Andrey VyshinskyBolshevik PartyBolshevismBujarinChekaCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGPUGermanyIV InternationalItalyJohn DeweyKamenevKirovLeninLeninismMussoliniRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSVicente Lombardo ToledanoVoroshílovWorkers PartyWorld WarZinoviev

Workers For the Of the World Unite!
Fourth International!
401 Saturday, March 5, 1938 Cents per Copy 732 In Teachers Union Take Anti War Stand War Moves FDR Offers Trotsky Nails Speeded Up Meager Sop Fresh Attack By Roosevelt To Jobless On His Asylum Prepare To Knit Latines the Independents, who are op. Hundreds of Thousands Answers Toledano Move Known GPU Agent Goes To Mexico Last Surviving Old Bolsheviks Facing Death BUKHARIN WAS ALLY OF STALIN GPU TRIES TO BOLSHEVIKS WPA Rolls Used For Recruiting Into Army on.
NEW YORK referendum on affiliation to the American for Peace and Democracy in Teachers Union, Local 5, resulted in victory for affiliation by a vote of 1, 955 to 732. The vote was preceded by an intensive campaign by the majority group, favoring affiliation, and Bukharin, Rykov, Rakovsky, and Eighteen Others Tried on New Frame up Charges of In posed.
The oppositional vote of 27 Treason and Murder War Alliance percent was the largest ever polBudget Mounts Trial Opens led against the leadership since favorable report by the the present administration took The miserly proportions of the On February 23, 1938, the House Military Affairs Com. control of the union. It showed financial provisions made by the Fears that definite plans Mexican trade union mittee on the notorious May Bill, the considerable growth in in Roosevelt administration for reare on foot to assassinate revised version of the Sheppard. fluence that the Independent lief of mounting unemployment, linist clique under the leaderfederation dominated by a StaLeon Trotsky were heightened BULLETIN Hill Bill, and preparations on the group has enjoyed and also re as compared with the inflated ship of Lombardo Toledano and this week with receipt of word floor of the House for speedy flected a growing and increas war budgets which Congress is that Georges Fournial, Nikolai Krestinsky, former first vice commissar of Foreign passage of the huge special ingly intelligent appreciation of being asked to vote, have been the Mexican Communist Party)
Hernan Laborde, secretary of known agent of Stalin GPU, Affairs, ripped the Stalin frame up fabric wide open at the open.
Naval Appropriations, last week the real nature of collective brought into prominence by the has arrived in Mexico City.
without any previous discusing session of the Trial of 21 on Mar. 2, by repudiating his brought the Roosevelt war pro security the issue around 250, 000, 000 deficiency relief apostensibly as delegate of the sion adopted a resolution atgram to new heights. Overwhelm which the referendum campaign propriation confession that he had engaged in espionage at the direct International of Educational ing endorsement by Congress of was fought.
Roosevelt for the remainder op! tacking Leon Trotsky and reWorkers, one of those vague orders of Leon Trotsky.
The Independents waged their the fiscal year ending June 30.
the Naval Appropriations was peating all the slanders concoctpaper organizations which To an astounded court, Krestinsky declared: am not guilty!
freely predicted for the near fight against affiliation, not on ed by Stalin against the lead According to an estimate made serve the Kremlin Borgin as ers of the October Revolution future, with the authorized sum the basis of futile pacifist isola. by the administration, this dea cover for his international never was a spy!
NIKOLAI BUKHARIN in all probability going far be tionism but upon a program officiency appropriation, it passed anders which were comp. plottings.
When Judge Ulrich reminded him that he had con yond the 800, 000, 000 originally militant workers action against will enable the to emFournial arrival at the sheer frame up by the impart.
fessed, Krestinsky repeated: am not guilty!
the capitalist war makers. In the ploy an additional 2, 500, 000 ial Commission of Inquiry unplace of Trotsky asylum followed revelation in last week Thousands of telegrams from course of the struggle the Inde: people between now and the end der the leadership of Dr. John Socialist Appeal that a man With the customary suddenness that characterized all jingo organizations were pouring measure of union democracy from Dewey. The following is the named Rossi, alias Rous, the the previous frame up trials, Moscow announced at the into text of Comrade Trotsky re.
Washington demanding an administration that had to Revolutionary Criticism actual murderer of Ignace end of last week its plans to open up passage of the Sheppard Hill learn that it could not so easily Reiss in Switzerland last year, May Bill. In its present form railroad its policies through.
The Stalinist. controlled Nation Bed this infamous resolution.
had been assigned the job of al Executive Committee of the lives of 21 men, headed by such this measure provides for uniWorkers Alliance, has taken is By Leon Trotsky murdering Trotsky. Among the Russian Revolution as Alexis Rykov, Lenin successor versal conscripween the ages. draft) of all Rossi belongings were found sue with Aubrey Williams, assist COYOACAN, Feb. 24. as Chairman of the Council of People Commissars, Nikomale citizens ant administrator, on Mr. Lombardo Toledano and his a map of Mexico City and of 21 and 31, a proposal unpresuburbs, a map of Mexico, a lai Bukharin, former chairman of the Communist Internacedented in American peace time this figure and has declared that clique, after lengthy and assidutional who, together with Rykov and Stalin, formed the the appropriation is sufficient to ous preparation, have made a number of American addresses, history.
and, most important of all, a Chinese Comrades Spike ruling trio in Russia from 1925 to 1929, and Christian give employment to an additional malicious attempt to deceive pubduplicate of Roeni applicaRakovsky, first head of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic.
Military Dictatorship 2, 900, 000 people, or 400, 000 more lic opinion in this country. The tion for a visa to visit Mexico.
Stalinist Charges Henrik Yagoda, until recently the head of the who than official estimate. material on which they based Along with the draft section is By this they intend to convey themselves at the February Co.
Against Them organized the two big trials against Zinoviev Kamenev included blanket authorization in 1936 and Radek Pyatakov in 1937, is also included.
the idea that Williams is just vention of the Confederation of and his kind by several heads.
for a one hundred percent militholding out on the unemployed. Trade Unions of Mexico (C. The Commission, point by point, Tying in closely with the inCharges Go Back to 1921!
ary dictatorship not merely for This is in line with their general does not represent anything refuted all the accusations of Ya ternational campaign being con. The accusations against the 21, who have been senthe time of the war, but as long policy of directing their revolu new: it is the material of Yagoda, Yeshov, Vyshinsky, Stalin, ducted by the Stalinists against tenced in advance by the Stalinist machine, exceed by far as the emergency might last.
tionary criticism, not against goda, Yezhov, Vyshinsky, is and their international lackeys. the revolutionists gathered under anything that has yet been witnessed. The defendants are legal basis is given for the Military. Relief Agencies the capitalist system and its po the material of Stalin. On the The twenty first paragraph of the the hanner of the Fourth Inter not only charged with the murder of Kiroy, but with hay definition on all forms of labor Cooperate To Put litical administration as a whole, basis of this material thousands verdict states: We find the Pro national, a violent lynch drive, ing assassinated Maxim Gorky, Kuibyshev, and and trade union activity as treasMen In Uniform but against the bad capitalists of people have been shot. Their secutor fantastically falsified with provocation and slander as Menzhinsky, ex chief of the the economic royalists, and the only guilt was that they detested Trotsky role before, during, and its instruments, is being waged As if this were not sufficiently fantastic, the announcecrisis in European affairs served The Roosevelt Administration ington. As the resentieth century ehique cando el contempt term its is exactly en is berpantastic task of China (Bolshevik Leninists, ment of the trial includes the charge that Leon Trotsky identity of collective security channel for recruiting for the do all the reformists of the class teriai which Lombardo Toledano the slanders of Mr. Toledano, and here from our comrades in another one since 1926, and that Bukharin, Trotsky and and isolation. Prime Minister rext war. This came out into the sical schools.
uses in order to deceive Mexican his helpers.
Shanghai dear with Mussolini served to York Times reported that the find the Staliniats completely si cessary evaluation in the findIt is not at all surprising to public opinion received the neLeading the campaign in China after the revolution, to overturn the Soviet Government Real Views Available is Chen Shao yi (known abroad by murdering Lenin, Stalin and Sverdlov!
dampen temporarily the enthus u. army recruiting service had lent on the fact that people ings of the International Inquiry iasm of the quarantine the ag asked the up state for Champion Roosevelt first sent his Commission at New York. In moto al. They are set forth in my sentative on the Executive ComMy real politics are accessible as Wang Ming. Chinese repreStalin in Desperation whole, and to distract attention bloc The of Congressmen: lists of unmarried word om home 250, 000, 000 appropriation request ral height, past, irreproachabil books and articles. As in October, mittee of the Communist Inter.
but this bloc joined as one with or work relief, in order to get to Congress and only afterwards ity of reputation, personal dis. 1917, defend the interests and national, who under the protect charges reveals that in this de Stalin has become supremely very wording of the from the utter collapse of his the Congressional isolationists to them to enlist for military ser called the people (i. e. the interestedness, ench member of rights of the workers and peas. Kuomintang government at Han grant contradictions in the pre. son in his right mind, who hus howl for still larger naval and vice.
military armament as the ansAccording to the report, the of the Workers Alliance) this Commission, beginning with ants in the against kow, where he arrived recently vious trials, to rid himself of all the lightest knowledge of the wer to the European events. therefore sent out letters into consultation, its president, Dr. John Dewey, the new, insatiable and tyrannic. from Moscow, is calling for the possible critics and opponents, Russian Revolution, can place the (Continued on page Continued on page 2) surpasses Lombardo Toledano (Continued on page Wings of Democracy (Continued on page 1) to terrorize the population as a slightest credence in the outrageously absurd accusations The Administration is utilizing that are levelled at the defendthe European crisis as a springants.
board for refemphasizing the Stalin has again succeedfundamental plank in its imper.
ed in extorting confessions from ialist poliey: namely, undisputed his prisoners, confessions written domination over the entire two American continents. BUKHARIN came illegally to the United ary movement since 1900. Arrest. 1896: participuted in labor mo served until 1916. Active parti sion, where as chairman of the for them in advance, goes with Six of the gigantic new army Born 1888. One of the lead.
bombers, by far the most power ers and theoreticians of the the Novy Mir.
neva in 1902, immediately sent and France. 1896 1903: worked Petrograd. 1920: appointed to the work on the drafting of the frame up system that would ful fighting planes in existence: member of the made his way to Moscow through work. Participated in 1905 revo rated on Lenin Iskra (undel pen under Stalin. Organizer After the February revolution back to Russia for underground in Rumania and Russia; collabo post in Cheka, became head of Five Year Plan.
follow if the men were brought 1929: deputy People Comnis into a public court.
Panama and Peru to play the or of Pravda, member of the Japan and Siberia.
lution, member of Petersburg name of Insarov. 1907: arrested of Zinoviev Kamenev trial. sar of Agriculture But whatever the prisoners star role at the inauguration of Small Soviet EncycloAll his qualities make Buk Soviet of Workers Deputies. by Rumanian government and deRose with Stalin; appointed by feel themselves compelled to rethe new President of Argentina, pedia. Son of a school teacher. harin one of the best beloved 1906: exiled to Siberia, escaped ported. During Balkan wars and GRINKO latter to Commissariat of Finpeat by heart in court, nothing the rich banker and industrialist, Participated as high school stu personalities of the Russian reto Moscow. 1907: arrested and World War arrested on several ance, from which post he was in the world can make the charges Roberto Ortix. The peoples of dent in 1905 revolution. Entered volution. Small Encyclopedia. exiled to Taganrog. Went abroad, occasions. 1915: Participated in removed during the recent purge. stick.
the Central and South American Bolshevik party in 1906. Mem.
Referred to by Lenin in his returning to Russia in Summer Zimmerwald Conference. May Born 1890. Participated in re.
nations were being told in no ber of Moscow Committee, 1908. Testament as the most valuable of 1909. Arrested almost imme. 1917: freed from prison by Rus volutionary movement (with the KRESTINSKY Ex Ally of Stalin uncertain terms just which side Arrested several times. Exiled at and biggest theoretician of the diately, escaped, arrested (persian soldiers. January March Social Revolutionists) at age of their bread is buttered on.
The only association between Born 1883: Old Bolshevik. Son end of 1910 to Onega, whence he party, and the favorite of the formance repeated many times 1918: headed struggle against 16. Expelled from university in wave channels were granted to connected with Lenin, who, im the Communist International.
At the same time new short escaped abroad. Became closely whole party. 1919 1926: head of ever. Exiled in Narym when counter revolution in the Ukraine, 1913 for participating in student of a high school teacher. In re the Bukharin Rykov, group and the General Electric Company mediately recognized his great After his capitulation to Sta ber of Presidium of Moscow So People Commissars in the UK where he remained until 1917. 1902; joined party in 1903. Ar but with Stalin. Between 1928 and one of its subsidiaries for abilities and talent.
daily non commercial broadboy salinsente live real ropean tour first Council of People Commis: land. 1925 1927: ambassador to where he was promoted to rank After February revolution, mem and Voroshilov marched aim in casts to South America, and Austrian police as a spy but Paris. At approximately the sars as Commissar of the Inter France. Oppositionist: expelled, officer After Cctober revolu: ber of Ural provincial commit. arm in relentless crusade same time, Rakovsky was sent to ior. February 1918: Lenin de exiled, capitulated in 1934. Sant tion worked in the Ukraine as tee and of Ekaterinburg city gainst Trotsky and his supportU. Government broadcasts in plans were announced for direct was set free on intervention of Japan. These trips will undoubt. puty in Council of People Com by Stalin to Japan (undoubtedly member of the Borothysti (left committee. October 1917: elect ers. At the end of that period, Austrian Socialists. Says the the same direction. The sugared Small Encyclopedia: this chargedly be used in the trial to estab missars and Council of Labor and in preparation for the trial. Ap. wing of the Ukrainian od Commissar of Justice. August, during which the four and their liness thus enters into big scale was too absurd. Deported to and foreign enemies.
lish links between the defendants Chairman of Council of Peopie Medical Institute. Arrested after of Gynecological which fused in 1920 with the 1918 to end of 1922: served as associates mutually defended People Commissar of Finance. each other, Bukharin Rykov.
competition with the broadeasts Switzerland. In 1915 went to Bukharin was one of the com buro since 1919. One of most Commissars. Member of Polit Zinoviev Kamenev trial.
1919 1926: worked in Ukrain 1917 1921: member of Central Tomsky were opened up on by from Germany, Italy and Eng. Sweden, where the Swedish policemittee of 30 which drafted the highly honored personages in the ian Soviet government, occupying Committee of party. 1919 1921: the Stalin machine, which threatland.
arrested him as an agent of Stalin Constitution. YAGODA several important posts (member secretary of the Central Commit ened them with expulsion unless Soviet Union.
Simultaneously, rumors were Lenin for his anti militarist of All Ukrainian Revolutionary tee. Member of Central Execut they capitulated, which they Born 1891. Son of an artisan Military Committee; People ive Committee of the Soviets finally did.
revived about the possibilities of Official Stalinist biography states Commissar of Education; chair under Lenin. October 1921: made The right wing faction of Buka Pan American military alliance, propaganda, charging him with RYKOV In spite of the fact that for years alleged preparations to blow up RAKOVSKY that he was active in the revoman of State Planning Commis. Soviet Ambassador to Berlin. harin was restored to important Secretary Hull has denied any bridges and throw bombs.
his sion; Chairman of Ukrainian 1922: participated in Hague Con Soviet and party positions and lutionary movement since Born 1881. One of the most thought of such a plan, last week Deported from Sweden. Went to eminent members of the Bolshevik 1889: participated in revolution rested in Moscow in 1911, and ex 1926 1929: vice chairman Born 1873. Old revolutionist. youth. Joined party in 1907. Ar Council of People Commissars. ference. Originally in Opposition simply resumed their previous of Capitulated to Stalin.
campaign against Trotskyism. Continued on page 3) Norway, then Denmark. Finally party. Participant in revolution ary movement in Bulgaria. 1890 iled. Drafted into army in 1916; Soviet State Planning Commis. Continued on page Continued on page Last of Lenin Colleagues Face Doom Mass Meeting FRIDAY, MARCH 4, P.
Speaker MAX SHACHTMAN Editor, Socialist Appeal Stuyvesant Casino, Second Ave, and Ninth Street