for the tim and its vacillations. If, for ex. obligatory adulation of all who ing of the Trial of the 21 to open ample, there are no American surround him, is a fierce hatred, lieve in the monstrous frame up terror system of Stalin, with the Left Social Revolution about the episode: On December in order to have some resolution up when it did. It is the same spies among the defendants to. He knows his unpopularity with who think they can ignore the heavy blows the Stalin ists, plotted to overturn the So 15, 1923, Stalin wrote in Pravda: of the Left Communists sent out events which cause Stalin to in day, it is only because Stalin still the masses. He hopes to safeterror is dealing the whole revolutionary movement. viet government by murdering Never, believe, did inner party said to comrade Radek: All you by Proshyan laughingly troduce England, the British In hopes for an alliance with the guard himself against being overLenin, Stalin in and Sverdlov.
ponder the brutal irony in the words of Mussolini: telligence Service, and English United States against Japan.
strife among the Bolsheviks How does it happen that such reach such bitterness as during do is write resolutions. Wouldn spies for the first time in any Shouid those hopes go the way thrown by making himself indis Stalin does not resort to castor oil to punish Com staunch Stalinists as Bubnov, that period, in the period of the it be simpler to place Lenin of the frame up trials that have of previous hopes with regard pensable in the eyes of the Soviet munist leaders who are so stupid or criminal as still to Yakovlev, Bela Kun, Alex Brest Peace. It is well known under arrest for 24 hours, dec.
been held since the death of Ito Germany and then with Eng. public.
believe in Communism, Stalin is unable to understand shev, Pokrovsky, Soltz, Communists, who were at that and then again unanimously reu andra Kollontay, the late Kuiby. for example, that the Left lare war against the Germans the subtle irony involved in the laxative system of castor oil. He makes a clean sweep by means of systems others, who never deviated from ed such a point of bitterness that of the Council of People Com3. The present trial has in indictment included among the British, Italian, German, Japanwhich were born in the steppes of Genghis Khan. kyism, and all of whom were in the then sexistings council of said came naturally down to the common with all the preceding conspirators the underground ese and Polish governments, as STALIN RENDERS COMMENDABLE SERVICE Bukharin group of so called People Commissars with a new following: Lenin, as a revolu: trials their most characteristic anti Soviet groups of Trotskyists, well as of the Red Army, the TO FASCISM.
feature: the complete lack of Rights, Zinovievists, Menshevik, and an endless number Left Communists never in these Council among the ranks of the tionist, when placed in a posimaterial evidence to substantiate Social Revolutionists, bourgeois of other Soviet Commissariats the countless crimes with which Nationalists of the Ukraine, and governmental institutions to imagine that Stalin, Vyshinsky tion.
o imagined the sezone, however, posite by the experts in falsifica plot they had organized in March Felte Communists. number of enige having to wage a defense 1918 to assassinate him and le present oppositionists, comrades against the advancing Germans, the defendants are charged.
The phenomenon is without nia, Azerbaizhan and the Central put such men to death? What and Co. will draw up short before Not Trotsky and not Krestintive and Sverdlov? And Yaros, kov and others, were among the meaning the Left Communists)
precedent, from any point of view. Asiatic Republics. In addition, should it have to fear from such Outrageous as it seems, incrediment had very close relations Daily Worker calls him, who was such an accusation. Not at all! sky, but the entire Soviet Govern leader and theoretician, as the lavsky, the famous Bolshevik faction of Left Communists. in every way, but nevertheless he would lead a defensive strug.
Now, if all this was well ganizations to which the defen Japan, Italy, Poland, and Eng and luckless incompetents?
Unlike the international spy or the Goveynments of Germany. self avowed crew of wretched ble even, it is dead certain that with the German General Stall also in Bukharin group in 1918. known as early as 1923 at the gle better than anyone else. Once on the road of abandoning all for several years after 1921 1922.
again, this offer was not only dants at the various trials have land, and their combined Intelli If, as usual, there is no ma the principles and ideals of the These relations were entirely or and who is now cabling his ex. very least why is it now pre not rejected by the Left Com allegedly belonged, the famous gence Services.
terial evidence, there are, as usual, Russian Revolution, Stalin will fieial, and quite secret, at least ectations upon the defendants to sented with the air of horror munists, but likewise not even terrorist organization of the Rus Yet, with all these thousands Why, after knowing discussed, because it was an absian Social Revolutionists, which of persons involved, and despite sions. They differ from those tion itself as the product of con it goes without functioned to wipe out odious re all their years of activity, the made before only in that they cealed enemies of the people. as well as by Tins, by Lenin how does it happen that he con all this, did Stalin have Buk solutely anecdotal and ludicrous Trotsky, by Stallin tinued to conceal the plot from batin slected editor of Pray fantasy of Proshyan da? Why did him in.
presentatives of Czarism, never and the Prosecutor Of are more fantastic, less credible. That is the inexorable, logical as well as by the then Ambassador Stalin for the past 19 yedi International in 1926. pointed out that as far back as counted more than a couple office are unable to produce a Faizulla Khodzaie confesses that end of his course. Oddly enough, it should be to Germany, Krestinsky.
And if he has finally made it place as chairman of the dozen persons engaged in conspir. single incriminating document, he had not an oral nor a written Incredible, we say? Nothing is atorial work. At the height of not a sliver of significant evid but a silent agreement with incredible for the unrestrained public, what exactly was his part (And why, by the way, if he knew 1918, prior to the insurrection of After Rapallo its activity and influence, it ence!
Trotsky. This most how shall madmen who rule the totalitarian that Rykov was a counter revo the Left s, when, after Proshrose to thirty members! Yet, After the signing of the friend we put it. unusual kind of Stalinist regime. For already in No Need To Tell Little To Show lutionist since 1905, as this re yan death, Lenin was writing despite the greatest precautions, agreement is solemnly and un this trial, according to the reports y Rapallo Treaty between Ger pugnant creature Yaroslavsky an obituary of the latter, comthey left numerous traces of Human credulity, human ima questioningly recorded by the of the trial, Vyshinsky said that manya anda Russia, e cautiously The answer to these questions now writes in the Daily Worker, rade Radek told comrade Lenin not documents, telegrams which fellure stretched, simply cannot written, and not oral; just a stof having been a British Agented between the German and Rue did not need to tell Stalin abouti Lenin place in the government roared with laughter over this the plot. He knew all about when Lenin died. plan.
into the hands of the Carist bridge the gap between such vol lent agreement.
police (which was not distingu uminous and widespread activity, And how, pray, even under been be Pravda, Bukharin, while chiding after the World War but of hay. Sian Army commands. This, too, it and said so as far back On January 10 bine exAnd in the same issue of ished by its intelligence or cf. and such perfectly flawless con socialism, is a silent agreement German secret service during the ficiency) and were later used spiratorial efficiency! For them, arrived at between two persons war (N. Post, March 5, Early in December 1926, the at an even earlier date. The dek, Piatakov and Pokrovsky, the signers of the above letter, against arrested terrorists.
they would have to bridge the separated by such a trifle as se 1938. Marebetora Cuandi eru bestablished plot is not news! All there ever commenting on Stalin article, neverthelesne morated that the Thousands Involved even wider gap between such veral thousand miles? By a wink While Vyshinsky was in the a sensational (and substantially was to know about it, has been elaborated as follows: miraculous, unearthly efficiency or a nod? By ectoplasmic emana ranks of the White Guards fight true story about the secret es known to a fairly wide public for in essence what said, Radek, Piatakov Speak In the present case, however, in concealment and smooth functions from the two bodies involving the Bolshevik power in the tablishment on Russian soil of some fifteen years.
No Plot At All there are not a mere ten or tioning, and the almost total lacked, meeting silently at some in Ukraine, Rakovsky was organiz German hand grenade plants. The first to make known pub During the sessions of the twenty or thirty persons involv of results produced by the work, termediate neutral point? By ing and leading the revolution in which clandestinely shipped mullicly the story already known in Central Executive Committee of That is the whole story, made ed in a conspiracy. There are iit for 10, 15 and 20 years, of 100, means of equally silent mental the Ukraine, establishing the nitions to Germany in violation leading Russian party circles, the Soviet which were held in the public more than 14 years ago!
erally thousands! The activity 500, 1, 000, 2, 000 and more pers. telepathy? By means of a Ouija Ukrainian Soviet Republic of of the military clauses of the was Bukharin himself, in an ad Tauride Palace, while Lenin was The entire party membership, al of all of them goes back to 1982 ons.
and 1928; some of them began, And remember that these singu perhaps through the mediam of of the Council of People Comt not only not board in Khodzwiekis haram of which he was the first Chairman Wee soily more on Reihe stemperatures dress to a party meeting in the making an emotion Brest, anket kement about the road. Postadina we are told, as early as 1926, larly unsuccessful plotters had at Prosecutor Vyshinsky instruc missars. If Vyshinsky assertion the Soviet Government, but was Moscow in 1923. It was in the approached Piatakov and Buk tried to make a hypocritically Still others in 1921; and some their disposal, on various occa tions, not so silently given within means anything and it has a confirmed immediately thereafter period of the first struggle a harin. In the course of the con solemn face over it; Lenin had (Bukharin and Trotsky. in 1918, sions and for long periods of the walls of a prison deeper significance than most on the floor German gainst Trotskyism right after the revolution. The time, the entire machinery of cell?
cal people will ascribe to it it means Reichstag.
harin sought to emphasize the bear the character of any kind and afterwards wrote a tender that the Ukrainian proletarian Scheidemann Confirmation danger of factionalism by point of official negotiations but did not and respectful memorial article revolution and the Soviet Republic ing to the extremes to which his even have the character of a busi on the occasion of the death of it established were the result of In the negotiations with the group was impelled during the ness like preliminary probing of Proshyan, the main instigator instructions carried out by a form of Junkers (airplane manu inner party struggle over the the ground on both sides, Kamkov, of the murder plot, who had, The testimony of Krestinsky liminary inquisition, Krestinsky announced, who disappear totally kovsky as an agent in espionage facturers) on March 15, 1922, in signing of the Brest Litovsk among other things, half jokingly by the way, actually and not stands, in its most important declared: deliberately pervert: from sight. without being brought of the German Kaiser and the the Reichswehr Ministry, said peace in 1918. He reported that said: Well, what will you do if setitiously taken past in the comtinsky repudiated his previous in the preliminary investigation who could not be broken to the Relations with Germany confession, made in the notorious because did not believe that it point where they agreed to any.
Jemann, for example, there par who were then members of the party? After all, Lenin will leave tionists against the Soviet power preliminary investigation, talked as am talking now it thing and everything. And, conticipated among others, General Council of People Commissars you and then you and we shall in July, 1918.
As for the treasonable rela Hasse. The signing of the con and, like him, opposed to the sign. have to make up a new Council Whether the episode merits soconfession which formed a key would get to the care of our versely, only those are allowed tions between Trotsky, krest tracts (with Russia) followed ing of the Brest Peace, had ap of People Commissars. think lemnity or uproarious laughter, secutor indictment. In none of Now it is quite true that on whom the GP. is quite sure German Intelligence Service and officers who traveled to and from jokingly, with the proposal to to elect Piatakov as Chairman of ment or political judgment. But thing like this occurred; the repudiated his repudiation. But no level of moral wrecks, putty in and Hasse, there is of course an forged passports. Reichstag hours, launch the revolutionary The proposal of the Left more relation to the Stalin Vysh.
luctant and half clefiant admis counter recantation can destroy the hands of the Prosecutor.
sions of Smirnov in the August the enormous significance of his war against Germany, thus con was not only never rejected insky dime novel murder plot element of truth in the story, as Minutes, 252nd Session, 1926. 1936 trial come closest to Kres statement during the first session Night In Jail Trotsky has already explained in The Moscow Pravda took the front Lenin with the accomplish with indignation but it was never of 1938, than, let us say, the the press, an element which is Guardian revelations quite coolly: ed fact, and then re elect him rejected at all, inasmuch as it grumblings of Hugh Johnson tinsky outright self repudia of the court. It is a statement The repudiation was retracted?
unanimously as chairman of the was never discussed at all, for and Raymond Moley against the has a defendant thrown the least regardless of the motive that ani statement by Dr. John Dewey that nothing ever came of this Left to the Left Commun sassinate Roosevelt, Farley and suspicion upon the validity of mated its maker or the Prosecut that the retraction only confirm proposal, for even assuming ists.
these secret examinations during or. And it th throws a glaring lighted and did not weaken the repuwhich the self damning admis on what goes on in the prelim diation. It is not difficult to vis.
sions are dictated to the pros. inary investigation and how the walize the unspeakable hours that pective public victims of the confessions are extorted.
frame up.
Krestinsky must have spent with the during the night bet. Continued from receding Page. ly plotting with a foreign power The Trial of the 21 is an associate with him into assas ed il its success would attract It matters not at all, in our Would Never Have Appeared (Germany. The most impor obscene, hideous frame up, asins?
to its support millions from other ween the first and second days opinion, whether Krestinsky For what was Krestinsky say of the trial. What monstrous ningrad centre of the Zinoviev tant of the new defendants were mockery of justice and of the classes. Shall we believe now What Charges Mean sensational statement on the first ing in his sensational statement pressure must have been exerted group was accused of the murder members of the Central Com human mind, a brutal blow struck that after socialism has been piece of stagc play arranged by to the public trial, to sign the force him to retract his first. After this, the Zinoviev Trotsky ment and daily met the victims ment. It was conceived by a ter means that there is so much ter capitalism that will attract to its day of the trial, was merely a That if he had not agreed, prior upon him during that time to of Kirov and 13 men were shot. mittee of the Party and govern at socialism and the laboz moveIf the charges are true, it established, it is decadent, fascist the Prosecutor, with the advance confession writton for him by highly revelatory declaration ist Centre was accused of the marked by them.
plan of a counter repudiation the his police tormenters, he would What horrendous threats must same crime and sixteen people Trotsky held in his hands the un hopes that the bones of its victims and the government, such a com cast, were the best and most by Krestinsky to break through pear in open court to make any ment of his nearest oneshos during the investigation. itary apparatus. And the result? The pistol shots of the execution, that everybody who thinks or be proletariat? We must believe it, the dreadful conspiracy of silence kind of statement. That the only tages held by the police to cause In January of last year the Pa. The victim of this infernal con er will ring like the death knell lieves differently from Stalin if we believe Stalin accusations.
surrounding what goes on in the possibility left him to tell the a man who had made such a clear rallel Trotskyist Centre (Radek, spiratorial activity beginning of the irretrievably doomed Bo dares not say so openly, in a Cannot Be Believed cells of the For even it truth to the workers of the so cut, meaning statement, to with Piatakov and others) was accus: with 1918 proves to be no more napartist clique, for its days are normal way, as was the case in it was deliberately planned by the viet Union. our country rul draw it the very next day. Wit ed of the murder of Kirov, and than the same Kirov who was numbered.
Lenin time, but must needs re But we cannot believe them, Even if the mind of man could sort to official hypocrisy of and we do not. We believe only tirely different from the one in lies he was forced to sign be thrown ten thousand times more nally, we now learn that the Right Guards, Leningrad Zinovicvists, assime for a moment that the agreement with the line and what is so tragically evident. The tended.
fore being permitted to come light on the mystery of con Opposition (Rykov, Bukharin the United Centre, the Trotsky defendants are guilty, it would actual clandestine work against bloodstained tyrant of the Kreminto court ressions than have all the mud was likewise occupied with plot ists, and finally the Bukharin he acknowledging the fact that it. It is Stalin who says so! lin is driving a knife through Deliberately Perverted What we have always surmis dled disquisitions on Dostoievskine the murder of this same ists.
the trials and the accusations If the charges are true, it the prostrate body of the Russian In explaining his denial in opened is thus given unexpected con ky and the Russian soul by the Kirov. Thus all the leaders of Having cut themselves loose are the most murderous possible means that the socialism estab. Revolution. He is befouling the indictment of the Stalin regime court of the statement attributed firmation. The hundreds and even learned Slavologist, Mr. Walter the Bolshevik Party, people of from every responsibility, the 10 itself. For the trials organizer lished by Stalin is so horrible and very name of socialism.
great political and revolutionary talitari repugnant that all the men who to him in the records of the pre thousands whose executions are Duranty.
Then we shall redouble our experience, with names known to selves loose from the clementary of guilt!
hary by Stalin are his real confession devoted themselves for twenty, work to restore to socialism its the whole world, during a num aws of common sense. The Mos.
If the charges are true, it the cause of socialism, have de its ideals which mean not only ber of years constructed main. cow trials strike one as grandiose means that collaboration with cided to renounce it in favor of plenty and peace, but also free One of the main points in In fact, Kerensky and Co. made famous calumny of the Russian united and parallel terroristic nonsense, as the delirium of a Stalin is impossible by actual fascism. By Stalin implicit con dom! Not even the gory hand the indictment charges the de the same charge as far back as Revolution, borrowed from the centres and each of these centres lunatic armed with enormous test. For, virtually every person ſession, it is under his regime of the Stalinist reaction can stay fendants in general, and Trotsky, the middle of 1917, and even had arsenal of the White Guard plotted the murder of one and the power. It would be no exaggera who has ever sought to work to that virtually all the old Bolshe us in our march.
Krestinsky and Rosengoltz in forged documents to prove that counter revolution in which Pro same secondary Stalinist agent, tion to say that this part of the to Zinoviev to Bukharin to Yo and hundreds of the later geneparticular, with having been Lenin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Luna secutor Vyshinsky was so active Kirov, whose name became known accusation is saturated with the goda and Yenukidze and Rudzus ration, preferred to work for the SUBSCRIBE NOIV TO timidity! Why, Kerensky, and leaders, were agents of Kaiser during the first years after the only thanks to the trials. spirit of totalitarian idioey. We lak, including thousands of Gestapo and the British Intelli THE SOCIALIST APPEAL with him thousands of anti Bol. Wilhelm It of Germany.
Bolshevik victory, and charge According to the nel charges, will show in the future that the others, have ended up by want. gence Service rather than to sheviks, White Guards, Hearst. Why does the Prosecution date that the Revolution itself was the terrorist plants of Bakharin accusation is no more meritori who says so! What is there so lieved that once the proletariat 116 University Place writers and their similars, long its charge back only to 1921 organized and led by German land Trotsky began in 1918. In lous in all its other parts. unmentionably frighiful about was on the highroad to socialism New York 1024 Trolak kalveada secreta Marsh 1988 Stalin rule that turns all who to say nothing of having attain of the The Repudiation By Krestinsky tion. In no other case, however, which stands on its own feet, Yes. But we agree here with the maliciously distorted into its op We are not privy to the secrets ll goes without saying there was no proposal from the New Deal have to a plot to as Trotsky Reviews Trials If The Charges Were True Soviet Relations With Reich