CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismMoscow TrialsNazismParis CommuneSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

Page SOCIALIST APPEAL March 5, 1938 JERSEY JOBLESS WIN CONCESSIONS Replies To Slander Of New Republic Akron Teachers Spy Scare, Somewhat Too Neatly Pro labor Congressmen Fight Layoffs Timed, Rouses Jingo Newspapers Abandon Beal Defense With Union Aid memCounty.
fession through a correspondence school Stool Pigeons Put Finger on Writers WPA Rolls Used For States for cities on the size, ed Ohio Michigan District Meets Chemical YPSLs Fight Rule On Alien Students NEWARK Acting in conjunetion with many and F. of unions, as well as the The capitalist press is being filled with What we do have, however, is some Workers Alliance, the Trade the most sensational stories about the very suspicious evidence that all is not Union Committee on Unemploydiscovery of a big Nazi spy ring in the what it seems to be with this peculiar NEW YORK. The action of defense because he (with six ment of Essex County has suc Board Drops 38 In Face United States. Government agents have Nazi spy ring. One of the prisoners two congressmen, Rep. John Other Communist Party Ex Liberal Organ Caught cessions from local relief ceeded in winning many new con Of Militant Union already apprehended two men and one says he was engaged in his job merely Bernard of Minnesota and Rep. bers) jumped bail in 1930 to go to and woman it is said that others are about by sending a request to the German John Coffde of Washington, the Soviet Union; because in 1933 Lying In Issue of authorities in Essex Resistance to be added to the list. and charged secret service in an envelope addressed in resigning from the Non Par he left the Soviet Union and on Bridges Ouster them with military espionage in behalf to a German newspaper. How simple! tisan Committee for the defense returning to the United States Under the driving force of the BY BLAKE LEAR of a foreign power. It is broadly intimat Just like applying for a job advertised of Fred Beal, former member critieized the prevailing reime in progressives program, the milied that the foreign power is none other in the HelpWanted columns. of the Communist Party now in the Soviet Union; because he opThe following letter was sent tants of the committee have been AKRON For the first time in than Germany.
jail in North Carolina for his posed the in his native to the New Republic last week able to overcome the do nothing Akron history, school teachers Seme Peculiar Features activities in the Gastonia strike city of Lawrence, Mass.
by James Cannon, national respectable People Front pro careil speak up in defense of their The arrests are meat and drink to the in 1920, was severely criticized Secretary of the Socialist Work gram of the Stalinists, and have jobs when the Akron Federation jingoistic press, which has joined readily The origin of the discovery is also not by the Committee this week as Only One Charge with the Roosevelt regime and its spokesers Party: developed a strong demand in of Teachers opposed the Board without interest. and surprise. The unworthy of public officials electTo the Editor of the Since you do not specify your many trade unions for more in of ducation plan for wholesale men to work up a frenzied war spirit on spy, we are told, simply calls up the ed with labor support.
New Republic: the basis of which the professional patcomplaints against Beal, we are tensive netivity in relief affairs. layoffs.
Passport Bureau, says his name is Mr. letter addressed by the comied to assume that you mean to Your department of Washington The chief Stalinist in the comtriots hope to swing through without Weston, Under Secretary of State, and mittee to the two Congressmen refer to the above charges. We Notes by in the New mittce has been revealed as a uff, this was achieved only by difficulty the biggest peace time naval asks for 50 blank passports. This is really states, inter alia: General state. wish to point out that this Com appropriations budget in American hisments on the new attempt to de bureaucrat who has never at any Board of Education after five tory.
a bit thick, as the English say. Can it be ments purporting to emanate mittee, composed of persons of that Nazis are so much more stupid than Farmer Laborites have appearses no judgement on Beal pofrom liberals, Socialists and diverse political viewpoint pasport Harry Bridges on the basis time presented a clear cut a wecks of battling during which of affidavits by ex members of the gressive program for the unem. the Teachers were supported by Spurred by Washington they are said to be? It would seem that ed in the Daily Worker charging litical or trade union views or Communist Party purporting to ployed. Under the driving force representatives from the Akron such a naive step would not be taken that Fred Beal is unworthy of activities. We are defending Beal connect Mr. Bridges with mem of the militants, he has been industrial Union Council and the The Washington authorities, of course, even by a spy who had come by his proagainst only one charge: the bership in that organization forced to make militant state rubber locals.
are not behindhand in this drive. Quite frame up charge of murder Your correspondent adds: The ments that are not at all becomcourse.
the contrary. They spur it on with all The rump session was convenidentity of these accusers has not ing to the present program of ed under the pressure of the Ak.
brought against him in North the powers at their command. It is highly Anci when it is added that the 50 passCarolina in 1029 to punish him been revealed, but it is understood the Stalinists.
ron Beacon Journal and the significant that while the State Depart ports were for use by Nazi agents in for the crimes of organizing a they are former Stalinites who The unemployed, however, are Chamber of Commerce, who ment dilly dallied and stammered, when have turned Trotskyist.
union and leading a strike.
fast recognizing the consistent fear the penetration of anti lay.
traveling to the Soviet Union, and that it was not entirely silent, about the Ro there was foundhow conveniently. in Beal innocence of murder Lake all other informed people militants, and will not easily be off ideology into the rubber binson Rubens case, which so plainly Infermers Cause Many Worker of Feb 24, 1938. The one spy pocket a picture very much like who have watched the recent fooled by words alone.
is admitted even by the Daily shops, the basic industry of Ak involves the whole machine in evolution of the New Republic, that of Mrs. Rubens Robinson; and ron.
this country, a sharply different attitude fully understand the design when it is borne in mind that Mr. Wes To Lose Jobs On American Civil Liberties Union, The Akron education system, behind this deliberate attempt to which, with the Communist Party, has marked the behavior of Washington ton gave himself up to the government WPA Project besmirch a political tendency by defended him in 1929, has through one of the worst in the United with respect to the alleged Nazi ring of. excuse us! we meant was apprehendits director, Roger Baldwin, 1eference to anonymous Trotskyspies.
paying the price of a large bondists. Since the New Republic We do not, to be sure, have any coned by the government. right on the Pursuing the line of driving offered to aid in any way the cd indebtedness for its boom eve of the announcement of the New all independerit militants out of defense committee requests our gave its editorial blessing to the clusive evidence about the crime of es Moscow Trial, we are tempted to believe the labor movement the Con fight for Beal freedom. The ofMoscow frame up trials, it is only are no kindergartens, the first pionage with which the arrested persons that the whole affair hangs together munist Party members of the fieial organ of the Socialist natural that you should extend grade is on hall time, half of the are charged. Even if it were clearly de just a little bit too well.
Writers Project recently publish Party, the Call, unlike the sothe technique to the American ed, in their monthly paper, the called Lawrence Socialists quotscene. am not naive enough to Military, Relief Agencies high schools run in two shifts monstrated that they were guilty of the ask you to correct this statement Join Hands To Put Men long since condemned by the participating in the chauvinistic hysteria Little Too Neat Red Pen, the names of all Pro ed by the Daily Worker, supports ject workers who refuse to sub this Committee.
in regard to the alleged Trots.
State Fire Warden.
which the press is working up. We are In fact, if one of the agents of the In Uniform mit to the Party line.
kyists who have allegedly bo.
By cutting the school year only not such gullible idiots as not to know disguised as a Nazi spy, had cookWho Are They?
The Red Pen, eager to remove come stool pigeons for the Dethree days, the proposal support(Continued from page 1)
what every government official through ed up the whole business and Heaven from the those who dispartment of Justice. do chalWho are the Lawrence Social.
lenge you to be more specific, by the Federation, all 38 out the world and every informed perknows we could never, never suspect the agree with the war line and ists who signed the attack on Who are these Trotskyists to to all local public welfare com. In supporting this proposal, howteachers could have been retained. son, for that matter also knows. We spotless of doing anything so dictatorial union policies, accus. Beal which appeared in the Daily whom your correspondent refers? missioners outside of New York ever, the Teachers stated that at refer to the well established fact that dirty. it could not have Atted together ed the dozen writers named of Worker of Feb. 24? Not one of Give us the names!
City asking them to cooperate best it was only a stop gap, and every government in the world has an more prettily.
loafing on the job writing fas the person signing it is a SoSlander Retracted cist brochures for the cialist or a member of any workwith the army in its recruiting that a more fundamental reviespionage service, whose agents are act Frankly, we await further develop of being hooligans of the ing class political party. The as a means of reducing your Sion of the system finances ive in spying on every other government ments especially what Moscow may mouth, union busters and first two signers, Joe Salerno Some weeks ago the Western relief rolls and costs.
through cither a special election, in the world, seeking to acquire for have to say fortified against any surspies.
and Charlotte Marchese, quit the Worker, California organ of the This plan to squeeze the un législation which would free themselves, by bribery, theft and simil prises that certain gentlemen may have Communist Party, accused Harry employed into the army was put money for the schools, or through Socialist Party over a year ago, ar methods, the military and diplomatic Stalinist Supervisors in mind. For after all, in concocting afand left in our possession a doLundeberg. Secretary of the into effect immediately in up further state aid, would have to secrets of the country to which they have fairs of this type, what is there left to It is common knowledge that cument denouncing the and Sailors Union of the Pacific, of state New York. Some district be made.
been assigned.
surprise anybody with?
most of the supervisors on the its aims. The next signer, Thomas instigating the new deportation reports. showed that local The campaign of the FederaProject are members of the Nicholson, is a reactionary who movement against Bridges. Mi. commissioners had already begun tion of Teachers was led by Lundeberg Aled notice of a suit a system of direct communication Chalmers Stewart, President, and that failure to contribute to left the over two years ago, for libel. Thereupon the West with army officials on the recruit and Donald Burns, Corresthe pet Stalinist Leagues For or before the Old Guard left the Against This or that, the drives party. Most of the other signers ern Worker promptly printed a ing of persons from relief.
Plant Strike front page retraction and apol. The action was not limited to leaders of the organization. They to save peace and democracy, are old time members of the Itamay be tantamount to dismissal. Jian Federation of the which ogy. The frame up and slander area outside of New York City.
were elected in a recent election In Ninth Week Many a non Stalinist project has not held a charter in the game around this issue continues. The Times own story states that in which the progressives defeatworker was placed on the fiting for over five years. Furthermore, the official Stalinist press to the cruiting officer for the Second The medium has changed from Col. Magruder, acting reed a Stalinist reactionary bloe. SWP Organizations meer. NEWARK. With ranksstil Picket Board of Higher lists last June for political in there is no local of the in and New Republic and the indictment Corps Area, disclosed that reAt Cleveland To Plan solid, 325 members of United Education To Force transigeance Pen is obviously bers of the residing in the independent Lawrence, and there are no memthought.
has been switched from Lunde presentatives of the army, navy Building Drive Mine Workers Chemical Division, New Decision laying down the line for the new city. From this alone we can see berg to nameless Trotskyists. and other branches of the armed have ended the ninth week of it wave of dismissals.
that behind the document there otherwise the game remains the service had attended a meeting bitter strike against the United same. No doubt the Western January 10, in the offices of BY FERGUSON Twenty three independents on are lies and deceit.
Color and Pigment Co. a rich NEW YORK. Several hund the project, supported by many The document itself states that Worker experience with Lunde Lieut. Col. Brehon Somervell, chemical company with a long red students, led by the Young others, have just issued a signed Count Vittorio Orlandini, a faseberg has taught you caution in local Works Progress Adminis.
CLEVELAND. Gathering in anti labox history.
People Socialist League (Fourth leaflet answering the Stalinist ist, uses Beal pamphlet to utthe use of names in connection trator.
Deficiency Appropriation from the branches in the Ohio December when The union went on strike last Internationalists. picketed the charges and exposing their stool tack the Soviet Union. That, if with such foul accusations. But Reans Spilled you will not be able to cluck the Fails To Meet Most Detroit region met in their first refused to renew their contract ing last Thursday to protest a remembers, disgusted but cowed by their press, which, in chorus with the company Board of Higher Education meet pigeon character. Many true, is regrettable. But what is issue by this contemptible device What was the outcome of the You will still have to put up or conference. Magrader, according Pressing Needs convention to set up a district unless a wage cut was accepted actionary ruling barring all non the threat to their jobs, have ex the reactionary Southern Bourorganization and to lay plans for by the workers. Despite lack of citizens from New York City pressed their contempt for this bons, are howling for the imprishut up to the Times report, came out of the conference with the con(Continued from page 1)
a concerted Socialist Workers organizational help from the In colleges.
Beal Unmentioned Party building campaign in this ternational, the union, organized Shortly after the pickets had slanderous campaign on the pro sonment of a proletarian fighter, viction that persons who refused industrial area.
only last summer, has carried on held a mass meeting outside as ject.
a victim of capitalist frame up?
On the general question of to accept military posts would be Inspired by the decisions of the a spectacular and solid strike the climax of a vigorous camstool pigeonry it has been noticed dropped from federal relief Official estimates disclose the national convention, the delegates against overwhelming odds. parign led by the the that you have avoided all men posts. The next day, Col. Som fact that at least 3, 000, 000 men reported from the various The rank and file committee Board decided to ask the State tion of the indecent campaign of ervell contradicted him and in have lately lost their jobs, thus branches the work done in the conducting the strike is doing a Legislature to reverse the old the Communist Party to hustle sisted that no thought had been swelling the army of unemploy localities since then and outlined job that would do credit to law under which it had barred Fred Beal back to North Caro given to compelling able bodieded to 13 millions or more. The the prospects for future growth. seasoned labor organizer. They all aliens, including many young lina to serve a twenty year prison young employees to en deficiency appropriation will take Like a red thread through the have maintained mass picket refugees from Fascist countries.
Returns have just started com Olivia, Minnesota, sent in two strike activity at Gastonia. The the relief rollsin Washington, to the same sources. Presumably Communist Party bureaucrats squads to discourage back to out the city the point started getting busy on the Ape term, imposed on him for his list on threat of severance from care of only 2, 500, 000, according reports ran the description of the lines, organized effective flying in leaflets distributed through ing in from locals that have subs and writes. We have started a sub drive, Non Partisan Committee for the everybody played dumb. First the the remaining 500, 000 are to be difficulties in subduing the re work movements on the part of ed out that the ruling was a pre peat drive.
spokesmien allowed to starve. Or, if the Sta volutionary reactions of militant the company, and have arranged lude to an attack on all demoand we are offering a copy of the For the week ending Feb. 26 Moscow Trials with each substated that active Communists, said. it was a local matter, linist estimate is accepted and workers in their party, and the relief for the strikers. cratie rights similar to the anti the following subs came in: scription.
Art Shields and Willam Dunne, And, of course, the 2, 900, 000 get jobs, 100, 000 will possibilities this affords of atalien hysteria and purge during San Francisco of the Communist Party Interna authorities likewise tended to starve. At the same time, Roose tracting such workers to our ANNOUNCEMENTS the World War, and called for Chicago The picking is slow, and the tional Labor Defense Organiza localize whatever was being done velt blandly asks for a naval ap ranks.
an immediate struggle against spaces are wide and far between Boston tion, have brought pressure to in the matter to the New York propriation of 800, 000, 000 (now over out here, but we hope to get in advanced to 1, 100, 000, 000) to be bear on Professor Albert Sprague officials.
Work In Unions MINNEAPOLIS 1, 500 signatures were Lynn, Mass a few subs it not until after our Coolidge of Harvard University All this is merely a smoke employed for mass slaughter in Likewise the delegates reports SOCIALIST PUBLIC FORUM Olivia, Minn.
in a petition drive. Caught off Anti War meeting during the St. Paul and Miss Jessica Henderson of screen to cover up the beans the coming war.
March CARLOS HUDSON guard, Young Communists in last days in March.
Minneapolis Boston, the two guarantors of which Col. Magruder has spilled. On the subject of Roosevelt showed that all comrades who The Situation Inside the For some schools attacked the camSt. Louis If comrades in cities realized Beal bail bond, urging them to It is not true that the recruiting war budgets, the Stalinist manage are eligible for membership in what it means to get even one withdraw their support of Beal, of unemployed from the relief ers of the Worker Alliance and are pursuing coordinated March 13 New York XHLES DUNNE paign and in other schools supToledo sub in farming districts where but have failed in that. Various rolls is a local matter. The maintain a discreet silence. Why? work therein. great majority Wither and the ported it!
Having achieved a certain Houston, Tex.
the spaces are wide and far beMarch 20: GRACE CARLSON members of the Non Partisan Times report shows that it is al. Because the war preparations of of the comrades in the district What will appen to the wor amount of success with the pas Committee for the defense of ready going on in up state New American imperialism meet with are trade unionists, members of Philadelphia tween. John Enestvedt record sage of the Board recommendaForeign as a sub getter would be a good Fred Beal have received messages York. It is not true that the untheir approval, although, as yet, and Of unions March PIXMORROW. tion to the Legislature, the cam mark to shoot at.
America Rifor Trevolu.
tion seeking to intimidate them into employed will not be compelled they do not dare say so quite ranging from auto, steel and paign will be continued by the 23 abandoning the defense. to join. Col. Magruder con openly and explicitly.
Sundays, a Socialist Wer: until complete victory Total subs rubber to office workers, teachBundle orders have been inNewark, New Jersey, says that This is real stool pigeonry viction did not arise from thin Militant Action Needed ers, retail employees, etc.
North Arlinirsion cents. is secured. To this end the creased in several locals and con their bundle order will be in without precedent in the entire air. The fact that the recruiting district committee repre.
history of the American labor notices sent out by the army and movement. This is real news and navy proved completely ineffect the Workers Alliance, busing it. erected to coordinate islature drop the old law and that gratulations are due to the liter creased by five copies each week Only the Progressive Group in sentative of all the branches was PUBLIC FORUM: March George in the meanwhile, the Board re started the drive seriously.
ature agents who have already for an indefinite time and Comrade Mendelsohn says that time the stool pigeons are named by ive, since not one person on re self on the true interests of all branch activities by aiding in DAVIDSON. War and the Wor turn to its former, looser inter Local a body of well known and res lief joined the military service, the workers, employed and un forming Lit. Agent Increase is way off in the future. arch 13: DON CARSON: pretation of the law.
ponsible people. Why does the shows that the army will have employed, draws attention to this public forums, assisting in the classes, conducting Vane Slaven and Cannon oc.
Rochester, Charles Hess 10 lor Our Paducational System.
Boston, Mass. Sol Thomas How about writing in to the New Republic keep maliciously to compel them to join.
crying contradiction: that while organization of new party March 20: ANTOINETTE KON The truth is that all govern Roosevelt prepares to spend sums branches in hitherto unorganizIKOW. Staliniam Practical silent about the Beal case and Akron, Ohio, Charles Martel 15 Appeal and letting us know what LOUIS (LINN)
Suas P. Workers Conshield the despicable stool pigeons ment activities are directed to running into billions for the des ed communities, and facilitating Goshen, Ind. John Malone you are doing in the sub drive, ter 16 in Grunge Street RESTAURANT Newark, Negin We want suggestions that might CHICAGO would deprive him of all defense ian Conservation Corps are ready rapidly approaching way for the in the unions by the exchange of London, Eng. Margaret Johns io be passed along to other locals.
Home Cooking, Hungarian How do you get your subs? How while it manufactures an accusa for war. The is doing aggrandisement and profit of the experience and advice Montreal Can. Goldenberg Style WAR ALLIANCES IN EUROPE (Decrease)
AL. SIRT GATISS. Sunday. Mar.
tion against anonymous Trots considerable army work. Various exploiters of the American work5 do you distribute your bundle orSPECIAL, LUNCHEON 31. ders? How do you get the Apkvists in the case of Bridges? states have already passed coners, only paitry sums are asked Clarke Pield Organizer Wells. Aurpes, AdmisThe answer is clear to all who scription laws in preparation for to save human life, to save the REGULAR DINNER 500 in bundles. 50 peal placed on newsstands? Have know what is going on the ex the coming war. And the work unemployed vietinis of capital. elected field organizer, an George Clarke of Detroit was SUPPER 550 you placed the Appeal in your NEW YORK John Enestvedt, way out in local library?
207 East 14th Street become an unofficial organ of the as the recruiting grounds of the loss of their homes, with privatrict. As the first conerete step in ASTORIA BRANCHES Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, Socialist Appeal frame up and stool pigeon gang first batch of soldiers for the war. tion and hunger, with disease, launching the new district orgaand the party anti WT cunNew York City Date 116 University Place identified all over the world as WAT chest. 41 22 Porey.
with death by slow starvation.
Second Street, Anyside. Stalinists.
WANTED nization, Comrade Clarke was The New York City Muriday, Nar.
Gramercy 9761 James Cannon, all workers for united assault sent on a speaking tour of all PARIS COMMUNE ANNIVERSARY enclose. for which please send me the National Secretary Back Numbers of the Appeal upon capitalism upon the sys: series of public forums. ConcludCelebrate at the Roro ar mor Lyceum, Ith Ave. and 12an.
SYBSCRIRE NOIN TO Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months Vol. No. tem of hunger and war with the ing with the singing of the in Feb. 22, 1938.
Street, Rronklyn Sat. Mar. 12.
battle cry: THE SOCIALIST APPEAL. 00. Vol. No. ternationale, the hall full of Spenker. Dancing. Recital, and enclose. as my contribution toward PROTEST STALIN Comrades having copies of ALL WAR FUNDS TO THE delegates, alternates and visitors VILLAGE BLOW. OUT!
building the Socialist Appeal.
these issues which they do not left the convention knowing the TERROR!
WANT ADS 107 MacDougal Street need or which they are preparty was on the right track in Saturday Nite, Mar Name Friday, March 4th, at P.
pared to donate, please send SUBSCRIBE NOW TO its struggle to win to its banner Dancing Dining Drinking them in immediately. They WANTED: OFFICE FURNITURE the decisive section of the workAddress STUYVESANT CASINO Admission: Two bits for the SOCIALIST APPEAL are needed to complete the THE SOCIALIST APPEAL ing class in this industrial Ruhr Desks. Shelving, Typewriter Auspices: Village Branch, Second Avenue and th Street office flies.
Setlist Abel, 116 University Socialist Workers Party.
City Valley of America.
Pince, NYC MONEY FOR WAR NONE FOR RELIEF Appeal Army the law. In a few dayollected berhathor Party and the Con BOSTON 10 9:30 PM to 10. 30 Total increase Nion 15 fonts Refreshments