BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceImperialismKronstadtLeninMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpanish Civil WarStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

The Peace Loving President TRADE UNION MOVEMENT LLION DOLL AR ARMS PROGRAM Carlo Browder Defends Imperialism Page SOCIALIST APPEAL February 5, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL The Ludlow Amendment The Appeal has pointed out that regardless of VOL. II. No.
Party Resolutions Saturday, February 5, 1938 the faultless intentions of the supporters of the Published every week by the Ludlow Amendment for a popular referendum on SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS war, especially of the masses of the people who at 116 University Place, New York, see in it a way of preventing the American warTelephones: Local Office: GRamerey 9142 lords from hurling the workers and farmers into and the National Office: Algonquin 8547 a new imperialist slaughter, we cannot become Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for the advocates of the Bill. And that for the simple months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order reason that we regard it as another of the many HATE (Continued from page 2) cents per copy. Single copies cents. pacifist illusions by means of which the masses WAR!
unity, but rather favorable. In its systematie work of preparing All checks and money orders should be made are distracted from the only means whereby imROOSEVELT the country for war and extending the militarization of all instiout to the Socialist Appeal.
perialist war can be fought, namely, the contitutions, it understands that the trade unions can be more smooth Entered as second class matter September 1, nuous prosecution of the class struggle against ly coordinated into a war machine if friction in their ranks is 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, the system which inevitably breeds war.
climinated and if they are a single unit led and controlled by For those who consider the Ludlow Bill a gua.
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
single reactionary leadership.
rantee against the United States government In addition, a certain section of the employers is exerting MAX SHACHTMAN launching a war without sanction from the people, pressure in the direction of unification because it finds the raids Editor.
we recommend the following comment by one of conducted by the on the of and vice versa.
HAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES the prominent advocates of the amendment, Mr.
with their consequent effects on industrial production, to be Associate Editors. Whitney, president of the Brotherhood of more unprofitable to the employers than dealing with a single, BOB BROWNE Railway Trainmen. Writing in the official organ conservatively led union would be. The financial drain upon both Business Manager, of the United Automobile Workers (January 15, and of in the violent struggles against cach 1938. Whitney says: other, are also a factor of some influence in bringing unity closer As interpret this Amendment, our goto realization. Fugitive From Justice vernment would still be free to pursue a viFinally, the original point in dispute, namely, the question Immediately upon the announcement that the gorous international peace policy. There is of organizing the mass production industries on an industrial Massachusetts authorities had arrested Fred Beal nothing in the Ludlow Amendment that would (vertical) basis, has already been settled by the realitios of the and held him for extradition to North Carolina prevent our ships from turning their guns on auto, rubber, steel, electrical unions now in existence and funcwhere a 20 year prison sentence awaits him, the attacking planes, just as was recently done tioning. Not even the most hardened Bourbon of craft unionism Daily Worker tabelled Beal a fugitive from in the Panay incident on the Yangtze River.
in the of leadership would seriously propose today to justice.
There is nothing in the Ludlow Amendment dissolve the United Automobile Workers, for example, into the Those three words reveal a depth of degrada that prevents the vigorous defense of the Mon22 craft unions which existed under the Green dispensation prior roe Doctrine. There is nothing in the Ludlow to the advances.
tion that has rarely been reached by a paper claim Amendment which would prevent Congress ing devotion to the cause of labor.
Apart from face saving considerations, the principle of infrom spending 100 per cent of our national dustrial unionism, at least as applied to the mass production From what justice is Beal is a fugitive? income for defense purposes. Under the Ludindustries, may be considered generally acknowledged through Beal and six of his fellow unionists were fram low Amendment, Congress could even conscript out the organized labor movement, and reluctantly accepted even ed up and sentenced in September 1929 to long American citizens in contemplation of a conby the Green Woll machine. What stands chiefly in the way of terms of imprisonment in a lynch court in North flict. Our warships may continue to be mani.
the successful conclusions of the unity negotiations now under Carolina for the simple and sole reason that they pulated in peace time just the same under the way, is the struggle for power in the united organization bethad led the unspeakably exploited textile slaves Ludlow Amendment as at present.
ween the old of and the new bureaucracies.
of Gastonia in one of the most magnificent and To imagine that after all such preparations have The main point in dispute is not the right of industrial unionheroic strikes the Bourbon South has ever seen been made for a new war, the imperialist masters ism, but such a form of re unification as will give the one or Upon the decision of the Central Committee of of the country would hold off final action because the other bureaucratic machine the greatest number of supthe Communist Party, of which the defendants of a scrap of paper, is simply to drug the masses porters and the upper hand in the united organization.
were members, they forfeited their bail and fled into the paralysis of false security. That the Our party, together with every revolutionary and class to the Soviet Union. After they had left, the trouble with the Ludlow Bill.
conscious worker, takes a clear cut position in favor of the Daily Worker of August 27, 1930, wrote: carliest and completest possible unification of the of They are quite justified in escaping from and the o. and also the hitherto unaffiliated Railroud the vicious sentence imposed upon them, by People Front Balance Brotherhoods. The only condition, practically speaking, under placing themselves beyond reach of the Southwhich such a unity would be a step backward would be one bindThe Promise: ern capitalist class justice. The working ing the former 10. unions to abandon the industrial form class as a whole should glory in the fact that The People Front Government in France will of organization and to divide themselves into scores of impotent smash Fascism. The People Front in France will they got away. The workers should support craft unions. Unification on such a basis is, however, scarcely guarantee democracy. Through democracy the their escape despite the howls of the bourgeconceivable.
masses will go forward to socialism.
oisie. Let the bosses take the bail; it is Unity would be a tremendous step forward for a number of The Reality: better that they have 27, 000 than the seven Four years ago the masses, by their own spon.
reasons. The united trade union membership in the United States Gastonia fighters serve 117 years in their today is the largest ever reached in all its history, far larger taneous action, had the tiny Fascist groups on prison.
than at the post war peak. Unity of all the unions into one, the run.
Why were none of the Gastonia defendants Today, every one who knows anything about When Marxists state that Sta By James Burnham He continues it by stating that would mean a common, organized union front of approximately the United States is in more dan 8, 000, 000 workers, with a tremendous attractive power for the fugitives from justice in 1980: Why does the FPance admits that the Fascist movement is inism now functions in the world Daily Worker join in 1938 with the howls of the stronger, larger and more aggressive than ever. volutionary force, as the chief ob ganize effective support, behind Union. continuance of the same ger from Japan than is the Soviet still unorganized, with almost inexhaustible forces capable of withstanding the offensive of the employers and of advancing talist class justice be given its victim, Fred Beals of thousands and by their own action and solid ers power and for socialism, hibe de 200, 000 who voted for himenin Habarovsk and Chita, but rather division between the unskilled. proletarian elements in the unions, Early in 1936, the masses struck by the handledes stacle in the struggle for work, the President policy, of the 27, Beads mesued to aby ostok aggressively the demands of the workers on all fronts. The Because Beal has committed the greatest erime arity obtained considerable wage increases, the 40. are still, of course, many who do 1936. Replying to Bruce Bliven unification would overcome the present, thoroughly reactionary imaginable in the eyes of the Stalinists. His re hour week, and union recognition.
on the one side, and the skilled labor aristocracy on the other.
sidence in the Soviet Union made him an opponent Today, the wage increases have been wiped out example, honest members and liarly Russian, Browder says: That is to say, Browder central Finally, a united union organization is, in general, a better field for the work of the revolutionary vanguard than a union moveThat is the only reason why the Communist ment is preparing to smash the 40 hour week in Party itself who think that this Bliven as to how the policy could position is that his policy alone ment divided against itself.
Party in this country would like to see him pay cahoots with the employers.
The working class? The struggle The reactionary role which the of leadership has the penalty of imprisonment for his devoted work In 1936, the Unions grew to enormous propor analysis of the Marxists is the be best framed in American can protect and defend. what?
ing class activity among the textile workers.
And in order to get their revenge, the Stalinista gaining ground for the first time, based on the dogs and ravings of mida terms. we are willing to leave for socialism? Not in the least. played is clearly established in the minds of the class conscious that to the President.
tions. Today, a Fascist trade union movement is slander Such persons are compel The Presidett, according to words, alone can defend the posHis policy, he says in his own workers. From this it should not follow that the revolutionary vanguard makes a fetish of the and worship unquestionsink to the lowest level of the traitor: They blow demoralization and disillusionment caused by the led by their own conscience to think in this manner.
Marxism, is the chief political ex sessions of imperialism.
the whistle to call the cops against a militant treacherous People Front regimes.
ingly at its shrine. Prior to the establishment of the unity of the They differ in their whole mo bourgeoisie, in this country. Brow. in this article than Browder use ecutive of the ruling class, the worker! Like stool pigeons, these eminent defendThe first People Front government early in There is nothing more revealing two organizations, which the revolutionists must advocate as ers of the reactionary Southern courts put the 1936 was overwhelmingly Socialist, wtih the caral makeup from the cynical, de der, by his own words, accepts lof our and we. In every in their general line, they work in either organization, according pitalist Radical party playing a background role, who actually run the Communist tive of the bourgeoisie, accepts it stance these words stand for the praved and shameless bureaucrats the war policy of the chief execu.
finger on Beal as a fugitive from justice.
to specific local circumstances.
Whoever does not feel a shudder of revulsion and Blum as premier.
Unity Must Be On Proper Basis. The second People Front government marked hearts, they sincerely want social ling to leave its fuller formula for the imperialist state. For lacking the elementary spirit of working class so a shift to the right, in favor of the capitalist par ism; and they believe that the only lion altogether to that Chiere Marx, the workers had no father The revolutionist does not withdraw from a union just be lidarity. To those still imbued with that spirit, ties in the cabinet, although Blum remained pre road toward socialism lies through cutive cause it may be conservative in policy or leadership; on the who still work in the great tradition of defending mier.
support of the Communist Party, themselves. Browder is less lonely, contrary, such a condition is usually all the greater reason for the victims of American class justice from the The present, third People Front government which they mistakenly look upon WOULD SUPPRESS LABOR Our country appears twenty revolutionary activity in the union, always provided, of course, days of the Haymarket martyrs to the days of has shoved the Socialists out completely, made as the heir to instead of the most STRUGGLE AGAINST CAPITAL them to their fate, as Mr. Bliven (employed or unemployed, as the case may be) in its particular times. If we continue to desert that the union embraces the decisive sections of the workers Sacco and Vanzetti and Mooney and Billings, we Chautemps, a capitalist politician, premier, and bitter enemy of the October Re.
volution. If they understood the! In Browder article, the class advocates, we will have no one field. But even where concrete circumstances dietate working in once again call for an iron ring of protection marked another sharp shift to the right.
That is how the People Front in practice in true role of Stalinism, they would struggle according to Marxism to blame but ourselves when we. the united front of the Stalinists and the cops te reality, stops Fascism and leads to socialism. abandon it overnight. That is why the motive force of history, from have to take up the full military always bear in mind the need of stressing the obsoleteness and we must dissect every concrete an understanding of which all burden under more unfavorable ineffectualness of the craft union form and the demonstrated broken by the united front of the entire working The New International manifestation of Stalinism, in or Marxian analysis of all social and conditions. Browder speaks these class.
der to remove the false outer skin political problems proceeds is days with the full rounded phrases superiority of the industrial form of organization, be it achievand lay bare the internal decay. mentioned only once. There is no of a statesman.
The February issue of the New International, But not, he is ed by direct organizing of the unorganized, or by the amalga word of the class struggle in the careful to make clear, of a statesmation of craft unions already in existence in a given industry.
which has just appeared, inaugurates a new and WAR QUESTION discussion either of the causes of man of the working ciass. We, Although it is impossible for us at the present time to valuable feature, a Review of the Month by the IS DECISIVE of the cure for, war. On the one says Browder, we and the other influence decisively the course of events, or to determine the The International Furriers Union is run by Mr. Editors. The bulk of the Review this month is occasion where the class struggle representatives of the imperialist pace and method of trade union unity, we are nevertheless bound It will need no argument to appears, it is cited as one of the United States, will be ready to Ben Gold and the other Stalinist leaders just as devoted to a survey of the record of the New prove that today the war ques. major weaknesses of the United, assume the full military burden to concentrate our propaganda and agitational activity among Turkish Walis managed a province under the Deal, Roosevelt course during the recession, tion is the decisive question. Since the workers in favor of the most desirable basis for unity, that pertory of domination the methods of the Moscow vested in the new defense appropriations. Especial: swers given to it provide the which must be overcome fit an is, democratic organization and a wide measure of, autonomy and the administration war preparations as re it is the decisive question, the ane States as against Japan; and, it even under more unfavorable therefore follows, as a factor conditions.
for the affiliated unions, especially such a measure as would Frame Ups.
ly impressive is the lengthy analysis of the Lud: surest touchstone to the character effective peace policy is to be ROOSEVELT WILL facilitate the organization of the basic industries into industrial The Stalinists in the furriers union have been around it.
low amendment and the debate which has raged of every political movement. To achieved.
SAVE HUMANITY unions and preserve the integrity of those already in existence.
feeling the ground shift from under them. In New Every attempt to carve up the industrial unions into craft for anyone who doubts what the StaAlso pertinent to the present American scene linist answer is and means, the cates the suppression of the class all the sentences in this remark Browder argument thus advoYork, the biggest center, there is a rising move is James Burnham article on Roosevelt Faces New Republic of February of struggle, as a necessary part of able article is, however, the fol The most startling and nakedmations must be stubbornly resisted as thoroughly reactionary.
ment of revolt by progressives, especially among the Future, which casts a balance sheet of Roofers an easy and spectacular way the means for achieving what he lowing only the courageous does not follow that each and every single concrete question While the general line of all militants in the labor movethe Greek workers. Gold and Co. have therefore sevelt class record and points out the trends of clearing up those doubts calls an effective peace poiiey. plementing of the policy laid can be solved by the abstract consideration of unity at all costs.
ment must be based upon the speediest consummation of unity, it of this opposition on the charge of being a stool. mations in connection with the 1940 elections. The publie there is published a debate we understand that in reality Chicago can save our country, pigeon and the like. Now they are trying a similar editors announce a series of articles by Burnham etween Earl Browder and Charles Browder wants to achieve not a and all the capitalist world, Prior to the complete unification of the two main bodies of labor, a number of cases, have already appeared where the bald slogan stunt in Toronto.
of unity would actually set back the militant and progressive Max Federman, vice president of the Interna with the Labor Party movement. The timely ar of Collective Security. plan, United States: suppression of the movement. While the tactical line in each particular case must tional and manager of the Toronto furriers locals, ticle by James Cannon, National Secretary of on another occasion, to analyze dass struggle is, in fact, necessary catastropho. Criticism itself be is being framed by the New York union leaders the Socialist Workers Party, on the foundation Browder arguments in this det for an effective war policy on the with such a remark.
be subordinated to the general line of complete unification of the trade union movement, it does not follow that the two coincide meeting of the two Toronto locals at which the Marx and Engels on the Civil War, round out whole particular to discuss the America, rich and full of potential called upon by Browder to save?
on the charge of embezzling funds. At a joint of the new party, and George Novack study of ate, as well as those of Dr. Beard part of a capitalist nation. But Whom is the working class in every given instance or at every given moment.
conception of collective booty, is still considered by the He answers: Our country, and charges were heard, the membership voted over the material relating to the national scene.
International events are covered by Alfred Ros article, to consider merely the torn by a constitutional crisis and what must this capitalist world security. wish, in the present world to be in a pacifist funk, is all the capitalist world. And officials have nevertheless taken action against mer comments on the impasse of the French point of view from which Browder sharp cinss struggles, and conversata vedest from capite answers!
Federman, who has in the past worked harmo current crop of books on the Spanish civil war. Naturally enough, Stalinists welcome Japanese aggression for From catastrophe. But what is Opens Week of February 14th niously with the Communist officials, is never Much historical material, hitherto unavailable, is pretend to their own followers their own fascist ends.
theless a member of the Left Poale Zion in Canada, furnished by Trotsky Two Letters on the Ques that they write from the point of ELEMENTARY SOCIALISM Hal Draper world? Catastrophe for the ca radical Jewish workers organization. His crime tion of the German October, which relate to the view of the international proleta: FILLED WITH pitalist world is, and is only the Monday, 8:30 apparently consists in not being a 100 per cent German events of 1923, and the extracts from riat. Even a brief survey of Brow. FRANK JINGOISM socialist revolution. Browder 2. PROBLEMS OF YOUTH MOVEMENT Jos.
Stalinist, ready to take orders and give them in John Wright study of the controversial der article in the New Republic entire article is summed up in Carter. Monday, 8:45. 10:15 accordance with the bureaucratic decisions of the Kronstadt revolt can demonstrate beyond any doubt Browder article is filled with this clarion call: join with me MARXIAN ECONOMICS Wright Stalinist leaders. Too popular to be replaced, he The chief difficulty with the New International that he is reasoning and writing the frankest jingo appeals to the to save capitalism from the soTuesday, 8:30 must needs be framed up and driven out of the is a purely technical one: the limitation of space from the point of view of the de interests of imperialism. ciclist revolution labor movement.
continuance of isolation policies Articles on many important subjects the murder ſense of imperialism. PRINCIPLES OF REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALHow much longer will the workers tolerate this of Corcoran, the anniversary of Lenin and Luxem BROWDER SPEAKS by the United States will surely (This article is the first in a ISM Spector Tuesday, 8:45. 10:15 infamous crew of Stalinist character assassins and burg, the Brandler Thalheimer position on the FOR ROOSEVELT POLICY convince the arrogant militarists series of four on the New Re PROBLEMS OF TRADE UNIONISM.
the policy of totalitarian rule in the labor move. Soviet Union, the Mexican situation were crowd.
them to take over the Philippines, public debate between Earl Widick. McKinney Wed, 8:30 ment which they follow at the behest of the anti ed out of the present issue, as were many im In no line does Browder even Hawaii, Guam and Alaska, as Browder and Charles Beard.
Soviet bureaucracy of the Kremlin: The Feder portant reviews. Support for the subscription suggest that his policy is a work guarantees against the future. The remaining three will dis6. HISTORY OF THIRD INTERNATIONAL man case again shows the need of burning the drive and an increase in circulation will pave the ing class policy, or an independent when the United States might Max Shachtman Wednesday, 8:45. 10:15 cuss the origin and meaning Stalinist cancer out of the working class and its way toward a larger and still more useful New policy of any kind. He himself dare. From that it would not be of collective security. speaks openly for Roosevelt po a large step to recall how much Dr.
All courses will have ten sessions each. Tuition fee licy. The cover of the magazine more successful are Japanese than Beard isolationist reply to is 50 per course. Register now!
correctly reads: Earl Browder. Americans in cultivating the be Browder advocacy of collectfor the President Policy. autiful and rich lands of Califor ive security; and the Marxist Marxist School, 116 University Place. Clearly, then. Browder, writesnis. This is the crux of BrowNew York. Telephone, Gramercy 9142 answer to collective security in our country the task is to or der argument. ED. Another Frame Up MARXIST SCHOOL Subscribe To The Socialist Appeal