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February 26, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Page Fresh Light Is Cast On Poyntz Case War Mobilization Plans Provide Detroit Scene Virtual Fascist Regime For Labor Of Jingo Orgy Lynn Workers Protest Hill Sheppard Bill By Stalinists annetun menys: Britain Seeking Four Power Pact Against can Where Is She?
SOVIET UNION NOTES French Newspaper Investigates Activities of Murder Agents Tells Of Schemes BY DAVE COWLES 1o Encompass Death Of Ignace Reiss By JOHN WRIGHT The danger of imperialist war now confronts American workers.
The French press has reflected the great indignation and It is they who are to fight. It LYNN, Mass. By unanimous vote, the 245 membPanay Bombing Pictures resentment that has been aroused by the action of the French is they who are to die. They musters of the United Restaurant, Beverage, and Allied Food Tresca Links Mystery Of know what war means to them Workers, Union No. 701, adopted a resolution op Shown At Convention judicial authorities in allowing a agent, implicated in Missing Woman To and what they mean to do about posing the Hill Sheppard Bill (H. 6704. which pro Discussion the murder of Ignace Reiss, to escape. The newspaper le Jour war when it breaks out.
vides for industrial mobilization for the coming war.
undertook an independent investigation into the case, and on Rubens Affair War will involve millions of the text of the resolution, as follows, was forwarded February appeared with the following headlines: DETROIT. The Communist SPIEGELGLASS, HEAD OF ORDERED REISS with it the wholesale destruction Lodge, Jr. Congressman Lawrence Connery, 7th event Annual Convention (in MURDER IN PARIS.
By JUNIUS Wards 2, 4, 6, 8) invites you to Congressional District, and the House Military Affairs FOR THE FIRST TIME SOVIET AGENTS HAVE OVERThe week developments in are some, unemployed and old its pre convention discussions STEPPED THEIR CUSTOMARY CAUTION.
the widening expose of the actipeople, who think that war will Committee: which are open to the public. Whereas, Bill 6704 pretends merely to regulate proAfter recounting the details surrounding the murder of vities in this country of Stalin mean jobs and high wages for duction and prevent war profiteering, but is in essence an attempt The pre convention discussions Reiss, le Jour charges that Spiegelglass had been sent to Paris them in the rear. an expose set in motion will be on. For the right to by the Robinson Rubens arrests on a special mission to effect a purge among the secret agents They are fooling themselves to subject American labor to a fascist regime in the event of work, for a decent American in Moscow last December threw and deluding others.
war; and standard of living. 2) How there. When the Grosovsky couple, to whom Reiss had entrusted new light on Stalinist connecWhat war will mean at home Whereas, The fascist nature of this bill is revealed by the to prevent war why we must his letter to the Kremlin, which was to be forwarded with the tions with the mysterious diplomatic mail, handed over the letter to Spiegelglass, the latter has already been decided by the extraordinary powers it gives the president to fix wages and fight for economic sanctions and Rubens and heightened the sig.
War Department in its Industrial immediately ordered the assassination of Reiss.
collective security. Additional other conditions of employment and by the penalties, provided nificance of the charge made by Mobilization Plan. This plan has JULIET POYNTZ for in this bill, of 1, 000, or a year imprisonment, or both, feature will be the showing of Carlo Tresca, anti fascist leader, been developed since 1921; it was Murder Operatives Summoned the famous movie Sinking of the imposed on anyone who attempts to change conditions otherwise discovered accidentally by a Sethat the mysterious disappearPanay. Admission free.
than is provided in the bill, so that in effect the right to strike You are welcome. leafTwo agents were summoned. We cite from the nate Committee investigating munitions. After seeing the plan, and other collective action of mutual aid and protection by the let. article: One of these Russian agents was resident in Paris, the a prominent Communist the committee announced that American workers is prohibited; and So Party leader, is linked with the a couple of benighted other, according to our information, was merely passing through.
Rubens case. the price of a war may be act Whereas, Bill 6701 is supported by those militarist and Trotskyites ambled up in But it so happened that these two men chosen for the task found ual operating dictatorship, under reactionary interests which have sought in the past to introduce search of enlightenment, thinking Tresca, summoned before a different excuses for evading it. One pleaded an urgent mission, Federal Grand Jury in New military control, in this country. measures expressly providing for drafted labor during a war, they might participate in the the second found some other excuse. But one of these two agents, York, is reported to have given and when said measures were defeated are now attempting by pre. convention discussion.
the non resident in Paris, was amicably inclined toward Reiss.
the names of more than fifteen To Conscript Labor means of Bill 6704, which in substance would provide for Some 100 150 of the faithful hadi He wished to warn him of the terrible danger that threatened.
witnesses who could gathered.
The purpose of the plan is to drafted labor, to legalize their reactionary intent; now, there.
Tell it to Reiss personally? That would compromise him beyond charge that Miss Opport his Deal With Mussolini and conscript industry and labor for fore, be it Audience Yawns repair. He hit upon an ingenious method to do so without re ured or kidnapped to the So Hitler Aims To Isolate war purposes. Actually, it would Resolved, that we record our absolute opposition to vealing his identity. He phoned Reiss, who was in a cafe, and viet Union by the beSoviet Union establish a military fascist dic 6701 as a menace to organized labor, and that we throw our One William Allen was har. said: This is speaking. Then he hung up. He repeated this cause she knew too much about tatorship in the United States. full weight into the effort to defeat this reactionary and militar. anguing them on details of the procedure three times.
the s activities, including The plan calls for the establishist Hill Sheppard Bill 6704.
Economic Royalists plot to em According to the further account, Reiss, who was an exthe mysterious Rubens affair (Continued from page 1) ment of an Army and Navy Mubarrass Our President and how perienced man, immediately gathered what was up, and on the Daily Finds It Too Hot nitions Board, made up of mi the War Labor Administrator, of fixing wages would be in the a decent American standard of next day departed for Holland, where he visited a friend, leavin cooperation with industry. hands of a commission made up living could be had under the he spoke of a final settlementaries of war and the navy. The to determine labor require mainly of representatives of bik present system by The Stalinist Daily Worker among these powers and pleaded board will have power to promote ments. Also, it is his job to business. It is this situation that shoulder to shoulder with standing ing with him a copy of his famous letter. Then he departed for Switzerland where he was murdered. According to le Jour, the continued to curse Tresca, but for an understanding of one anhas not dared to refer to its erst other aims and objects. agent who left for Russia has not been heard of since. The orderly mobilization of industry keep together, so far as condi compels the senate committee to People of Wards 2, 4, 6, 8, while outstanding woman leader other agent received instructions to come to Moscow immediately, The for war, and there is specific pro tions will permit, the job and the conclude that the position of go forth and do your duty. The otherwise than by cautiously will confine itself, he hopes, to taken by the Munitions Board and forty five years of age are. peace which Chamberlain seeks vision that approval of action worker. Those between eighteen labor would be intolerable. exhilarated audience yawned aand had even bought his ticket, but at the last moment decided describing her as an American Western Europe alone. To get is not required.
Any labor leaders who fight few times and the lights went out not to go. He remains in Paris under the protection of the French woman as if she had never this he will offer Hitler Eastern of course, conscripted. Children against these intolerable con for a little Stalinist culture police.
been for years on end a comrade Europe, to pluck there what he power over the life of the country, whenever the In short, the board has supreme under sixteen may be exploited ditions will be dealt with quickly The Sinking of the Panay.
and close confidante of Earl Administration either by martial law or by ter The good ship Panay was Makes Complaint Of Double. Cross Browder and company in the This includes complete control of thinks it necessary.
mination of exemption from mi depicted on an errand of mere Central Committee of the ComEden resigned not because he the press, since another provi.
litary service. The plan provides when along came the horrible As for Grosovskaya, the article implies that she might not opposed this course but because sion gives it power to co ordinate Women and Children Too munist Party!
that he who. shall fail or Jap and sent it to Davey Jones have left France voluntarily. Le Jour reports a conversation On Feb. 22, Hearst New ceeding with too much haste and activities so as to insure that statutes of the various states ts martial law. Any woriter who of it? Any good Stalinist can he thinks Chamberlain is pro and direet the national publicity Women are also included: The neglect fully to perform any duty Incker. True, the film did not she is alleged to have had with Soviet diplomats in which she York Journal and American too little finesse, and fears shall be tried show the actual bombing. What complained that they had not kept their promise to her not to quoted State Department offi will concede he the purposes, views, and progress preseribe certain restrictions in have her involved in the case. They reassured her. She is also more than cials as saying that Rubens was healthy. On reported to have been considerably disturbed over the fact that fundamentals of the war are properly and ide the hours and conditions of ent refuses to act as a strike break. supply the details. But it dia Old Glory fluttering she had received no word from her husband, who had fled to in reality an agents. Eden assured the Commons, there quately presented to the people ployment of women and minors er when so ordered will be tried show and that connection between was and still is complete accord and that the aid of public opinbe brought about through regula, poning active army service for patriotic claque vigorously apin industry. Other restrictions are for treason.
proudly in the breeze three or Moscow several weeks before.
The plan also provides for post four times. And each time, the Rubens and a man calling him France Will Follow is enlisted to the fullest possible tions issued by various authorized The editors of the Russian Bulletin (No. 62 63) cite the self Mr. Weston, who posed as France, unable to pursue an extent in behalf thereof.
an under secretary of state and independent policy, will have to following facts relating to the activities of one Beletsky, agent masquerading as Soviet trade representative in Paris: It was taken into custody last week orient itselt now on the new fascist dictatorship there are and in other ways. Many of these However, the Senate committee claque became less enthusiastic.
In the plan for a military agreements with trade unions, job. This is called deferment. did not spread, and even the was Beletsky who issued instructions to Gertrude Schildach, one after he had applied for 25 pass course Britain has charted. That plenty of provisions for worker regulations and restrictions are points out that the Government Soon it was over. Instead of the of Reiss assassins. Not trusting her fully, he had her shadowed.
port application blanks, has this will not take place without at the rear. War Labor Adbeen proved.
could break any Stalinists marching out in serriHe not only instructed Schildach to take an appartment with new internal convulsions may be ministration is set up to handle to the well being of either the strike simply by cancelling the ed ranks to join the Marines, expedient rather than necessary authorities Rossi, the actual killer, in a hotel, but visited them there a few tovrestimatore fel is het indertaken for certain, for France is them. The head of it. the War tation or the workers. There na deferments of the strike leaders they, yawned again.
days prior to the assassination. It was he who gave Schildach Feature Mickey Mouse and Rossi a box of poisoned candy intended for Reiss, his wife istence of friendly connections working class remains a gigantic Council to advise him which is tion of some of these regulations cessary and drafting them into and child. The editors further declare that there are any number between Mrs. Rubens, who but still untested element in a packed with employers and mi and restrictions may well be wus the army. In short, fighting for is being held incommunicado in situation that can be completely litary men. This council is to pended.
In a minute, the apathy was of witnesses available to testify concerning Beletsky activity.
a Stalin prison cell in Moscow, transformed overnight should the solve the problem of how to endecent wages and living condigone. Applause rang out, and extions will be punished either by For example, a German emigre a woman, broke with Beletsky and Christian Rudewitz of Wis French workers take the path of sure that there are no strikes to treme exploitation and oppos death at home or death at the clamations of delight filled the To complete the picture of exand Co. after the murder of Reiss. Beletsky came to her rooms consin, whose naturalization revolution.
hall. The next item on the prestop war production. It will also sion that will be carried on in the front.
and threatened that unless she immediately left for Moscow she papers Rubens (her supposed convention discussion was to be Their reaction will be condi figure out wages, hours, and con country, the plan provides for a would suffer the same fate as Reiss.
husband) was earlier said to tioned in part by what happens ditions of work, how to make the Legal Council which is to brush May Be Extended a showing of Mickey Mouse!
have stolen.
The military dictatorship which Mouse was to have been Willie The speaker following Mickey The State Department conti of its democratic friends in those of non union men, and aside the sham of reform and nues to maintain silence, despite London and Paris, who bought where and how women and child capitalist legality by recommend will take power during the war Weinstone. But he was ill well the Robinson Rubens dos the still vital forces of the Spanincreasing demands that it open it cheap from Moscow. Whether ren should be put to work.
ing the suspension in whole of the war. The plan provides that he might be. so a Mary Himoff in part of such restrictions on sier and reveal the full facts ish proletariat will permit them Strikes To Be Smashed the exploitation of women and it will remain in full force and batted for him. The usual blahThe drive is on. Comrades are 2nd Prize (to the comrade getabout Stalin plot to stir up a selves to be crushed as the vicchildren as the state laws and effect for the duration of such blah about collective security.
reactionary, war inspiring spy About these provisions, the Se union contracts provide. Further war and thereafter until Con only done up in the most approv. already taking advantage of the ting the second highest number ed kindergarten manner. improvement in the Appeal and of subs) a choice of one of the scare in the United States. The time of Chamberlain final set nate committee remarked that more, agencies may be estab gress shall declare the emergency Then came the discussion. have spontaneously started drives following books: the attitude of military tlement is another imponderdepartment behavior, it men lished for the purpose of Modern Library Edition learned, may shortly become a able that remains to be weished may be hostile to strikes evening women. for duty Ceruit. created by such war to be at an Is the Communist Party for in their own locals.
The dictatorship, by not Carmen Mikosz of Toledo, of the 1st volume of Capital.
subject for discussion on the in the scale of events.
in peace. Those workers who armed forces.
permitting Congress to meet, or for against Roosevelt billionOhio, writes in and says, Cheers The Case of Leon Trot.
floor of Congress.
have got tear gas instead of wage packing Congress so that it does, dollar navy budget? asks Washington, concerned first of increases from employers, and Wages Attacked for the Appeal! Each succeeding sky.
not declare the emergency creat. Trotskyite. Stalin School of Falsifie: all with mobilizing this hemis martial law from the National ed by such war to be at an end.
VANGUARD GROUP FORUM No, lies the speaker, shout issue has more and more keenly The effects of war on the can continue in power.
phere talk of a Pan American Guard called out to break a strike living standards of the workers ing, and besides turn around expressed and reflected the pro ation (Leon Trotsky) Russia Twenty Public Lecture are After (Victor Serge. The Communist Party has taken and get a good look at him. He gress of the class struggle of the JAMES RORTY mutual assistance pact started in time of peace, can picture what at home will be disastrous. The lits stand on war and fascism, is an enemy of the people and American worker. We will happen to wages and condi cost of living will skyrocket, but it backs Roosevelt war plans, a disruptoir of the peaco move send us some Appeal blank. After Lenin (Leon Trotsky. to circulate this week as sixtions in time of war. The Third International planning a drive for subs. Please well known author SUBJECT: the workers will not be able to Whatever doubts may have re ment.
What Price great fiying fortresses made a Workers who are dissatisfied get higher wages. The same semained should have been dispel (We know you ll use the blanks, In case of a tie, the prizes will Machiavellianism? spectacular flight Buenos with wages and tions will nate committee reported that a led when Earl Browder wrote in Sauce For the Goose comrade Mikosz you have used be awarded to both contestants discussion of the policies Aires can afford to look on not be able to strike. They will determined effort to keep wages the New Republic: In our a lot of them in the past. of Stalinist liberal journalism. But, asks another, If the Figures to be Given warily at the developments in not be able to move to another down is possible in the next war. country the task is to organize French e. voted for the militSunday, Feb. 27, at 30 Akron Spurts Forward Europe. American imperialism is ing job. They will be bound like speaking for financial interests, President policy. But the Pre the American From this week until the end.
Vanguard Hall, 22 17th St. New York City In1. Admission: 15 cents. the chief participant in the com Under the plan, it is the duty of the fixing of calmarecommended sident por ley leads to war and the navar appropriationupporting. letter from Charles Martell. lished as to the standing of locals war to fascism.
ing war, but also the arbiter. It a lie. shouts the speak bundle order to 40. We have recreases in bundle orders and Opposition to war and fascism, er, and besides get a good look cently been having much better subs (and decreases, if there sincerely meant and carried into at another enemy of the people. sales at union meetings, ete: than are any) will be made known to action, means a fight against ca If it O. to support the heretofore. This is partly due everyone.
At the moment, Chicago has IN HONOR OF once the war is on and the go it up? queries a puzzled work activity on our part. We hope possibilities of going much farvernment is conscripting all into er.
continually to increase our order ther and admits it. Continued from page 1) role in the verdict of that com the armed forces, means nothing mission which found Trotsky and if it consists of words alone. Op. manner, You don work, comrade Martell, The speaker purrs in the best right up to. Der Tag. Good How about California. Go afbut mained at his tasks in Paris. The Sedoff both innocent of the position must take specific action, understand, comrade.
ter those Labor Action subscribe Akron can do much better. ers!
following August came the Moscharges levelled against them by We must use the weapons, not cow trials and Trotsky intern Stalin court.
Karl Shier of Chicago thanks against the workers of other The pre convention is over.
Minneapolis pays but it should worker approaches one of us for the build up we gave him be a small job to double the Ap devoted fighter in the cause of organizing the defense, of gather. prives Leon and Natalia Trotsky government, which has flung us the Trotskyites and asks him a couple of weeks ago but says peal bundle order, at once.
ment in Norway. The task of The death of Leon Sedoff de countries but against our own the international working class ing all the essential material of their last child, unless Sergei into war.
Here in New York, Abe Miller, pierces the hall, Stay away from that when Chicago does organize who has taken over the whole who died in Paris, Feb. 16, 1938.
from all corners of Europe, of Trotsky is still alive somewhere dungeons. In her absence, Zinaida him! He poison!
challenging the accusers and in a will be flowing into the Appeal the Appeal bundle will be in.
literature set up, promises that making them take the stand be savage vendetta with which sta and her son, Vsevelod, were de.
SPEAKERS: fore world opinion as the accus lin has pursued the standard prived of their citizenship and creased by hundreds in the near ed, fell in those first months bearer of Marx and of Lenin has refused permission to return to The APPEAL Drive future.
Max Shachtman upon the shoulders of Leon Se extended unto his children and Russia John Boulds in Plentywood.
doff, who was also named as one those whom his children have Editor, Socialist Appeal of the defendants in the Moscow married.
her efforts to return to Russia, to frame up.
but in vain. At the end of 1982, Maurice Spector His Daughters that the Appeal is becoming ago that he was snowed in but (Continued from page 1) newspaper. How about doub. Don let anyone tell you that the sent in a couple of subs anyway.
the German government ordered Through articles and stateher expelled. III, with nowhere to Hng your bundle order again, Appeal doesn have a circula: Editorial Board, New International ments in the bourgeois press Nina, his younger daughter, and most of all through his re died in Russia in 1928 shortly turn, and scared by the calumn course, the American Legion. comrade Dean. tion among the farmers.
Ernest Erber markable work, Le Livre Rouge, after Trotsky was exiled. She is heaped upon her father, Zi The Legion, the Appeal sources Prizes are being offered to of information disclose, by agree comrades obtaining the greatest a shattering exposure of the was denied by Stalin the medical haide on January 5, 1933, comment with the authorities was to number of Appeal subs each Six Pages Needed mitted suicide.
National Chairman, Young People Socialist League frame ups, Sedoff carried on the attention and care that might fight which his father, interned, have saved her life.
We hope that we ll be able to Sergei, the younger son, was oppose the war referendum pro month in the course of the Drive, was powerless for the moment SUNDAY EVENING, FEB. 27, at P.
arrested by Stalin in 1934 to ject and back the Sheppard Hill which opens officially on Mon say something about Philadelphia Zinaida, his elder daughter, gether with his wife. Their fate industrial mobilization and labor day, February 21: to lead.
next week. Comrade Sol Thomas has had many difficulties to con.
After Trotsky went to Mexico January, 1931, to visit Trotsky at is still unknown.
conscription bill.
1st Prize choice of one of tend with, but we are expecting and the movement for an inter Prinkipo. She ieft behind Leon wife and son were left Representative May, who is in the following books: some action from him in the near national inquiry took concrete daughter by an earlier marriage behind in Russia when he went charge of this legislation, has Lundeberg Sixty Fa future.
form with the creation of the in the care of her mother, Trot been learned.
Dewey Commission, Sedoff, still sky first wife, Alexandra Lvov.
categorically denied that the bill History of the Russian New York City We need a six page paper to in Paris, gathered and collated na Bronstein. The fate of both The only survivor is Vreveled, has been shorn of its labo con Revolution (3 volumes in 11 by make more room for a full ro Auspices, Socialist Workers Party, Local New York a great part of the voluminous Alexandra Lvovna, the child, and the 12 year old son of Zinaid, scription provisions, which re Leon Trotsky.
port. Push this drive and make evidence, the facts and deposi Zinaida hushand, is unknown. who has been under Leon care main incorporated, although dis World Revolution (C. it possible to enlarge the Appeal tions which played so great alall have disappeared into Stalin in Paris, where he still remains guised in general term. James. by the time the drive is over, Appeal Drive On with the end.
Years Memorial Meeting Sedoff Dies in Paris After Sudden Illness preparations. Opposition to war. why not have a big navy to back and partly due to more intense shown the most activity but hos Leon Sedoff Secret Meetings She went to Berlin, continuing Hear War Plans Edward Dean of Berkeley, Calle Montana. cold win a slew weekly.
MANHATTAN PLAZA, 66 4th Street