AnarchismAndrey VyshinskyBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDewey CommissionEnglandIV InternationalImperialismLeninMoscow TrialsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

February 19, 1938 Page Jury To Get New Facts In Rubens Case SOCIALIST APPEAL Workers Must Rally Around Beal To Fight Sabotage of His Defense NO SOLUTION PROVIDED IN HOUSING BILL Littlepage Evidence Boomerang Against Communists, Lamont Finds Held By Stalin Faces Old Charge SOVIET UNION NOTES Duranty Explains USSR Economic Crisis Like Purges By Concealing Facts BULLETIN!
Dunne wrote: And Belittling Seriousness.
In order to cut through all secondary and ex. An attempt was made to lynch Fred Beal.
By JOHN WRIGHT traneous questions and focus attention on the sim Every method was tried to arouse the populace to ple but paramount issue of civil liberties, Fred a murderous frenzy. It is the task now. and Beal has decided to drop the fight against his ex a task needing the greatest energy and speed Walter (Dostoievsky) Duranty Reports for Duty tradition and surrender to the authorities of North to rally the whole American labor movement and In recent years Duranty journeys to Moscow coincided Carlo Tresca Will Bare Carolina The Non Partisan Defense Committee the whole working class in a solid battle line with sensational developments there. When the monstrous will continue the fight there for reversal of Beals which will stand between these workers and their Significant Links In nine year old jail sentence.
would be executioners, a battle line which will opMoscow frame ups were staged, Duranty just happened to be there, with handy references to Dostoievsky to explain everyMoscow Frame Up pose an unbreakable front and advancing ranks The State of North Carolina has sent its repre to the murderous offensive of the textile barons, thing. Duranty latest appearance in Moscow is providing him sentatives to Massachusetts to press for the extra their government and the capitalist class as a with an opportunity to do more explaining in the field of BY JUNIUS dition of Fred Beal, leader of the famous Gastonia whole.
Vyshinsky justice, involving, this time, the Robinson Rubens variety of developments durtextile workers strike, who was framed up on a enigma regarding which, incidentally, his reticence for two ing the past week, confirming murder charge and sentenced to a 20 year terin Only One Change whole months was as mysterious as that of the our earlier predictions, have liftin prison. The textile barons want their pound Since that was written, only one thing has of flesh. They cannot forgive Beal for trying to changed: Fred Beal quit the Communist Party ed the Robinson Rubens mystery Duranty Tries to Minimize the Crisis to a new level and have exposed organize their slaves. Their state government is To account for at grave decline in such key industries as and, after his return from Russia, became a critic still further the systematic charight on the job, demanding of the Massachusetts of the Stalinist regime. The frame up is the same; steel, coal, and transportation, Duranty begins by qualifying it racter of the frame up methods authorities that their victim be surrendered.
employed by the Stalinist intermerely as a recession and a government reduction of daily Father Edmud Walsh, Dean of Georgetown still true that, as Dunne wrote nine years ago, the would be executioners are same; it is production norms a procedure, if you were to believe Duranty, national to discredit its political University School of Foreign Service, notorious the actual reason for the attempt to railroad that is not unprecedented but only sufficiently unusual to opponents and drive the Mrs. MARIE RUBENS into war with Japan.
Jesuit enemy of the Soviet Union, made a public merit attention. Nothing serious, you understand. In point of The after two charge. Moreover, her attorney Beal from prison. Speaking before the Boston electric chair and to long terms in the penitentiary attack on the defense efforts being made to save these workers (Beal and his comrades) to the fact, objectively speaking, it is a species of growing pains.
is that they organized the National Textile WorkFor, according to optimistie Walter, one of the prime reasons FRED BEAL Rubens, os herininto line sute has belatedly. comceded leathe League of Catholic Women, Walsh declared (acers Union and led a strike of workers in the Loray for the decline is the vast extent of industrialization and the ficiently to be able to show her charge is not impossible. It is cording to the Boston Daily Record of January 31, speed at which it is being carried on (N. Times. February to Embassy officials in the more than that. It is true 1938) that the same radical group who defended Mil the stronghold of the cotton textile industry in the South Has the basic equipment of industries been undermined, as we presence of a group of Epstein Keeps Silent Sacco and Vanzetti will attempt to make an issue agents. These officials were perhave reported in the Socialist Appeal, and as is apparent from But another change has taken place. In 1929, of Beal case and agitate against his extradition have been asked repeatedly to North Carolina.
mitted to ask after her health the Communist Party was in the vanguard of the even a cursory reading of the Soviet Press? Pish and piffle, defense of Beal. In 1938, the and its dege.
implies Duranty. The lathes and machines have merely aged.
and to be told that she desired whether the man accuse is the no legal counsel or other assis one named in an article in a New Sabotaging Defense nerate agent Dunne are in the vanguard of the And adds: In the circumstances it is not surprising that they have aged rapidly the wonder is that they stand up at all.
stanee. No questioning was al York newspaper, Shachno Eplowed regarding the circum stein, former editor of a Com. press release of the Non Partisan Committee cops and jailers. Put him in prison! cry the North Carolina machinery from abroad have had to be resumed in a big way From Duranty own report it appears that imports of stances of her arrest, past act munist paper here. If had want for the Defense of Fred Beal reports that at in an attempt to remedy this grave condition. The population ivities, or the movements of Doed to tell the man name to the the same time active Communists, Art Shields jailers.
nald Robinson, her supposed Press, would have done so. and William Dunne, of the Communist Party Withdraw his bail! cry the jailers assistants, Act Filled With Jokers is suffering, among other things, from a shortage of butter, husband, which were the usual will tell his name to the Grand International Labor Defense organization, have Dunne, Shields and Browder.
Offers No Aid To which is being exported to pay for machinery. The Russians ones of a agent.
Jury. can add nothing publicly brought pressure to bear on Professor Albert What Must Be Done Millions are grumbling. from Leningrad to Rostov and from Moscow at this time. can only say that, Sprague Coolidge of Harvard University and to Sverdlovsk.
Duranty On the Job as far as know, Shachno Ep Miss Jessica Henderson of Boston, the two gua Surround Beal with an iron wall of working But Duranty has a simple formula with which to dismiss The through Walter Stein has not filed any libel suits rantors of Beal bail bond, urging them to with class solidarity! Defend this victim of a capitalist By JOHN FREDERICKS this trifle. Says he: The answer is simple the Bolsheviki Duranty, New York Times con: We are on the trail of people that. Various members of the Non Partisan Com him from the North Carolina jailers and their the National Housing Act has simple in his explanations as fascists like Goering, who also draw their support of Beal, but have failed in frame up from the textile barons prisons! Shield The long awaited passage of prefer machines to butter. Duranty, you will observe, is as respondent and cover up journal who know important relevant paign to sell the Robinson Rubens facts. One is an American agentmittee for the defense of Fred Beal have received depraved assistants of the Communist Party! Itaken place and Franklin ist for Stalin, has begun a camspeak for the preferences of the German people, declaring they, messages soeking to intimidate them into abandon those are the battle eries of every honest worker, Roosevelt has signed it, making for their part, prefer guns to butter.
frame up to the American public of the who, before beof every honest liberal, of every decent person it law. From the favorable pub which has been highly skeptical ing sent from Moscow to Baring the defense.
celona, where he played a role The Committee further reminds us of a pamph who is revolted by the infamous attempt the Sta licity that the Act has received Duranty Falsifies Statistics Ngents are Trotskyite in the murder of my dear com let entitled Gastonia the Citadel of the Class linist dicks, and their allies, the Southern sheriffs at the hands of the capitalist Against this background of facile and dishonest explana.
Bukharinite fascist agents of sterling anti fascist and anarch: same William Dunne, at a time when Fred Beal an upright, fearless member of the working class to believe that lasting benefits. tions, Duranty proceeds to juggle with official statistics, and as the Rome Berlin Tokio axis.
ist philosopher and educator, was still a member of the Communist Party. to twenty years in a capitalist dungeon.
will result from its being put inte a result conveys the impression that the actual drop was not His first contribution was an operation so serious after all. For instance, he reports the cut in norms imaginative account of the spent a ter in a Danish prison The bill, however, is a sham for steel as being from 57, 900 tons daily in December to 57, 000 interview between Mrs. Rubens after being convicted as a Bustons in January; and in coal a cut from 403, 500 to 385, 200 tons.
from beginning to end. This car and the Embassy representatives sian spy. His name is George British Dockmen be seen from a brief analysis. All he forgets to do is to report that there were two cuts in in which he described how the Mink. He is a New York ComP. inquisitors had established munist Party functionary. His January, and that the figures he cites were maintained only for Stop Japan Cargo of the situation we face and the past is a matter of public record.
solution offered by the Act.
their moral ascendaney the first few days in that month. For the greater part of January over Like others at Middlesthe official norm for coal was set at 384, 000 tons, while for steel the woman and thus bent her to He and others of his stripe whom Shortage of Homes their will. All that he succeeded we are seeking could cast light brough and London, British the norm was cut to 54, 700 tons, e. almost four times the cut The American Committee for Watchers. Let call them spies stevedores at Southampton, There is at the present time an reported by Duranty.
in revealing was the extent of on the Poynt affair.
the Defense of Leon Trotsky has or agent provocateurs. BecauseStalin moral ascendancy over Conspiracy Under Way just made public three replies On! yes, because when you have England, refused last week to acute shortage of homes to handle 22 bales of Jaranese workers amounting to betweer But the slickest stunt Duranty pulls is in reporting the Duranty actual output attained. In this sphere he prefers to use percentDuranty, who has frequently We are not dealing with sent to Mr. Corliss Lamont, secwatchers you have agent provocotton goods which had arriv one, and one and one half million ed from New York on the dwelling units. In addition to ages, and glibly reports an average production of 90 per cent.
referred his readers to Dostoiev. petty passport fraud, but with retary of the Friends of the so cateurs.
to a circu thought you were sending sky as a guide to an understand a conspiracy originating in Mostar letter he had mailed to mem me a piece from a respectable liner Berengaria. The Associat this there are between one and After all, you see, all that is involved here is a mere lag of 10 ing of Stalin Russia, now adds cow, in which that fraud is a bers of the American Committee bourgeois magazine to give evied Press said the shipment one half and two million dwellpercent. According to official Soviet figures the production in Freud as an additional indispen mere link. The object is the stag in the hope of having them dis dence that Trotsky is guilty. would probably have to be re ings now in use that are unf. steel has been averaging only 50, 000 tons daily; in coal 360, 000, turned to New York.
for human habitation. The Hous and in car loadings around 75, 000 (as against the original plan standing of the methods of the designed to stimulate war fever mittee and from the Dewey In that Trotsky participated in saThe workers require little ing Act, in order to remedy this of 95, 000.
persuasion to act against the situation, would have to provide The decline has been most catastrophie in railways. Duranty There was frightful truth in thus drive this country toward quiry Commission and its report. botage in Russia.
new homes for between five and The vain hope of Lamont was Are you, my dear Corliss Japanese imperialists, but they prefers to overlook this item as due to seasonal factors, alhis imaginary account of how war for Stalin benefit.
need to be given a lead. It is eight million persons though the Soviet press has been filled with alarm signals Mrs. Rubens looked fearfully at We are going to get to the based on an article on Soviet getting to be such a dumb tool high time the maritime unions It would also have to remove written for of Stalin that you articles over the situation. We have already cited in this column numer her captors before dar: bottom of the Robinson Rubens the Saturday Evening Post by a without reading them?
and the longshoremen went from active renting the two mil.
ing to answer the pertinent and Poyntz case and expose Mr. Littlepage. American eninto action in this country, ous passages from Pravda in this connection. We limit ourselves lion condemned buildings now Trager Reply both to prevent Japanese goods standing in the slums. It will to one additional quotation from that paper, which prints a disHenderson. But Duranty breezily and their master in the Kremlin. sincer who worked in Russia for from being landed here and patch relating to the breakdown of the important Stalinsk railseveral years. In the article, be seen that the Act will not explained it all as moral ascen Panic stricken by the revela which was sent to all American tional labor secretary of the So Frank Trager, former nato stop our own ruling class touch the problem when it is way and charges that the failure of the key station on that dancy.
tions concerning Stalin latest Committee members, Littlepage, cialist Party, wrote back to La.
from aiding the Japanese im. realized that the Government road has practically closed down the metallurgic plants in the frame up, the Daily Worker has obviously a red baiter, denounces mont, saying that was a friend supplies.
perialists with munitions and will do no actual building or South. According to this dispatch: No one here even bothers Tresca Issues Statement denounced Tresca as a Japanese all Communists as sabotagers of the Soviet Union as therefore tearing down itsell, but will only to consider the fact that because of the poor functioning of the sensational statement Fascist spy and has applied the and wreckers by their very poliRevolutionists and left wing make funds available for other station the furnaces are not operating and entire branches of the Juliet Stuart same term to Herbert Solowical nature. In this category he may say to you that support must give the workers lead.
a sympathizer concerning to Comunism. grouping in these unions groups to work with. There will metallurgical plants are not working at full capacity. Pravda, Poyntx case was made by Carlo journalist who van a series of also includes the present rulers you give to such a witness as Let us act NOW.
be no slums eliminated as a re January 31. Tresca, anarchist and outstand articles in the New York Sun of the Soviet Union.
sult of this bill because private Littlepage is comparable to sup.
ing Italian anti fascist in this last week exposing the details of owners will refuse to destroy Crisis Sharper Than Officials Admit country. Tresca charged publicly the Rubens conspiracy.
Whitewash Witness port of a Lusk Committee or at property that is profitable to Hague. No socialist could nor On the basis of Duranty dispatch we can state with that the disappearance of Miss Beard Standered This is the new witness should any sympathizer who is Poyntz is connected with the Ro.
certainty that the economic crisis is far graver than could have If the worker wants a new whom the secretary of the really anxious to defend the Sobinson Rubens frame up.
It has also made insinuations Friends of the produced viet Union, accept and publicize home under the Housing Act, he been gathered from the official statistics, even taking into conHe has volunteered details and against Dr. Charles Beard, ad in an attempt to whitewash the the testimony of a man who says: will have to buy one already sideration their notoriously falsified character. For one thing been subpoenaed to appear before vocate of an isolationist pro assassins built or hive someone to build a this can be established from the fuct that Duranty evades mona Federal Grand Jury. When the gram in foreign affairs, who re Moscow Trials!
ramed up the Now, sabotage is a familiar home for him. But first he must tioning those aspects which the Soviet press itself has been Communist weapon in every appearance was postponed Moncently attacked the Roosevelt have the sum of 600 in cash drumming on. He does not even breathe a word about the difday, Tresca, who was a member Browder big navy program, by man Thomas wrote: The Dewey he United States can usually be In his reply to Lamont, Nor country: industrial sabotage in The six week dock strike that he gets no home. The number ficulties in spring sowing. On the other hand, Duranty implies of the Dewey Commission on the suggesting that Beard attitude Committee, which considering raced to Communists or people stopped all cargo to and from of slum dwellers who have this that even further cuts are to be expected. He states that the Moscow trials, issued the follow springs from his Japanese con all the circumstances seems to who think like Communists. It Puerto Rico ended on February sum tucked up their sleeve are import of machines and equipment will be increased in the future, ing statement to the press: nections, e. the fact that he me to have done a very fine piece is hardly surprising that some 10, when the shipowners agreed few and far between. The workand indicates that Soviet industry is almost entirely without regret the postponement of reserves to cover breakage repairs and replacements for which my appearance before the Grand after the great carthquake in charges against Trotsky, not all weapon in Russia, once they have proposed by Governor Winship Act will be to rent a home.
Jury in the Robinson passport 1923 as an expert on municipal the charges made in Russia, and decided that the existing regime trikers. The longshoremen went they are now paying the price. Ominous words indeed! FurtherAnother Catch more, his dispatch makes public a crisis in precisely those key fraud matter. You know am not government reform.
permitted industries. oil and steel in which the official press has been reveal what in And, of course, the time bol do not think its findings part does not satisfy their own pe back to work for 40 cents an tend to say to the Grand Jury. ed gangster methods of the Sta other by such proof as the icularly affected one way or the culiar notions.
hour (the rate was 32 cents be he Act catches. The large.
Here we ran into another of claiming successes of late. If Duranty has been permitted to Last week charged publicly linists are being brought into Saturday Evening Post article Reason For Sabotage fore the strike. the final wage scale apartment houses will be prick the bubble of Stalinist claims on the eve of the third Fivethat a Russian secret police agent play to prevent the truth reach offers concerning sabotage Carloganized sabotage has proved far vernor.
to be determined by the arbitra built, owned and operated by Year Plan, it is only because the saling clique seeks to prepare made off with Miss Poyntz. She ing the light. witness support As see it, the reason or tion board appointed by the Go private interests. The Act pro public oponion for a slight recession. The job of Stalin ace stinging reply by has not appeared since, nor has ing Tresca charges this wedk Tresca, editor of Martello, more effective foreign correspondent is precisely to cover up the full extent of in Russia than the Communist Party cited a received anonymous threats over single fact to cast doubt on my the telephone from a pay station, anarchist weekly, declared. The outcome of the strike was or group, may borrow money the crisis by admissions of minor and temporary difficulties.
anywhere else is that Commun: a victory for and from the government twenty ists occupy most of the highest of cooperation. The bulk of times the amount he is willing to Littlepage Testimony Other Soviet Dispatches Equally. Colored places in Russian industry. the strikers, the longshoremen, invest himself.
You must have thought of Mr. This in effect argues that belong to the Free Federation of he can borrow 2, 000, 000 provid.
The tendentious nature of reports from Russia that have recently appeared in the Times extends to other fields Ford, the LaFollette Committee weapon of sabotage, that parti. Labor. affiliated with the ing he is willing to invest 100, as well. Thus, on February 10, the Times printed a dispatch on the current purge, without Duranty by line, but with a system practised in some Ameri. tage are usually perpetrated in and watchmen were recently or of good faith is that he must familiar note. The idea the dispatch tries to sell is that the can industries, when you came Russia as well in the United ganized by the which show that he has started build current purge is also neither unprecedented mor so very exChina struggle against the invading legions of Japanese im across phrases like this in Mr. the more communists about, the of the National Maritime be the passing out of large sums States by Communists. In fact save leadership to the strike. The ing operations.
The result of this policy will tensive. The anonymous correspondent has the gall to state that perialism is the concern of every worker and, above all, of every Littlepage article: under Lenin there were bigger and better purges. We rerevolutionist.
more frequently does sabotage Union, made the tie up comp of money to speculative builders. The police department of the result.
produce this piece of falsification verbatim: Numerically, as Sympathy with China struggle can be translated into prac. Commissariat of the Interior has This is the philosophy or pro handle cargo.
letely effective by refusing to who will slap up flimsy build great as such expulsions have been, they do not compare with tical action by giving financial support badly needed to the lings, at high vents, and then milk the great purge of 1921, when, it was estimated, one third of its representatives in every Sofession of faith of your witness.
Chinese section of the Fourth International.
the tenants for the rest of their the party were expelled or placed on probation. The 1921 viet factory, farm, mine and in Does he come into count with Do you know Alice?
lives. It will not guarantee The Communist League of China, hounded by the Kuomintang purge took place at the close of the Civil War, when the party and its Stalinist allies, has been plunged into a financial crisis stitution, who keep busy looking clean hands? Is he a credible witness to be accepted by Wait until yon see our Alice.
proper housing or low rents.
membership did not number more than 1, 500, 000 (as against the Socialist Workers Party for out for potential or actual wreck ers and socialists? deny it by the war. It has appeale HE A RIOT!
which is what the workers need. four million at the beginning of Stalin purge. when tens of aid in continuing and extending its work and thereby discharging Cers, and organize a whole army and regret, sir, that you see Alice Thr The Thermidor In fact, the workers have cause thousands of Bolsheviks had fallen on the field of battle, and for alarm because of Roosevelt its great revolutionary responsibilities.
of amateur spies to assist them fit to popularize an utterly unA musical farce.
when, after the victory, shady elements and careerists were Given by The Usper West Side threat that the labor costs of the In fact, so many people in Soviet worthy testimony from a man who An appeal is going out to all party branches to collect funds attempting to flood the ranks of the party. The purge then institutions are busy watching is our class enemy.
for the Chinese revolutionists. The party looks for a quick and by his open and frank statement this Saturday, February 19th building trades must be cut down was directed against this scum, and not against those in any 916 9th Ave. near 58th St. Every effort in the direction of generous response from every member able to contribute producers to see that they be Dancing and Drinks of course.
cuts must be met with stern re way connected with the October revolution, as is the case at To sympathisers who will be reached only by the Socialist Apsistance on the part of the work have properly that suspect there present. By printing these and similar falsifications with which peal we ask for a similar response.
are more watchers than there are ROOM FOR RENT we shall deal in future issues the Times is, repeating its Send in your contribution. large or small and send it in now, Modern conveniences, includThe Act will cause more harm producers.
ing phone; reasonable. Trol.
ROOM WANTED addressed to the Socialist Appeal, 116 University Place, New than good to the workers in the record of the early days of the October Revolution; when its York City. What do you expect, my dear leys, subways Phone Glen Young man would like to share long run. It opens the road wide columns were open to every conceivable kind of anti Bolshevik more 3153, call mornings or Act at once to help keep aloft the revolutionary banner of the Corliss, from a country where room, apartment or studio to credit expansion of the worst rumor and sländer. Isn it a little prematute for the Times Fourth International in China!
you find more watchers than prosee Ben Herman at with congenia) soul. Write kind in the name of helping the office. o Socialist Appeal.
editors; to drop their petence of carrying only nows that Fit.
ducers in its industrial plants. workers.
fo priat?
linen Dock Strike Ends With Gains In Communist League of China Needs Our Financial Aid On Firing Line Bayed on the act oporabe one piense en generents traceabile els