AnarchismAntifascist FrontBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyKronstadtMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

A More Than Apt Pupil THE FIFTH WHEEL peace. war war profits. 10 million dead Total sum world saved profits for democracy What Is Collective Security. Page SOCIALIST APPEAL February 12, 1937 on the task of effecting a junction between SOCIALIST APPEAL the invading forces in North China and VOL. II. No. Saturday, February 12, 1938 those in the Yangtze region. Success for this venture will mean virtual Japanese Published every week by the control of all territory between the Great By LEON TROTSKY SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS Wall and the Yangtze at least as far west at 116 University Place, New York, as the Peiping Hankow Railway.
The so called International rains, e. in exceptional cirTelephones: Local Office: GRamerey 9142 And still there is no indication of any Workers Association (A. cumstances, but during dry National Office: Algonquin 8547 attempt being made by the Kuomintang to representing the Anarcho Syndi weather they remain lçak proof Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for mobilize the masses against the invaders.
calist groupings in various with complete success. countries, convened in Paris from cents per copy. Single copies cents.
Boycott Proposed on February brings this fact into bold the 8th to the 17th of December.
All chocks and money orders should be made relief. Says the correspondent: As is well known, the only large The decisions of the Paris out to the Socialist Appeal. Despite the announcements in Hankow section of this international is congress are entirely on the same the Spanish All the level as the politics of Garcia Entered as second class matter September 1, concerning the enthusiasm for continued other organizations (Swedish, Oliver and his kind. The leaders 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, mass participation in prolonged hostilities, Portuguese, French, Latin Ame of the have resolved to under the Act of March 3, 1879.
the Kuomintang Rightists (those who make government policy. Ed. oppose such a rican are completely insignifi appeal to the Second, Third, and cant in size.
policy if it means greater freedom for the Of course, even a small orga proposal to create a united in.
masses, agrarian reforms or basic domestic nization can be quite significant ternational anti fascist front.
HAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES housecleanings which the former Commun if it has an independent revolu Not one word about the struggle Associate Editors.
ists advocate. According to a version widetionary position which anticipates against capitalism! The methods BOB BROWNE ly believed here, the Kuomintang fears the the future development of the of battle are announced: boyBusiness Manager.
common people more than it fears the Japaclass struggle. But, as can be cott of fascist goods and. nese and would compromise with Japan if seen from the brief account pressure upon democratic go.
moderate terms were offered.
printed in the Information vernments. the most reliable of Expulsions The Times correspondent thus confirms Bulletin of the No. 67 methods with which to liberate what has been pointed out by us almost of the German edition, Boletin the proletariat!
The decision of the of Ex from the commencement of the war, and de Informacion. the special congress in Paris ended with the Evidently with the aim of executive Council to expel the United Mine he is by no means a Trotskyist.
Workers and two other international Kuomintang Stalinist leadership of full victory of the polities of erting pressure the leader of unions, is a reactionary blow at the pros. China struggle is bankrupted. But the Garcia Oliver, e. the polities of the Second International, Blum, capitulation to the bourgeoisie. France and did everything to pects of peace in the ranks of organized struggle itself is far from ended. In the Franklin abor a blow at organized labor itself. coming phase the masses must move to the Manage Bourgeois State crush the revolutionary moveThe fossilized bureaucrats assembled in forefront to spell out the doom of imperiRoosevelt ment of the French proletariat.
Miami, their vision circumscribed by the alism and all its native allies.
During the past year a few Together with Stalin, and with Anarchist publications, especially the cooperation of Garcia Oliver, narrow horizon of craft unionism into which they split the American workers for the French, have mildly criticiz Blum helped Negrin Prieto stifle years, simply would not reconcile them Keep Gerson, Mr. Isaacs!
ed the Spanish methods the socialist revolution of the of action. There are quite enough Spanish proletariat. In all these selves to the living, unchallengeable reality constituted by the successes of industrial The American Legion, the Catholic bases for this criticism: instead acts Jouhaux took a most pro.
of building stateless Commun minent part.
unionism under the banner of the Church, and even the Sons of the American ism, the leaders of the With such actions the united Goaded especially by Republican Party Borough President Isaacs, upon Mayor Labecame ministers in a bourgeois front of the three Internationals state! This circumstance did not for the struggle against the relopment of an independent political move: Simon Gerson, ex reporter of the Daily however, hinder the Paris con volutionary proletariat has algress of the from ap: ready been conducted for a long proving the line of the time. In this front the leaders after another in the path of unity. Even Worker and Communist Party functionary their thoughts on the subject have been removed from his appointed position of asIn turn the leaders of Spanish of the have occupied not Anarcho Syndicalism explained a conspicuous place but a sufficidominated by the consideration of how sistant to President Isaacs.
many thousands of members they can split However Popular this new Front may to the Congress that if they had ently shameful one!
betrayed the socialist revolution off from the existing industrial unions so seem to many, we respectfully decline to in the interests of saving the New Betrayal as to enlarge their per capita power in the support it. In fact, our brows are knit in bourgeoisie, that was merely due obsolete craft union set up and to keep the puzzlement at the to do that is being made to insufficient solidarity of the The Paris Congress signifies power of craft unionism dominant in the around Mr. Gerson case.
Is Mr. Gerson Americanism being chalinternational proletariat. the imposition of the betrayal of Frame move for unification, which still re lenged?
We don know what ship his fore The above cartoon is reproduced without permission and without apology from the new: all reformist betrayers Anarchism throughout the world.
The congress invented nothing the Spanish anarchists, upon presents the best interests of labor in the bears came over en or what their XVllth, Daily Worker of three years ago. Even more timely now than it was then, it offers have always laid the blame for This finds its expression particUnited States, should not be slowed down XVIIIth or XIXth Century Americanism its own comment on the present day policies of the Communist Party summed up by their betrayal upon the proletar ularly in the fact that from now for an instant because of the Miami deci was.
But we are ready to give expert testi Earl Browder in his famous New Republic article: In our country the task is to or jat. If social patriots support on the general secretary of the sion. On the contrary, it calls for an even mony on the flawlessness of his XXth Cen ganize effective support behind the President policy.
their national militarism, it is, will be appointed by the of course, not because they are Spanish In other words, more vigorous assertion of the rank and tury Americanism.
Is his loyalty in question? There is no lackeys of capital, but because the general secretary will from file demand that the split in the labor the masses are not matured yet now on be an official of the movement, especially in face of the critical more frenzied supporter of the American for real internationalism. If the Spanish bourgeois government: situation in industry, be promptly over form of government of the present governleaders of the trade unions ap Gentlemen Anarchist and semicome not at the expense of industrial ment itself, than Mr. Gerson and his polipear as strike breakers, it is bc Anarchist theoreticians and semiunionism, to be sure, but rather with gua tical associates. And we say that if Mr.
cause the masses have not ma theoreticians, what do you have rantees of the unassailable rights, proved Roosevelt has the right to public office, Mr.
war BY JAMES BURNHAM program of Collective Security, tured for the struggle.
say abo all this Following a dozen times over in struggle of the in Roosevelt most ardent advocates also the Stalinists is summed up in which is the program for the the example of the Spanish dustrial form of organization.
No Criticism Heard Anarcho syndicalists, do you Iquestioning those qualities in a Stalinist. Earl Browder half of the New tecting the spoils against any dominated imperialist system, is His honesty and civic pride? Imagine the phrase, Collective Security. booty, wanted a method of pro preservation of an Anglo French agree to playing the role of fifth The account does not say a wheel on the cart of bourgeois The War In The Far East Why, we know of no politician, from the Republic debate with Charles Viva! who might to make a thus crassly and directly coun word about revolutionary critic. democracy?
days of Richard Croker to those of Tin Beard, subsequently reprinted in bid for them, either from among ter revolutionary.
ism at the Paris congress. In this Many Anarchists do not of China 450, 000, 000 people cannot be Box Farley, who has greater moral probity: The Daily Worker, is entitled the defeated Central Powers, or However, in any case the as respect, as in many others, the course, feel completely at case.
Japanese imperialists provided these mil. to hear him warbling the Star Spangled Communist Party has recently the imperialist division of the Collective Security might pre let the rabble hear of differences versation. Why, indeed, occupy Patriotie fervor? Gentlemen, you ought For Collective Security. The arties. Breitend wantees to scilice sumption that the program of entre lene no Angelis site fully iniy But to overcome this uneasiness lions rise up and fight against their would Banner! Its enough to put to shame the issued several pamphlets with the world as it existed at the time serve peace is directly contrary among the higher circles? This oneself with Spain or the Paris be enslavers.
to fact. Italy, Germany, Japan can only shake the authority During seven months of the Sino Japa tenors are notoriously poorly adapted to same title. We must enquire of the Versailles Treaty.
nese hostilities, the invaders of China have that soul stirring anthem.
further into the true meaning of TO SOLIDIFY do not begin military operations, the Anarcho bourgeois ministers. congress of the when one can talk about. Kronstadt been able to score a number of important Communist? Forsooth, forsooth, and Collective Security.
VERSAILLES SETTLEMENT do not try to upset the existing It is very likely that in answer or about Makhno! The most to the left criticism from the burning themes military victories. because the Kuomin flapdoodle! Of Gerson type of commun At first glance, the program division of the world because French anarchists the latter were tang rulers, aided by the Stalinists, have ism (or socialism. the late Elbert Gary of Collective Security seems Collective Security was the Mussolini, Hitler and the Mikado reminded of their own conduct Fourth International held the masses back from the struggle. once said: We are all socialists now. reasonable and practical to many plan for accomplishing just are madmen or war lovers. during the last imperialist war.
Japan war machine now concentrated Mr. Isaacs, keep Gerson. people. Clearly, argues Browd this solidification. All of the na They are driven to military ad We have already heard from In its decomposition and decay er, in this relation of forces, tions (united in the League) only alternative is economic and that at the time of such excep, dently does not wish to lag beventure by iron necessity. Their some Anarchist theoreticians the Anarchist International eviof preventing the spread of war, were to take joint steps against social death for their own national circumstances as war and hind the Second and Third InterLittle Men Fume, and of extinguishing the wars any nation which might attempt tional capitalism, and they are revolution, it is necessary to re nationals. All the sooner will the going on, provided the peace to break through the existing im. fighting desperately against that nounce the principles of one honest worker Anarchists find Let Off Steam loving 90 per cent can arrive at perialist division. In addition, it death. No conceivable system of own program. Such revolutionists the Fourth International.
a concerted program of action, at was of course understood that treaties or Leagues peaceful bear a close resemblance to rain Coyoacan, The Socialist Workers Party is one of the bright spots on the least to a degree in some rela collective action would above all economic sanctions can stop coats which leak only when it January 27, 1938.
growing. As a matter of fact it. Appeal horizon.
tion to that of the concerted ac be exercised against a bid for them. man faced with certain (Continued from page 1)
is growing out of proportion to. He has increased the Chicago tion of the Triple Alliance of the power by the working class of death in one direction will are feeling the big squeexe. the growth of the Party press bundle order by 50 per cent and anti Communist bloc of fascist any nation. which would natur. against any odds in the other FDR Peace Talk Hitler Stalls In Caught inescapably between the for every new member that Puture. He has made regular pay nomie resources of the war muk against the existing imperialist Security know all this. And that empiensando rehimery. with the should be five new subscriptions payments on current bundle or to bring them quickly to a halt It was as if two coalitions of ed to themselves that collective program of their own, the best to the Socialist Appeal.
they can accomplish is to patch Thus far, Chicago is the only scription drive which has already Britain and the Soviet Uniontrol of a racket. The winning program. It is program to an emgang, having consolidated its prescrve peace (i. the status (Continued from page Continued from page 1)
up second hand versions of the local that has demonstrated in an brought in more subs than we should jointly declare program of their masters. Roo. effective manner its determina have received from any other barso upon all economic transae. Victory decoreer that henceforth up as long as possible and con: remacy in the capital ship cato an understanding between Gersevelt showed his usual political tion to carry out the Convention local since the Convention. peace and ordervenient to. this let off steam.
inactive locals of the Party, Karl over the country with the slogan wonder Browder is indignant at action against any rival gang on the most favorable physical by Dimond, representative averse, would signify the disrupThese Little Business Men feel Slrier, a newly appointed litera Double the Appeal circulation by the scoundrels who insist on eri which attempted to muscle in and moral terms.
of Alaska, demanding protection of the present line ups, not ture agent, has made Chicago April 1st.
And, of course, similar collectivein their own lives the heavy hand action would likewise be taken IT CEMENTS tion of the 46, 000, 000 salmon only at the expense of Italy but of the big corporations.
fishing industry in Alaskan seas. also of the Soviet Union. That Their ORIGIN OF against any group of honest citi. MILITARY ALLIANCES Socialist Appeal program incorporated their timid The bill would have the United this is far from excluded is seen COLLECTIVE SECURITY zens who tried to break up the and absurd gestures against 116 University Place Date rackets themselves.
Collective Security is a way States government assert sover from the extremely reserved atfinance capital, following the New York City But let us, approaching this as In the case of the gang, it is of cementing military alliances in ignty over hundreds of miles of titude of the British towards the lead already given by Roosevelt all questions from the point of clear enough that Collective one of the imperialist coalitions. ocean now regarded as interna German shake up and the feel during the month preceding. We enclose. for which please send me the view of the interests of the Action is hardly the answer to it has the great advantage of tional and would order the con ing in London that it should forcement of all laws seeking to Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months working class, ask: First, even the problems of good citizens, making the members of the opfiscation of all Japanese ships cause them little concern. 00. curb monopolies, says plank 13.
assuming that Collective Security Their interest is to smash all of posing coalition appear to be the found in these fishing preserves. Incidents Will Follow might preserve peace, is it a cor the gangs, and to get rid alto breakers of the peace, thereby Martin Attacks We oppose a surtax on small enclose. as my contribution toward rect program; and, second, gether of the rackets.
permitting the mobilization of business closely held corpora building the Socialist Appeal.
whether it can in fact preserve popular sentiment against them. am gravely apprehensive, tions, adds plank 21. We urge This last feature explains why Dimond said, that unless suitpeace or whether it is even de PEACE TO PROTECT approval of legislation designed Name signed to preserve peace. The IMPERIALIST GANGSTERS Browder has now so ardently able legislation is passed, there to curb destructive competition answer to both of these questions taken up the slogan of Collective will be armed conflict in the of chain stores, says plank 12.
Address The case of the imperialist Security. He knows, as well as Bering Sea. He said the fisher.
requires a brief account of the (Continued from page 1)
speaking plaintively for all the origin of the idea of Collective powers is exactly the same. Even Briand knew and Auriol and men would take up arms them single store proprietors present Security.
if Collective Security could pre Chautemps and Daladier know selves unless the government For the Stalinists, Communism Martin is absolutely correct.
at the Conference.
today, that Collective Security is stepped in.
The idea of Collective Security serve peace, that would mean in the last analysis not a pro Said Representative Sirovich is just a label covering a political Seek Joshua perhaps they can curry favor by iness Conferences were most care. nor of Litvinov nor of Stalin. 1t imperialist positions of the Anglo for war. And he is using Collect. bombing planes, torpedo planes. tirely harmful to the workers Above all, they want to stop turning fire against the common ful not to put matters in such arose in the camp of the Allied French bloc protecting their ive Security in his attempt to and ships and drive them out of and their organizations. The rethe relentless march of history enemy. After all, are not their crude fashion; they left it for Powers during the latter part of right to exploit the major part make the war which he believes these waters. It American leaders, as repre yees, with their inordinate dethe War of 1914 18, and was of the world; safeguarding their will aid his master popular sented by a the Federal Govern mands and unionization and col the record of the heroes of the Lion of the Versailles system. India, the Near East, Indo China, States. Collective Security is his the fullest extent in whipping up one way to deliver a blow at the Here is a fertile field for future are opposed to all red baiting Here, it should be noted, is part of the basis for the construc rule of starvation and terror in among the people of the United incidents which will be used to from whatever quarters it comes.
maintain a constant pereh rather lective bargaining, driving them People Front.
Thanklit about like a canary to the wall as effectively as the democratic bourgeoisie and petty from socialism who became dur and oppression of the workers in of American imperialism.
the Its chief early advocate was Africa; guaranteeing for eternity banner for enlisting the masses war sentiment.
Stalinist patriots for what they American business would find monopolies?
are. vicious enemies of the encouragement. If only, in other Want Labor Curbed Front fairy tale, so different ing that time an outstanding the home countries.
Lower East Side Labor Forum working class Masquerading in words, history would stop, and from the faseist minded most spokesman for French imperialThe worker have absolutely (This is the second in a THE CRISIS AND THE the guise of friends.
leave us alone, immune to its So plank after plank calls for reactionary sections of financeism, no interest in the preservation series of four articles on the UNEMPLOYED By taking a step in that direcconflicts and troubles, maybe we the repeal of the Wagner Act, capital, the champions who are The theory of Collective Se of any imperialist division what New Republic debate over Speaker: NEIL HARRISON tion, by revealing the rule or Little Men would make out some condemns any wage and hours going to defend the working class Powers had won the war, and group of nations a given division curity was as follows: The Allied ever, no matter what nation or Collective Security between (Chairman Loc. 15) ruin policy of the Stalinists in how.
Earl Browder and Charles FRIDAY NITE FEB. 11 the unions, by exposing their Beard. The remaining articles Then, however, after these more responsible, asks exemp working class had better think taken for themselves the rich favors. Their interest is to overat East Side Labor Center treacherous social patriotism and futile slaps, the real viciousness tions from the Social Securities twice before turning itself over Great Britain, particularly, be tem; and, if mankind is not to will deal with Beard isola 159 Rivington St. all the vicious practises flowing in their hearts was let loose. Big Act, insists on broadening of the to Little Busiress and its pro ing satisfied with the results, revert to barbarism, to do so in with the Marxist alternative tionist reply to Browder and (Near Clinton) fron it, Homor Martin has rend.
Business is oppressing them, but Income Tax Base. The Big Busi gram.
Admission FREE ered a valuable service to the glutted with colonies and other the shortest possible time. The to Collective Security. labor movement.
Party and Press Belied By Acts Army Nazi Feud Conference in which they could concerned. From one of the most Shier! Now, let get going all la calm and virtuous proposal? No together would take collective war they know to be inevitable Washington on a bill introduced to which the former is not at all CP War Mongers City