BolshevismBujarinCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismIV InternationalImperialismJohn DeweyKirovLeninMoscow TrialsParis CommuneSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSVicente Lombardo ToledanoWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Workers For the of the World Unite!
fourth International!
Saturday, March 12, 1938 Cents per Cop)
Safeguard The Asylum of Leon Trotsky!
Trade Unions House Group Adopts Huge Navy Budget of Union.
Following hard in the footsteps of Lombardo Toledano, leader of the Mexican Confederation of Labor, Hernan Laborde, head of the Mexican Communist Party, has opened up an attack on Leon Trotsky. Laborde promises fight to have him expelled from Patriotic Fervor Rises SWP ANTI WAR Mexico at the opportune moment. He does not omit, Universal Ridicule Greets Flood Of Fantastic At Hippodrome Antiof course, to link this promise with a warning that Confessions Extracted From The ormer War Meeting MEET MARCH 18 Mexico is faced with the danger of a fascist uprising.
Leaders Of Russian Bolshevism NEW YORK high point Toledano spoke as a stooge for Laborde, and Laborde With the blessings of the So in the campaign which the speaks as a stooge for Stalin. The voice in both cases cialist Party, the Lovestoneites Socialist Workers Party is and a conglomerate list of paci conducting against the rapidis the voice of the counter revolutionary regime which fist and pseudo pacifist organiza ly apprehching imperialist is now railroading twenty one Old Bolsheviks to their ALEXEI RYKOV tions, the recently launched world war will be reached deaths on patently framed up charges. Trotsky is beOslo Official Refutes Testimony here next Friday, March 18.
CHRISTIAN RAKOVSKY Keep America Out of War Committee began its activities last at p. when a mass meet.
yond the immediate reach of Stalin bloody hand, but Sunday with a mass meeting in OSIO, March From September, 1936, to December 19, killers hired by Stalin await an opportunity to shoot.
ing and anti war rally will be the day he sai ed for Mexico, Leon Trotsky was under the the Hippodrome.
held under party auspices at knife or poison him. To facilitate their bloody task, siricte it police surveillance and could not possibly have comThe motley crew of speakers, the Manhattan Plaza, 66 East they want to drive him from Mexico.
4th Street.
ranging from the inevitable remenicated with his alleged co plotters in Russia, the heal Organized labor must close its ranks against the foul tired general to representatives With especial appropriateof the Norwegian assport Office told the newspaper Dag.
of the so called left, advanced a ness, the meeting will take Moscow regime and international frame up and bladet today.
Istrange jumble of defensist, iso place on the anniversnry of murder plots. blow at Leon Trotsky is a blow at the Every liter received by Trotsky or sent by him throughout lationist, and pacifist ideas which, the Paris Commune, history that period went through the Passport Office, where copies at very best, were but a vague revolutionary workers movement of which he is the first example of working class were made, the bureau head said. Trotsky, living in a house reflection of the American rule.
outstanding representative and leader.
with a squad of police guards, was completely isolated.
League Against War and Fasc Party speakers scheduled to Protest! Stop the assassins in their tracks! Shield Midwest Organizations address the meeting are MauS. Bessonov, vse of the defendants at the Trial of 21 ism in its first roseate days.
rice Spector and James Burn.
Leon Trotsky from the dark forces of the counter revo Wire Troyanovsky On Moscow testified last week that he had written Trotsky Patriotic Tone ham of the editorial board of lution.
Moscow Frame up in Lece, ber, 1936, and ha: received a reply a few days later, Original Figure Raised the New Setting the thoroughly paInternational, dertified er Krestinsky, also on trial.
James Casey, former manaTo New Record Peace triotic tone of the meeting, which From December 19 to January 10 Trotsky was aboard the ing editor of the Daily New York Soviet Consulate Calling upon the Russian Go had an attendance of about 4500.
tanker kuth enroute to Mexico, The Dagbladet quoted the vernment to adjourn the latest Worker, Time High Chairman Oswald Garrison Viland Nathan Gould, Picketed To Protest Trial Moscow trial until a committee of presen! Norwegian chief of police, who accompanied Trotsky, national organizer of the lard declared that it is up to labor and liberal leaders can ar as affirming that the exilé had not been permitted to use By the overwhelming majority us to exercise our right as Amerive to attend the trial, a group the ship radio throughout the voyage.
of 20 to 3, the Itouse of Re rican citizens to indicate our deTrial of 21 Denounced Yezhov Favored For of prominent Minneapolis labar presentatives Naval Affairs sires to Washington. As loyal tuated and may very well be the leader warned Ambassador Fourth International Nobel Peace Prize!
The Trial of the Twenty One, most monstrous of all the Committee last week reported Americans we want nothing of bulkwark against the commuAlexander Troyanovsky last week greatest nization of Asia. Slogan Resounds that the decision handed down trials held in Moscow since the killing of Kirov in out favorably the Roosevelt foreign war. The Naval Construction things in the world are American The next speaker for peace, In a Moscow dispatch to the by the International Commission December 1994, is drawing to a close.
Bill, authorizing 1, 121, 000, 000 Democracy and American Insti. Dorothy Detzer, secretary of the Daily Worker (March 1938. NEW YORK For the first Sender Garlin writes: of Inquiry headed by John Dewey, In the face of almost universal ridicule and disbelief for additions naval armament. tutions. These will be der Women International League troyed by war.
for Peace and Freedom, stated time in this country, official re.
presentatives of the were When the Nobel Commissa frame ups the previous Moscow expressed by both the capitalist labor press through This entire amount, raised durmeets next year to determine As spokesman for the Social. in no uncertain terms her desire out the world, the Prosecuting Attorney continues to drag mittee from the original sum of ist Party, Norman Thomas was that the will of the American picketed, when nearly 100 memtrials, is almost universally acthe winner of the Peace Prize bers of the Socialist Workers for 1938, it would be we for cepted by the American labor che moral wiecks seated in the prisoners dock through 800, 000, 000, is over and above strangely lacking in even the people be expressed in action Party protested the current Mos: them to bear in mind the movement, and another triat an orgy of carefully rehearsed confessions, compound the billion dollars already pro diluted militancy which he has foron stricter neutrality legiscow frame ups before the Soviet name Nikolai Yezhov, consulate on March Bearing People Commissar of Internlegal guarantees to the defend ed of lies and self debasement, and staged in the interests penditures in the regular Federal oratorical occasions. Gone was the misled as to mistake her for placards and shouting demands ants will still further backen af preserving the shaky totalitarian regime of Stalin and budget.
vibrant only socialism can end pacifist, she hastened to add that the Soviet al Affairs of the repute of Soviet justice.
that the trials be postponed and Company.
Within a few days it is ex war note of his earlier speeches. cautious pacifism isn enough.
the hounding of Leon Trotsky We add the suggestion that The Signers pected that the Bill will be sent in his broadcast address he We need the power and prestige and the execution of Old Bolsheif this nomination is accepted They Stand Alone ky, nevertheless confirmed the to the floor of Congress by the thundered a stirring appeal of moral audacity.
viks cease, the well organized by the Nobel Commission, it Among those signing the comOnly the subsidized Stalinist main line of the imaginative plot Rules Committee, where it is for. a Central Committee of Miss Detzer morai sudacity surprise demonstration disturbed consider such posthumous but munication were: Farrell Dobbs, quite possible that still further all those who are opposed to is to be translated, upon oscafor ha an hour the aristocratic no less worthy nominations as sums will be added to the stag war. and a People Congress sion, into the harsher and more Secretary Treasurer of the North press pretends to put faith in the written by the quiet of East Gist Street where No Real Evidence Central District Drivers Council: trial which, more than any other Bluebeard, Jack the Ripper, gering total through a serie of in Washington to let the govern forthright cruisers and subthe consulate is located.
Miles Dunne, editor of the that preceded it, is so obviously amendments already projected.
Fu Manchu. Alphonse. Scarment (not our government, com marines of Major General RiAs for actual documents or Northwest Such slogans as Down with Organizer: Henry a frame up, so obviously absurd rade Thomas. know our stand. vers, she neglected to make clear.
face. Capone, Arthur. Dutch Prepares World War Stalinism! Long live Socialism!
Schultz, Assistant Business Maand unbelievable in every im material evidence to substantiate The wily Stalinist wax mongers Schultzr) Flegenheimer, and the charges, there were, as usual, Echoing the remarks of the Long live the Fourth Internanager of the Electrical Workers portant aspect.
Dracula. We further suggest The world imperialist scope of will find it hard to take any is other speakers, Miss Detzer inUnion No. 292; James Bartlett, With each day of testimony none. All that was presented was tional! echoed for the first time that at the ceremonial prein this plutocratic quarter.
sentation of the prize to YezPresident of the Warehouse given by the defendants, it be the customary run of confes the naval activities which are sue with Thomas The only incident was the Workers Union Local No. 2016: comes increasingly apparent that sions. And, again as usual, the foreseen emerged clearly from proposals, they were so inept live in democratic America, the gov ament in Washington are hov (if he wins. cyanide of attempt of a patriotic lady to John Jonasco, Business Repre the doomed prisoners are being confessions foundered upon the the wording of a special report and so futile potassium cocktails be served.
signed by twenty two of the Retired General the servants of the people. We wrest the American flag from with carbolic acid for a chaser.
sentative of the Woodenware forced to play the part of scape reef of facts.
must not forget this. None the pickets, on the ground that Workers Local 20418; Fred Died goats for the crimes committed Facts are notoriously stubborn twenty six members of the ComMajor General Rivers, of the other speakers did.
they had ro right to carry that rick, President of Furniture by the Stalinist bureaucracy in things. Only within narrow limits mittee on Naval Affairs: can they be manipulated and The definition of fundament that sterling for of war and miLa Follette Differences lutions, medite debe SHACHTMAN TALKS Workers Local 1859; Bill Brown, the past five or more years.
of Even Bukharin, who has seem shifted about for purposes of fal al naval policy of the United Sitarism who served for years in the army without anybody dis There followed the main speakthe head of the picket line.
ON TRIALS TO 800 Union Local 544; Joe Lear, Pre ed to make an effort to resisti sification. For this reason the States. provides for the pro covering that he wore pink pa er of the evening, Senator Robert. sident of Private Chauffeurs the vicious bullying of Vyshins. Continued on Page Continued on Page 5)
jamas, was the next speaker. In La Follette, Jr. glorious son of a Petition Handed to Consul More than 800 workers pack Local 912; Harry De Boer, Pretroduced by Villard as a man glorious father, as Villard did The side of the peace movement and crusader to back to night at a mass meeting called 289; Ed Palmquist, Chairman of International, after leaving the body theo es cialiste Werkers operty to rely Workombole Setimes feel ITSELF INTO AMERICAN LABOR PARTY buneword for ende defense Riyhts outline whio e depuraing differ frame up, the Trial of 21. presentative of Ice Wagon Driv.
addressed his remarks sulate: to the military policy, which on further Max Shachtman, editor of the ers Local 221; Votaw, Sec.
During the past two or three the League for Industrial Demo lidated in the Socialist Workers friends of peace and prepared analysis turned out, surprisingly The trial of the 21 defendants Socialist Appeal, gave an ex retary Treasurer of District 77 weeks, important local steps have cracy.
ness. Lauding Roosevelt defini enough to be also. of a purely headed by Bukharin, Rykov, and tended review of the past trials. of the International Association been taken by the Socialist Party tion of preparedness. adequate technical character.
Rakovsky, now taking place be He also subjected the evidence of Machinists; Joseph Pense, in the direction of liquidation of The proper Laidler Tells All Clarity Pushed Aside national defense not only of line of defense, he insisted, has fore the military tribunal in Mos given so far in the present trial Business Agent, District 77 of the party organization long coasts but cow, marks a new elimax to the to a withering analysis.
communities far been described as extending from That such a liquidation is fore. Zam and Tyler are, as always, away from the coast. the Alaska to the Virgin Islands and long series of crimes committed by the Stalin regime against the ments in the Moscow Pravda of Business Agent of Electric Work. Hoan group.
Shachtman read from docu. Machinists; William Heigel. the controlling Altman Thomas recent press release from Harry when the Aleman Thomas demo speaker made it quite clear that to the coast of Maine.
But don W. Laidler, chairman of the New crats have business to do. The ministration were purely techni ities are agreed that this country interest of the Soviet Union and 13 years ago to explode the ers Local 292; Oscar Coover, Or.
the international working class. charge that Bukharin plotted to canizer, Electrical Workers Local State Committee has already After explaining that all mem the rather doubtful privilege of In total disregard of the most assassinate Lenin in 1918. He 292; Simonson, member of eliminated the name of the So bers of the committee favored loud complaints and protestations know what America needs for protected against In Connecticut, Devere Allen York State Executive Committee. Clarityites are permitted only cal. come, come, Brother LaFollette As a military practitioner, our elementary dictates of truth and also discussed at length the re the Joint Board of the Textile cialist Party by fling papers for closer forms of cooperation of revolutionary intransigence.
country. adequately any possible justice, the public trial itself was lations that existed between Ger Workers Organization Commit incorporation as the Labor with the Laidler demoflung in the face of mankind many and the Soviet Union after tee, and Herman Husman, Busi Party of Connecticut.
Many of the Clarityites seem her defense, Rivers boasted. To contingency.
against a nightmare background 1921.
ness Representative of District cratically observed that of course inclined to some sort of deal with buttress his statements, he had But Senator LaFollette really of police brutality and bureauaudience 77, International Association of Entry Being Planned any proposal to dissolve the the Lovestoncites as the only just published an article in the thrilled his liberal cratie inquisition.
presence within the court room Machinists.
party altogether into the way out of the Labor Party di Committee magazine in which when, in explaining his opposiIn New York, plans are busily would be submitted to a refer lemma into which Altman and he pointed out that have notion to collective security, he de We, the revolutionary workers of authentic representatives of of New York, record our protest international labor with full and Ask Postponement being prepared looking toward endum.
Thomas have forced them. The emotional complex against war clared: It is at that moment some formula whereby entry into it goes without saying that Lovestoneites are, after all, past if any good is to be derived (when depression hits the mas.
along with that of the over free rights of examination and whelming majority of men thro cross examination of all defend Troyanovsky at the Soviet Em be effected.
Addressed Ambassador the American Labor Party can Dan Hoan, who some time ago masters of the breed of oppor. from it. or if it is) necessary ses, during war time. in a world turned the Socialist Party of tunism which the Clarityites at for the defense of our land and full of revolutionary change that world, aga inhuman and unprecedented We demand an end to the in bassy in Washington, the com The constitution of the Ame Wisconsin into a mere appendage tempt so awkwardly to imitate of that part of the seas adjacent the real menace to our own form frame up. Standing unalterably ternational hounding and perse munication asks him to kindly liation by any other political or through the Farmer Labor Pro of such a deal would be only one Hawaii, Panama, and from the LaFoliette machine, it is to be feared that the result to our country the Aleutians, of democracy would arise.
as we do for the defense of the cution by the agents of the inform your government that the ganization and even excludes gressive Federation, is thorough more in the long series of bank Caribbean to Maine.
The Pink Wolfe Soviet Union against its enemies. of Leon Trotsky and his family. undersigned trade unionists sub. Simultaneous membership in any ly in favor of the new develop ruptcies which have so uniformly and for the triumph of world soFavors Japan Bertram Wolfe, speaking followed each of the elaborato for the Lovestoneite war haters, cialism, we demand an end to frame up and murder of the scribe to the proposal already other political party. although ments.
Rivers program for peace as next stepped forward to cast a these methods and practices heroes of the October Revolution transmitted to you by Oswald this latter provision is not rigid in this whole process, predict Clarityite maneuvers.
whose only result can be to serve and the founders of the first Garrison Villard, John Haynes Wholesale entry of Socialist ago by the Appeal, the Zam Clarityites will learn that capi. the following radical proposals: ings. As a representative of the ed accurately more than a year Perhaps some day some of the outlined in his speech, contains pinkish aura over the proceed the forces of black reaction and Workers State.
to besmirch in men minds the Holmes and other friends of the Party members into the Ameri Tyler Clarityite wing of the tulation to anti revolutionists is instead of very ideal of socialism itself. this document at once to your Russian Government to adjourn complished only by the disband usual pitiful role. They and their litical struggle, and that compli program for land defense. In to the Committee.
Serupalously his documentom un to transmit Soviet Union, calling upon the can Labor Party can thus be ac. Socialist Party is playing its a poor way of preparing for po ships. a series of small cruis. warm hand of welcome to the Demand Postponement government. Ernest Rice McKinney. Secy the latest Moscow trial until a ing of the Socialist Party org Collowers are today tasting the cated maneuvers, even in terms closing the worthy Major Gene lavoiding any mention of the nization itself, with, perhaps, the We demand the postponement Socialist Workers Party, committee of labor and liberal retention of a skeleton educa fruits of their break with the re of practical results, are weak ral made the trenchant boerva dread class struggle or the con of the present trial to permif the Local New York. leaders arrive to attend the trial. tional society along the lines of volutionary current, now conse substitutes for wincialetini khatam is to