CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismImperialist WarInvasionLeninMarxismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers Movement

Page SOCIALIST APPEAL January 29, 1938 LIFE IN THE SOVIET UNION TODAY OF LIBERTY PROGRESS CHAMPION. U. PEACE AND PROSPERITY year and made it possible for a good Liberty SOCIALIST APPEAL Leaguer like Herbert Hoover to say in his address VOL. II, No.
Saturday, January 29, 1938 to the women Republicans: We are leading the arms race.
Published every week by the More than half a billion dollars was asked for SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS the Navy. Now it is reported that, in his coming THE PEOPLES at 116 University Place, New York, special message, the President will ask for an Telephones: Local Office: Gramercy 9142 additional appropriation for the navy, variously National Office: Algonquin 8647 estimated at between 100, 000, 000 and 200, 000, 000 Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for What Big Navy jingo could ask for better? This months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order is the peace budget of the President who con3 cents per copy. Single copies cents. tinues to declaim: hate war! What kind of All checks and money orders should be made budget would he propose if he didn hate it?
out to the Socialist Appeal.
The Communist Party press has not had a single Entered as second class matter September word of criticism of this purely imperialist budget, 1937 at the post office at New York, New York.
because they are bound by their servitude to the under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Stalinist bureaucracy in Russia which looks favorably upon increased imperialist armaments in the MAX SHACHTMAN United States for the simple reason that it looks Editor.
towards a military alliance with the American HAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES spoils hunters in the coming war to Make the Associate Editors.
World Safe for Democracy again. But we are BOB BROWNE not bound by any such scoundrel pact. We can Business Manager.
speak openly.
The naval budget is a war budget! The arguLABOR DEFENSE ORGANIZATION ments about defense. especially in the light of statements by such experts as Major General MUST BE BUILT Hagood, Hugh Johnson, the late Admiral Sims and others who say that the coast Hine is virtually invulnerable are so much unadulterated buncombe. The Roosevelt budget is planned The events of the past year and the prospect for the murderous war which is coming, for the for the future unite in pointing to a grave and protection of purely imperialist interests in Latin dangerous brench in the armor of the labor and America and the Far East, for the conquest of revolutionary movements. There does not exist new fields of exploitation abroad in behalf of the in this country indeed, there exists nowhere in profit lusting financiers and industrialists of the the world an adequate organization to defend United States.
on a broad and militant scale those proletarian In answer to the murder budget of the impeand general democratic rights which are so al rialists, we reply with the traditional watchword together indispensable in the struggle against of the revolutionists: Not a penny and not a ascending reaction.
man for imperialist war!
The defense of Trotsky right of asylum and The only war which we will support is a war the inquiry into the Moscow Trial the crux of to the end against the exploiters and oppressors the struggle for democratic rights in this last of our own country, who, in a land brimming period had to be conducted by independent and with abundance, keep the masses in unemploy.
specially created organizations, in the face of not ment, poverty and servitude. Herein lies the only merely indifference but venomous hostility from real patriotism patriotic support of the workall the alleged defense and civil rights oring class and all the oppressed in the war for PLANNED MURDER ganizations in this country and throughout the social liberation.
world. No serious mechanism has even yet been found for defending the militants in Spain against the counter revolutionary terror which crushes NO, IT WASN HEARST!
them. The Scottsboro case was allowed to degenerate into the most shameful dregs of class collaboration. There is no existing medium for Suppose the following had appeared in the conducting the Fred Beal case along class struggle columns of the Hearst press. lines. In Chinese waters an American boat, the Panay With the new slump in this country, and with is cruising peacefully on its errand of mercy for the deepening of the war crisis, it is entirely certain American refugees.
that the time ahead will see a steadily increasing Overhead fly death dealing Japanese planes, invasion of democratic rights, and judicial and a typical sight in the jnvasion of China.
vigilanto frame ups against militants in the labor SUDDENLY.
movement. Stalinism is only on the first laps An Eye Witness Talking its counter revolutionary career, and in the next Without warning a trio of Japanese bombers years as in the past two, the defense of proletarian dived at the American ships, unloosing their terand democratic rights against Stalinism will loom rible burden of high explosives. All hands rushed large in the general struggle. The experience of for cover but the bombs rained on them like a the French Ligue des Droits de Homme, re hailstorm and fires burst out on the American ported elsewhere in this issue of The Appeal, vessels.
proves if any further proof were necessary When the three Japanese planes had unbur.
that the defense of labor and democratie rights dened their explosives, six more took up the savage must henceforth go forward not merely apart attack on the helpless river boats and one Amefrom but in headlong collision against Stalinism. rican ship sank to the bottom of the river. step must be made. The time has come for Next day black bordered telegrams were receiv.
703 PTO all those, independently of political belief and pro. ed by American mothers and wives.
Carlo gram, for whom truth and justice are not mere That the story of the Panay sinking.
sopis to troubled consciences, and who mean busi Suppose, we repeat, the above appeared in the ness about the concrete defense of concrete de. Hearst press. Wouldn you say, shrugging your ed by the League published a (MOSCOW DENIES mocratic rights, to come together and to translate shoulders, that it is simply typical of those yellow brief report which at one and MINNEAPOLIS their intentions into organized and vigorous action rags? That it is habitual with Hearst to try to the same time justified the ver.
Not content with newing up whip up a jingoist, pro war spirit among the diet of the Trial and also stated HULL REQUEST the West Coast, Mike Gold still ROOSEVELT NAVY BUDGET people? That it is just like him to cover up the that there was not enough inin the same column decided to do fact that the helpless river boats were three formation at hand to form the another good deed before calling Standard Oil tankers, working in Chinese waters basis for an opinion. The report (Continued from page 1)
NATIVE TAXATION IN South African 4th International it a day. What have they got for the greater glory and profit of the Rockefeller was published in the journal of ist paper.
to say about the Dunne brothers, 11 the taking away of the NaAt the beginning of the year, President Roosevelt family, and that the Panay ww escorting them the League, and the Committee slinging machine.
submitted a budget for the fiscal year ending to insure that glory and profit?
for example, Trotzkyist labor refused to publish articles put. Hence, it would seem, has tive land was not sufficient to SLANDER AND APOLOGY leaders in Minneapolis who are June 30, 1939, which cut hundreds of millions of said to have made alliances with Only, it did not appear in the Hearst press. It view. new committee was ap Street is raw material for the the mines and white man farms ting forward contrary points of beon under consideration on 13th force the Bantu to slave labor in Early in December Mike Gold racketeers and now are on the employment Relief, work relief, and camps, the Young Communist League of Brooklyn, NY did exactly nothing. She then re ed in an effort to connect the tional turn of the screw that Daily Worker column: Here bumping off case? The full dollars off the previous appropriations for Un is taken, word for word, from a leaflet issued by pointed which, in eight months, phony link which must be for the poll tax provided the addi. had the following to say in his hot spot in a typical gangster but made up for the cuts by an enormous in advertising a meeting in Premier Palace on Jan. viewed the history of the trials Rubens couple with the Trotsky was needed. This was indicated is something for the marine charges against them have been crease in the army and navy appropriations 14, 1938, at which the names of those great re from 1928 to 1933 which form ites, G. agent masquerad by Cecil Rhodes when he intro. workers to look into an item in printed in the Daily Worker wood one billion dollars.
This vender United States the largest milita la seva buwe were to be desecrated by young pa Trial of August, 1936, and show. guise of a capitalist reporter got It is our duty as a government charges Harry Lundebere, head any suits of libel or Norman ed their integral connection with Beal address in New York to remove those poor children of the Sailors Union of the Thomas uttering a word. And. where he was hiding from the from this life of sloth and luzi Pacific, with being nothing short doubt that he will comment on lits adversaries; it is at the same. the method is unchanging. North Carolina bloodhounds. ness and to give them some gentle short of rat. Mike then Lundeberg.
time judge and party to the dis the procedure always the same: and questioned him about the stimulus to come forth and find quoted the item to the effect that pute. On the one side appears the secret investigations, selection of Rubens case in such a way, Beal out the dignity of labor. Lundeberg had instigated a Dept. THE SEQUEL of Labor investigation of Harry State, spread out in a mighty the defendants, complete confes sai as to make me feel that (Continued from page 1) don know whether Norman Bridges. And continued: Pretty examination: the place where it apparatus; on the other, beating sions. The study of the earlier an attempt was being made to THE GENTLE STIMULUS isn it? If its just another Thomas has said a word, but the League, and translate them should have been committed does its breast sixteen times, and six trials brings out an already es implicate me in some way.
The pressure of this tax is by newspaper lie, Lindeberg has a Mike will have the opportunity into the required action that not exist, or rather no longer teen times falling to the lowest tablished tradition of outrages The Communists, Beal con.
stared us in the face: An out. existed; the alleged accomplice rung of the human ladder, ap against justice, humanity, truth, tinued, have heaped abuse and no means finished once it is paid. high, wide and handsome libel to say several words, for the Dunne brothers took his tip and. we must intervene; an outrage have been impossible stated that from the testimony, we know that and at the same time the environ put it beyond them to involve on the demand of a policeman, doubt myself that he will sue. have instituted libel suit.
to humanity. we must intervene, he can prove that he has never the accused were only a bodily ment, the men, the system, theme in alleged espionage in Russia. at any hour of the day or night. The Western Worker printed a Is that all. Not in the least. been either in the alleged place fragment in the accuration: they accused and accusers, and per If they do, shall not be the first in or out of working hours, in similar story.
WAA GROUP DANCE Even an extremely superficial ex or city.
were chosen, deliberately select mits an estimation of the worth person to have suffered in this the streets and other public amination of the record of the of the confessions.
Liberty At Issue Trial ed from among 50 others involvmanner for daring to criticize the places, on the way to work, at THE SEQUEL calls the attention of a ed, whose absence permits the We have said that if the Mos rule of the Communists. know wedding parties or funerals, at Lindeberg and the Sailors took League member to another mat Justice, humanity, truth is supposition that they refused to cow Trial claims so imperiously nothing about the Robinsons. police may demand the receipt. Gold advice and began the first workers Alliance of Greater The Progressive Group of the ter: to the problem of truth. The that all that is at issue? Not enter the path of confessions the attention of League members am not a Trotskyite. am a labor and failure to produce it means stepe in a libel suit. Result: New York, organized following detail, for example, yet all. Liberty is no less gravely where, with a single step, the it is because it was the prelude organizer in jail today for lead summary arrest. The streets of the Newsweek apologized for the for more militant and demo to fight accused was condemned to death. and it is going to be the epi and who seemed in no way free was identical, the starting signal it is true that, like the Robinsons, black man after dark. The pick palmed off on them by some will hold its first public enter for his confession of having com logue in a struggle between two to confess or not confess. Even focente repression without prece went to Soviet Russia after upsk vanis roar along seeking frame up artist. The Western tainment and dancemu bilsaturday. dent in my conviction on false pass: whom they may devour. In prac. Worker swallowed its vomit and January 29, at P. at the Ret hardly stands up well under Icourt, the ruling power judges court there came to us the unchained echo of a press (the only SOVIET PARLIAMENT the That was years ago, tically all the larger towns of also apologized. So far Mike has East Side Labor Center: 60 min press and have told the story frankly to time raid the Native Locations, that suggesting the libel suits All those interested in militant State press) which furiously de SANCTIFIES PURGE for the Robinson case beker usually at night, arresting peo squared him.
trade unionism manded death and which called and all those ple in batehes and treating them friends of democracy within the for the destruction of the mad with extreme violence.
Opens Week of February 14th Photographer Questioned ANOTHER GOL! BONER organized labor. movement dogs who were the defendants.
Even at the threshold of the (Continued from page 1) ELEMENTARY SOCIALISM Hal Draper Another name entered the EQUALITY In the same column Gold had invited to attend.
Come, not only because you tragedy, a heavy odor of mystery. Herald Tribune. March 14, picture early this week when the this to say: Why the sailors which Monday, 8:30 of slime, of terror, of an ar 1937. Federal passport racket Grand In towns and on the diamond retain Lundeberg is one of those will have a swell time PROBLEMS OF YOUTH MOVEMENT Jos. bitrary and macabre farce, caught The newspaper (Pravda) con Jury in New York questioned diggings, where, under slum con things that must be charged he will be helping in your own way Carter. Monday, 8:45. 10:15 at our throats. No, there was tended many real enemies of the Ossip Garber, Fifth Avenue pho ditions, no liberty there. MARXIAN ECONOMICS Wright party escaped successive house. tographer, who is reputed to Asiaties and Natives are living sometimes accompanies democ: more progressive and more demTuesday, 8:30 the League has ever had for act. rolls while thousands of loyal Rubens. The nature of his reve the datives paye daireler taxes, Buy present hard to recall him for scratic Workers Alliance in New PRINCIPLES OF REVOLUTIONARY SOCIAL ing were concentrated, all the members were dropped for slight lations is unknown, as the Grand though the others are eligible technical reasons.
ISMdoubts which could stir the infractions or for no reason at Jury continues to operate behind for Old Age Pensions the tax. THE SEQUEL Spector 8:45. 10:15 consciousness of a League mem. all. Times, March 14, an almost unprecedented wall paying Natives are not PROBLEMS OF TRADE UNIONISM ber were brought to a head. The 1937. of secreey.
BE IT GAL OR Widick. McKinney Wed, 8:30 defense of justice, the defense of It will be noted that the recent Rumors in circles close to SLAVERY CALLED LIBERTY An election was held in the humanity, the defense of truth, publicity is identical in tone with 13th Street are that a special de Sailors Union and one of Mike 6. HISTORY OF THIRD INTERNATIONAL PAL the defense of liberty: everything that of almost a year ago. The legation of Stalinist Central Listen to General Smuts, great friends ran against Lundeberg, Max Shachtman. Wednesday, 8:45. 10:15 You ll Find Them At Upper called upon the League to as March order to suspend the Committee members is now in lawyer and Africa most but again those technical reasWest Side semble all of its forces in order purge was followed by an un Moscow, summoned by special famous statesman: The British Jons interfered; the Sailors voted All courses will have ten sessions each. Tuition fee to go forward, in the face of precedented extension of the ukase. Their tasks include Empire has weathered all storms Lundeberg 1. Shortly there 916 NINTH AVENUE is 50 per course. Register now!
such an attack, to a kind of ge terror. It goes without saying that guarding the scenario because it is based on the funda after the Marine Firemen also SATURDAY, JAN. 29 neral mobilisation. similar steps are now being con writers against boners in the mental principles of liberty and took a vote and now in that Un8. 30 Marxist School, 116 University Place, League As Censor templated with the inclusion of Rubens script, such as a Trots equality and trust in the peo ion also technical reasons stand Dancing. Weenies. Drinks New York. Telephone, GRamercy 9142 a goodly number of the purgers kyite conference in 1937 in the ple. The above excerpts are in the way of the wrecking crew.
and (The orator then described among those to be purged in the bid Waldorf Astoria Hotel, torn taken from Taxation of the The Stalinist leadership was vot Booths Full of Fun Thow a small committee appoint lcoming weeks and months. down years ago.
Bantu Published in the Spark, ed out all along the line.
Left Jabs the latter.
French Group Splits On Stalin Trial MARXIST SCHOOL gro