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Negrin Promises Private Property Sprin for the February 12, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Page Reiss Describes Inner Defends Property Expulsions from FÜR WORKERS SOVIET UNION NOTES Life of Stalin G.
Setback For Unity Drive BACK VERDICT Purge Reflects Economic Crisis Coal Piles (Continued from page 1) cording to the reports of Stashevsky friends, neither he nor Up At Mines. Tractor Failures Reactionary Move By Executive Council Widens ON FEDERMAN Slow Down Harvest pionage When his chief, an his daughter ever reached their Chasm in Labor Movement; Campaign For Ny JOHN WRIGHT intimate friend of his, who knew Moscow apartment. Apparently Unity Must Be Intensified very well this was a lie, was they were seized at the border.
Stalinists Try To Break New Crisis in Soviet Economy asked how he had failed to notice Stashevsky, incidentally, was Up Meeting Held to that was a spy, he replied: considered a 100 per cent StalinA spy does not impart his sec. ist. He was given an interview DY WIDICK the council indicates that open Hail Findings There is a clear connection between the current reign of terror and the economie difficulties in which Stalin regime of selfrets. An important funeby Stalin himself and received damaging blow to the cause warfare on too wide a front is proclaimed victorious socialism finds itself at the beginning tionary, Sh. was arrested, and, personal instructions from him of unity in the labor movement not yet the plan of the of leaders.
of course, charged with espion prior to his departure for Spain.
was dealt this week by the reTORONTO, Cariada. Gatherof the Third Five Year Plan. Thousands of technicians, engineers age. His wife was immediately In 1935, he demonstrated his actionary executive council of the MillandSmelter Workers Unioning at a joint meeting of Locals and plant administrators are being made seapegoats for failings thrown out of their apartment. loyalty by betraying Sirtsov, which are inherent in the Stalinist management and operation Sh. was a typical er, in who had been rash enough to the worst sense of the term. make some critical comments on United Mine Workers of Ame isolate the miners, since this national Union, an overwhelming of Soviet industries.
rica, backbone of the international is closely tied up majority of the furriers in this Soviet railways, long a weak spot in industrial life, are again Comrades who knew him intim. Stalin activity around the JUAN NEGRIN from the Federation.
in serious straits, The basie equipment of the railways, like ately were in a quandary: Why corpse of Kirov.
President William Groen of the with the Lewis. controlled city gave enthusiastic endorsement to the verdict of the work that of the majority of vital plants, has been seriously underhad this man heen arrested? Was Woman Accused of implied that the reers jury which last week acquit. mined in the reckless drive for records. Despite vast sums pour it perhaps because he knew lanvocation of the miners charter, Raid Plan Seen tod Max Federman, vice presi ed into transportation in recent years under the direction of guages? Was this perhaps held An old Polish communist, a and two other smaller dent of the International and ma Kaganovich, the railroads are functioning poorly. Wrecks suspect by the authorities? woman, was arrested (her The bitter internal dispute in nager of the Toronto locals, of unions, was a compromise betIn the there worked husband had been spared from and accidents show no signs of decreasing. Car loadings have Stern Defense Of ween the civil war policy advo the Flat Glass Workers Union the frame up charges brought a German. His fate had long jail only by a premature death. cated by the dichards and the which led to the ousting of Glen against him by Ben Gold, Stalinbeen dropping at an alarming rate, thus nullifying the recent been decided, but for one reason She was accused of having joined policy of moderates in the ex McCabe as international presi ist union president. successes in metallurgy and mining.
or another he had not dent, offered the of the been the ecutive on instructions In the latter industries, production has been temporarily resWhen the Stalinists became arrested. Apparently they were from the sub Bureau of the Polcathe Federation of Flat Glass hope of raiding that industry conscious that their woramentu ginting of Stakhanovism. For example, coal production in the pure blooded German of the ploy she had allegedly been since Frank Interview Shows Smelter workers were the other following his overthrow and sical attacks to break up the Donbas region is averaging 225, 000 tons per day (daily produeAryan type, he was admirably 1921. Bruno Yassensky and Who Is Destroying two international unions whose probably expects to capture some meeting.
tion in December 1935 229, 000) as against the previous levels suited for the role of a Nazi in other Poles are in jail on similar charter were revoked.
locals for the of McRevolution of below 200, 000 tons daily. But the additional coal is simply some publie trial. It was indis charges. Inasmuch as they are Cabe was originally suspended Stalinists Slink Away piling up at the mines.
pensable to liquidate him, if not apprehending real spies, Leadership Divided when charges were placed only because he was a German. they are arresting and shooting The real economic aims of the The Fur Workers, however, against him in regard to use of The action of the executive the union funds.
Spanish Loyalist Government Either because no suitable trial innocent people.
remained orderly. small num Coal Stocks Pile Up at Pits cropped up, or for some other Even in the hardly were strikingly revealed last council came after two weeks of The executive council did not ber of Communists, no more than reason, a different method was any one knows what happens in month by President Juan Negrin indecision which reflected the vote on the appeal of the Penn: 70 or 75, left the meeting and So grave is the situation that Pravda on January 15, devoted applied in his case. He was sent the inner prison to those arrested in an interview given to the division within the top. Sylvania State Federation of La went to the headquarters, to the First Session of the Supreme Council, had to allot space to Spain, and disappeared there. case better known than the Radio news agency. The most leadership. Dan Tobin, of the bor against the Green order to The hundreds of furriers remainto the disgraceful condition of the Donbas railways. Pravda In general, it is by no means a others is that of the aged Fried significant statements, reports that in the first ten days of January the coal stocks at rare practice to send people to man, an old Chekist whom Sta from the reports in the American of the Railroad Brotherhoods, purge itself of affiliates. ed, the meeting continued and purpose of liquida lin, for some reason, was bent press, are reprinted below from were for moderation. Bill Hut. is forced to cause to na split of tions of the trial committee. the mine pits more than doubled. More than 600, 000 tons of cheson, of the Carpenters, head. Pennsylvania labor, it means that Also here, in Toronto, the Sta coal piled up, and the reserve keeps increasing. Meanwhile, ting them.
on including in the Zinoviev trial. the Paris Oeuvre. Numerous owners have al. ed the civil war group.
according to Pravda, The North Donetz and South Donetz rail.
the of leaders will in linists had their men make conHe was subjected to many long Dog Gives Clue months of torture to extort conready made peace with the Re. The strategy of the of on the political field.
Max Federman. The trial comA member of the fails fessions from him. Nor did they public and their property hos executive board in expellin tensity hostilities against the fessions, in order to involve ways fall behind, failing to load daily from 25 to 30 thousand tons. On the North Donetz Railway only one half of the to show up for work. Was he lose hope of breaking him untii been returned to them. The the miners union is obvious. It split in the ranks of Penn mittee condemned the frame up trains start on schedule and only one third keep to the schedule.
arrested? Worried comrades be a few days before the opening we shall do everything within Lewis controlled section of the affect the political perspectives ly exonerated Federman.
seizure of property is illegal. hopes to isolate the John witnesses, who admitted their sylvania unions would seriously in the deal, and unanimousThis affects not only the work of the coal mines but of other plants as well, in particular the metallurgy industry. Tens of dares to make inquiries. There mained adamant. The story is our power to assure foreign pro and cause a split in of the Lewis machine, which in gin to wonder. No one, of course of the trial. But Friedman re thousands tons of production remain lying in metallurgical and When all the provocations of was still hope that had gone that his last words were: You perty holders or stock holders the ranks.
other plants of the Donbas for the same reason. Pravda, JanDavid Dubinsky, president of tends to run Thomas Kennedy, the abroad, where he had done work. can shoot old Friedman only and the complete exercise of their the International Ladies Gar secretary treasurevernor the min stone wall of opposition from Stalinists encountered uary 15. Sometime later a friend of his once, but no one can make a the union, they embarked on tyPravda for Jan. 24 devotes its leading article to the railways receives a letter from serv. whore out of him.
rights. The workers recognize ment Workers Union, indirectly er union, for governor.
During examination, in most the difficulties inherent in the played a part in determining Green Hits League pical gangster methods. Arming ant abroad, with an inquiry as is. themselves with knives and clubs, way transport has steadily worsened in the recent period. The to what she should do with chses, the investigating magis functioning of the enterprises and this strategy by his recent publie Green repeated his blast of last they entered the union head magnificent position which the railwaymen occupied in the sumShe had written to the trates do not, apparently, talk are increasingly well disposed to attack on Lewis.
master, but received no reply. frankly with the prisoners in connection, we have been assured In this Hope in Dubinsky mer of 1937 has now been lost by them. Daily, the transport fall against Labor Non Parti quarters and brutally beat up Thus, because a dog had been they conduct the investigation in san League in a special report five union militants, supporters system fails to fulfil the plan by 10 to 20 per cent. The most Louis Stark, of the New York to the council. He termed it a of Max Federman. This attack important freight for the life of the country metal, oil, and of the dog owner arrived in from above, without themselves munists, and we shall do what Times, pointed out in his article mere tool and mouthpiece of has evoked the strongest protests left abroad, news of the arrest accordance with orders issued of the collaboration of the Combread. is being held up for long periods at the key stations.
knowing the truth officially. But, is necessary to obtain that of the of February that the of the His previous attack from all sections of the Canadian The debt of the transport system to the country is growing with Several years ago, one of the of course, they are very well Anarchists. was placing hope in winning was ignored in many labor cen Tabor movement.
every passing day. functionaries detailed aware of what is involved.
Deeds Versus Words Dubinsky away from the ters but today it might mean Run To Court Continues Pravda: The railwaymen have no objective, exto work on the street and to and having him, carry the ball further action against the ternal reasons whatsoever for the lag. The solution for the difSeoff At Confessions As a further act of despera ficulty is: To rais compile reports about the preThese frank statements of across the goal line. It o. in the political sphere.
cipline among the railwaymen, in These recent developments de tion, the Stalinists proceeded to vailing moods, in making his re In Moscow the confessions policy, intended to appease the was this difference between Duother words, to pile repressions upon repressions. That is the port to the authorities was rash are openly scoffed at. Very exacting capitalists of Great hinsky and Lewis that gave the lay the possibility of peace in the capitalist law court to secure only solution Stalin has to offer. The condition of the transport enough to say that in re potatoes popular are anecdotes such as counter to the oft repeated poro and aided in determining the of the situation, Stark aptly ronto Furriers Union from using is especially grave in view of the fact that the country repotatoes, but some sort of mud. upon being arrested and examin. mise of the Government that policy of continued hostility to summed up the prospect and per offices in the Labor Lyceum. The sources are being trained to match the armament race for the Couldn something be done about ed, confessed that he was the the conquests of the Revolution the spectives by writing, If for the union has been compelled to with coming conflict.
it? He was clapped in jail, and, author of Hamlet, cte will be defended at all costs. Surprise was expressed in present hostilities do not cease, draw from Ben Gold Interna: as is sometimes the case, for Because of the number of arIn the light of Negrin inter many labor circles that of the it will not mean an end to peace tional and to apply for a charter The Crisis in Spring Sowing gotten. He received no packnges, rests, and the enormous number view, it is interesting to recall major Unions only the hopes nor an end of striving to in the fl. wiich has no visits; his relatives were of cases, virtually all the fune the reasons Kiven for the arrest miner union was expelled. The ward renewal of peace parleys. Been granted.
The Left Poale Zion, of which Despite the Stalinist bonsts of a record crop last year and upon hundreds of Amalgamated Clothing Workers Resumption of peace negotiations afraid to inquire. year and a tionaries of the have of hundreds forveasts of even a greater crop in the coming season, it is quite half passed. An investigating become investigating magistrates. Anarchist and work was slated to go, too, accord will be made more difficult by Federman is a member, has apparent that serious difficulties are being encountered in agrieulture, especially in spring sowing. Seeds have not been prepared; among the old files, proposed in ages are permitted in jull. With groups repeatedly warried that very fact that this demand of inside and outside labor will con to appear before an impartial the nucleus that he be set free. tens of thousands in prison, the the Popular Front Government, the dichards was not voted by Itinue to work for unity in labor. workers tribunal charged with a the tractors are not ready; the plan is not being fulfilled. Emerthorough investigation of the en(At that time winor cases con sending of packages is allegedly acting in the interests of British geney measures are being resorted to. Volunteer brigades cerning members could still be impossible in practice. On the imperialism, had as its chief duty tire affair. This challenge has are being recruited to go into the country and repair the tractors.
so far been ignored.
brought up in the nuclei. No same grounds, many are shot: the crushing of the Spanish reThe entire Komsomol (Young Communist League) has been mob.
decision was reached on the There is no room in the prisons.
Taking issue with the Stalin ilized to fulfill the plan in repairing tractors and prepare the question. The authorities kept Political prisoners are now The Government and the ist union wreckers, the Toronto sowing campaign.
Furriers Union has put out a dragging the case, but no one usually sent into exile to other stalinist circles, when they iniOn January 18 Eikhe, the new Commissar for Agriculture, public statement in which it de delivered a report on the Plan for 1938 in Agriculture at a would be freed either this day addition, the criminals are exlutionists, charged these groups clarés: For many years the plenary session of the Central Committee of the He or the next. Presently, some tended the right of stripping with consciously playing the (Continued from page 1)
Progressive Forces Go Purriers Union of Toronto has painted a dismal picture of the conditions in agriculture. His one again reminded himself of the political prisoners bare. It game of the fascists in attemptDown to Defeat At the case, and this time the auth is hardly surprising it in these ing to create an atmosphere of of the worid. You realize, he strongest and most progressive report might as well have been entitled the work of wreckers orities finally decided: To be shot conditions many exiles never discontent within anti fascist was challenged by Representative Trenton Meet in the agricultural organs. Wreckers are to blame for everyunions in Canada. Under the in 24 hours.
reach their place of exile, but Spain and its French and British Brewster of Maine, what we are capable leadership of Max Fething. In the meantime, according to Eikhe, the plan for reperish on the way.
allies. Las Noticias, Stalinist asked to do is of major imporderman, the union has carried on pairing tractors has been fulfilled only 30 per cent. Gasoline To Avoid Fuse tance to the whole world.
TRENTON, There militant and exemplary struggles After Yagoda arrest and the organ of the supplies are lacking, seed has not been prepared. Pravda, JanIt is pertinent to akk: Who is No, do not, answered Leahy, uary 22. Nowadays they try to make massacre in the the Dispatches appearing in the Soviet press present even a more arrests with the least amount of most incredible stories began to consciously playing the game but do think it is of major formist line of the Communist to win for the hundreds of Tur fuss. Men are not seized either circulate among the foreign of British imperialism? Who is importance to our own country. Party was, for the most part, workers and their families in adopted as the 938 program of Toronto decent living standards. dismal picture. In the Ukraine (Chernigov) tractors are not beConceals Secret Talks ing repaired. In 14 tractor stations there are no head mechanics.
at home or in the department agents and a real panic ensued. destroying the conquests of the revolutionary the Workers Alliance of New Attack Wreckers so as not to cause panic. People in order to check it somehow, Revolution. the (Pravda, January 19. In the Maryansk region in Kuban, at the are not arrested they simply the sent out a circular workers groups or the Popura Church of Illinois created sen went down to defeat on the vital Republican Representative Jersey progressive forces We, the fur workers, have al. tractor station there, on January 1, out of 26 tractors requiring disappear. For example, a meet letter throughout the entire for Front Government?
sation toward the end of Friday questions confronting the third to make of our union just another ways guarded against attempts major repairs only were ready; out of 30 tractors requiring ing is in session; a man gets up eign network. Its contents were session when he suddenly inquire annual convention held here over subdivision of the Communist average repairs only 10 were ready. In Maryansk, 1, 400 tons to go to the toilet and does not approximately as follows: The grave problem for the Soviet ed what matters involving the of gasoline were needed, only tons were stored. In Novoreturn. This attracts least at CC has removed the sang at functionary is the question of British and American navies last week end.
Party. We were certain that the Myshastovsk out of 1, 860 tons needed, only 71 tons were ready, With the exception of progres be satisfied until it got a victim wolf in our ranks would never must unfortunately admit that dering giving a party in his by Captain Ingersoll. will not sive resolutions on perspectives in its claws. It took no longer (Pravda, January 17. The Georgievsk tractor station (Ordjowhat happened to him.
After Yagoda removal and our heads (Yagoda and the rest house and inviting a number answer that question, Admiral and principles of the organizathan six months for the comnikidze province) hall not produced a single tractor by January Pravda, January 24. Things are bad in Bashkiria and worse the smashing of the central ap turned out to be bandits.
in Tadjikistan. The Commissar for Agriculture in the latter paratus of the they chief task for us and for you is began to recall foreign agents to to struggle against the Fascist communists, mostly workers in statement in executive sessions, tion, the convention did little of munists to get their fingers on the fur workers union.
region, Selivanov, is not to be trusted.
Moscow. As a rule they are re. Trotskyites. 1) struggle against the more experienced of course, on the basis that it is a constructive nature.
In its leading article on January 3, Pravda declared: On De We have decided to raise a called by some sort of rusc. For the Trotskyites. 2) keep a strict it. Something might come out of of vital importance to the inte question, the Stalinists and their union in the interests of the fur On the important Labor Party fund of 10, 000 to defend our cember 20, 1937, the plan for repairing tractors had been fulexample, informed that he check on your subordinates.
it. The best thing is to go to a rests and defense of the United stooges refused to defend clearly workers. We furriers have alfilled only 13 per cent for the Union as a whole. In point of fact, had been compromised and would Demoralization Reigns party given by so and so. Such States.
the plan for the fourth quarter has collapsed.
have to transfer to another coun.
try, and en route he might It must be said that in connec there, whose position today is did not know whether or not Pre political action.
and such people will be present Leahy told Churchill that he their opposition to independent ready raised 1, 000 towards this The resolution fund. We are the victims of a Havoc Caused By Purge drop in on Moscow. is recall tion with the recent trials, the quite sound.
ed on some other harmless pre important functionaries of the sident Roosevelt had delayed the calling for such action encounter new Communist offensive against submission of the 800, 000, 000 ed demagogie attacks which so cracy. Heed our call, protest dition.
working class rights and demo The havoe caused by the purge accounts in part for this context. In Moscow, they disap. abroad had to agitate Thus Pravda (January 24) reports that in Bashkiria pear.
their subordinate foreign agents Arthur Stashevsky worked in nights on end, so great was the STALINISM alone for the last three months 37 agricultural heads and 46 first to confer with Captain In gladly voted a tabling motion to its assault upon the fur workers directory of tractor stations have been removed, together with two weeks because he wanted confused the delegates that they against Communist brutality in Spain ostensibly as a trade rep demoralization these trials prodand gersoll.
remove the question from the in Toronto.
their deputies and scores of mechanies. Eikhe reported that resentative. But in reality as one uced even in this milieu.
In discussing naval defense on floor.
of the leading functionaries of out of 200 tractor stations in White Russia only 144 had direcAccording to the latest re BOLSHEVISM the After Tukhachevs ports, Unschlicht (sister of the Atlantic Coast, Leahy retors. He added We have the same picture in Omsk, Orenburg, marked that an excellent base by War Resolution Spiked ky trlal and, connection with Unschlicht. an oppositionist, Minneapolis Sverdlovsk and a number of other regions. Pravda, January 22. the arrest of Unschlicht and who was arrested in 1934 and 100 Leon could be created from the area of Long Island Sound and Narra The war resolution of the proRemedy? It is provided in the leading editorial of the same issue SOCIALIST FORUM other Polish communists, it was who had worked in the CominTROTSKY Every Sunday at P. of Pravda which declared that in the recent order of the Central decided in Moscow to recall Stas tern, died in the isolator. At sentetit Payon When the Representerer si hi ha realistared sin esmer Socialist Workers Committee to suspend the purge, the party has a new sharp hevsky as well. But inasmuch the time of her arrest, she was Pioneer Publishers weapon against the enemies of the people.
the Committee asked why an on the floor. As a result, an inas his wife and daughter were taken from her sick bed. 100 Fifth Avenue Party Hall working in the Soviet pavilion The well known Ukrainian adequate fleet was not maintain nocuous statement was brought New York, at the Paris exhibition, Moscow communist Kotsubinsky has been ed for the defense of the Atlantie, out to tired delegates at a. 669 2nd AVE. Purge in the Commissariat of Heavy Industry was afraid lest he refuse to re shot.
Admiral Leahy answered, CH on the day of the final session. Between Glenwood Ave. and matic condition is one reason.
The Stalinists packed the state 8th St. Anong those made scapegoats for the latest economic crisis turn. The resourceful minds in The Bulletin of the Russian He was not pressed to mention executive with a strai: Feb. 13 FRANCE: The End were all three deputies of Lazar Commissar for the thought up the fol. Opposition) is widely read in the others.
ticket vote, leaving a stench lowing stratagem: Stashevsky G.
Heavy Industry (who replaced on August 22, 1937 the purged ATTENTION FANS of the People Front that will undoubtedly nullify Feb. 20 CHINA: How Can Mezhlauk, successor of the deceased Ordjonikidze. In the early daughter (without her father Gide book, or, more precisely, See Gimble Sproketts Make their victory.
knowledge) was sent from Paris stories concerning this book, and a Colonial People Defend Iris Debut!
part of January, they all disappeared. Among them was ZaARE YOU Alfred Mack, chairman of the to Moscow with some exhibits, Gide taking a new position, Itsell?
venyagin, candidate to the Central Committee, decorated with while Stashevsky himself was have indubitably produced a Double Feature Puppet Show strongest county unit in the state Feb. 27. Will Rev. the highest orders for successful construction of the MagnitsREADY and Social (Essex. brought the issue to the great impression in the called to Paris from Spain.
olution Come to Amer. gorsk combine and director of Magnitogorsk plants, and appointed floor by refusing to serve as Paris two surprises awaited Those arriving from SATURDAY NITE Feh. 1912 FORWAR?
second vice chairman for As deputy by Kaganovich himself on September 17, 1937. The him: an urgent request by wire abroad are bombarded from all at 159 Rivington St.
Speaker: Order now. 5c per copy state because of the nature of fate of Zavenyagin and his colleagues became known when to come to Moscow and the in sides with questions about what (Near Clinton)
the vote, although he himself FELIX MORROW Pravda and. Izvestia for January printed terse notices of the formation that his daughter was Gide had written.
3c in bundles of 10 or more scored the highest vote in the Games, Drinks, Dancing, etc.
ADMISSION 10c appointment of three new deputies: Butenko, Kuzmin and Per already there (a hostage. Ac In present conditions, a rather balloting.
vukhin. Leahy Testimony Reformists Win Bares War Plans In Jersey as the