BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyDewey CommissionEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyMarxMarxismNazismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

Relief La Roosevelt III.
OR The Dream of Isolation Page SOCIALIST APPEAL February 19, 1938 ous memorandum of Sir Edward Grey and SOCIALIST APPEAL Colonel House which read: VOL. 11. No. Saturday, February 19, 1938 Colonel House told me (Grey) that ANTI LYNCH BILL President Wilson was ready, on hearing Published every week by the from France and England that the moment SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS Speech Did Not Deliver In was opportune, to propose that a Conferat 116 University Place, New York, NY ence should be summoned to put an end to The United States Senate Telephones: Local Office: Gramerey 9142 the war. Should the Allies accept this proNational Office: Algonquin 8547 posal, and should Germany refuse it, the By ALBERT GOLDMAN Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for United States would probably enter the war months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order against Germany.
Gentlemen: Some of you feel rantees an acquittal. In the case cents per copy. Single copies cents.
Like Sir Edward, Cordell Hull is an honthat you have already done your of a governmental subdivision, All checks and money orders should be made orable man. Like Mr. Wilson, Mr. Rooseduty, that is, you have done what which under the proposed law out to the Socialist Appeal.
velt is an honorable man. But the masses BILLION DOLLAR appears to you to be politically will be liable to the party injuradvisable.
were tricked into the last war for deThirty seven of you edo Entered as second class matter September 1, or to his relatives in the sum 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, mocracy by honorable men and the same WAR APPRORIATION who are in favor of the anti of from two thousand to ten under the Act of March 3, 1879.
lynching bill voted to close de thousand dollars, the burden of ones are trying to trick the masses into the ເທ າທ ງໃນອາທ ດໜ next war for democracy.
bate and proceed to a vote. You proving that the official used diMAX SHACHTMAN think that you have thereby ligence is on the government.
If Hull says, No, there are no secret Editor.
cleared your skirts and can go Even there it will not be so difagreements, we say, No, we don believe back to your Negro constituents ficult to prove that the officer HAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES you and your kind. The Russian workers with the claim that you are a did his best to prevent the lynchAssociate Editors.
finally got to the secret files in 1917 and friend of the Negro people. What ing and was overwhelmed by su.
BOB BROWNE proved that those who refused to believe else could anyone expect from perior force.
Business Manager.
the diplomatic liars were justified in their you? Did you not vote in favor In some states there is a law skepticism The American workers will of closing debate and thus bring which makes a governmental Cordell Hull Says No!
some day do likewise with the secret files the bill to a vote, something subdivision absolutely liable for in the White House.
which the two dozen Southern all damage done to property in senators refuse to permit by the course of a riot. Wagner In reply to the questions of Senator their filibuster? And now there could certainly have treated the Hiram Johnson concerning the existence of an alliance, agreement or understandFootnote To Carleton Beals is no use continuing the attempt Negroes at least in the same way, to pass the bill because the fill that is, the bill could have pro.
ing with England in case of war, or any buster will prevent this august vided absolute liability on the Mr. Carleton Beals will be remembered agreement, expressed or implied for joint body from considering other im part of any governmental subdinavy action with another power, Secretary as the gentleman who withdrew from the portant measures!
vision where a lynching occurs.
of State Cordell Hull answered in a letter Dewey Inquiry Commission during its Undoubtedly you will succeed But property is more sacred than to Senator Key Pittman with an emphatic hearing of Leon Trotsky in Mexico City.
in convincing some of the Negro Negroes. NO!
His attacks on Trotsky and the Commis people that you were sincere in The Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral sion promptly made him the darling of the your efforts to pass the Wagner Motive of Southern Senators Leahy, answered similar questions put to Stalinists.
Van Nuys anti lynching bill. But him at sessions of the House Naval Affairs Beals written by the German Nazis. In the Now comes a footnote to the case of Mr. assure you many white and Why are the Southern Senators Committee with just as emphatic a NO. Negro workers will see through so bitterly opposed to a bill, the FREE But the same day the Hull letter was December, 1937, issue of a virulently redthe hypocrisy which is glaringly effectiveness of which can be SOUP evident in the bill itself and in questioned even for the purpose made public in the press, Mr. Arthur Krock, baiting magazine published by them in the attitude of the large bloc of it is intended to serve? Should the New York Times well informed Wash Berlin, Contra Komintern, which describes senators supporting the bill for the bill pass, white masters will ington correspondent, wrote in a dispatch itself as the Fighting Organ of the Antipolitical reasons, continue to have their properties. Feb. 1938) that he is expertly in Bolshevist World Movement and calls they will continue to exploit both formed that, should it at any time serve Trotsky the bloodhound of War Commun Il ypocrisy of Northern Negro and white workers; the the common interests of the two great de ism. one of the instigators of the world Democrats share cropper will continue to mocracies England and the revolution (Page 421. the Nazi editor 703 22 live on the brink of starvation; am afraid that must agree and the Negroes will still be spat their navies would automatically comple writes: ment each other in the Pacific. One of the members of the Inquiry Comwith the reactionary, white upon, reviled and terrorized. The chauvinistie Senators from the Northern States have shown that And efforts to call Mr. Krock for testi mission, the author Carleton Beals, finally South that the bill was introduc lynching can be limited to remony before the House Naval Affairs Com recognized the unworthy role for which he ed with the sole purpose of fsen mittee were voted down under the whip of had allowed himself to be misused and the volutionary workers, as in the abling the Northern Democrats to case of Frank Little, or that it its chairman, Rep. Carl Vinson.
dubious personality for whom he was sup.
make sure of the Negro vote. It can be done with all the legal Whom shall we believe? Correspondent posed to stake his good name. Unequivois common knowledge that many forms, as in the case of Sacen Krock who says Yes or Diplomat Hulically and categorically he declared his with By James Burnham of the Senators from the North and Vanzetti, without in the least who says No to the question: Have the drawal from the committee. Page 423. The idea of collective security was already clear in the Spanish this point is the record.
ern States, where many Negro disturbing the well being of the imperialist bandits secret agreements among Comment superfluous. has never been popular with the war. It was fully shown by the Lastly. Beard knows the real water reside, are actually against capitalist class.
themselves for common war action?
majority of the people of this War of 1914 18. The ramifications direction of Roosevelt program, hebut dare not come out The The arrogance of the ruling With all the respect undoubtedly due to our Great Democratic Government and its Falsifiers of Marx on a number of occasions, most come world wide, and it was fends: That Roosevelt would use and the bill jst essentially bounds. They will not permit any Great Secretary of State, we believe Mr.
conspicuously during the period drawn irresistibly into the vortex take them in (to the next world to fool the Negro voters.
Last Saturday, on the anniversary of following the last war. In spite of world affairs.
war) swiftly if it comes is highly matter of fact, all of you are to do as they please with their Every imperialist power is involved in Lincoln birthday, the Daily Worker in of the fact that the war itself With the last War, the United probable.
constantly occupied with the task niggers. And then there is a of fooling not only the Negro possibility that the Negroes, even dozens of treaties, agreements, under dulged in a veritable orgy of patriotic bally. showed that neutrality for the States became a creditor nation, people but all the people. If you though they may be mistaken, standings kept secret from the masses hoo as the exponent of Twentieth Century United States in a major Euro and has since become the first FAILS TO MAKE and your like did not succeed in will think that there is some and brought into play actively when the Americanism. As could only be expected pean conflict was impossible, as and most powerful of the impe. POSITIVE PROPOSALS power to protect them against the interests of the financial and industrial cerns Lincoln and his social role was falsi ricans wanted to steer clear of nal economy now depends upon about the Roosevelt Browder pro capitalist system for one mo this thought might cause them fied.
its stake in the world market, gram, about collective security, ment? Do you think the white to lift up their heads. The Sonaor Diplomacy is the art of concealing the In wads of quotations including the ein in the Senate. Wilson came back foreign capital investments place? In the debate he makes mit themselves to be exploited, white ruling class of the South truth about these treaties and telling lies evitable quotations from Marxie and amidst from Versailles with his head would be bankrupt, within six o explicit proposals. His views would suffer hunger and miserys are about them. Diplomats are the liars who torial comment, Lincoln fight against anxious to prevent the believe one when none of his predecessors Lincoln sisk mo bhee ultra reactionary New there are and Natiochum The Senate play an ever more crucial role.
practise the art. Why should the masses Negro slavery was extolled, but the full full of the new Treaty, Briand months. Far from decreasing in developed elsewhere in his writ would consent to be cannon fod slightest concession to the people plans for collective security, and importance, the foreign trade and ines, are left implicit. They are der in capiterlist wars if they who created all the wealth of the must necessarily the views of isolationism; he were not deceived by the capital, South has given us any grounds for believing York Sun to recall that Lincoln the Aboli blocked adherence to the League, BEARD SEES WHERE wants the United States to stay ist politicians, press, school and him?
home and mind its own business, church?
How Lynching Will End On August 3, 1914, Foreign Secretary tionist was also an ardent defender of the and in doing so undoubtedly But, in truth, this alternative By the way, let me call your Edward Grey came before the House of system of private property. This paper presented majority opinion. POLICIES ARE LEADING is no alternative at all; and It is necessary that the Negro In the New Republic debate Beard program is no program. attention to the greatest hypo: workers clearly understand the tion of war against Germany, and declared Property is the fruit of Labor. property ministration, especially Roosevelt over collective security between The truth is that the business of site in the operated the warm was a nature of this anti lynching bill come first, now, to the question of is desirable; it is a positive good in the and Hull, driving for collective Earl Browder and Charles imperialism is everybody lident Roosevelt. This great friend have introduced it and support British obligations. have assured the world. That some should be rich shows security, and with the outstand Beard, there is no doubt at all business. The truth is that foreign of the people, the Negro people it, as well as those who are op.
House and the Prime Minister has as that others may become rich, and hence is ing bourgeois press holding the that Dr. Beard has much the best trade and capital markets are included, presume, is as silent posed to it. The Democrats who same perspective, the anti col of the argument. He understands necessary to capitalism if to industry and as a sphynx. Not a word has he allegedly support it, do so be.
any crisis such as this arose, we should prise.
come before the House of Commons and in the House of Representatives. paration for war; and with his among the powers. The competis his supporters to vote for the ber of Negro votes. The Senators be able to say to the House that it was free private property was historically progresmature and rather tired irony he tion for them is a life and death bill. This shrewd politician hopes who oppose it are unwilling to to decide what the British attitude should sive. Lincoln struggle to universalize MAJORITY FAVOR exposes Browder meaning. He question for each power. There to make the Negrees think that yield an inch of their right to be, that we would have no secret engage capitalist democracy against the reaction NEUTRALITY POLICY knows what Roosevelt is up to: fore, in the end, they including he favors the bill and at the same keep the Negro in utter degradn.
ment which we should spring upon the ary slave owning Bourbons of the South The majority of the people has The Roosevelt Administration, the United States, fight each time avoid antagonizing the tion.
House, and tell the House that, because we was likewise and unquestionably progres been traditionally in favor of bewildered and baffled by the other for them.
Southern Democrats by actually The Negro workers must un coming out in its favor. He will derstand that even if the bill is was an obligation of honor upon this coun backing Lincoln and the progressive forces led, neutrality. There are his employing sentimental coverages DOES HE THINK WILL ABDICATE?
torical reasons for this feeling, for excursions abroad.
of capitalism against the slavers.
certainly be happy if the bill passed and it has very little never passes so that he will not chance of passing) it is doubtful Sir Edward was lying like a trooper. Today the system of capitalist private so different from opinion in EuHe knows how peace loving To assume that the ca be forced to sign or veto it.
When the Bolsheviks took power in Russia property and its sham democracy is in de Foperveminmonkere the masses France and Great Britain are: pitalists, controlling the u.
whether it will have any effect Weakness of Bill upon lynchings. shall vote for three years later, they published all the cline. It condemns multitudes to unemploy portant geographical fact that Having all the European terri government, will not fight under Let us consider the provisions it might conceivably have some the bill because, as weak as it is, secret treaties which showed that there ment and starvation and exposes humanity the United States is far away tory required by their traditional such circumstances, is to assume were numerous secret engagements which as a whole to the horrors of periodic wars, from any other great power, ambitions and loaded with the that they will voluntarily abdis of the bill and see whether it slight effect in saving the life England, France, Belgium, Russia and the It has lost all its progressive features and whereas the European ma tinch and France do want peace at system which supports them goes feet of stopping the inhuman ers Party states clearly that other belligerents had committed them is an obstacle to social progress.
The Stalinists, in defending capitalism other. Again, there is the carry cratic powers want peace and the all his historical knowledge and in the first place, it should be this bill to stop lynchings in the Woodrow Wilson, coiner of open diplo and capitalist democracy, and in seeking over from the hopes bile the Ame: possession of all they have. his irony, make such an assump known that the bilt does not at South is for the Negro and white massesponden we ved President in 1918 port of Lincoln against the slavers three build. new civilization treed and apan are deriven by conflicts to the idea that isolation is pos member of panyatching mobile in the makerumited entendimentum sem ko Us out of War and when, early in 1917, their own reactionary role in the working World. And, in addition, there too cerent to benetapped by any sible for imperialist United States is possible under present condi the white master simonly united he asked Congress to declare war upon Ger: class movement and the fact that nowadays where the unparalleled resources can history in tantimication which in this car empty iniesion, utterly tions to stop lynching, it can be strony sthite Only a comited before Wilson came before Congress, he of the revolutionary socialist movement on the North American Conti. ever for assuming as truth that nomie reality. If it and those tion for murder of the leaders conditions of the working class. Italy, Germany and Japan would who advocate it are less trench and members of a lynching mob of the South. Do not rely upon nent.
had before him and even revised the notori only in order to prostitute his teachings.
There was always, of course, surrender unconditionally to a erous than collective security, and not by the method proposed the charitable feelings of the hypocrisy and unreality in the grand quarantine.
idea of isolation. Isolation from UNDERSTANDS VALUE most powerful danger. For it The Wagner bill threatens to good will of the Northern Demo.
masters; do not depend upon the Europe was found to be perfect OF DEMOCRACY is an illusion which leads the penalize the official in charge of crats. Rely only upon your unitly consistent with the ruthless masses away from the genuine any prisoner who is lynched or ed strength.
extermination of the native in. He knows also just what de fight against war, dissipates their the governamental subdivision habitants of North America. The mocracy is worth to imperiali energies in empty air, and leaves where the lynching occurs. Be Against Capitalism In connection with the Appeal effective ways of combatting the Monroe Doctrine, dating from the ism, and just how democracy is them helplers when the war fore any official can be success.
subscription drive and the anti war propaganda that has already early years of United States his served by imperialist war: Does breaks out in spite of in part fully prosecuted it will have to And it is not enough to strug.
war campaign of the Socialist made itself heard in this country, tory, was hardly an isolationist anyone conversant with British because of. the illusion. be proved that he wilfully ne gle against lynching alone. There Workers Party, this space in com is to build the Appeal circula conception. In actuality, from the history really believe that the (This is the third in a series glected to use all diligent efforts is very little choice between be(Continued from page 1)
ing issues will be devoted to pub tion, particularly in the trade point of view of United States operations of the British govern of four articles by James to prevent the lynching. hope ing lynched, and starving to lishing results obtained by party unions, so that workers every capitalism, isolation and neutral ment since 1914, let us say, have Burnham on the New Repub that no one is foolish enough to death. Lynching is only one of locals in pushing the drive. The where can know that Revolution ity means only that up to a cer been controlled by some lic debate over collective se believe that a prosecutor, assum the results of the conditions under curity between Earl Browder ing even that he is interested in which both Negroes and white 8, for Great Britain, the United throughout the country in gain rican inheritor. the Socialisted States had a sufficient spbere ed from British interests in the and Charles Beard. The last obtaining a conviction, will have workers are compelled to live. So States and the Soviet Union to ing new subscribers to the Appeal Workers Party. present and for exploitation and advance in Mediterranean, Africa and else article, summarizing the Marx an easy task before a jury in the long as the white capitalists are The ease with which Hitler has will be given from weck to week. work for the only principles and the Americas, and did not need where? Or the operations of the ist answer to collective se South. The burden of proof, of permitted to rule this country, taken over Xustrial and the com Prizes for the so getters will program of action that will pre to develop a world outlook. ee French government? What did curity, will appear in the next course, will be on the prosecu so long will there be unemploylater vent another war to save demothese governments do for demotion and that practically gua ment, war, terror, stærvation, placency with which this move We feel that one of the most cracy.
BASE FOR ISOLATION cracy in Germany between 1919 lynching.
has been received in London and Therefore it is your duty, it NO LONGER EXISTS and 1983. And if it comes Williamsburg Branch Paris show how far the parleys Village Forum Not an anti lynching bill will (Socialist Workers Party)
As the United States entered to another war for democracy you are not a subscriber, to subThe Village Branch of the have already gone toward the will hold a do away with lynching, but a scribe to the Appeal at once and the imperialist stage of its de against the three offenders, have will hold an open bill introduced by a workers gocreation of a bloc of the Euro bureaucracy is doomed.
BIZARRE SOCIAL educational meeting this Fri vernment abolishing the right of pean powers directed against the The workers of the world will, contribute to its maintenance if velopment, the economie basis we any ground for expecting beat its Soviet Union. In this perilous indeed, be the only bulwark for you can. If you are a subscriber, for the policy of isolation was neficent results in the way of a. at the white ruling class to own New Headquarters at the home of Dr. Paul the wealth of this country and situation, dizzy last minute the Workers State in the dark it is your duty to get one or a destroyed. The idea of isolation universal democratie advance?
twists of policy will be of no days to come. But they will ful: dozen or hundreds of new sub lingered on in a vacuum. This All ask anyone to consider on Saturday Nite Luttinger, Washington. exploit the workers of all races Square, North. Frank and creeds. For the Negrocs to avail to Stalin.
fill this role adequately only by scribers and in that way become FEBRUARY 26 Stalin is like the man on the fighting unremittingly against an active participant in THE NEW INTERNATIONAL Demby, member of the Nation gain complete economic, political The Famous Red Dancers al Committee of the and social equality, and for the flying trapeze. What we have to their own capitalist classes and struggle against war.
will be on the program Send in money quickly for subdo is to make sure that when for the victory of Socialism.
Monthly Marxist Magazine will speak on France in Ferwhite and Negro workers to live Country Refreshments ment. There will be questions as brothers free from the exho falle, he does not pull the That struggle will be waged with scriptions and contributions Workers State with him into out and against Stalin, the hang and don delay. The war won SUBSCRIBE NOW!
Take Broadway Brooklyn line and discussion. Admission free ploitation of capitalists, it is neto Gutes Avenue All welcome.
the abyss to which the Stalinist Iman of the Russian October. wait for us cessary to create a workers government In Lincoln day the capitalist system of Ment came close to a majority that it means advocacy and pre not enough markets to go around a sentence has he written urging sure themselves of a huge numtry.
Stalin Waves Help Fight War Faded Flag the