BourgeoisieCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninPopular FrontsRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Workers For the Fourth International!
Of the World Unite!
SOCIALIST APPEAL Down With War Mongers!
101 Cents per Copy Stalin Waves Socialist Pink Flag To Bluff Allies Workers Party Manifesto Militants Call Jobless To Struggle Ethiopia. Spain. China. Already three million casu suffer and kill each other while industrialists and bank for capital cannot be maintained without the alties, with the curtain not yet raised on the main act. ers manipulate war contracts to fill their coffers. The world market; and a share in the world market cannot Already three million dead, wounded, dying. Hundreds agents of wealth and privilege will descend in each be upheld without fighting for it. No Ludlow Amendof cities already destroyed. factories, homes, mines, nation upon their respective governments to squeeze ment ever devised could keep imperialism from railroads, left in shattered, crumbling ruins. Thousands the last percent out of every order for bombs, gas plunging into war. To rest the fight against the war upon thousands of the most heroic and militant of the masks, submarines, machine guns, airplanes.
upon the illusions of pacifism and isolation means to workers, peasants, students, torn to pieces by the maAdmits Final Victory chine gun spray, the twisted fragments of time fuse peace of exhaustion will find one or another set block the genuine fight against war.
at a temporary advantage, and the preparation for the There is in the final analysis only one way to fight Progressive Group Takes Is Not Quite So Final bombs.
next war will again begin.
the war, only one way to overcome it. The only anAs Believed All this is but the faint, mild foreshadowing, the first Lead In Setting swer to the imperialist war is the class struggle of the Masses Have Nothing To Gain cracks in a world shell which is near the breaking point.
workers and the socialist revolution. For the coming Forth Demands Joseph Stalin made a feeble Every nation points directly, with all its concentrating Meanwhile destruction, death, misery, tyranny for imperialist war, we reiterate the battle cry of Karl attempt this week to wave a fadenergy, toward the looming war. The precarious bal the masses of every nation. Have the masses anything Liebknecht and Lenin in the last war: The enemy is in Summoning the growing army ed pink flag in the face of the ance, upheld by the Versailles Treaty imposed by the to gain? More food? Food will be destroyed, and those our own country!
of unemployed victims of capital.
British and French bourgeoisie winning imperialist gangsters in 1919, holds no longer. who should raise the food will be busy killing each other. The militant, unflagging class struggle of the workism to struggle militantly for a in hopes of exoreizing the speeter No words can describe the horror of the war which Better houses? The bombs will blow up the houses.
ers alone can delay and hamper the war makers. The program of relief matching in of complete isolation that now threatens every day more closely. The last world war, Higher wages? The war machine, in the name of sacri socialist revolution alone can overthrow the whole im dimensions the globular war hangs over the Kremlin as a re the most devastating event in the whole long history fice for war, will beat down real wages while war scar. perialist system, root out those causes which make war budgets of the Roosevelt adnii sult of Stalin own counter re.
of mankind, was a children game in comparison. Tocity lifts the price level; and the social wealth repre under imperialism inevitable, and build a society in nistration, the Progressive Group volutionary policies.
Panic stricken by the prospect which peace and freedom can be achieved. All other in the Workers Alliance of New day it is the very fate of humanity which is at issue.
senting generations of labor will be physically annihihope is vain.
that his bourgeois allies will lated. Freedom? The war machine will impose a toYork this week put forward a Heading Directly Toward War abandon him in favor of a fourtalitarian dictatorship in every nation a dictatorship The class struggle and the socialist revolution in the series of demands to serve as the power capitalist countries is also the only sound way of de rallying ground for action by all pact uniting Britain, The United States, along with every other nation, being made ready in this country in the Sheppard Hill France, Italy, and Germany at workers, employed as well as Bill now pending before Congress. All democratic heads directly toward the war. In these recent months, fending the remaining conquests of the Russian Revunemployed. The demands are as the expense of the Workers Roosevelt, the cunning leader of American imperialism, olution, of protecting them from imperialist attack and rights, above all every right of the working class to follows: State, Stalin suddenly re discover. is moving rapidly toward first place among the war.
from bureaucratic Stalinist undermining.
strike, to picket, to demonstrate, to organize in free and For those on relief: 40 ed the existence of the world makers of the world.
independent unions will be smashed by the war.
Build World For Peace per cent increase in relief allotworking class as the only ally In his October address at Chicago, Roosevelt anThe traitors in the ranks of labor will tell us that it ments, plus clothing, dental and upon which the Soviet Union is our war, and that we must take part in it. They will Workers of the United States! Consider your mar leye care for all who need it.
could in the final analysis de nounced his direction: Toward the war! First place tell us that it is the war of democracy against fasin his Annual Message to Congress was given to the vellous machines, the railroads you have built, the For new relief cases: The pend.
war. At the bidding of his masters, the rulers of Amcism. of peace lovers against war makers, of civiliza mines you have sunk, the great rolling mills, the blast handling of emergency applicaUndeserved Headlines tion against barbarism. Already all of their efforts are erican industry and banking, he inserted into his budtions within 24 hours, and all furnaces, the precision tools, the shining turbines! Are Stalin statement, made in a get more than a billion dollars for military appropriadevoted to the betrayers task of winning the masses they to be used forever to turn out profits for the other applications within 72 hours.
letter to a young Communist pub tions.
bosses, and, in the war, to send death to your brothers?
to support of the war. Under the slogans of collective You have made them: Take them into your own hands, Union wages to replace the pre3. or workers: Trade lished in Pravda, did not, howsecurity, by falsifying utterly the nature of the war, To the Ludlow Amendment, Roosevelt and his assoever, deserve the sensational head. ciates replied that the people have no right whatever with loud shouts for democracy, they make ready to to bring peace, and to give men what they need!
lines given to it by the capitalist to speak on such a question as war, that they will go to lead the masses into the armies of imperialism.
sent wage of 55 per month, in armers of the United States! Look at the beautiful rich land, at the tractors, reapers, combines! Are you on union labor.
order to end scabbing press which proclaimed Stalin war when, how, and against whom the imperialists dieStalinists, Social Democrats Shout War return to the cause of the world raising your cotton to make high explosives, your wheat For the unemployed generalrevolution.
tate, that no measure will be permitted which might to provision your sons in the trenches? Let us use First and foremost, in this as in every other He was trying only to bluft have even the slightest chance for interference with ly: Diversion of all war funds to the seen in the land for ourselves, not for profits, to make peace unemployment relief.
England and France out of their the plans of the war makere.
voices louder than Hearst they snarl at the Ludlow possible by giving men enough to eat.
These demands must becoine negotiations with the Fascist In a Special Message to Congress, Roosevelt demandpowers by seeming to threatened another eight hundred million dollars for the Navy, Scientists, teachers, engineers, artists, students of the battle cries of all the unemAmendment, praise Roosevelt war program, demand the United States! Will you again let your talents be revenge for the sinking of the Panay. Day in and day ployed throughout the nation, revolutionary action by the work over and above the billion dollar military appropriaperverted into the service of the war machine, for the Starting with the great demoning class, at the same time try.
out their unspeakable attacks, their lies and viciousness tion already carried in the regular budget. As the Con ing to throw dust in the eyes gressional hearings proceed, there is every indication and slanders and frame ups are launched against every sake of a system and a class which does not permit you stration of New York unemof Communist workers who have that even this sum will be indefinitely increased.
militant in the labor movement who raises at voice to use those very talents for any genuinely human pur ployed scheduled for today (Saturday. grown restive under the monspose? Join with us to defeat the war and to build a new against the coming war.
While unemployment increases, trous betrayals of the People War Sentiment Being Whipped Up society!
Within the labor movement, the Stalinists, under the with the need for relief assumFronts in Spain, France, and whip of the butcher of the Kremlin his hands reeking We, the revolutionists of the Socialist Workers Party, To Japan, the presumed enemy nation of the Rooseother countries.
ing vast proportions, relief itwith the blood of the Russian and Spanish revolution with the Fourth Internationalists throughout the world, self is being cut and made ever.
What Stalin will do when velt program, Secretary of State Hull addresses a series ists are today the chief force building the fires of the true to the great revolutionary anti war traditions of more difficult to obtain.
Chamberlain and Chautemps call of provocative notes designed to whip up war feeling war spirit. Tomorrow they will be the most active of Lenin and Liebknecht, pledge ourselves to fight unceashis bluff remains to be seen. Sta among the people of this country. naval squadrons Relief Sharply Cut ingly against the war, against every person and idea the recruiting agents of Roosevelt and Chautemps and lin will not and cannot make a and companies of Marines in the Far East watch Chamberlain, and the spearhead of the lynch gangs which supports it.
In January, the clothing allotgenuine revolutionary turn, if carefully over Standard Oil tankers and Americanonly because he would be the first hounding the war opponents. They will play the same ment for those on relief in New owned factories busily drinking blood stained profits No Aid To The War Makers victim of a resurgent revolution role in the coming war that was enacted by the Second York amounted to half a million out of the people of China.
ary movement of the workers.
International in the last war and is being played even Hull notes on the sinking We will give nothing, nothing whatever, to support dollars. This month it has been the Panay, the joint now by the social democratic parties.
the war. We will give everything, our energies, our cut to a niggardly 50, 000 (oneNo Victory After All British, American and French notes on the Japanese No pretense even of a fight against the war is contime, our brains, our lives, to fight against it. The tenth of the January figure. naval building program, find their appropriate echoes While it did not, as the capital in every section of the press. Jingo headlines re appear, ceivable apart from the unremitting struggle against workers have no fatherland! They can conquer one while dental and eye care has Stalinism and the parties of the Second International.
only when the socialist revolution makes them masters been practically discontinued.
a call to revolution, Stalin letter blazoned across front pages. Atrocity stories fill column This struggle cannot fall back into the dreams and Those who try to get on relief in the land.
did make a significant re.
after column; ponderous editorials, alike in pro or anti illusions of pacifism and isolation. Isolation is im.
We do not fear the war makers, or their hireling are being given the run around.
treat from the doctrine, hitherto Roosevelt journals, call for ever more warships, ever possible for this. coworla imperialist economy. Profits traitors. The cold grasp of death clutches at their Emergency relief cases fail to official and sacrosanct, formally larger armament. The newsreels of the sinking of the receive prompt attention. Other throat, mighty and powerful as they seem. Their applicants take weeks to handle promulgated by the Seventh Con. Panay are rushed by airplane to every movie theater strength is the fevered, diseased strength of dying men.
rised disgress of the Comintern, that the in the country: the same theaters which for months victory of Socialism in Russia they struggle on its brink. The temple world, those seekwas both final and irrevocable.
the world of a decayed and rotting social order, crumb ing relief, however dire is their ary, nationalistic theory of soneed, manage to get on the rolls.
What is this war for which Roosevelt is preparing?
cialism in one country but instead Whose war is it? What is it for?
History, life, the future, are with us! Out of the vast The picture of New York is a of the final and irrevocable ruins of a shattered civilization, with the great masses picture of the country as a whole.
It is a war for the re division of the earth. It is a victory of Socialism in Russia Demonstrating against layoffs of mankind we shall go forward to build a new world!
All workers out to Foley Numbers of the unemployed war of the rival imperialist powers for the major shares of which so much was heard until and for increased relief, thousare suffering the pangs of starSquare (two blocks north of in the rights of exploitation, oppression, tyranny, prothis weck, Stalin now says: The ands of workers will mass in DOWN WITH THE WAR MONGERS! vation. Hunger takes an increas City Hall. 11:00 Sat.
aid of the international proletar fits. It is a war to decide which nations shall be most Foley Square (two blocks north ing toll of life. The list of suiFeb. 19, for the Workers Al ENLIST NOW IN THE FIGHT AGAINST eides mounts daily. On December iat appears. to be a force favored in the grabbing of markets, natural resources, of City Hall) at 11 am. Saturliance demonstration and march without which the final victory and outlets for investment, for the benefit of their own day, February 19, for a march THE WAR!
12, 1937 the Daily News reportto Wall St.
of socialism in one country is not capitalists. It is a war to decide which national set of to Wall Street.
ed: Relief held up; baby is. to be decided.
robbers shall control the international imperialist racket. Organized through the initiative AGAINST THE ROOSEVELT WAR PLANS! starved to death. Assistant Even this halting, qualified reof the Workers Alliance, the detreat sounded strange after three Imperialists Are All Alike ALL WAR FUNDS TO THE UNEMPLOY baby died of starvation.
monstration is sponsored by the The Progressive Group of the years of the clamor of People Trades Union Committee for Un Workers Alliance proposed that ED. Barbara would be alive now if Frontism and collective securIn this war, there are no good and bad capitalist employment Relief with numer the Saturday demonstration the Home Relief had sent the ity under which the safety of states, no peaceful and aggressor imperialisms. cus participating trade unions, in should take place at the City Hall, WITHDRAW ALL ARMED FORCES check on time, said Mra. Mary the Soviet Union has been placed They are all tainted with the same disease, damned with cluding the Transport Workers, and should be directed against FROM THE FAR EAST!
Danielson, the mother.
at the mercy of dubious bourgeois the same curse, fascist and democratic, West and East Furriers, Painters, District Coun the anti union actions of the adAnother Tragedy allies while at the same time alike. They are all driven by the same insurmountable cil No. 9, Radio and Telegraphers, ministration as well as agninst AGAINST THE SHEPPARD HILL BILL!
the revolutionary movement of conflicts.
Boot and Shoe workers and others. its miserly relief policy. The The New York Post of January the working class has been dis It is a war, from the point of view of every camp and leadership of the Workers Al AGAINST COLLECTIVE SECURITY, THE 12, 1938, reported that a Mrs.
Relief Problem Acute oriented, undermined, and wreck. coalition, against the masses of the people, against liance, saturated with People MASK OF IMPERIALISM!
Montetoni had tried vainly for ed.
their every interest and need.
Although the demonstration Frontism, opposed any action three weeks to get a Home Relief Democracies Cool For the United States, the most powerful and vigor was first projected some weeks which might embarrass the sup NO SUPPORT TO THE GOVERN allowance. Her first application was turned down and she was Stalin letter is a confession undisputed domination for American capital on an inous imperialist state, it is a war in which will be sought ago, its importance and timeliness porters of LaGuardia and ad MENT IN ANY WAR!
is emphasized by the events of vocated instead a demonstration given a new application. There that his foreign policy is crumbl ternational scale. Watching the new economic depres last week. Under pressure of the against the 60 families, and END WAR BY THE SOCIALIST REVOLU. upon she drank disinfectant and ing.
died. The report added: Police England is moving toward a said there was not a scrap of food deal with Italy and Germany. In Roosevelt lunges toward the war as his solution for the conditions in New York reduction in clothing allowances for One slogan that featured past BUILD THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PAR in the house. Unemployed locals France, the ruling class has cooled the Franco Soviet pact.
by enough blood, profits will again grow to a size that are the week the thousands de new ed wit be conspicuously absent. TY, THE ONE ANSWER TO THE WAR MAK to protest this callous treatment.
Wille satisfy the hunger of Morgan, Du Pont, Rocke applications sit ins, picketing The slogan War Funds for ERS!
The People Front government of Chautemps will follow Engfeller. popular front administration to and demonstrations broke out at the Unemployed when proposed Jand. American imperialism, while What will come of this war? Who will win? What the bureaus during the past by the progressives was rejected THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL AND THE Launch an attack on the orcania WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE! FOR the growing distress has been to moving toward open struggle for will the war solve?
domination of the Pacific, has This war will solve nothing for imperialism in gen week. All progressive workers by the controlled leadership, TRIUMPH OF THE WORLD REVOLUTION!
evinced no readness to respond eral. The same insurmountable conflicts will remain must show their solidarity with despite the fact or perhaps heWorkers Alliance. This is part to Ambassador Troyanovsky unaltered: It will solve nothing, just as the last war the Workers Alliance by attend cause of the fact that it was National Committee, of concerted, country wide (Continued on page 4)
attack on the labor movement by solved nothing. Untold millions of workers will die and ling Saturday demonstration. never so pertinent as now.
Socialist Workers Party (Continued on page 2)
any racerbated this being users on these in protes In Relief Demonstration should be is Demand All War Funds For Unemployment Relief!