CominternCommunismFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

Workers For the Of the World Unite!
Fourth International!
401 Saturday, February 26, 1938 Cents per Copy Britain Seeks Leon Sedoff Dies In Paris Swiss Court Key Leaders Power Pact After Sudden Operation Finds Hear Details Killed Reiss Against USSR Of Campaign in PLANS LAID AT SECRET MEETING BEAL RECEIVES SOLID BACKING FOR HIS FIGHT Passe when Chancellor Dolfus Defense Group Joined By Geller Files For St. Paul Election Thousands March Behind Trotsky Sees Possibility Bier; Await Results Of Foul Play In Death of Autopsy Of His Son Facts Uncover Moscow Leon Sedorf, eldest son and Guilt In Murder BY LEON TROTSKY closest collaborator of Leon Trotsky, died in Paris on Feb.
COYOACAN, Feb. 18.
at Lausanne Chamberlain Offers Concessions to Rome and 16 after a sudden intestinal operParleys With Army and Navy Chiefs, Financial, The wound is still too fresh Berlin To Form Anti Soviet Bloc; Would ation.
for me to be able to talk yet At the conclusion of an inves Industrial, and Newspaper Barons Prepare Free Britain To Face Japan The circumstances surrounding about Leon Sedoff as of some tigation occupying almost five the tragic and untimely death of one dead. He was not only my months, Way For War Propaganda Drive court authorities Comrade Sedoff, who was only son but my best friend. But there Switzerland have issued a find 32, are as yet unclarified. The is one question upon which am ing to the effect that Ignace PEACE LOVERS DESERT STALIN full results of an autopsy perduty bound to make myself heard Reiss, whose bullet riddled body formed by Paris municipal meimmediately: this question deals was found on September 4, 1937 dical authorities have not yet with the causes of his death near Lausanne, was murdered by The four major imperialist powers of Europe, democ been made known.
must say from the very begin agents of Stalin G. acting The swift pace at which the ruling class is preparing ratie Britain and France, and Fascist Germany and Italy, there were several plots against What is definitely known is that ning that do not have direct on direct orders from the Krem to plunge this country into war with Japan in order to data at my command which would lin in Moscow. Reiss, himself an took long, swift strides this week toward an understand Sedoff life uncovered during the allow me to assert that the death agent of the for many establish American domination of the Pacific was revealed ing designed to iron out or postpone their own conflicts investigation of the of Sedoff is the handiwork of years, had broken with the bloody this week in startling information which, due to a leakage the with each other by clearing the way for an attack on the agents involved in the murder of Bonapartist regime of Stalin and from high and reliable government sources, fell into the Ignace Reiss at Lausanne last In the telegrams that my wife proclaimed his revolutionary ad. hands of the Socialist Appeal.
Soviet Union September and have received from friends herence to the movement for the This was the underlying significance of the spectacular Foul Play Suspected in Paris there is no more infor Fourth International.
This information describes a series of meetings reseries of events that began with Adolf Hitler bloodless mation than that included in the Commenting on this newest cently held by President Roosevelt with key leaders in the conquest of Austria on Feb. 14, followed by the resigna agents confessed, a trap had been On one occasion, these arrested news over the press wires. But development, the Bulletin of the worlds of finance, industry, journalism, labor, and, of should like to give some in Russian Opposition (No. 62 63)
tion of Anthony Eden as British foreign secretary on set for Sedoff. Only by the merest direct information which may, points out that the significance course, the army and navy. The purpose of all of them was Feb. 20, Hitler open challenge for supremacy in Central chance did he escape it. Subse however, have great significance of the Swiss finding lies in this: to prime the pumps of the propaganda machine already at Europe in his Reichstag speech the same day, and the quently he was kept under the Leon Trotsky for the judicial investigation in that it is a factual confirmation work to prepare the American masses for war. G.
of conclusions already arrived at opening of Anglo Italian negotiations this week. agent was found qecupying the procession which bore the Sickness a Surprise on the basis of the political conDetails, which the Appeal has every reason to regard Guarantors Absent room opposite his own.
siderations involved in the Reiss as completely authentic, and which fit in neatly with the That the French police believ body of Comrade Sedoff to Pere 1) It is not true that my son murder.
known orientation of American imperialism, tear the Hitler assumed control in Aus.
ed there was some ground for Lachaise cemetery, the New suffered from a chronie intestintria after serving an ultimatum suspicion of foul play wasindicat. York Times reported.
al disease.
Four Agents Involved The Announcement false pacifist mask from the face of the Roosevelt admi.
on Austrian Chancellor Schusched on February 20 when, accordabout this sickness came as a Red Funeral nige at Berchtesgaden on Feb.
The Swiss authorities have de nistration and expose the conscious preparations being ing to a dispatch to the New complete surprise to his mother finitely established the complicity made for war.
12. The guarantor of Austrian York Times, they withheld per The coffin was wrapped in aanmer of four Wagests: Beletáky, independence were not in evicomo mission for cremation of the red flag. At the cemetery the It is not true that he sup. Sokolov, Grosovsky, and the lat Deliberate War Preparation from the same squrees that Room dence when SchuschniggapThe information reveals that leading newspaper publishers. To pealed for aid and he consequentThousands of Trotsky follow. world revolutionary cause to the past few weeks. have at They had all posed as employees sevelt lately conferred with four cerie Thousandations we held in wrich he devoted his entire life, and the leader neleived by of the Soviet trade organization New York, attended by army opinion, the president drew at ly gave way. Mussolini, who mar.
shalled his battalions at Brenner that came to pay final honors to There is not a word in this lettere sole exception of Lydia Grosovs: rank of admiral, Wall Street passing national unity by playing was assassinated by Nazis in sterling revolutionist.
which is very optimistie in tone, kaya had succeeded in making lawyers representing powerful up alleged threats of war directProminent Educators, 1934 and thus checkmated the Leon was born in Russia 32 about any illness. On the con. their get away.
Nazi putech, now looked on com Liberals, Authors years ago. As a lad, he and his trary, the letter shows that at The Swiss authorities demanded corporations, representatives ofed against the United States, thus placently. For him the Rome brother Sergei followed their that time he had become very the extradition of Grosovskaya the State Department, and are enabling the government itsel Berlin axis is the means of making the Mediterranean an Italian Facing 20 years in prison on an instrument of national policy Switzerland. erland about the murderers of the Stalin machine mobilized all those present agreed to launch in the Far East.
he top willing to strive PrearamedlenmurderedchalkeS. Enters Mayeralty e very consugh their veranderin dhe Samminent trial in Switzero me bencere Site was finally place pour soutenpapel a certain power to compor ele he pregnamento atsed Primary In First France, Spain, the United States, Reiss, and was intending to con its resources and applied diplom a campaign of education to pre Europe upon which he too has the 1929 textile strike in Gastoa Canadian concentration camp, tinue his activity. At Drop of a Nat Campaign nia, is now in prison in Raleigh, and returned with them to the atic pressure. The court hearing pare the American people for 3) The death of Sedoff con her extradition was held secret the use of war as an instrument cast a covetous eye.
triumphs of 1917.
curred evidently in the night of ly, and the decision arrived at was of national This nation used to be ready To imple Great Britain dragging be. North Carolina, having last week de to fight at the drop of a hat, and hind it a reluctant but helpless aition from Massachusetts in first election campaign of the his studies to become a technic. the letter and the death only history: The judge reserved deci. With the cooperation of the State Roosevelt, in thoroughly cha ment its fine pledges to protect Austria. It chose rather to spot for reversal of his nine. Paul Branch has filed Jules Geller did not save him from the venge words, the sickness fully had the the Swiss authorities, and allowed ternational incident involving the to have told the newspaper accept Hitler promise that Aus. year old jail sentence.
as candidate for mayor in the ance and hatred of Stalin. Leon, character of suddenness.
In a statement issued at the municipal primaries.
a growing youth, joined the 4) There is, of course, no basis Bond of 50, 000 francs, which was the lines suggested by the recent Grosovskaya to be set free on a United States and to do this along rons.
trian independence would be move to line up the forces maintained while the Austrian time of his surrender, Beal de Since the Labor Progressive Young Communist League and for doubting the impartiality of Naxis with the new minister of clared that his action in dropping association of St. Paul (Farmer embarked upon a career in the the medico judicial examination furnished by the Soviet trade re sinking of the unboat of labor for the coming war has presentation. She was bound Panay Interior Arthur Seyss Inquart the fight against extradition Labor Association) endorsed a revoiutionary movement. no matter what its conclusions not to leave the Seine department.
been uncovered through informawere. Not being a specialist, Freed on Dec. 20, Grosovskaya To Silence Opposition tion emanating from the same at their head transform the from Massachusetts was mere: member of a capitalist party, a Assembled Material country into a docile appendage, ly a step in carrying out my Democrat, Geller, a trade union permit myself, nevertheless, to sojourned for a time in the quart, The campaign to whip up the which took place recently betsources regarding a conference of German Nazi policy, member, recently arrested on the In 1928 he went with his father point to one important circum ers of a Stalinist diplomat and war spirit will be two fold ween Roosevelt and the labor Britain Seeks Peace face squarely the issues raised the only working class candidate he collected and assembled the possibility of poisoning, then we was not until a week later, that made to patriotic sentiment the chosen understocapitalis have been This was the outcome because by my arrest and sentence.
in the field.
material used by Trotsky in the must remember that the question the border authorities received a need to protect American rights present were President Wm.
writing of his criticism of the is not one of ordinary poisoning description of the fugitive, with abroad. The second and supple Green of the of and a British imperialism, with an Says Return Inevitable Critical Support Draft Program. In February, At the disposal of the GPU. an order to apprehend her: mentary line of attack will be person close to John Lewis of anxious eye on its own slowmoving idealistic, stressing the desir the It is self evident, Beal conrearmament program, Critical support will be given to principo. Remaining there ists and technical means which Plot Trotsky Death has reconciled itself to the inevi. tinued, that had wished to the Labor. Progressive candidates until February, 1931. Leon assum would make the problem of meability of defending the sanctity Roosevelt, it is stated, challengtubility of an expanding Nazi evade those issues permanently for the city council.
Rather than run the risk of hav. of treaties.
ed and offered vigorous protest Reich controlling an ever larger would not have returned to my The step taken by the Labor ship of the Bulletin of the Opticult.
ed responsibility for the editor dical examination more than difing Grosovkaya face the Swiss It was emphasized by those against the support accorded by portion of Central Europe. it native America and certainly Progressive association in endors position, the task he continued to courts, the either abducted attending the conference that labor organizations to the Ludlow has also determined to make would not have attracted attening a Democrat, not even a meni ful60) in the years that followed.
Possibility Exists 5) How could the gain This latest cynical action of the war drive must be silenced as need for labor unity in view of her, or ordered her to escape forces vigorously opposing the Amendment and pointed to the ture a struggle to see who is boldly my views on public ques. Iciation, shows clearly the trend tensive correspondence carried on can reply only hypothetically, opinion.
to my son aroused French public quickly as possible.
possible police action in the Par naihee different parts of Deenin several cases of US master of the Mediterranean at tions. My ultimate return to Another corner of the pacifist East. It is necessary to scare toward popular frontism, and is for some time with Opposition. During the past period there have The editors of the Russian curtain hiding the war prepara the pants off Japan, the prestrongholds of British Imperial once was back in the United workers into the hands of a cat far Russia. Continued on page 2) tions was lifted by revelation sident is reported as saying.
ism in Asia.
pitalist politician who has no in Great Britain has obviously de Beal, formerly a Communist terest in the maintenance of the interrupted thread of his sought connection with my son He went to Berlin to pick up Naturally all those who broke agents breaking with Moscow.
Action Against Japan termined to make peace with Party member, and since his reworkers organizations, civil liber studies, attending the Technische Germany and Italy, whatever the turn from the Sovietrinconey, ties, or in raising the workers Hochschule. In the final monthe characterized him in all his ac Even more startling than these and he with that courage which For Relief Demonstration vouched for as absolutely. cost, in order to turn the sharp critic of the Stalin bureaucracy, standard of living edge of European Antagonisms points out that he has been de The Labor Progressive candi of Hitler, Sedoff had to live an pointments. In connection with liable, that a definite agreement against the and to leave serted by his former allies, the dates, actually Farmer Laborites, almost illegal existence to protect these breaks, was there not some of rain, several thousand trade Though the demonstration was rican and British naval action Parading in a steady downpour heavy rain.
has been reached for joint Ame British hands freer to cope with Stalinists, and appeals for who at least depend upon the himself from the hatred of the kind of trap? can only advance union Workers Alliance members in the vicinity of City Hall, great against Japan. The arrangement, Japan encroachments upon broad front of workers and ti organized workers at the polls. Nazi gangs. After Hitler took this postulation. Others must demonstrated, in the deserted care was taken by the Stalinist entered into by Captain Pin can occasionally act in the in power, he had to flee the country, verify this.
British interests in China. This, berals to come to his defense.
too, Britain hopes to accomplish Hundred Join Committee terest of the masses, under proper leaving Berlin in March, 1933, by turning Japanese attention 6) The French Communist last Saturday afternoon, against stile word should penetrate its division of the Navy Deaway from British dominated Nearly one hundred prominent Party, while giving these candi his parents in July, 1938, when press paid a great deal of atten. lay offs and for increased relief. sacred portals. delegation of partment, during his recent three South China to the rich fields and Americans, among them three dates support, takes no respons: the latter came to France He Sedoff. However, not a single by the Trade Union Committee received by one of his secretaries the British Navy, provides that mines of maritime Siberia. members of Congress leading ibility for the actions of the can. had seen them only briefly the one of the Conmunist papers has Por unemployment Insurance and left polite suggestions for in the event of Japan extending Not Included nomists, have joined the Non and is conducting an independent through France on their way back so much as printed a line about and the Workers Alliance, was corrections in some phases of her naval blockade of the China coast to the British colony of That is why the name of the Partisan Committee for the De campaign, maintaining noorgato Turkey after their visit to from Paris. It was exactly like line of the stalinists, the main The City Hall repaid this poli Hongkong, the United States and Soviet Union invoked once more ſense of Fred Beal, it has been nizational relation with the La Copenhagen, this after the murder by Hitler last Sunday as the one retary of the Committee. Mainbor Progressive association, Ignace slogan being Down with the GO teness by closing down the relief Great Britain Edited Bulletin Reiss in Lausanne. Such kind of families, we want jobs. bureaus on Monday thus giving their warships to break the bloenation Germany regards as an Vote Urged For Geller cautiousness becomes of espe. Several progressive locals of a continuous shutting down of kade.
enemy was so notably absent taining that Beal was innocent Sedoff remained in Paris, how. cially great significance if we the raised the slogan, four days. No arrangements were. The United States, according from the hypocritical speeches of of the charge on which he was Neville Chamberlain and Eden convieted, the Committee is seek. is pointing out that the was an able organizer and writer, questions that are acute for Mos ed and Stalinist marshalls handle the applicants. The Vete fifteen fighting craft and auxThroughout the campaign the ever, editing the Bulletin.
in the House of Commons lasting his vindication and release. only solution to the problems His pseudonym, Markin, ap cow the French prens instrucslogan was not taken up by the parently did not suffer from joint naval array would then, in Monday. The peace of Europe, The three Congressmen who facing the working class, the peared over brilliant and search mintern receives of the Co were kept busy seeing that this rans of Foreign Wars, who ap iliary vessels and Britain six. The upon the attitude of four major who have already joined this etabolition of poverty and degrading studies of the Red Army, tion Trom the through marchers, Chamberlain said, must depend the Stakhanovist People Front inhibitions, pro. Roosevelt own words, try to movement, and the old agent of the The size of the crowd was tested the Monday closing. roll the Japanese navy all the powers, Germany, Italy, France. fort to liberate the labor leader batting of war and fascism, lies other phases of Soviet life. Jacques Duclos, and others. estimated at from five to ten About 2, 000 copies of the So way up the China const.
Trotsky left France for Noromitted the Soviet Union when John Coffee of Tacoma, system and the establishment of way in June, 1985. Sedoff, re announce the fact and pose the stration would undoubtedly been demonstration were well received active war preparations, is, of do not affirm anything. only thousand. The size of the demon cialist Appeal distributed at the Entering the general picture of Continued on page Continued on page 2) a workers state. Continued on page 3) question, greater had it not been for the by the marchers. Continuid on page 3)
Thousands Parade In Rain