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Page SOCIALIST APPEAL March 5, 1938 How Not To Fight War Chinese Trotskyists Fight Methods Among the programmatic planks is to be foundago but never completely severed shan was an active member of the nlocracy or the concrete boundary lines SOCIALIST APPEAL of the Soviet Union.
Vol. II. No. 10.
This trend reached a sensational cliSaturday, March 5, 1988 Published every week by the max in the Eden Chamberlain dispute that followed upon the virtual annexaSOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS An Editorial Statement tion of Austria by Hitler. The great at 116 University Place, New York, democracies proved very little con History has shown that in democratic imperial. We can keep America out of war if American (Continued from page 1) Chinese Communist Party. ArTelephones: Local Office: Gramerey 9142 cerned with outward political forms, and ist nations the pre war period is a time of the citizens (sie) act at once! it is a blatant lie, and National Office: Algonquin 8547 Chamberlain rushed to arrive at an ac mushroom growth of pacifist sentiments and or a gross deception of the very masses whose anti extermination of the Trotskyist rested in 1932, his statement of capitulation was published in Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for traitors in China.
cord with Italy as a preliminary to the ganizations. Indeed, as Lenin more than once war feelings the Committee aims to exploit.
1934 by the Kuomintang in a months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order achievement of a four Power Pact pointed out, this development must be understood INFER THAT ROOSEVELT MIGHT Another Frame Up unique pamphlet entitled Trans3 cents per copy. Single copies cents. England, France, Germany and Italy.
at bottom as an integral part of the war prepara FORSAKE DRIVE TOWARD WAR formation (Tschuan Bian. which All checks and money orders should be made And the Soviet Union? And collective tions themselves.
The Daily Worker, transplant is a veritable bible of Stalinist out to the Socialist Appeal.
security? And the independence and in Confronted with widespread and genuine anti The President himself. says the call, hasing the provocations of the capitulators Entered as second class matter September 1, tegrity of Ethiopia? They are all lost in The Trotskyist Hsui Lun.
war feelings among the masses, the pacifist ideas declared no clear program of war and peace. Chinese Stalinists to American reported Monday from shan was expelled from the Com 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, the shuffle and bustle of the imperialist divert these feelings into channels entirely harm Thus the inference is permitted that the President Hankowe that a of under the Act of March 3, 1879.
powers to improve their respective posi Less to the imperialist interests. The anti war may actually be persuaded to head for peace. This Chang Mu tao, the Chinese He subsequently joined the Blue tions.
That explains why, in a political pro outlet in an anti capitaliste direction. The masses openly and ruthlessly toward the war! The reas and is facing trial for treason, arm gang, and became editor of grammatic document devoted to the HAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES question of the defense of the Soviet Un peace leaders. who are simply the hypocritical in the organization for certain types of New while trying to signal Japanese is now in Hankow. Of all the Associate Editors.
ion, Stalin has not one single word to fronts of imperialism. When the time comes for Dealers (including the Ludlow bloe Congressmen) warplanes raiding Linfing, Eighth Trotskyists named by Wang BOB BROWNE say, not even a remote hint, about the serious business, they are ripe for plucking by the who would not allow a direct attack on the chief Route Army headquarters in Ming, Hsui Lun shan is the only Business Manager.
standard formulae which have been dai war makers.
leader of American imperialism.
Shansi province. in Chang one who ever held membership ly repeated as slogans by the Stalinist The present Keep America out of War move Similarly, no direct and specific attack is made home, the report says, were found in the Communist League, and he Safeguard Trotsky Asylum!
party and diplomatists for the past few ment is thus a significant and normal sign of the on any individual or organization! Evidently no 73 hand grenades, eight revolvers was expelled more than six years years. Nothing about the League of times. This movement has not yet, of course, feelings are to be hurt by the Keep America out and 742 cartridges. as well as ago.
Nations, the famous pebble in the road taken final form; but it is already well enough of War movement! It will be one big happy We nail this story to the mastExposed Moscow Trials Once again the right of asylum for of war. Nothing about collective secu characterized by what has happened up to now. family in search of Peace.
head as yet another in the long Leon Trotsky, great leader of the world rity hitherto the loudest cry of the Sta The Throughout the document the words our and list of frame ups being perpet Chen Sui tsia, formerly of Fuh Trotskyist professor, SPONSORS OF MEETING revolutionary movement, is being threat linist patriots. Nothing about the united SUDDENLY DISCOVER PROGRAM we are used in a manner to which no patriot rated by the counter revolution. Tan University in Shanghai, is ened by the forces of reaction. The speech front of the democracies and nothing could exception. do not need a bigger ary Stalintern to discredit the politically unconnected. Entirely delivered last week by Lombardo Tole about the People Front.
It was started by the Lovestoneites and the Alt army or navy to protect our shores. This is quite revolutionists. Our comrades in dano, Stalin inspired leader of the Mex And the reason for this eloquent sil man Thomas Socialists as a desperate effort to in keeping with the addressing of the call To the Shanghai, who on the spot are upon his own initiative he wrote ican Confederation of Labor, was the ence lies in the complete, patent and un rehabilitate their hopelessly decaying political for Citizens our bolds) of New York. There is not exposing Stalin frame ups on erineappraisalas fubiache Moscow opening gun in the newest campaign to disputable bankruptcy of Stalin foreign tunes though it is already getting out of their a mention of workers. classes, or the class strug Chinese soil, have given us Chang orientalistess in Shanghai. His drive Trotsky from his refuge in Mexico.
gle in the entire call. There is not a line about Mu tao political biography.
Toledano provocatory and contemptoleme land is ready to come to a settle ner of innocent stooge organizations, reminis. the struggle against ca pitablisert which the scenes: Trotskyist? No! He is an agent suppressed by the Kuomintang Who is Chang Mu tao? book, wherein he concluded that ible speech preceded by but a few days ment with Italy and Germany. The latthe announcement of the trial of all re ter are not unwilling. Why and how is field. miscellaneous group of writers, preach gle against war. And among the sponsors of this of the GP. Once a member government at the request of the maining representatives of the leading ers and liberals was called together in Thomas call are many who have in the past had harsh he quit the ranks several years of the Chinese Communist Party, Soviet embassy, this possible? Because it would give cadres of Russian Bolshevism whom England a release from Europe and en house to talk over what steps might be taken things to say about People Frontism!
The Trotskyist Chen ChuoStalin has at last decided to murder. The able her to concentrate all her forces against the war. proposal was made to sponhis connections with the Stalin the some years ago.
connection is all too obvious. Stalin will against Japan challenge to her domin sor a public meeting in New York on March 6, at the following. 3, American cooperation for inter: ists. For some time, we are in therapped by Kuomintang spies feel freer to go through with his latest frame up trial if he knows that Trotsky ment with England (and consequently speak against the war and against collective se or group of nations for war. This is inserted, sentative of several reactionary linist traitors, he refused to cais either interned, or better yet his with France, which plays no indepen curity. small committee was selected to handle apparently, to make room for respectable ad. North China warlords. Just be pitulate although voice stilled in death.
dent role on the continent and can play With Toledano aid the Stalin murder none) would mean that she could turn The New York ineeting was paralleled by meet their present stalinist company at the time they have lighting time akugisthe Shange with death. He was lined up for gang hope to force President Cardenas her full attention to the East, that is, ings in arrangement for Philadelphia, Cleveland, the way, when Stalin himself is preparing to throw approached League with an offer to donate the bullets struck him in nonCommunist miraculously escaped death when to expel Trotsky from Mexico, thus, ortce against the Soviet Union.
and other cities. The modest sponsoring committee collective security over. more, making him easy prey for the The net result of the statesmanlike. 100. Recognizing this offer for vital parts. Threatened again for a New York meeting finds itself part of a va This program corresponds accurately to the he. what it was, our Chinese com with execution, he finally capituassassins of the But they mis the practical. the realistic policy of gue national organiation which now talks about terogeneous Lovestoneite to New Deal social comrades instantly declined it.
calculate. As in the past, all honest and Stalin, has been to maneuver the Soviet a national congress. Under the disguise of a position of the movement. It was not at all an lated to the Kuomintang, was set enlightened men will rally to the defense Union into a more isolated and imperil call for the New York meeting, the sub commit accident that no one representing the revolutionThe Old Technique at liberty, and lived thereafter of the exiled revolutionist against the led position than she has occupied for tee issues a political program for the sprouting ary position of the Socialist Workers Party was Here in political obscurity in Shanghai.
we discern the time. He is the author and translator counter revolutionary Stalinists. more than 15 years. And the Stalin let organization, and calmly signs to this program the asked to participate, and that the suggestion of honored methods of Stalin G. of many Marxist works. Although The movement for his defense is already un ter is an implicit recognition of this names of all of those who had for one reason or one Committee member to invite an Obviously, our Chinese he remained loyal to them at the der way. Let us build a protective wall sorry fact.
another agreed to sponsor the meeting some speaker for the public meeting was vigorously comrades write, the Stalinists moment of death, the Stalinists of iron solidarity around Leon Trotsky! Does the letter herald a turn in policy? how, in the great majority of cases, forgetting rejected. the speakers list for the public meet attempted to utilize Chang Mu. now denounce him as a bloodThe hounding of Trotsky is not some Yes, a forced one. Not towards revolu the one detail of consulting the sponsors about ing sums up neatly: Thomas and Wolfe for So tao to prove that the Communist stained assassin. Such is Stalinthing new. Ever since 1929, when he was tionary internationalism Troyanovsky the call to which their names was signed. cialists and Lovestoneites; Homer Martin as the League accepts gifts from the ist gratitude to the few faithdriven from the Soviet Union into exile is 100 correct in ridiculing such an in. FIND THEMSELVES FARTHER labor figure the same Martin who last week Japanese imperialists. More than ful among their members. Such in Turkey, the bloodhounds of the terpretation. Stalinism is incapable of a announced through the Scripps Howard Press de likely Chang proffered sit are the Trotskyists accused by have been baying on his trail. In revolutionary line. But it means, in all RIGHT THAN AMERICAN LEAGUE votion to a war in defense of the United States; came from Moscow ample cof Wang Ming!
August, 1936, just as the infamous Zino likelihood, the beginning of the end for Ironically enough, in this way many individuals the New York Post columnist, Ernest Meyer; brought to public trial for treas Truth Proclaimed viev Kamenev trial was getting under the pet slogans of the Stalinist People in the past noted for their principled opposition to the retired liberal, Oswald Garrison Villard; the on, he will doubtless tell the way, the Norwegian government, under Front. Already Walter Duranty, unoffi the Stalinist American League against War and former liberal and present opponent of all cov: world in his confession that fications of Wang Ming are beThe brazen slanders and falsi.
pressure from Moscow, silenced him by cial spokesman for the Kremlin, has an Fascism find themselves part of a setup distin ernment interference in business, John Flynn, the Chinese Bolshevik Leninists ing answered by our Chinese cominternment.
nounced that the collective security guished from the American League in its early Senator IlaFollette in person to represent the actually accepted the moneyrades. In a long programmatic Again today, with another infamous slogan is being discarded by. Moscow: stages only by being much further to the right. New Deal; and the inevitable retired general of trial in progress, the frame up managers What a cruel blow at Browder this will in Moscow want Trotsky silenced. This, be, and what difficulties it would present The Keep America out of War Committee, let all pacifist medleys this time Major General Wm. campaign against the revolution Evening Post of January 7, the and this alone, is the explanation for to any man who did not like him, have United Front. It is a political bloc of various tenship! For Thomas and Lovestone it is clear that an article published by Wang Chinese version of which appearToledano attack on the pre eminent a flexible spinal column!
dencies and individuals: Socialist, Lovestoneite, defensists and patriots are their natural allies in Ming in the November, 1987 is newspaper, Ta Mei Wan Pao, leader of the Fourth International. An But whatever may be the exact nature some anarchists, liberals, preachers, Quakers, writ the fight against war.
aroused and indignant world movement, of the turn, it is evident that Stalin has ers of a dozen shades of opinion, a few labor butional, wherein he wrote:. dur they proclaimed anew their reintent on defending Trotsky against his reached the end of a blind alley. The MOVEMENT IS BLOW AT ing the Sian events (the refer volutionary, unconditional suppersecutors and traducers will defeat danger to the Soviet Union has been reaucrats. Like all such blocs it is based not upon REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE AGAINST WAR ence is to the kidnapping of Port of the war against Japana plan for joint specific actions (as would be the Chiang Kai shek in December, ese imperialism, while characterthis newest scheme of the Moscow assas enormously enhanced. It can be saved case with a united front) but upon a political prosins.
from the accumulated threats to its exOne must speak the truth plainly on the issue 1986 Ed. the Japano Trots izing in the sharpest terms the gram.
istence only by the independent class of war. The Keep America out of War move kyite agents, led by the bandit ignominious and treacherous ca action of the world proletariat. To orThis program, as tentatively given in the call ment is in no respect a blow at the war and the Chang Mu tao, tried their utmost pitulation of the to the reThat Letter ganize this action there lies the great to the New York meeting is naturally not final war makers. It is a blow at the revolutionary to foment war between Nanking shek and the reactionary Stalinin precise verbal form. Nevertheless, a program struggle against war. It is a device for the decep and Sian. The Trotskyites, ist campaign against revolutionWhat none of the capitalist newstask of the Fourth International.
of the same general type therein given follow tion and disorientation of the people, above all headed by the thrice contempt. ists. Calling for the mobilization papers has taken the slightest notice of, necessarily from the whole conception of this of the workers. That is the truth.
ible renegades, Huang Ping and and arming of the Chinese masses much less emphasized, with regard to moveinent as well as from its social composition. The struggle against the war is the struggle monthly from the Japanese secret the imperialist invaders, the letthe Stalin letter to the young Kursk Labor Friends Analysis of the program in the call to the meeting against capitalism. The way to fight the war his service in North China. to ter coneiden communist Ivanov, is its relation to the is therefore legitimate evidence in judging the to make the workers revolution, and that is the conduct wrecking work. The foreign policy of the Soviet bureaucracy, Two liberal Congressmen Repre character of the movement.
only way to fight it. This is the truth; sentative John Bernard of Minnesota Our position with regard to and Trotskyists Hsui Lun shan, Chen the present war is crystal clear.
From this standpoint, the letter is of This program, however much it may reflect pre whoever hides this truth is guilty of crime and Suitsia and the bloodstained as it is consistent with our views signal importance.
and Representative John Coffee of vailing anti war moods, is thoroughly deceptive treachery against the people. We propose to pro sassin Chen Chuo san (or He as expressed in published proFor the past three years, the whole Washington have resigned from the and reactionary. To begin with, the central slogan, claim this truth from the housetops, and to ex Chin) use Japanese money to pub grams during the past ten years, foreign policy of the Soviet Union and Non Partisan Committee for the Defense the strategy of the Third International, of Fred Beal as a result of revela used as the name for the organization can be the the anti war feelings of the masses in precisely riodicals in Shanghai in which torrs, with our activity in the has been oriented towards a united front tions concerning the frame up leader of of all the democratic countries against the Gastonia textile strike which appearsource only of the gravest illusions. When taken the way to sell them out most hopelessly and they spread all kinds of slander struggle today. The current in conjunction with the last statement in the call tragically to the war makers.
against the Communist Party, methods of abuse, slander, framethe fascist aggressors.
ed last week in that organ of truth and Kuomintang, and all anti Japanup, and assassination now in unOnly the other day, in a speech at the enlightenment, the Stalinist Daily Workese mass organizations.
ashamed vogue among the interUniversity of North Carolina, Soviet harin and Rykov for twice as Who Are They?
national parties of the Comintern Ambassador Troyanovsky made a publong a period, without the slightfind their expression in China in lic appeal for an alliance among the in Congress with the aid of labor votes, est inkling of their conspirator Who are these other Trotsky. Chen Shao yi slander, which, United States, France, England and the accorded them because of their supposed ial plans.
ites named by Wang Ming? because of our increasing in Soviet Union the four great democlabor sympathies. They are prepared to In that event, Stalin would Our Chinese comrades identify fluence, will grow like a fester racies for the preservation of the play ball with any labor organization stand condemned as the most stu them all expose at one blow as it has in other countries. It is peace of the world.
and to associate themselves with any (Continued from page 1) Litovsk peace treaty which Ger. pid and gullible incompetent that the falsifiers and their criminal clear that an integral part of With the Communist International, labor cause which evidences a capacity In the brief period of the fal many was imposing upon Russia, and if for no other reason, would The Trotskyist Huang Ping, Moscow returning him to China Chen Shao yi mandate from this took the form of the People Front to roll up working class votes on election ling out between Stalin and Bukharin and a whole group of deserve belng driven out of the like Chang Mu tao, they write, includes the Intensification of the policy, which was aimed at bolstering is an ex Stalinist and one of a Islander campaign against us.
up capitalism in the democratic coun to aid Beal in his fight for liberty against putting out feelers to Zinoviev opposed signing the treaty. So, tries as the price for its existing or prosthe labor hating Bourbons of the South, and Kamenev, who had mean for a time, did Stalin. Bukharin But the facts are much more countless number who not only such slander, such provocations, pective military alliance with the Soviet they scented a chance for vote catching time repented and recanted. Interme cervealeda vna in ostalenat, last survivors of the Russian Re. but betrayed many of his old neither can nor will stop our Now along comes the Communist Trotsky wrote several articles the Moscow Pravda in 1982, that, volution and its heroic period. comrades. He was a member of struggle against Japanese imUnion.
France was regarded as already a Party and its Daily Worker, proclaimclose ally of Moscow and defender of ing Beal an enemy of the people be utterly impermissible for the supporters had suggested to the The hands of this bloodthirsty the Central Committee of the percepiston.
its territorial integrity: England and the cause he has engaged in honest criticism Stalin with the Bukharinist Right nin be kept in custody for a few breath of life in the thront of the Left wing to make a bloc against opponents of the treaty, that Le despot are strangling the last of the murderous Stalin dictatorship in United States were regarded as being days so that a revolutionary war another spike driven through its Soviet republic. Ench new trial is wing.
on the very verge of becoming an ally.
the Soviet Union and its army of corrupt could be launched against GerIn pursuance of the same line, the allies in this country. The two Congress Bukharin Friend of Gorky many and Lenin could be pre heart. With each step he takes, In the Painters Union gets up to speak against Wein.
Soviet bureaucracy became the most men proptly resign from the Beal Comvented from pressing for the Stalin drags the country closer stock he is hissed and booed sturdy and vociferous proponent of the mittee without making the slightest ef. Dear Editor: until he is forced to sit down, as discredited nest of pirates that sails unfort to verify the Stalinist accusations Permit me to write in your if it were a conspiracy.
the case of Gorky, Menzhinsky story, known for at least 15 is a blow at socialism and an un and Kuibyshev strains the wild years to the Soviet public, was ist restoration and not in any red in the Painters Union.
leashing of the forces of capital newspaper about what has occur der the flag of the League of Nations. against Beal.
est imagination beyond the dismissed as an anecdote.
Lately Weinstock has brought If and when these labor champions breaking point.
This whole marvelous combination, What earthly charge about a plotted assassina democratic form but in the form Under the Communist Party into the union a new element of however, was based on hope and illusion and not on the realities of imperialist deserting a genuine labore fighter in his was walkakharin personax emendationen dion haec temi despicable the voices of indignant protest to be stirred up again bererthias opposition against his leadership invention, characteristic part of that have risen throughout the ever, the members of Local 848 politics and the class struggle. For, in hour of need will doubtless be rememis growing stronger. Naturally, the past year especially, and most par bered gratefully by the Stalinist ma ing him, cannot be ascertained. ups in history.
ticularly in the past couple of months, it chine, which is intent on stilling the Just the contrary, he would, if contentment of the masses in the years of the local existence and supporters who don attend all has become as plain as a pikestaff that voice of Beal an opponent of Stalinism anything, go out of his way to Assumption Absurd Soviet Union itself, cannot be under any administration has a meetings but know just when to stilled by the blood of Stalin thing happened which has ocand all the rottenness for which it stands preserve Gorky for he, like everythe imperialist bandits of both the deshow up.
mocratie and the fascist camps are much. by having him railroaded to jail for body else, knew that Gorky fre If it were true, one would have martyred victims.
curred now. We will When the members have an twenty years. All the more reason for more interested in coming to an underquently intervened to restrain to assume that both in the case Protest The Crime!
afraid to attend meetings important problem upon which the genuine frierids of labor to stand Stalin from too violent measures of Trotsky and Bukharin, of Local 848 has always been they want to vote, and the Stalinstanding among themselves, a settlement of their dispute for a time at least, than firmly and unflinchingly behind Beal in against all opponents, real and Rykov and Rakovsky, Lenin work These voices must be raised progressive local for all alike. ites feel it is going to be against fancied.
his fight for liberty.
ed together with them in defending the abstract ideals of deas his louder and louder in an imperious Every member had the right to their favor, they start a disturbIt is impossible to find language closest associates in the party demand: express himself against the lead ance until a fight breaks outto describe the charge that Trot and in the government for five put an end to these horrible ership without fear. Even Com with the aid of the new members THE NEW INTERNATIONAL SUBSCRIBE NOW TO sky was a foreign spy as early years, without having the ele frame up the political prisoners Stalinites, when they were bar knives as a writer reaches for rade Weinstock and his fellow who immediately reach for their as 1921 and that he and Buk mentary intelligence to discover Monthly Marxist Magazine harin tried to assassinate Lenin, their perfidy. In Stalin case of the Stalinist despotism! red from every other local, found his pen. these fights are not Stalin and Sverdlov in 1918. one would have to assume that Down with the regime of the a welcome in 848.
stopped in time, there will be. SUBSCRIBE NOW! THE SOCIALIST APPEAL Early in 1918, when lively he worked together with Trots. monster in the Kremlin, whose But now under the Communist plenty of bloodshed.
discussion occurred in the country ky and Rakovsky for as many name is a curse on the lips of Party administration the local is Pleve over the signing of the Brest and more years, and with Buk every honest worker!
not the same. When a member Local 848.
er Both these gentlemen won their seats New Stalin Frameup Trial Opens In Moscow Letters from Our Readers of Gorky, would have for murder one of the most infamous frame world, and the increasing dis are feeling it. Never in the 35this new element are Weinstock be