Andrey VyshinskyBolshevik PartyBolshevismCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDewey CommissionFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerImperialismJohn DeweyKamenevKirovLeninMarxRadekRosa LuxemburgSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTerrorismTrotskyURSSVicente Lombardo ToledanoVoroshílovZinoviev

March 5, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Page New Trial Is Climax Of Two Year Purge Son, Friend, Fighter Trotsky Nails Fresh Attack On His Asylum of fly, which supporommission in Leon Sedoff Honored By 700 At New York Memorial Meeting SOVIET UNION NOTES Trial Defendants Include Last of Lenin Colleagues. They Now Face Their The new trial now being stag: Liberals Ask Stay Of (Continued from page 1) his agents, does not doubt that Turn Before Firing Squad ed in Moscow comes as a logical al aristocracy. In Spain defend Toledano will be unsuccessful in By JOHN WRIGHT and revealing culmination to the New Moscow Frameup those methods of struggle against forcing me into silence by some long series of frame ups which Calling upon the Stalin govFascism which guaranteed the ancient warmed up slanders. It (Continued from page 1)
were inaugurated immediately burg; escaped; arrested again after the assassination of Kirov.
ernment to exhibit a decent victory of the Soviets in the Civil is exactly because of this that other me.
War (1917 1920. and oppose the Stalinis preparing and sent back into exile. 1921: Actually, there have already respect for the opinion of mankind, a group of proruinous methods of the Cominterit asures, considerably more real arrested and exiled to Narymy been seven trials since Dec. 1, ROSENGOLTZ cscaped in 1981, Caught and 1934, the date of Kirov murder, wald Garrison Villard, Will Ir.
which guaranteed the victory istic. But for these plans, about minent liberals, headed by Osof Fascism in Germany, Austria which we will speak in due time, Born 1889. Old Bolshevik. Party escaped again in 1914. Arrested concerned directly with the aswin and John Haynes Holand other countries, and which Stalin as a preliminary needs to member since 1905. Arrested in in 1915, escaped in 1916. After sassination itself or directed a February revolution, organizer gainst the Trotskyites in general.
mes, wired an appeal to the are laying the basis for the vic poison public opinion. For this 1907. After February revolution, of Moscow district committee of tory of General Franco. Through work he requires Lombardo To member of Presidium of Moscow the party. Later Chairman of As the charges progress and the Soviet Government through out the world defend those ledano.
Ambassador Troyanovsky on Soviet. October 1917: member of list of victims mounts steadly, district committee.
reconcilable methods of struggle Several months ago this man Revolutionary Military Commit dista 1921 1924: Feb. 28 asking postponement the truly vicious and totalitarian motivation behind these judicial of the Trial of 21 until a quaagainst imperialism which Lenin, asserted at a public meeting that tee. 1018: member of Council of secretary of Moscow committee.
farces becomes strikingly evident.
lified international commission It is worthwhile to outline the could attend the hearings.
knecht, my old friends and com against the Mexican government served on fronts during civil war Asiatic Burcau of the of Nothing could be more panions in arms, applied; oppos in the interest of Fascism. In also member of Revolutionary the From 1931 on: process as the frame up system moved to its present horrible his turn, Mr. Laborde partly a Military Committees of 5th, th, chairman of Centrosoyuz (Soviet harmful to the interests of ing the methods of the now helper of Toledano in slander, 8th, 13th and 15th armies. 1922: foreign trading organization. thoroughly putrid the Soviet government itself, Comintern climax The trials developed as follows: that would further shake the they, wired, than another trial which crawls on all fours before partly his master asserted after member of Collegium of People Elected candidate to at democratie imperialism, be this at a public manifestation Commissariat of Finance. 1928(1) the trial of Nikolayev and others, Dec. 28 29, 1934 (over a faith of civilized mankind in traying the interests of the colo that was conspiring with fase. 1924: placed in charge of Air hundred defendants finally con Purger Purged Soviet justice.
Leon Trotsky and his son, Leon Sedoff, who died under mysnial and semi colonial peoples ist generalls. The answer to this Force 1925 1927: attached to victed and shot for the murder similar telegram sent by terious circumstances in Paris on Feb. 16. In a memorial dediof Kirov. 2) the trial of Zinoan equally prominent group cated by him and Natalia Sedoff to the proletarian youth of the for the Soviet bureaueracy. Such temptuous laugh. But it is im gress of party, elected member are my views. do not intend to possible to embarrass these gen. of Central Committee.
This fact viev Kamenev, Jan. 16, 1935 following the announcement of world, Trotsky reviews the career of young Leon, son, friend and the Radek Piatakov trial in change them. carry full restlemen. They cast these accusa alone indicates his hostility to (defendants found guilty fighter, who devoted more than half of his 32 years to the cause ponsibility for them.
tions aside only in order to present Trotskyism. Commissar moral responsibility for the January, 1937, was never answered.
of the proletarian revolution. The memorial, of which an exKirov assassination and sentencAfter the decision of the In others immediately. If you throw Foreign Trade under Stalin.
The American Corhmittee cerpt appears in the current issue of Challenge, organ of the ternational Inquiry Commission enough mud, as the saying goes, ed to prison. 3) trial of for the Defense of Leon Trots.
Young People Socialist League, out this week, will shortly be have no rexson to enter into po some of it is bound to stiek!
the work published by the League as a pamphlet. KERODZHAEV litical or juridical altercations Odious Slanders of the Dewey Good by, Leon, it concludes. We bequeath your irreproach with Me Lombardo Toledano, Born 1896. Former president its study of the previous Mos able memory to the younger generation of the workers of the But will be able to explain the Tries Again Messrs. Slanderers continue to of Uzbekistan, removed June, cow trials, which it pronoun world. You will rightly live in the hearts of all those who work, truth to the people who have build their game on the accusa: 1937. Listed in Small Encyclo ced to be frameups, issued a suffer, and struggle for a better world. Revolutionary youth statement declaring that the of all countries! Accept from us the memory of our Leon, adopt that Mr. Lombardo Toledano and ligation about non interference pedia, as prominent Communist new trial of 21 was an effort his clique fear. Their whole ma in the internal politics of Mexico. in Uzbekistan. Participated in to cover the previcus failurhim as your son he is worthy of it and let him henceforth participate invisibly in your battles, since destiny has refused the authors themselves chination at the Convention, as The importation of odious sland national revolutionary movehave ers from Moscow and their trans. contact with Bolsheviks after ments since 1914. Established es. The committee asked that wires of protest be sent to him the happiness of participating in your finai victory. quite clearly revealed, follows but lation into Spanish these gentieAmbassador Troyanovsky at one single aim: to seal my mouth. men identify. with the inter October revolution, joining party the Soviet Embassy in Washnal politics of Mexico. anin 1920. 1920 1924: chairman of Inspired By Moscow ington, demanding that the nounce: no one has ever demand. Council of People Nazirs (Comlives of the 21 be spared.
their own initiative. Their insed anyone that would renounce People Commissars and mentThey act, of course, not upon ed of me and at no time promis. of Bokhara. Chairman of.
technical collaboration of his late dict of the International Com honor from slanderers, and my formation of Uzbek Soviet Reson, Leon Sedote.
mission, the published stenoHENRY YAGODA Shachtman, Erber Pay Fantastic Evidence graphie report of the Inquiry at pledged the government of Gepublic. Staunch Stalin supporter.
Honored many times. Decorated Final Tribute To Coyoacan, the disclosures of the neral Cardenas that would not with Orders of the Red Banner tenth party congress.
The records of these two trials, Member published in many languages Late Warrior former responsible agents of the interfere in the internal polities Kremlin, Reiss, Barmine, and of this country according to the and the Red Star. One of 30 Com. of from the exi congress Foto the missioners appointed at VII con Not an Oppositionist. Elected at throughout the world, are startWalter Krivitsky, as well as general understanding ling for their lack of documentary NEW YORK. More than 700 many other facts during the past word polities. This piorige gross of Soviets to draft Stalin XV congress to constitution.
is unique in its general avoidance the hall in Manhattan Plaxa or factual proof. The testimony revolutionary workers jammed year, delivered an irreparable am fulfilling with absolute con on the Pravda of Jan. 31, 1935, enr. CHERNOV blow to the Kremlin clique. My scientiousness. But if of concrete names, places and Sunday evening. February 27, to ANDREY VISHINSKY latest book, The Owines of Sta streets of this capital someone ries front page photo of Presil dates. Wherever the pay tribute to the memory of lin, has already appeared in should shove his hand into my ium of VII All Union Congress Former Commissar of Agricul.
bunglers tried to base themselves Leon Sedoff, Trotsky son who several languages. hope that it weket in order to steal my do of Soviets. Caption under photo: lure. Strong Stalin supporter on specifie references their fab died suddenly in Paris on Feb.
Listening to Tukhachevsky Not listed in any Soviet eneywill also appear Spanish. Procuments and letters, would Army. cloperlin. Elected at VIL Soviet boss Medved and others, Jan. first test: Holtzman story of his arrival of an honor guard of 150 rications crumbled to bits at the 16. The meeting opened with the gressive public opinion through consider myself completely in the speech (subject: Ited of 23, 1935 (further convictions for meeting with Trotsky and his son members of the Young People out the world, with ever greater right to seize the criminal hand. Mighter than Ever Before. Congress (1936)
Kirov murder, involving disgust, is turning away from And let the owner of the hand Stalin, Voroshitov, Kalinin, Bud the Soviets. 1936: People Com agents. 4) trial of Kamenev Hotel Bristol episode. Pyata behind red banner from the City in Copenhagen (the ill starred Socialist League who marched Stalin. This explains the furious not reveam after this that am cuny, Cherviakov (suicide. Gmissar of Agriculture. Never an (missing. Museabekov Oppositionist.
and others, July, 1935 (after kov account of his airplane convention of the to attempt of the to force tice of Mexico! Lombardo Pote (shot. aw bolhaev (de.
Kameney, unlike Zinoviev, refus flight to Oslo; Romm myster the hall.
me into silence of the doctor listesi: Dr.
ed to make further, more fantastic ious meeting with Trotsky in Mr. Lombardo Toledano and dano tries to despoil something fondant. Levin (head of the Kremlin hos confessions. 5) trial of Zino Paris, and the other products of man of the paid triErnest forber, National Chair his clique le mistiken, however, bigger, my political honor, and if they think that they will suc revolutionist. that be hinder.
demands at that demoerat, o viev Kamenev, Aug. 1936 (all over zealous fantasia bute to Sedoff as a leader of the pitat) signed the statement is AKMAL IKRAMOV sued by Kaminsky, then sixteen defendants found guilty all were crushingly refuted by younger generation in the fight of terrorism, sabotage, and di minute and detailed documenta for the principles of Marx and trusted to them. Many much ed by force from designating his Commissar of Health, on the Born 1898. Joined death of Ordjonikidze, Commisversion; all executed. 6) the tion upon every related point.
stronger than they have tried to actions and himself by those in Teebruary, 1918. Carried on sar of Heavy Industry who allega Novosibirsk trial, Nov. 19 22, Lenin. Excerpts from the movaccomplish this task before with names which they deserve.
1936 (group of Trotskyite of Inquiry, headed by Dr. John by Leon Trotsky, which will be have never concerned myself party activity until 1922, when edly died at his home on Feb. 18, The International Commissioning memorial to his son written NATALIA TROTSKY silence for four years in prison with the political program and to entered Sverdlox Communist 1937. Prof. Pletne was reputed and shot. 1) trial of Pyatakov materials from many parts of the were vend by comrade Erber.
documentary issued in full in pamphlet form, and twice exiled me to siberia. public actions of Mr. Toledano, Institute. Upon graduation elect to have refused to sign this staRadek Jan. 23 30, 1937 (thirteen world in the course of its lengthy Kaiser Wilhelm sentenced me to nor with his references to Lenin, od secretary of Tashkent party tement. Pletnev and Levin were out of seventeen defendants ex investigation, and finally turned and Lenin in a period of reaction, prison Life Reviewed ecuted for alliance with Hitler in a vindication of Trotsky and proletarian defeats, and persecu not wish to keep quiet in Switzer unintentional humor. Likewise of the of the Communist signed the death certificate of Starting Joffe, Oppositionist and former establish capitalism, as well as time the most terrible indictment Socialist Appeal, reviewed Sedemburgo canta Karir Liebknecht 1916 from France for the same tions that made it possible for Central Asiatic Bureau of the Peiping, who committed suicide Max Shachtman, editor of the courageous stand of Rosa Lux allies of the Czar expelled me in concerning the kind of machina with 1931, third secretary of the ambassador to Tokyo, Berlin and the usual terrorism, sabotage, of Stalin inquisitorial regime. off life and services in the revo during the last war.
in 1927.
etc. Prof. Dewey and his associates lutionary movement to which he found the entire trial procedure devoted his talent and energies sent by the meeting to Leon to force me into silence. With son upon a question about which was expelled. was elected can The following telegram was me into a Madrid prison in order Trade Union Convention a deci congress (when the Opposition This leaves among the political Charges Grow as Trials Pragress Trotsky hundred de mercade. com Over a period of two years tensive historie research they family by Stalin, he said the re. tonight to pay homage to that nadian concentration camp. The of voluminous documents and ex: tragic fate visited on Trotsky lutionists. gathered inde york imperialists threw me into a Can not the least conception. But it 1836 elected to see Solide sur: Kruchkov (identified as secretary of the lawyer Kerensky, who was sue Mr. Toledano with the help of mong those picked to speak on (former Secretary of the White complicity in the Kirov assas. were innocent, and that the Mos. and reviled them cannot crush world revolution, Soleon sedott, cessful during certain period forged material mobilizes the Red Suprevat. Kuibyshe: Russian Communist Party.
sination to direct and purposive cow Trials were a frame up. the proletarian revolution.
complicity; from terrorism a We dedicate ourselves, share with you and his mother of time in deceiving a consider. whole convention against me.
to the Soviet Embassy in Berlin, Public Scepticish Increases gainst one man to terrorism aDr. Kazakov, Zubarev, said, to rescuing Sedoff name departure from our ranks. Leon to seal my mouth in the Petro. exile who has no relations what drafted Stalin constitution. Maximov. Note: There was from sabotage and diversion as simultaneously with the expan. which they have tried to bestionary fighters the whole world written on the pages of history Meticelenten des force with inte Public scepticisim has grown uom the foul slanders with will live in the hearts of revelu grad Kresty Prison. But it is ever with the trade unions of IVANOV an oppositionist named Bessonov such to wrecking in the service sion of the charges to their pre mirch it. We are pledged to a who capitulated to Stalin. His over.
of the espionage services of Gersent gigantic proportions. But venge his death, but we disdain silent on command. On the other silence or to deprive me of the asylum then Mr. ToBorn 1893. Former chief of relation to the accused Bessonov many and Japan, with the purpose there is no retreat for the terrible the methods of the gunnen. Ours of partitioning the country and totalitarian steam roller. To re are the methods of the class VANGUARD FORUM volutionary struggle have seen ledano aets not as a representa umber industry under Stalin. is not known to us. overthrowing the workers state. inforce the crumbling trials of struggle.
Public Lecture By in the ranks of the workers mo tive of the internal politics of Party member since 1915. Served The roster of victims expanded the past, new and more fantastic from ex Oppositionists, long since ones must be staged. To elimin.
Wire To Trotsky vement not a few careerists who Mexico but as an agent of the CARLO TRESCA can not only be silent but also foreign politics of the GPU.
capitulated to the Stalin regime, ate the last vestiges of opposiSUBJECT: The GPU Let him then carry the responsslanderous on command.
Maurice Spector, of the editor until it embraced all those who tion and of the October revoluial Board of the New Interna.
America ibility of this unworthy function!
had once harbored deviationist tion, more and more staggering tional and formerly of the ExAn exposure of the facts be Crawl To Stalin Compelled To Answer sentiments, and finally caught up amalgams must be forgel. The ecutive Committee of the Com hind the Poyntz and Robinson (Continued from page 1)
in its all inclusive fold some of former Right Opposition, the munist International, stated that Sunday, March 6, at 8:30 cases.
If had wished to remain si The readers of these lines will Stalin most faithful and ruth Bukharinites, must now be link: Leon Sedoff would take his place Vanguard Hall, 22 17th St. lent about the crimes of the Sta understand without difficulty less henchmen. Alongside the ed to the Trotskyite scum. among the martyrs of the revolin bureaucracy against the work that neither the present circum prominent spokesman of the recurrent juridical trials, most Within this formula new airplane lution, comparing Sedoff strugNew York City ers and peasants, they would stances of my personal life nor State Department casually reof them held in strictest secrecy, flights to Coyoacan must be in gle for the principles of Marx. Admission: 15 cents. have raised me high on their the general character of my marked that it had for long been coursed an ever wider and more shield and the Messrs. Lombardo work afford me time to occupy cherished dream of bloody stream of peremptory Toledanos of the whole world myself over Mr. Toledano. But policy.
blood purges and executions with Presides Again would have crawled before me as this question is something altoThus the blue print of Rooseout benefit of trial, until the they now crawl before the Krem gether different. It is a question velt imperialism comes more whole generation of Old Bolshelin clique. The Norwegian Social concerning public opinion in the fully into the open. Fastening viis, and many not so old, were Democrats, older brothers in country which has shown me and its stranglehold on the two Amecarried away in its wake.
spirit to Toledano, discovered my wife hospitality and which ricas, it strengthens its long arm Only two of the trials had any only one means with which to during the past year have to keep open the market ana insemblance of being publicly force me into silence about the learned to value and to love. It vestment fields of the Far East staged: the Zinoviev Kamenev to throw me into prison. is because of this, and only this, Knowing with complete realism trial of 1936 and the PyatakovBut through a book my son, whom that consider myself compelled that its aims require war for Radek trial of 1937. In the first only death has now brought to to answer with this declaration their fulfillment, it forges the of these trials, the defendants, silence, answered for me. Stalin, the carefully prepared slander arms and the idcas which it hopes without exception, grovelling as at the who understands this better than lof the Mexican agents of Stalin.
will wring out of that war the abjectly as they did, could disREMIUM maximum of privilege and proMAXIM LITVINOV cover themselves guilty of no HOTEL CENTER lits.
cardinal crimes greater than those of terrorism and murder. ULRICH 108 West 43d Street In the second trial the startling in civil war. On southern front, 1920 1921. During same period accusation was made that not only STALINISM the defendants then being tried, vented, new Hotel Bristols must New York City secretary of Yaroslav district committee of 1924 and but all the previous ones long be uncovered in Mexico City, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1938. P.
since convicted and executed, fresh links, through the hapless 1, 000 Books at 25c. 49c 98c 1927: secretary of the Central BOLSHEVISM Committee of Uzbekistan. 1927had conducted their nefarious Robinsons Rubinses others like 1:31: secretary of North Caucasby activities as agents of German them, must be forged between (Formerly 00. 00)
Tickets: General Admission, 50 cents. Reserved, fascism and Japanese militarism, Trotsky and the Hitler Mikado On Sale at Labor Bookshop, 28 East 12 Street; Room ian regional committee. Elected 100 Leon candidate to at XV and XVI with the breathtaking aims of team.
1610, 100 Fifth Avenue.
Many Recent Books at 40 60 Discount Cangrenn. Never Trotskyite.
TROTSKY precipitating war, preparing the But the structure of the frame.
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Cobperatives under Stalin. Join acies was identibed as Leon Trot tumbling down about Stalin ed party in 1908 in Sahara. ArSURSCRIBE NOW 20 sky, charged with having the head.
うするのかなりいいかわかるかわからないものがなかったりしなやか crested in 1998 and exiled to Oren TRESOCALIST APPRAL he FDR Speeds His War Preparation in Mass Meeting PROTEST THE THE NEW FRAME UP!