AnarchismAndrey VyshinskyBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDeath SentenceDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyURSSVoroshílovWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZhdánov

February 5, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Page Real Plan Behind Reubens Case Now Becoming Clearer Stolberg CIO Articles SPANISH HOLD Faulty In Analysis FRANCO BACK ABOVE TERUEL criticism Roosevelt War Speeded Up By Naval Bubget of Frame up Artist SOVIET UNION NOTES Litvinov Removal Certain. Case of Tupolev. Shadows (Continued from page 1) De permitted to hold a constituOver Stakhanovism tional convention to set up an breed. Broun picks one flaw in autonomous international union?
By JOHN WRIGHT an effort to discredit the main Is Phillip Murray ever going to import of the articles.
allow the to elect its own international officers. But Deadlock Threatens Litvinov Removal Certain.
Unprincipled Opposition Harry Bridges policies have For Want of Bold The oft repeated rumors concerning Litvinov downfall in It is a fuet, testified to by the divided the onec powerfully unitSocial Program connection with the purge of the diplomatic corps will be sobsBy Junius nefit of the American Governminutes of the International ex vd West Coast labor movement tantiated in the near future. His post has already been stripped ment. Certainly Washington is ecutive board meetings, that as Stolberg showed. But Lewis The military deadlock in Spain of its previous significance, for, on a motion by Beria, the SuOne relation of Mr. Earl not above allowing Moscow the Browder to the impending Ro courtesy of proceeding with its those oppositionists to Martin. arbitrarily appointed Bridges, Mortimer, Reuther, etc. Stalin: and thus bears joint responsibil continued virtually unchanged preme Council voted to establish a permanent committee on binson Rubens frame up, which frame up. The two governments last week, with the struggle for Foreign affairs which, in effect, supersedes the Commissariat ist stooges of the Broun variety) ity.
control of the vitally important for Foreign Affairs. The chairman of this committee of cleven is already clear, and which he share hostility to the left. Dipiohave voted with Martin on all mountain passes north of Teruel Union Democracy (on it are Beria, Mekhlis, and Khruschev) is none other than wishes could be kept obscure, ismatic developments, the present important union questions since the contribution of his party to situation of the American Go.
still proceeding. While the Go Zhdanov, member of the Politbureau, who excoriated Litvinov the convention last fall! That is When Stolberg told about the vernment forces seemed to have Commissariat in his speech at the session. The Chairman has the groundwork of the frame up vernment, and certain differwhy their opposition in the United States. All trails ences between Browder and Reo is un struggle of the top lead the upper hand in the immediate the power not only to guide and alter foreign policy but to inprincipled.
crs to establish industrial de Teruel salient, the Rebels have led to the door of the Com sevelt seem, however, to be tervene in the appointment of ambassadors, etc. Because of the ANDREY VISHINSKY In the recent Pontiac sit down, mocracy, he did not emphasize fought desperately to retain their munist Party, and some behind against, not the possibility, but the entire executive board ap that a necessary pre requisite is feeder highways through the Parole played by Litvinov and his public prominence, it is quite the door, nine floors up. Despite the probability of such collaboproved of Martin actions and union democracy. This weak lomera Mountains. Along with likely that a special method will be used in his case. Rumors, the reticence of Mr. Hull and Mr. ration.
of the rank and fileness in the is fuel for this stubborn defense Franco which appear to be officially inspired, have been circulating that Yezhov, which was absolute this that had been goaded into a sit the fires of labor opponents, continued the most systematic and Litvinov will retire in six months, and his place taken either week, new facts that point in the Nature of Patriotism?
down by the company. Incident and the way to take away the vicious series of aerial bombings by Zhdanov or Potemkin, with the latter appearing to have the same direction continue to come aily, on all these questions, the fuel is to establish union demo. of Loyalist cities which the war inside track.
to light.
The Stalinists here are trying Lovestonites went along as ap cracy in the steel and other has yet witnessed.
While the stage is being prepared for Litvinov retireMr. Browder has another re to be more American than the pendages to the Martin machine. unions where it is lacking, Distinctly inferior to Franco ment. Stalin hangmen are mopping up the Commissariat itlation to the case through his Americans, but their parvenu The pitfalls of liberal analysis Stolberg summary deserves machine in point of equipment self. Among those just liquidated is Sabanin, head of the legal polities, which today consist chief vulgarity sets them off from the ly of struggling against Trots real MeCoy. Browder announces are clearly indicated in the Stol special attention. The program and training, the Loyalists have department of the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, and a bergian evaluations of the of the is simple, pro made a certain headway in Te close friend of Litvinov Together with him, four other funckyism, and implementing Roo that he is an American more top leaders. Dave Dubinsky was gressive and historically, inevia ruel only thanks to the heroism sevelt Chicago speech. The often than a Legionaire in his tionaries were placed under arrest: Fachner, Neumann, Shakhov called a shrewd politician, a table. Modern industrial labor of the proletarian fighters in and Beckman.
Communist Party, however, is a cups. The affectation is consishard bargainer, as tough as he must in feeble arm to wield such a big tent with Stalinist politics. For industrial their ranks. The peasantry of the (Continued from page 1)
In the case of Litvinov, the blows aimed at him, as well as is honest, and full of fun. Atunione Organize wrote. Will the entire district seem passive. The speech the American Stalinists are not inevitable elimination, are intimately linked with a change of whose expense, we might ask? Daily Worker hack journalists bulk of the soldiers on the TeFranklin is implementing it the garden variety of nationalists, Realize Mass Opposition himself with Uncle Teddy big They do not reflect or represent, Soviet foreign policy that is doubtless being contemplated by What about the Dubinsky who call this a fascist argument? ruel front are workers of the Stalin.
fought the left wing for years? Stolberg is absolutely correct.
stick: the billion dollar arma however hard they try, the total Roosevelt is aware that the Hillman, according to Stolberg, anarchist CNT FAI and of the ment program. No one is better national interests of the Ameri masses are opposed to his imperis, almost the opposite of Du The is not getting POUM, a faet omitted from all The Case of Tupolev.
aware of the feebleness of 13th can bourgeoisie.
Street blatant jingoism Perhaps the most sudden and least expected of the recent than iulism. The Gallap Poll showed binsky. He lacks Dubinsky ready for independent political official press dispatches.
Bold Program Needed The only genuine international at least 60 of the electorate good humor, his tough and home action in 1940. The political arm its absentee proprietor, Stalin purgings was that of Andrei Tupolev, head of Tsagi (Sohimself. But the Stalinists have interest is that of the working favoring withdrawal of u. y democracy. Hillman fault class, which the Stalinists have The military deadlock of the viet Aerodynamic Institute. one of the world outstanding is his sell Partisan League, of which the other methods of implemento long since ceased pretending to forces from China, and an equal overestimation.
various local and state wide la last months makes it increasing aeronautical engineers and inventors, creator of the Red Air ing speeches the spy scare and represent. The stalinists repres. percentage in favor of the Leadhow what about the internal situation compietely autonomous bodies, in Teruel, as in the war in ge which used to appear on Soviet planes, in particular, ant 25 Yes, yes, but bor and farmer labor parties are ly clear that definitive victory Force, better known to the general public by his initials ANT the which made the record Moscow San Diego flight. The Special bureaucrats, and only through tile to the League of Nations, Workers union? Remember what Stolberg shrewdly indicated. It neral, is impossible without a them the historical interests of and the whole idea of collective Hillman tried to do to Joseph Eers dangers to the mo is precisely this policy that of hold social program.
Browder Japanese Scare Writing in the Paris Journal correspondent of the Paris Temps, Pierre Berland, gives some capitalism. There is, however, a security. But the forces of Schlossberg because Schlossberg bourgeois ob interesting details relating to Tupolev downfall in a communication devoted entirely to the current purge (Le Temps, Jan. In a most candid statement of considerable gap in immediate ingoism, militarism and social would not go along with the vement. The failure of the of January 2, o. to organize genuine indepen server had the following to say the war program of the Commun interests between the patriotic patriotism are intent on swing Roosevelt election campaign dent political action has cost the about the Teruel offensive: As Berland comments, Tupolev was perhaps the most deeist Party, Mr. Browder in the Roosevelt and the double dye: ing them into line.
workers plenty Weaknesses Ignored The orated man in the Soviet strike Since it (the government) did He was given the Order of Lenin, current New Republic advocates Browder.
The Japanese are counted on breaker, Martin Davey, go not have the military superiority, the Order of the Red Star, and that of the Red Labor Banner. Soviet American alliance a Browder patriotism is simu to assist. There will be more Stolberg, throughout his series, vernor of Ohio, was the Labor it was necessary to make an ef. Privileges were heaped upon him. He had a vast luxurious Shinst Japan. He says that a lated for the purpose of bringing Panay incidents, and a few more said nothing about the fatal Non Partisan League nominee fort on the political plane, and, apartment in Moscow and a summer house. And, according to continuance weakness at about an alliances between the diplomats will stick out weakness of the its bu only a year and half ago, des instead of opposing them to each Berland, the Government opened for him an unlimited bank Washington will cause Japan Soviet bureaucracy and the Ame their chins to be slapped. The reaucratic structure. In his desire pite the protests of many pro other, to attempt a union bet account to use for his experimental and construction work. He to take over the Philippines, rican Government. With or with American war front is forming to protect the from vi gressives, especially in the rubber ween the peasant of Navarre had free entrance to the Kremlin and even, it is reputed, to Hawaii, Guam and Alaska, as out an alliance, however, the the sixty families, the cronomie cious outside opponents and workers unions. Dependence on and the worker of Barcelona.
Stalin, an honor accorded only to Voroshilov and Yezhov. He guarantees against the future, American Stalinists tend to push royalists, Landon and Knox, the from the insidious Stalinists, the capitalist politicians takes a But the stubborn defense of when the United States might the American Government to Nation and the Daily Worker. Stolberg did some unnecessary heayy toll in the organized labor private ownership of the land in was likewise chummy with Voroshilov. It goes without saying dare fto fightl. From that it ward war with any nation that William Green and Lowis, Jiey white washing of the leader movement. If the workers in the Catalonia has alienated the peathat he was designated as candidate for the Supreme Council When his name was removed at the last moment from the roll would not be a large step to re is threatening the Soviet Union. wood Broun and Barney Barutch. ship. Little Steel strike had depend santry and placed severe limitaof deputies, the world learned of his fall from grace. Officially, call how much more successful Hence Mr. Browder super Nicholas Murray Butler John Lewis deserves credit od only on their own strength tons on mass recruitment from are the Japanese than Americans patriotism. From the viewpoint Carl Browder.
of course, there has been no news. The darkest rumors are cirfor promoting industrial union and power, aided by the union their ranks. Further than this, the in cultivating the beautiful and of an imperialist diplomat like ismas io.
Browder Hair Wicks culating as to his fate. Many of his colleagues have been plaeed chairman, as movement, they would not have entire Aragon Huesca Saragossa rich lands of California. Any Hull, to whom war is military Stolberx pointed out. But that been trapped by the Daveys and front was sabotaged for many under arrest. At a recent meeting of the workers of Tsugi a Jew in Rumania today could tell polities to be handled with finesse, Brswiler salutes the Presidoes not excuse his faults. The Earles in whom they had been months by the government be party representative (ie. functionary) urged the asyou what means.
Browder may well look like an ent declaration of positive Ohio district miners are still told to have confidence. Stolberg cause of anarchist and POUM sembly to unmask the Tupolevites, declaring that a ruthless Browder chauvinist remark irresponsible provocateur peace policy more lyrically than lighting for the right to elect apparently assents to the predominance amongst the mili. struggle must be waged against this latest variety of the eneimplement in addition to Roosevelt really does repro anybody, baling with Charles. their own. officials. And when clase CaVaboration policies. tias stationed there. No basis, mies of the people, the. Tupolevites, in no way to be distinguishRoosevelt s, a recent speech of a sent the American borgeoisie, Bears in the New Republic are the steel worker going to We do not.
either military or social was laid.
ed from the Trotskyites, Bukharinites, Rykovites, etc. etc.
along this front for the rapid Vice Commissar of the which, unlike the Ruropean, has he openly undertakes the defense who declared that California hail little experience or use for of American imperialist interests Tupolev initials have been removed from all planes, even extension of the Teruel drive.
from ANT 25, with which Gromov established the world record.
overrun with Japanese spies. The the peculiar contribution offered and colonies. lle conjures up the Japanese in California crack is a by the Stalinists: the policing of possibility of the Japanese sex Reaction Advances It is now only a number: 25.
tip off on the Robinson Rubens the revolutionary workers. At ing Guam, the Philippines and Soviet circles are reported as lost in speculation as to the The program of the Socialist course, Problems of Trade On the other hand, political frame up. Double will supply present Roosevelt is satisfied Alaska. There is a threb in his workers Party will reasons for Tupolev arrest. Comments Berland: It may well discussed Unionism, will be held Wednes reaction, forced by joint Russianthe link in the Trotsky Mikado with Lewis; and although Lewis voice, as he envisions the langer in detail by Maurice Spector, co day evenings, 7:00 8:30 British French pressure, is makbe that Tupolev objected to the methods of the purge which was formula. The locale will be Cali is sheltering the Stalinists, they confronting the beautiful and editor of the New International, creating breaches in the war industries. No official coniment forria.
are not indispensible to him. rich lands of California.
ing steady inroads on the earlier has appeared as yet to provide a key to this mystery. The cusin the Marxist School course on social conquests wrested by the tomary accusations of sabotage espionage seem hardly appliworkers and The StaCalifornia Setting What Does Washington Know? courage the enemy by giving cialism. The lecturer will elalinists and socialiste of the PSUCI cable to a Tupolev. All his achievements gainsay the charge them a picture of an America borate the Declaration of Prin.
There are of course both have been pushing vigorously to of sabotage. As for espionage, it bears no semblance of truth.
It seems unlikely that Wash sharply torn by class struggle. cipies of the party. He will eliminate union delegates from He had nothing to gain and everything to lose from a change Trotskyites and Trotskyites, as well as Japanese in California. ington will at this time assist There is little that can be added trace the laws of imperialism factory administration boards. in the regime.
To the crushing blows he has dealt to the Soviet Army and (Continued from page 1)
proposal to that effect was vot(not a 1917 Baedecker. about labor by further frame up drives. Browder. The Stalinist agents of the New Deal, fascism and war!
ed down at the recent Barcelona Navy, Stalin has now added a blow at the Air Force, which the congress of the UGT. However, bitterest enemy of Russia could not have hoped fot in his most America ant concentratedine ca that Washington feels that, as now that their own statements Farmer Laborism; the struggle the seriousness of a rise in food the Stalinist City Council has al sanguine moments.
lifornia, and fully 90 per cent long as a left exists, it is better are the livestea awalnicether for working class power; the prices can be judged. ready forced the municipaliza Berland reports among those arrested as Nazi terrorists. treason. Browder in the tion of the Barcelona transport Bosses Threaten one Nissen, a crack camera man, usually detailed to cover big, monolith who has a slight acquaintance loyally follows in the path of and the Soviet Union today, the system, thus taking it out of the Democratic events.
allies The State Department in the Social It was he who took pictures of the unanimous vote for with that part of the country role of the Second and Third InFrance and Czecho Slovakia who ternationals and the tasks of the terests The business and industrial in hands of the workers organizathe Constitution in the great hall of the Kremlin on Dec. 5, 1936.
knows how rampant is the anti Robinson. Rubens affair of the Island, on the tions. Centralization proceeded Japanese chauvinism. The soil is evidently out to catch as big a wote the war budgets without a Socialist Workers Party and the ground that the strike is jeo one step further last week with Shadows Over Stakhanovism.
rich, as Browder says. hotel fish as it can. It is releasing only quaver.
Fourth International. The course pardizing the livelihood of every the Catalonian government takin San Francisco, Los Angeles, such data as it finds advisable The greatest of all the lies will be held Tuesday evenings, inhabitant, are threatening to ing over the war industries preThe Soviet press, in general, and Stalin lackey and apologor San Diego looks like a better to release. The impression al which Browder uses to trick his 8:45 10:15 commenc. take things into their own hands. viously under union control ists abroad, in particular, used to raise a howl whenever anyone At a meeting of the Chamber of Again this background of pointed out either proposition than the Bristol in ready given by the bourgeois own following is the distinction ing February 15, disruptive effe of Stakhanovis Copenhagen.
press, is that the political left between aggressor and nonAnother course of great value Commerce in San Juan on rising reaction, much speculation Soviet industry (the more Stakhanovists in a plant the lower Another time we will take up is composed of conspirators, ressor. 1915 Lenin wrote: particularly to trade unionist January 23, they cabled to Pre has arisen on the meaning of the the output) or the fraudulent and spurious nature of many of the deeper implications of the chiefly foreign, engaged in The truth is that for decades will be given by Widick, sident Roosevelt, asking his in. Teruel drive. Why this offensive the records highway robbers, the national labor secretary of the tervention.
It may sound unbelievable but it is nevertheless a Browder remark and the frame shady rackets a variation of the three now, at this particular time?
fact that both Izvestia and Pravda on the same day (Jan. 9) in up, in the matter of national mi impression Browder seeks to bourgeoisie and the governments Socialist Workers Party and There are many indications in their lending articles admit the baneful effects and frauds of norities. Abandoning principle, create. But Washington may try of England, Russia and France, McKinney, former organizer neither the Federal Government the European press that France Stakhanovism, in guarded but plain terms. Says Pravda: Certhe question of whose minority to turn the affair into a scandal werearming to sack Germany, for the Steel Workers Organiz. nor the President had adequate and England decided upon a lo tain enterprises are still being carried away by organizing for rights the Stalinists will champ of the left with a plague on all Is there anything surprising in ing Committee and present New authority in law to meet the scalized Teruel Victory for a individual records to the detriment of organizing the Stakharovion and whose they will attack its houses, including the one with the fact that two highway rob York organizer of the Ituation. suggestion that out two fold reason. 1) to chastise Franco for resisting a break with ist work of entire brigades, shifts, and plants. The editorial becomes one of expediency. Ital. the American flag and the red bers launched an attack before These comrades will cover the siders (the represent Hitler and Mussolini. 2) to furians and Germans may come next. light. It may sometime relense the other three got the new historical background of then goes on to warn the managers, engineers and technicians And who can say for sure that information on its findings; but knives they had ordened si Of dispute, the ure notice was cheered. One of nish Prieto with the necessary not to forget their duty of assuring to each worker the opit will never be expedient for pressure must be brought to get not sophis when the phrases real issues involved and the tasks the leading industrialists advocat basis for negotiations leading to portunity for over fulfilling the norm. And then Pravda adds Browder to unload even those this information released now.
the following eloquent statement: Some industrial directors racial groups that have no mother The labor movement can look to obliterate the equal guilt of tionary socialists in the trade down to arouse the community Prieto paper, quoted above, be countenance a sporting attitude toward individual high records for trouble movement the country?
in the Robinson today. The against the strike. Others, in true understood when it comments on and, as was to be cbserved in the Donbas, countenance thereIs Stalin Rebuffing Rubens affair from Mr. Browwith even fraud, ascribing the results achieved on the basis of vigilante spirit, wanted the com the proposals of an English poder and both governments. From munity to step in and settle the litician Identified only as a a division of labor between a group of workers to a single indiThe Soviet action in rebuffing Moscow the spy scare frame up strike, regardless of the Govern great friend of Spain, and adds that England demands for vidual alone. The sooner we put an end to such distortions of the State Department attempt From Washington the alien ment and contending sides.
the Stakhanovist movement, the more the country will benefit government entirely under its to visit Mrs. Rubens is remark agitator campaign. From Mr Socialist Acts domination are burdensome but from it. correct leadership of the Stakhanovist movement.
able in view of the enthusiastic Browder a continuance of his The following letter from far dozen copies of the paper to start nevertheless preferable to the leads to the growth of the productivity of labor not only of indiefforts of the Stalinist govern Yellow Peril.
away South Africa might well with Santiago Iglesias, resident prolongation of the war.
vidual record holders, but of entire groups of workers, and ment to court the democratic be used as an example of what Commissioner at Washington, for We propose to sell each copy forty years of boss of companies The social reaction which ac entire guilds.
nations, especially the United many of the lagging Party locals at a price of threepence and to the new offensive Economic difficulties, especially those in connection with the States. That Stalin should risk right here in America should be give away free copies to com Puerto Rican labor and leader londs credence to the suspicion spring sowing campaign, are compelling the ruling clique to the loss of much of the good will GO ITALIAN!
EAT SPAGHETTI! doing for the Appeal: obtained through the 7th ConParis with rades who are unemployed and tried to get the strikers to go Moscow approval are intent revise its attitude toward one of its pet panaceas, Stakhanovism.
gress of the Comintern and reac Johannesburg, also give away each week those back for 25 per cent increase, upon an armistice. Undemocratic retreat has already started. Shortly scape goats will be protionary moves on all fronts, by Gala Spaghetti Dinner and December 26, 1937. that we are unable to sell.
duced. An expose of record holders is in the cards.
but his proposal was hrowled centralization proceeds in the With best wishes for the suc down.
treating the United States like Dance Dear Comrade: army, the death sentence foi hostile Fascist Germany in Given by We have here in Johannescens of your organ. For a new case involving an American citi New York District YSL barx an ever widening circle of and revolutionary Internationhi hand, issuing an ultimatum on their appointed reactionary offisant social conquests. Under the fascist forces by the illegal Bal zen is, at Amst blush, inexpli Saturday, Feb. 8:30 comrades working for the plat the Fourth.
January 25 that if an agreement cers has been passed, workers slogan of Military victory first, shevik Leninists (Fourth The cable.
159 Rivington St.(ncar form of the fourt nternational The above letter speaks it was not reached in Perhaps the has been hours, he control over transport and vital social reform after, the Popular nationalists. WORKERS! The Delancey) We welcome the reappearance of sels. There has been some in. would intervene. But when the industry is harshly removed, re Front government has brought Victory of Teruel can be assured caught in its own trap. Refusing ADMISSION 40c. the Socialist Appeal, particular crease in bundle orders and subs 18 hours had expired, the steam. volutionists continue to be impri the general military situation to and carried out only by the the interview strains diplomatic All the Spaghetti you can eat ly its clean cut exposure of Stacluring the past week, but not ship companies Puerto Rican re soned and shipped the distant stalemate. Only deep goire so struggle against the bourgeoisie.
relations; but permitting it might Convention delegates; relax at linist corruption and degenern enough.
Berkeley, California, presentatives told the governor villages.
cial reforms can draw the pea Defend the collectivization threatexpose the magician of the Mosthe Yipsel dance and get tion.
and Los Angeles have doubled they had no authority to accept sants into the light and revita ened by the Popular Front Gocow Trials, and strain everything.
yourself in trim for We would like to assist in their bundle orders. subs his proposal for arbitration, and Stalemate Prevails lize the entire working class in vernment! Liberty for the 15, If a trial is held, it may be the sessions the next spreading the paper circulation. tantial increase comes from had referred the whole matter face of a technically superior 000 imprisoned revolutionists!
taken for granted that Stalin day!
We enclose herewith a draft for Oakland and Chicago.
to their New York offices. The Success at Teruel can be only fascist military machine. Legality and liberty for the will attempt to recoup his dipDancing, Games, Drinks and. 10. 00 towards the paper funds Why the lag in the other lo annoyed governor could do rio temporary at best, ince it is The revolutionary program for workers press and or stopaganda lomatic fortune by involving SPAGHETTI and shall be pleased if you would cals? More subs, bigger bundle thing but await the pleasure of accompanied by steady encroach Spain is indicated in the leaflet Freedom of political Americans for the apparent bekindly send us every week four orders are the order of the day, the companies in New York. ment upon proletarian and pea distributed among the anti for the soldiers?
School Holds Class In Party Principles Menu home page your the inciples and relations So Dockmen Tie Up Ships, Cargoes on the Why The Lag?