BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismIV InternationalLiberalismMarxismMoscow TrialsParis CommuneSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL March 12, 1938 Widick Begins Goyshon Rubber: Workers Stalinist Moves Roosevelt Price Policy OLD SOCIALIST VIEWS Labor Tour At Against Defense of Beal Crumble Shows Economic Drop CONVENTION OF Boston, Lynn Fighting Platform Unfolded by Geller Handicapped Form Painters Get New Trade Union of Taste of Stalinism sociation in the log cam GOSHEN, Ind. Countering the management attempt to build a company union at the Mogul Rubber Company, Local 161 of the United Rubber WorkBy DAVE COWLES ers brought production to a stand Socialist Party Bares Found Source of Inspiration In New Year still on February 25 in a threeFalsity of Lawrence The Roosevelt statement ask that the workers have less money creased employment, and less, Finds Comrades Active day strike which brought an Gathering Of Militants At Chicago ing increased prices which was with which to buy food and clo not more continuous income.
In New England agreement granting recognition Letter Effort printed in the New York Times thing. If the quantity product will need less machinery and BY GEORGE WHITESIDE to fly first of all to the The consumption goods industries of February 9, 1938, emphasized remains the same, the Key Unions of the local as sole bargaining agency, seniority rights, subanew the following facts: Amer tion between producers whose plant equipment, they will reduce To a native socialist who had with its horde of servile campstantial wage increases, and reThe attempts of the Stalinist ican capitalism is on the decline sales depend directly upon the their demand for capital goods, known no political home in the followers blind devotees and The Boston and Lynn bran cognition of a shop committee. to disrupt and smash the move and needs government aid to consumers will drive prices cown, and steel, machinery, lumber, basta mother than the socialist sycophantic yes men.
Previously a notorious open ment for the defense of Fred Er make profits. The continued ex Although the graph hides it, the transportation equipment, in fact Party, the recent Left Wing conA few days ago the writer ches are coming along in fine shape and both are certainly put. shop town, Goshen has in the Beal, leader of the 1929 textile listence of capitalism means the fact is evident in the Survey of all the captital goods industries vention in Chicago which launch spoke to a friend, a former memlast six months given rise to an Caroand middle class.
war campaign, Widick, So now embraces over 750 workers thg a 20 year term, are breaking ands of the workers, farmers, have fallen most which depend tained prosperity will produce was both an inspiration and an Spirit of soildarity that charactprimarily upon the purchasing less, employ less and disburse education.
Workers Party labor se in the and about 400 in cialist down.
Especially was this crized the convention.
No matter what its intentions, power of the workers. com less wages. deep depression true in the case of one, like the The friend inquired seriously: cretary, writes of the first leg of the Beal is in disfavor with the the politics of liberalism and re modities which have remained al. will grow deeper, because of Ro. writer, whose actual experience ment and general conformity a The Mogul vietory Stalinists because after a period form work only to maintain capi most unchanged are building ma osevelt price policy.
his tour. four hour meeting with the greements in this town of 12, 000 spent in the Soviet Union he be talism. The latest addition to the terials, metals and metal prowithin the had been confin, bad sign, an unhealthy condition?
ed almost wholly to a state orga: This will probably seem a simple district trade union comnettee population up to four.
of evidence showing duets, and other goods which are Would Have Lowered Prices nization completely dominated began my activities in the New Coming on the heels of a lock recime. Although he was arrest: the bankruptcy of reform politics sold to producers.
is the price policy of the liberal England area. Our comrades are out of woodworkers in December ed, framed up and sentenced by The reasons for high prices Had Roosevelt really wanted to by a sterile and confused hodge question to most of us but, because many prospective members very active in key unions in which was turned into a union the southern Bourbon court while Roosevelt, composed and signed here are: first, there are power bring economie recovery, he would prodge of petty bourgeois liberal have had only the and working for the Communist by such progressives as Secreta full monopolies in these products have lowered prices, not raised reformist ideology. from which to judge, believe of one who had Lynn, and the Boston unionists victory, the quick and satisfactory Party facts which the Stalinists ry of Labor Perkins and Secreta. which limit production and com the high monopoly prices down spent years in the Struer. it is one that we will increasingthem. He would have balanced are functioning well.
The internal party meetings Spur the organizing movement cannot and do not deny they ry of Agriculture Wallace. petition: Second, in Lynn and Boston were very considerably, and to encourage him whatever isward to the low prices, and he giing for a Marxist program and ly need to meet.
that My own answer was produced goes to producers who would have balanced both down revolutionary party can best well attended and the discussion unionization in many of the smali Not All To Rise Liars Exposed must buy capital goods if they faster than the falling wages be described, perhaps, by con party unity may be either which took place over my report sweatshops located here.
The policy is that in the pre are to make profits, and who are This woud have increased the trasting the convention healthy or unhealthy condition, on how the party functions in the war crisis showed that our and the Non Partisan Committee the general price levera tis desit priced commodities do not have purchasing power of the great entire ton of intense serious depending wholly upon how it is party is cognizant of the serious C: masses, increased their purchas ness, realistic approach, and re established. Unhealthy, certainly, and difficult tasks before it.
which is fighting for his free. lable. However, this does not to compete for the vanishing ing of consumption goods, in volutionary determination with if the decrees are simply handed dom, the Daily Worker printed mean that all prices should rise, wages of the workers. Sixty steel workers attended muddled help down from the top and accepted creased the demand of the con the atmosphere meeting at Worcester where Raising Basic Prices group of alleged Socialists statement shows that some prices sumption goods industries for lessness and political cowardice by a docile and uncritical memspoke on the lessons of the Cruin Lawrence, Mass. Beal native which are under monopoly controls capital goods and set the country that pervaded the conven bership; but the most healthy Roosevelt price policy is in on cible steel strike.
town) attacking the class war are almost party branch is being forprisoner as a fascist.
high as they were tended to raise the prices of the on the road to business rection in March, 1937. At the last condition imaginable when the in 1929, while others have fallen very commodities which the workmed there.
Anti War Stand Stressed About 40 comrades attended Recovery could be stimulated felt as if he were riding behind and open discussion of an intelliThe Socialist Appeal. in its far below. The rise which it pro. erg must buy to balance these still further by widespread de. six or eight horse team, with gent, alert and aggressive memthe district trade union conferBy Candidate last issue, showed that the signposes must be confined to clas upward to the level of monopoly creases in the number of hotare all of them pulling stubbornly in bership to whom revolutionary In St. Paul ers of this letter are not social ses of commodities whore prices prices. The effects upon their ence held in Boston last Sunday.
lists at all. Now comes Roy are too low. These include most living standards will be disas of work without cutting pay of different directions. On the other principles mean much more than Chief problems discussed Burt, executive secretary of the of the raw materials and finish trous. Those who are employed course. And this would give in hand at the convention a blind devotion to any Messiah, otherwise.
there was no confused and divid revolutionary were the shoe workers strike in ST. PAUL. The Socialist Socialist Party, to back us up. cd products which are produced are getting less wages. But the creased movement, would give ed allegiance, no running around No Rubber Stamp Lynn, in which our people are Workers Party of St. Paul is run in a letter addressed to the Non and sold under highly competi drop in the cost of living has been more continuous income and after this, that, and the other involved, and the question of La ning an active campaign in the Partisan Committee on February tive conditions.
insignificant and real wages have would bring abundance and inAnd, to any serious observer, bor Non Partisan League. The Foodworkers union in held here with Jules Geller, mil. We have made inquiry and. convention was in no sense a Lynn had its first social while itant member of the International find that there is only one of the liey are that it will protetorvelt would do, will increase the crease the standard of living covering some easy road to it was evident that this rubber stamp, a gathering of Know What They Want Over Brotherhood of Electrical Work. signers of that letter who can balanced expansion in production cost we closing further, and cut But they would also cut profits. mere yes men assembled for the 600 were present, and believe it era and youth organizer for the lay claim to being a member of Our goal is a constantly increas Beal wages even more. This is Roosevelt policy is tosa pe prs.
It will be far worse for fits and this means to destroy jobs.
fere was a group of capable, purpose of having a few, leaders tell them what to do and one of the guests of honor! date for mayor.
note, in the letter there is no creasing production and employ Boston increased its bundle of In its recently issued campaign claim that they are Socialists, ment. This is the way to in those who are unemployed and abundance and economic recovery. hard headed and practical revo how to do it. The common bond lutionists, firmly united almost that firmly cemented the dele.
Actions Louder Than Words Appeals, after selling 30 of them platform the declares that Rather that claim is made by the crease the real income of consuon relief, who not only have little to a man in knowing exactly gates, from the party tops to or no money income, but who at outside meetings.
McDonough, member of the Young Daily Worker, in line with their mers.
what they wanted and how to the rank and file, was their mutwill have to pay more for the lit Seventy five people were at Democrats who has been en usual policy of falsification and Sharp Depression tle food and clothing that they repeat as often as they like that without minimizing in the least and program of revolutionary Roosevelt and his aides may go about getting it, and who, ual allegiance to the principles the Sunday night lecture, on will dorsed by the Farmer Labor As misrepresentation.
What is the present situado get. While wages are drop their is not a policy of restric the obstacles in the way, were Marxism, an independently arrive Any comment would be superthe and unite? That (sociation for the post of mayor, tion. It is one of depression pins, unemployed increasing by tion; it is a policy of abundance. nevertheless determined build concluded the trip to New Eng. is unacceptable to any class con fluous.
ed at conviction that only such land.
scious workers organization bewhose wharpness is unprecedent ing, Roosevelt policy would raise their words. Their agricultural powerful enough to insure the program and wrinciples vorerne cause of his acknowledged capied in American economic history prices and starve. profits out of policy is one of restricting pro vietory of the proletarian revo ary party can be built and from talist connections and program causing wide spread unemploy the hides of the workers.
auction. Their industrial policy lution. It was universally recog: which the capitalist system can McDonough has never been, and ment and falling wages. In a is not now, a member of the Roosevelt and his aides admit is one of raising prices, cutting nized that each of the manifold be overthrown.
statement issued last week the that their price policy will cut consumption, and cutting produc problems of the socialist moveF. On the contrary, he was opposed by the Labor Progressive In spite of the rumors, slandported that in the three months ly. However, they try to spread words, and their words are mere analyzed concretely, and attackers, distortions and misrepresentbetween October 15 and January paign, and an independent can Old Organization Found 5, 2, 800, 000 workers lost their jobs. The usual fall in employ, of course, and without any spe recovery in the future, Utterly Incapable and weapons of revolutionary hy dinned into our cars by the ment in the same period is about cific dates given. The average shown in this: whereas in its The decline of chpitalism is Marxism.
Thomases, Tylers and McDowells Weinstock Imports that election.
Of Struggle Whereas the political cowardice could hardly help creating in the of the Socialist Party, and which Gangsterism To Gag Critical Support nages, as usual, fell far faster Shell yewovebenethidrom that shed progressive state profits for car of the had caused its con: minds of many of us a feeling Militants In calling upon the workers of NEW YORK new organi than employment, being driven price strueture will foster. In dance went hand in hand, today consideration of either the span of distrust and musicien, towane bor. Progressive councilmanie Workers of America, created to advantage of the depression to continuous income should muchdance and low prices cannot ex. in fact to dodge every interna led at the convention (if he had St. Paul to vote for the five La zation, the United Handicapped down by the employers who took creased employment and more conditions have changed. Abun ish or the Russian questions, and the terrible Trotskyiter, the realistic native socialist learnNEW YORK Praising the candidates, together with the La embrace workers who to one do launch a concerted drive on the more than offset any increase in istektongside murderous methods of Stalin in bor Progressive comptroller, the gree or another suffer from phy. labor movement. In the period the cost of living.
profits. Either tional aspect of the movement, not before) just how much recapitalism will destroy the work the convention of the destroying the Trotskyites. platform explains that sical handicaps and disabilities, mid December to mid January Recovery In Prefits ers in order to save profits or courageously faced not only lurid arguments liance should be placed in these Louis Weinstock, Secretary Trea having to depend upon the or has entered the fighting field of employment telle almost even militant labor movement. per cent compared to the usual the workers destroy capitalism these supremely important ques leven as his faith in his former As a result, surer of the New York District due to some measure of discipline The program of the new organi drop of only two per cent. But The price policy will not bring to save abundance.
in profits. Keeping up policies, are those of. neraliy, and the Trotskyite leadpolicies like au bisa major problem of the working class, mes per montante stilte servers to this to a regular meeting on February ſciation, the above candidates ir were unfolded at its first public sharp as in Amployment. The while wages are falling will raise aimed to destroy abundance in the conviction of the delegates els in particular, increased.
meeting held recently in Damas result was a drop of more than profits in the consumption goods order to save profits. They are that a genuine socialist move.
25, called for the use of similar elected will under pressure occameans against all who dare opsionally act in the interest of the zek Manor, 12 St. Mark Place. one eighth masses, and keep the most re roilments, Harry Friedman, pro month.
In a circular calling for en power of the workers in one industries temporarily. However, at once evidence of the decline ment is, and can only be an inless goods will be sold at the high of American capitalism and the Iternational one was conclusively Vigilant Rank and File pose the Stalinist regime within actionary forces from office.
er price, production of consump. effectiveness of reform polities; demonstrated when affiliation the Painters Union.
However, the platform conti visional secretary, proclaims the Part of Permanent Crisis tion goods will be cut down, and as an instrument of capitalism with the Fourth international bureaucratie clique running the We found, not a dictatorial and cent visit to the Soviet Union Sible only for members of its organization. formed to fight The present situation is part Weinstock reported on his re nues, the can be respon new body a fighting democratic the outcome will be less, not in against the workers.
was voted without a single dis movement in its own interests, and devoted most of the meeting own organization, that is, for for jobs for all handicapped of the permanent crisis of capisenting voice. The fact is, of but a vigilant and capable rankto defending the frame up Mos Socialists who accept the revocourse, that every delegate was and file itself issuing orders an: cow trials and the bloody purges lutionary program and are disci League Degenerates workers front production and emAt the conclusion of the tirade, plined fighters in the every day aware in advance that the new directives to its democratically ployment, and cutting them off party could not do otherwise if elected leaders. And though as in which he labelled every honest struggles Thus the toilet While frankly admitting that from wages, and the purchasing it were to establish itself as a a matter of course the leaders militant and progressive unionist we accept no responsibility for the organization has entered the power that wages give them. For truly revolutionary organization. were permitted wide authority as a counter revolutionist. the those elected on the field against the League of Phy instance, the years 1923 1925 were It is extremely difficult to con and freedom of action within the chairman ruled that questions ticket.
sically Handicapped the circular only the beginning of the provey to a native socialist who limits of convention decisions, it and discussion were out of order.
AKRON Locals of the Good companies automatically stand to has always lived in the denies that it is pursuing a posperity period 1923 1929 and the all was unmistakable that the memAnti War Fight licy of dual unionism, pointing number of workers looking for year, Firestone, Goodrich, Gene receive what financial magazines inclusive party Vigorous Protests According to the platform, the out that the League, which did jobs then was millions less than all, and Seiberling rubber com estimate to be a fifty per cent Co, a clear understanding of the the real dictators of the new panies last week sent their re increase in profits through almost complete solidarity and party, both the unquestioned a large section of the 150 men ers, which overshadows even the past, has become a bureaucrat. But the number of jobs which for a joint meeting to adjust induced by an international cuted the convention of the ing these leaders strictly accountOnly the vigorous protests of paramount question for the work good work for its members in the now.
bers present forced the chairman most important local issues, is cally controlled body utterly in private industry gave then was matters between management and in the price of crude rubber.
to allow questions to be put to the fight against war.
sure this capable of advaneing the interests almost twenty percent more than labor the end that amicable Unless he was himself at the able for their political activity Weinstock. Faced with a demand connection the urges all of its members.
now. The continuing crisis of ca cooperation shall take While disorganisation exists convention, his thoughts are apt and the conduct of party affairs, from the floor to debate the workers of St. Paul to vote for The League, says the circular, pitalism will cut production still of the friction that now exists. began to dig in through a state place locally, the forces in Ohio whole question, Weinstock at Geller as a protest against the is tied through its leadership to further, cut employment still Meanwhile appeals of Good convention last week end.
ANNOUNCEMENTS tempted the old Stalinist dodge war budget, the jingoistic spirit a political party (not specifi. further, and amidst an increasyear and restone locals are LOUIS (LINN)
of refusing to debate with a now in process of creation by the ed) and this leadership is placing population that needs increas. pending with the Labor Rciations Local Graft Uncovered Insertions in this column are 25 counter revolutionist government, Wall Street, and the ing the interests of that partying purchasing power if it is to Borrd, the Goodyear protest beRESTAURANT cents for five lines. Copy must be in at the APPEAL office before six the puppets of the Communist of their determination to fightcapped. Since the program of will cut wagck and purchasing the laying off of union men, and noss of the whole capitalist sys This ruse, successful among Communist Party, and as a token before the interests of the hand maintain its standard of living, ing based upon discrimination in At the same time, the rotten o clock Monday evening Home Cooking, Hungarian Style Pårty, produced a roar of indigo to the last ditch for all those the political party called for power.
MINNEAPOLIS the Firestone appeal demanding tem has been uncovered here in SI ECIAL LUNCHEON 35 nation from the union members. workersrights which are enden making friends with the adminiWeinstock then offered to debate gered by the war mongers, an election for collective bargain the revelation of official corrup SOCIALIST PUBLIC FORUM Effect of Falling Wages stration which has been slashing ing rights.
REGULAR DINNER 50: tion throughout the state govern Mr. MILES DUNXX Will if formally asked by the local. While reiterating its stand for the payrolls, the Icader The connection between falling che. Unite SUPPER 550 mental and administrative ma March 30 GRACE CARINEN As the Stalinists have acquired the revolutionary overthrow of ship of the League. refused to wages and Roosevelt price poli Plant Conditions chine in the classic foulness, arWhat will happen to the Wor 207 East 14th Street control of Local 51, the offer was the capitalist class, and its con fight the administration and in. cy is this: Falling wages mcan rogance, and crudity of the Tweed Mar. 27: FELAX MORROW. IN Between 2nd and 3rd Avenuos, an empty gesture.
viction that only the establish stead called for a fight against The actions were hastened by era. Nothing is lacking: the Ai for How AC New York City Riot Prevented ment in America of a Workers the so called reactionaries.
SURRY. NIIN! Wor the conditions inside the plants. shakedown, nepotism, graft, pad kers Party Hall, Se on AVO.
and Farmers government, and the This is the policy which has these questions and the answer At Goodyear, in certain divisions ded accounts, favoritism, the North Admission Je cents Gramercy 9761 Throughout the question period establishment of like govern reduced the League to a handful, continues to be flop houses, beg, where a fifteen nrinute lunch pc whole gamut of capitalist corWeinstock supporters tried to ments throughout the world, can results at every meeting in a ging in the streets, run arounds riod, formerly figured within the ruption. Revealed through the BOSTON SUBSCRIBE NOIN 70 create a disturbunce, thus to cn do away with the evils which are spectacle of or delegations from one charitable organization six hour shift, has been placed inner contradictions in the state PUBLIC FORUM, SUNDAYS. able the chairman to adjourn the a necessary part of capitalism: being clected to take up pro: to another, continued discrim outside the shift, the company legislature, the whole putrescent Workers Center, 16 la THE SOCI. 11. 1ST 1PEL meeting. The determination of war, unemployment, wage slave blems with the administration, nation in private industry, inabi has begun its campaign for the anatomy of capitalist government Sunnel MINTON (ARSEN: Wage the progressives not to be pro ry, fascism, ctc. the has while the or delegations at lity to lead a normal married life eight hour day. Protests of the is being bared for every worker Sve. Co Worldeur ANTI WAR Nystem.
voked prevented an open riot from elaborated a series of immediate the previous meeting come back because of insufficient financial union were sharply rebuffed. to see and profit from. It is plain Mar. ANIVINICTT KONI breaking out demands. These include demands with reports of one failure after means, inability to secure crut Layoffs continue, reaching men that the doon of MASS MEETING as a tactic to prevent for unrestricted workers civil another.
ches, braces and other orthopedic with 10, 15, 20, and in some cases labor friend wvernor Dalvey, Kow. Ix Stalin Pret. ah, yesterday. NEW YORK democratic expression at union rights, for further organization March 18. P.
appliances, while each one strug even more years of service. Be is scaled.
Plight of Handicapped Eles along upon the small allow cause of the large inventories meetings, is becoming common in of the unorganized, for militancy Let every worker profit and not PARIS COMMUNE ANNIVERSARY MANHATTAN PLAZA the Painters Union. At a recent and unity in the labor movement, Gelelim let the loro lk bor Pointed questions are asked in ance 66 4th St.
meeting of Local 848, where the for higher relief standards and the circular: How many times Inc doled out to them by their and the demoralization induced campaign for a new labor parents. 141 Adde by the layoffs the companies are friend, but throw his energies tily. Nal. Mar. 12. NINO IM FAX SHAHNAN Shaker for opposition to the Stalinists was the transference of all war funds have you been turned away from The handicapped have learned able to take a Brünite stand.
CHICAGO into the Socialist Worker Party, thens Revital and becoming strong, deliberate and to the unemployed, and for an u job because of your haudicap? through experience that the bel Another factor which has but which aims not to remove a man Refreshments.
PROTEST STALIN PURGE, Mass meeting Capital Building. 159 planned assault was used against extensive housing project.
How many years of training have terment of their conditions has tressed their position is that even State Street Sunda. Mar. 13.
the progressives.
received year and leave the system, but to abu EARFUL EYEFUL. MOUTHFUL Toerul. Armful. Social Wash 2:01M ALBERT GOLDMAN When a member rose on a ANTI WAR self denied the right to use this tion and militant action. It is were double that of 1930, the lish the system itself ingin High Braneb. xt Wah QUXNNN INEREN, speakers sterdam Avente at 143 Street. point of order to protest the vottraining? How do you feel about only because no organization exWANT ADS the Stalinists for the occasion, on your family for support? Ja militant organized fight for THE NEW INTERNATIONAL WHICH ROAD to WORLD PEACE?
March 188 the speaker and his friends were OFFICE FURNITURE MAX SHACHTAJAN speaks at the WANTED What futuro do you face? security for the handicapped that Frontier Discussion Group meetattacked with knives, bats and for the SOCIALIS TAPPIOXIA MANHATTAN PLAZA Monthly Marxist Magazine For years the bandicapped the United Handicapped. Workers Peaks, Shelves, Typewriter, tables, 4th St ing Place, Play, Mar. 11, P. Piling Cabinets. Address Socialist have been asking themselves for America has been formed. SUBSCRIBE NOW! prorhutly.
App dor, 116 University Pi.
en lite whicho bordjointeriting the Akron Rubber Workers Ask Parley To Settle Fri Due To Lay offs in the Next War Bioting, Mar. 19 Adiun 25 cents mente hon dhembers tourished by MASS MEETING