CapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Workers for the SOCIALIST APPEAL of the World Unite!
Fourth International!
PUBLISHED WEEKLY AS THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Vol. II. No. 401 Saturday, February 12, 1938 Cents per Copy Green Backs War Program MPA WORKERS Use Hitler Seeks Leahy Testimony Bares War was walk ruanne To Appease Plans Of Imperialism; Reichswehr Admits Conflict Is Near FDR Talks For Peace; HINT JOINT ACTION WITH BRITAIN Fleet Prepares For War Note to šapan on Battleship Program Heralds AUTO WORKERS LEADER SLAMS WAR MONGERS LINKS POYNTZ TO ROBINSON SPY FRAME UP NEW YORK The speed with which the government is prepar.
AN EDITORIAL ing for the outbreak of war, and the extent to which it is using Commenting at Miami on the enormous war budges the unemployed for war prepara proposed to Congress by Roosevelt, President William tions, was revealed here last week Green of the American Federation of Labor declared. feel that at this period, when we take into account More than 1, 000 Army Nazi Feud Breaks what is happening internationally, we must have contechnicians, laborers, etc. are now Out; Shifts Viewed fidence in the judgment of the Chief Executive. He employed on the construction of As Compromise must have information on the world situation which an army land and sea airbase, with 39 hangars, at the Curtis we do not possess. It is really the duty of all of us to stand with the President in this trying world situaairport on Long Island.
The chronie friction between Construction of the base, al the German army officer caste tion. feels that a billion dollars necessary to though technically coming under and the upstart Na bureauprotect America, feel we ought to support him. the jurisdiction of the cracy reached the explosive point Naval Race; Admiral Says Fleet Will Be Times, January 29, 1938. and being financed with last week in the summary remo Navy Maneuvers, Alaska Threatens Japan Used to Implement Monroe Doctrine Why Is Information Kept Secret?
funds, is actually being super val of Marshal von Blomberg as Issue, Indicate Trend vised by the War Department. War Minister and of General von Toward Clash In the first place, if Roosevelt has information on The utmost secrecy and pre Fritsch as Chief of Staff, the Not troubling to mince words, Admiral William the world situation which we do not possess. why does caution enshrouds this shifting of several foreign diploForeign policy. Senator Pitt.
Leahy, chief of naval operations of the Navy, last he not impart this information to the common mortals project, with army men impos. mats, the replacement of Foreign week revealed to the House Committee on Naval Affairs ing a maximum of discipline on Minister von Neurath by the man told the Senate last week, who have to do the fighting and dying in the war for all employed there. In line with former ambassador to London, consists of the actions of a gothe broad lines of the war policies of the Roosevelt govern which he is preparing? And if he doesn impart it, general plans to complete the air von Ribbentrop. and the as vernment and not its words.
is it not the elementary duty of a labor leader to demand ment.
base within a very short period, sumption of direct control of The actions of the United the information before he asks the workers to put blind the construction work has been the armed forces by Hitter him States Government in the past Admiral Leahy was testifying in favor of the 800, confidence in the judgment of the Chief Executive. put on a 24 hour day, day week self.
ten days, reflecting its swift pace 000, 000 naval budget proposed by President Roosevelt and Why, even such capitalist politicians, progressive and basis. with three hour shifts The fact that control of the toward a showdown against Japan he made it plain that Congress would be called on to vote conservative, as Borah, Nye and others, have asked per day army was given neither to Goer in the Pacific, included the fol Roosevelt at least to express his foreign policy before ing nor to Himmler, who is head 1. Nearly 100 warships and 300 still more millions to fulfill all the far reaching aims of American imperialism in the war which Leahy admitted he is given a blank check of support!
In the second place, if support to the war program sions, while several of the old fighting planes completed five.
was nearer now than at any time since the World War.
is to be given Roosevelt just because he feels that a line conservative representatives day maneuvers off the southern The note sent to Japan on billion dollars are necessary to protect the then of the army officer clique have. coast of California.
been installed in the new domi. Pearl Harbor Reinforeed February concurrently by the ing that the naval expansion prowhat the difference between our democratic proUnited States, Great Britain, and gram was a weapon of aggresnant Party Council, indicates that cesses and the way things are done under the rule of Hitler has sought to mollify The already huge military France, demanding information Sion to be used in line with Roo.
the fascist Fuehrer in Germany?
by February 20 on Japan sevelt policy announced in his both sides concessions and a establishment of Honolulu, key In the third place, why should American labor put temporary compromise.
Pacific base of American impebattleship building plans, made Chicago speech of quarantining even a scrap of confidence in the judgment of the Chief rialism, was augmented by 1, 000 CORDELL HULL it plain that the Roosevelt regime aggressor nations.
Rests On Bayonets Executive of the capitalist class? Has nothing been marines withdrawn from Shangis prepared to embark on a naval Ready For Anything hai and 1, 268 men of the regular building race and to construct learned from the confidence in the Chief Executive Homer Martin Exposc basis of German fascisan hasarmy sent from the West Coast.
The destruction of the mass super dreadnoughts of more than Asked on Tuesday by Repubwhich Samuel Gompers imposed on the labor move As Reactionary 40, 000 tons.
marines, originally drawn lican Representative Maas from ment during the last War to Make the World Safe For brought it to the position where from the San Diego naval base, Force In Union Minnesota whether if we should Democracy?
Mysterious Trip its rule is based entirely on the were ordered to Pearl Harbor have bayonets of the Reichswehr, on instead of back to their original Homer Martin, president of the one side, and the ambitious posts. The submarine Nautilus No Confidence In Ruling Class This joint step clarified at one could trouble in the Pacific, we anticipate any substantial the United Automobile Workers, mercenaries of the private Nazi was also ordered to Pearl Harbor stroke the meaning the mys. aid from any other power. AHas the regimenting, conscripting, gagging and second largest affiliate, army, led by the selected corps for permanent duty there. Only terious trip to London made by miral Leahy replied: We are chaining of labor in the last war, while the war profi rocked the labor movement last of Himmler Schutzstaffel. on two weeks ago a fleet of 18 huge Captain Ingersoll of the War planning to take care teers became increasingly bloated with blood stained week with a devastating blast the other.
Plans Department of the Navy, tuation. In response to other wealth has all that been forgotten? Have we forgotten against Communist Party policy fighting planes nade a record on which Admiral Leahy refused questions, Leahy indicated that Having preserved German ca formation flight across the Pathat the last war for Wall Street was also launched on and activity in the union move pitalism by the ruthless crush Icific to Pearl Harbor and more Carlo Tresca Says She to give information to the House the defense lines of the navy inment the pretext of protecting America. ing of the working class and the are to follow.
Committee before which he testi clude Canada, Mexico and Central Was Abducted By Amplifying charges made by labor movement, and prepared Three American cruisers, fied. The note showed that first America. The Pacific defense Have we forgotten that while we were fighting for democracy in Flanders, Mooney was framed up in Benjamin Stolberg in his series the around for the imperialist the Trenton, the Memphis, and Agent tentative steps have already been line, he said, extends from the taken by the Roosevelt Adminis. Aleutian Islands to Hawaii and tration for joint naval action thence via Samoa to the Parianta halls raided, labor papers suppressed, genuine labor Telecom, Martin declared in an upstarts have continually debe ale Singapore er el cementy BY JUNIUS with Britain in the event of war. Canal, The Atlantic defense line leaders imprisoned or lynched, and all democratic rights working to involve the United spoils of rule. Their demands new huge British naval base.
While Loy Henderson, What other commitments the extends from the coast of Maine charge affaires the President and with the assistant secretary of the the defense of the Stalin dictat than one conflict with the old. This significant American par waited for the to ar in Moscow administration and the military to the Virgin Islands to Colon.
and naval chiefs have made with navy, Franklin Roosevelt?
orship in Russin, doing this in governing bureaucracy whom range the time and place of his out the knowledge of Congress case of any attempted indirect The government and the capitalist class it represents the name of collective security. they replaced and with the army viously aimed at Japan was link interview with Mrs. Rubens, or of the people will be disclosed invasion of Central or South cannot plunge us into another imperialist war without The Proof machine which is the most re ed with the secret and still un Carlo Tresca, veteran anti Fasc only when further actions bring American republics by a foreign them to light.
explained trip to London of ist leader, this week delivered a power, the navy would be guaranteeing themselves the support of labor in ad liable prop of capitalist domina Captain Royal Ingersoll. of the withering attack on the Stalin used to thwart such an attempt vance. Without peace at home at labor expense The entire present activity of tion.
War Plans Department of the frame up machine charging it What Leahy Revealed Leahy answered that it would be an effective war cannot be prosecuted. Whoever ties the Stalinists, who are laboring Army Conservatism Navy, last month.
the labor movement to the war program and the war overtime to line up the workers with the abduction of Juliet Enough has already been re so used if the national policy at machine, is helping bring war closer; he is handing of this country behind the war The army command has felt. Testifying in Washington last Stuart Poyntz, noted Stalinist vealed, however, to requibe or the time required it. He further over the working class, bound hand and foot with fake plans of the Washington govern in particular, that the foreign weck, Admiral Leahy, chief of leader who disappeared last sum workers the utmost vigilance as stated that the ability of the ment, proves Martin point.
patriotic slogans, to the war mongers.
gainst the war plans of Ameri Doctrine at present depended abpolicy of Hitler Rosenberg Goch plain the purpose of Ingersoll Tresca offered to go before can capitalism.
That the crime of William Green. That the crime Ke declares that in their ef bels Ribbentrop and Co. is too visit, which was obviously in or the Grand Jury now investigating solutely on the amount of force of all the other labor bureaucrats who, like the Lewis fort to plunge the USA into advemtumistic amd tucaleulated to der to coordinate possible Anglo the Rubens pas sport mystery tana mial Leahy told the Committee memberited against the Monroe ed themselves hoarse for Roosevelt at the very moment are working hand in hand with flict with Britain whose friend American naval action in the to give evidence implicating the on Monday that the political The concentration of the hearG.
when he was launching an unprecedented armaments Right again. Regardless of so dubious an ally as Italy.
the disappearance of conditions in the world at this ings upon the situation in the Capital Ship Race Miss Poyntz.
moment both in Europe and the Pacific revealed that Japan was program.
whether an explicit agreement. Von Blomberg plebeian mare Far East are far more threaten considered to be the main enemy Linked To Rubens ing than at any time since 1918 in the coming war. On Thursday Forward To The Class War exists, there can be no doubt in riage was of course only a pre Concurrently with Great the essence of the matter that text for the precipitation of the Britain and France, the United He also indicated that a con and no improvement was in sight. Leahy testified that President No confidence in Roosevelt or the government! Con Stalin henchmen in this country dispute that has been smoulder States government on February nection might be established bet. The major conflict in progress Roosevelt contemplated a navy fidence only in the solidarity and solidity and militancy are serving the interests of the ing for some time. Hitler solu presented to Japan a virtual ween the Poyntz disappearance in China has owulted in many adequate to protect the nation of or ow ranks! That the requirement of the financial oligarchs of Wall Street Lion is merely a temporary ultimatum on the subject of and the Rubens case, which grave incidents involving the so: only on one ocean, the Pacific hour. If labor relies on itself to defend its own inter by their social patriotic bally makeshift. reflecting the uncer super dreadnought building above seems about to flower into a serien rights of the United He said that with the fleet conests, it will save itself otherwise inevitable surprises, hoo, disappointments, betrayals.
Aid Freely Given in Europe.
The establishment of undisguised race for naval sup involve American Trotskyists The civil war in Spain continues the present time no nation could (Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 2)
unabated and the threat of a invade the United States on the Not an iota of support to the armaments program The American imperialists need general European conflict is ever Pacific shore. He thought it nefor war! We have a war of our own to fight: the war cessary for the Navy Department against poverty, suffering and exploitation. That war Stalinist cover for their war Murdered Victim of Reveals Just a Police Patrol to have a force at its disposal can be won only if it is fought against the capitalist plans, Stalinist aid to whip up war hysteria, Stalinist aid for equal to the combined strength class and its chief executive in Washington.
war recruiting, and when war The Admiral regarded the navy of the German, Japanese, and Roosevelt may feel that a billion dollars are nebreaks Stalinist aid in leading as a police patrol for the entire Italian fleets because these cessary to protect American investments and imperi the lynch mobs against the me western hemisphere. At our nations are in some sort of doors nothing stands in the way agreement.
alist interests abroad.
But every worker KNOWS that the billion dollars and voluntarily, because it is in The following revealing pen There was no one to intercede Cases of this sort are not an of the Republies of Central or of possible exploitation or seizure Denies English Alliance misery they suffer.
country the Stalin counter need for any ceremony in Kharkovroe denied that there was an under.
Admiral Leahy persistently billion dollars for war armaments?
Martin is not correct in saying revolutionary secret police has dealing with them. They were was removed from her job. naval forces as the United States standing between the United that the Communists are Fasc. been supplied by Comrade Ignace all. as rule, accused of espion: Reason? It appears that her may have and the use of that States and Great Britain on Lebius demand that the billion be shifted out of the ists in every sense of the word. Reiss, himself former SR, akcest were usuickly followed the former husband had signed ten force of the necessity should naval policy or plans invalving war column in the budget and into the column for unTrue, Stalin has in his dictator agent, who was slain by Stalin arrest of Russians who had mar: years ago some sort of oppost. arise. He asserted that the navyjoint action in case of war. He employment relief!
ial rule borrowed freely from the orders on September 4, 1937 near ried foreigners, ie, female tional statement. None of her must be maintained arsenal of fascist methods. Hitler Lausanne, Switzerland, after he spies.
friends interceded in her behalf strength which will prevent a se. cruisers to the British naa said that the recent visit of three and Mussolini, on the other hand, had denounced his murderous em They Just Disappear. to do so was to suffer the same rious challenge by any nation val base at Singapore on his or Little Men Fume and Bluster have supplemented their armory ployers and declared his adher.
of repression with methods copi ence to the Fourth International Foreign communists disapG. was removed from his post vital national policies. He speto a friendly port. He denied ed from Stalin. Nevertheless, the. Editor.
peared in batches, new ones in the allegedly for cifically referred to the recently that the naval race before the aims of the Communists and By IGNACE REISS daily. Two old Polish Commun gossiping. As matter of fact concluded German Italian Japan outbreak of the last war was the fascists are different, even. Among the first to be clapped ists happen to meet on the street: had been intimate with who ese anti Communist protocolº and factor in starting that war. He though they pursue those aims in jail accused of Trotskyism You re not in jail yet? And was arrested shortly before, the breakdown of all limitations agreed with Chairman Vinson To the tune of shouts, whines, sions of resolutions. issuing out by more or less identical methods. was the head of the spets de. you or another meeting: superiore had told him: 13 know on naval construction is reasons assertion that prepared na and general türmoil, the confer of their mass meeting.
Responsiblity for the current partment, Molchanov. After his You re still in Moscow! thought you meet in the corridors. Cut for This Conference was a most identification an immediate increase in tion is in a much better position Communism arrest came the arrest of a dozen you were arrested long ago! it out. At the time, was only American naval power.
ence of a thousand Little Busiinstructive contrast to the var. with Fascism rests exclusively at of his collaborators and this to maintain peace than an unness Men last week provided ious Conferences of the big bust the door of the Stalin regime constituted the first blow against rest, in pursuance of the line of After arrest, was first navy was the first line of nationed to point out that preparAmong those placed under ar a prospective candidate for jail. After pointing out that the prepared nation. No one bother.
Washington with its most disor ness men which had preceded it and derly show of the current season. The meetings of the latter, the defend and extol Stalin totali lowed another.
an old Chekist, In search for removed from his post and short al defense, he stated that in ed nation was also in a better For two days, these bathrobe real rulers of American capital tarian barbarism.
in war, position to wag The blow was first of all aim some pretext, they seized upon y thereafter himself arrested. defending our we cannot assume an attitude Leahy testimony was riddled manufacturers, country editors, ism, were models of order and There is a hue and cry about ed at functionaries of a denunciation in his case: In Spy Arrested of passive defense. Prompt and with such contradictions. After photo supply dealers, salesmen decorum. There were no yells or Nazism and fascism. Martin told foreign birth. Reprisals against 1927, in reply to some denigra.
Among those arrested was a distance from our shores, is the ternational war danger and the and hardware store owners, rioting. The suave spokesmen his press interviewers, but it them were only part and parcel ting remark about Trotsky made effective injury to an enemy at having pointed out that the inwrangled, shouted at each other, save their dignified generalities any one mentions Stalinism they of general reprisals against for by an assistant of his, had an old timer in the of only correct strategy to be em naval strength of other nations shook their puny fists, and strugbaiting. We take the positioned to the Especially Trotsky name in my presence!
This declaration posing the huge new naval prothe floor. On the third day, a manner.
that political label does not desperate was the situation of Nothing was made of it at the several languages and worked in actual attack that the best means of defense gram, he refused to admit that delegation presented to the PreLike The Little Business Men, alas, immunize any group from critic those who had Fascist rule in time. But now, ten years later, the foreign department.
sident a list of twenty three ism.
was an offensive attack nullified the new program would have any their native countries: Germans, he was reminded of his hot the rest, he was accused of es Admiral Leahy steadfast de considerable effect upon the rest demands. politely worded ver. Continued on page Continued on page 4) Poles, Hungarians and so on. headed action. Continued on page 3) nials in the subsequent question. Continued on page 2)
Inner Life of Stalin Secret Police are necessary to protect the milliones y other supplerend entertwith Kremlin policy in this picture of the internetituaciones in their behalf and storehong on exception but, rather, the rule A, South America except the mom at fate As Provides Steam Valve of gled hundreds at a time to get to the press in the most gracions are immediately accused of red leign communists who had migrat said, Don you. dare mention foreign extraction, who knew played in case of anticipated or were the prime factors in pro