BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDewey CommissionFranceIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionKamenevKirovLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMoscow TrialsNational LiberationSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking ClassZinoviev

Severity Of The Crisis Is Shown In Statistics Of Unemployment Stalinists Frantically Try To Offset The Findings Of The Dewey Commission Moscow Killings Split French Civil Rights Group But this The falsification mills of the infallible leader, thicir minds can now see that they had their ployed. Their theory also hides more accurately how the wage. is accounted for in the main by Ligue des Droits de Hommel the Moscow Trials.
In an Page SOCIALIST APPEAL January 29, 1938 peating his characterization of vice industries. Employment in Trotskyism, Stalin launches an March, 1937 was 12, 716, 000 as attack on Kamenev and Zinoviev, compared with 12, 655, 000 in who are supposed to have taken March, 1929, an increase of one orders from Trotsky in a plot half of one per cent.
to assassinate Kirov and comwas entirely due to a ten per mit sundry other crimes. Says (Continued from page 1)
Stalin of these Trotskyite det.
earners and salariod employees cent increase in the number emfendants, who were charged with working on an average cach played in government, education, If we being murderers without a po March on Wall Street for a a month of 1929 was 28, 962, 000 and professional services.
afternoon. When the compared with a monthly aver loss of employment in the distrileave out this figure, we get it litical trend. SEVERAL MOST INFLUENTIAL LEADERS LEAVE, Stock Exchange is empty and ige for 1936 of 26, 789, 000, a debution and service industries of Verbal Gymnasties the bankers are enjoying their cline in employment of about about three per cent. The poraINCLUDING KARL MARX GRAND DAUGHTER STRAIN TO DIVERT WORLD ATTENTION FROM If you remember, Kamene week end. In this march it is sleven per cento making the unemployed act as a sitic new middle class employand Zinoviev at the trial in 1936 mob with which to threateni ed in finance suffered a disproRebel Over Stalinist Committee resigned. On Nov.
Depressed Recovery HISTORIC VERDICT EXONERATING TROTSKY strenuously denied that they had those bankers who refuse to subportionately deep cut in employ ember 30th the minority held a any political platform. It was mit to New Deal controls. The Control of Central However, this does not give a ment of ove. cleven per cent.
mass meeting in Paris to exfully possible for them to deve. warning is clear that if they do sufficiently accurate picture be The only increase in employCommittee plain the resignations to the Turn To Reactionary branches. All members are ins: lop their political platform at not support the New Deal, the cause it includes persons who ment in private industry was in League membership.
Bergery Sat. Eve. Post With reviewed the record of the report to the Central Committee declaring they had no political ing business hours and the action total figure on employment in self employed. The number in yet been given in this country Stalinist social patriotism. MagNo publicity whatever has as League in acting as a cover for Soviet Spy Story ism. It is hoped that by impress tient both of them were lying way the Stalinists act as Roose ailroads and thirteen other non rose to 4, 241, 000, an increase of French liberal organization, the of the League with respect to By James Casey nating the members with the when they denied they had a po vel agents among the unem manufacturing industries shows over four percent. The increase holy words from the lips of the litical platform. Even the blind. League for the Rights of Communist Party of America will be rendered immune to any political platform. But why did the truth that the New Deal pro workers fared because this figure unemployed who seraped together Man. This crisis has already observing the analogies days to counteract the blow dealt and to the distinction between positical platform Beckeuse they progressive byt utterly reaction most cases. Comparison between themselves by means of some the Central Committee of the individuals in this country, it is are working at high speed these consideration of the simplest facts they deny the existence ay any gram of planned scarcity is not excludes salaried employees in few. cents in order to support resulted in the resignation from with similar organizations and truths and wide frame up organization (the confessions.
fairy tale were afraid to disclose their real ary and that it destroys the 929 and 1936 shows a much business of their own.
abundance inherent in modern greater drop. In 1929, employ. they did not go bankrupt, they League of a substantial and in of particular interest to notice fluential minority, political face, they were afraid including that both Bergery and MardeComintern) by the International Since the aim of the Stalin re to demonstrate their real plat. Industry and agriculture in order nient in these industries was 18. earned not much more than Magdeleine Paz (grand daughter lleine Paz, as they must, condemn to saddle the workers with higher 801, 000. It fell 34 per cent by employed worker. In Chicago, for Commission of Inquiry. Finan port is so all embracing and form for the restoration of cap prices and to aid capital with 1982, and in 1936 it had recover instance, according to an article of Marx. Gaston Bergery (form the League not merely for what it has done, but far more sharpcial resources of the polfering conclusive, it is worth determin: talism in the fearing higher profits. It also hides the ed from the depression but it on family income in the Survey spokesman of the left Radically for what it has not done. no Kremlin bureaucracy are being ing whether it can stand the test that such a platform would arouse tretine hate the present deep crisis was still about seventeen per of Current Business of Decem Socialists and now leader of the mely; for its shameful and hype utilized unsparingly for the dis of political dissection. The one revulsion in the working class. has occurred amidst the con cent below that of 1929.
semination of fabrications to port, delivered on March 3, 1937. pp. 15, 16. trols of the New Deal. recovery in employment was a the average worker was 1, 556, Michel Alexandre, Felicien Chal: the name of the principles of now historic verdict that pro ironically entitled Mastering Consider now the propositions depressed recovery, which never while that of the average inde: laye, and others.
truth and justice in whose name Capitalism Means Crisis claimed Leon Trotsky not guilty Bolshevism, and along with it set down by Stalin: political reached the former level. The pendent business man was only The Ligue des Droits de it professes to exist.
All this propaganda, because New of the charges against him and is a concluding speech to the trend, he says, openly carries Deal, despite its loud 1, 795.
the Moscow trials agigantic plenum which, due to space on propaganda for its views in it hides the decline of American claims, could not restore employ. However, bad as they are, the Hopa meble to the comment Condemns Frame Ups fraud.
mitation, will not here be sub full view of the working class, capitalism, is part of the ideo ment could not restore prospe figures given for March 1937 are Union in this country. It has The following quotations are paid hireling of a Stalinist jected to scrutiny.
in all cases preliminary ones and however, an immeasurably great taken from the speech of May.
trading agency suddenly cmerges one not familiar with life under logical struggle to suppress the rity to the workers.
In an articie on Non Agricul reflect the optimism of the writer power and influence, and its deleine Paz: and, giving the name of John Starts With Kirov the Stalin regime might well unassailable: American capital tural Employment in the United er rather than the cold reality. membership has for a generation As for myself, have come Littlepage. writes glibly in the réactionary Saturday Evening Stalin begins his report with reaucracy permits the political ism is on the decline. Removing States 1929 1936 the Labor In The revised figures would doubt included almost all of the out to tell you: There came a time Poleh sples Personal chexperieners tion and places the blame there newspapers, conduct publie met any other street will not bring compares employment in March For instance, the preliminary and liberals of France, as well history, when, stronger perhaps Sithet pisicand wrecken the for upon the Trotskyito Zinovieving Prand discusset its platform prosperity. Keeping the New 1929 and March 1937. comfort on employment in manus as many representatives of the than ever before, truth, liberty, Deal cannot restore prosperity. parison between the two months facturing industries in March labor movement anded of course entirely. to the Dreyfus affair, when it when ales perhaps than ever beThe League origin dates back for help with a single voice, and picked up by and plastered over raphs, the relations among bour What could be farther from the pitalism, bad capitalism; consisted in the field of employment, sand. But the revised figures was organized to carry on the fore did men answer.
the Armohol contine while works seois states. This done, he such to defame the names of old Bol Trotskyism.
with and therefore, what a sound ti be capitalism; capitalism in any non agricultural industries in employment was 1, 201. 000 tower against the frame up. Like all in a single phrase: The Moscow shevik associates of Lenin, who At the outset Stalin offers the more misleading than Stalin form cannot restore prosperity. March 1929 was 28, 220, 000 but in March 1937 than in 1929. a such organizations, without any Trial.
firm social or ideological foun The destruction of the myth that in March 1937 it was 26, 854, 000, drop of twelve per cent. What, then, is the Moscow crafty statement about challenge TE nothing else had changed, dation, it succumbed to the so. Trial? gunmen, and the whole represent a political trend, but platform in full view of the class struggle for the overthrow equally to this drop. Manufac. tween March 1929 and March in spite of this it continued in facts: precedes and accompanies class Not all industries contributed the decline in employment be cial patriotism of the War. But Let us stick rigidly to the Stalinist press flies into ecstacies over the nauseating performance. Instead are an anprincipled working class?
of capitalism itself And the ture was only a little below its 1937 would have meant a sharp its own way at least a partial Following secret interrogaRaise Spy Scare spies and murderers acting on Lies Complacently best evidence to destroy this 1929 employment. The greatest cut in the purchasing power of defense of civil and human rights, tions, sixteen men appeared on instructions of intelligence ser myth is found in the government losses were suffered by workers the workers, a drastic lowering and in the years subsequent to the 19th of August, 1936, before At the same time a nation vice of foreign states.
Complacently Stalin asserts statistics themselves.
in the heavy industries, such as of their standards of living. But the War recovered something of the military tribunal of the wide spy scare is raised. There There upon Stalin asks, What that those with a political trend Prosperity for workers means building construction, transport the same time that employ its standing.
Supreme Court of the cannot hide their views from Deprived of defense counsel, Trials Cause Crisis of mysterious characters mak. ceeds to answer: with no witness or evidence to ing visits to Trotsky in Mexico political trend in the work. Trotskyism represents no po Employment is the source of Employment in transportation in the population of about six The present crisis in the League or proof of the crimes of which and Stalinist leaders strut among ingelass is a group or party litical trend. Yet, by a weird pro the great mass of workers who 600, a loss of twenty two per surplus population which cannot has been precipitated by the ap, there were accused (which were the rank and file, winking their which has its own definite poti cess of reasoning he proceeds to have not yet been reduced to cent, and in building construc be used in production, persons proach of the new war, and chiefly intentions to commit eyes knowingly, and pretending tical face, platform and program argue that in the Kameneva relict. Where weekly wages re tion, from 1, 368, 000 to 958, 000 a who have no source of purchas even more specifically by the crimes they made complete the capacity of independent think its views from the working class murderers not only represented plain the same, a change in emin de loop almost thirty per cent. ing power themselves, and who Moscow Trinls. In the past be confessions, were condemned to And from far off Paris, Sta. Honestly carries or propaganda set out to prove did not exist, change in the purchasing power these industries began under the the wages of other workers. In in hand with open chauvinists, and were immediately executed. These are the brute facts, Hin deep student of Dostoievsky, for its views in full view of the but they also managed to hide of the workers. What has hap unregulated Hoover, were not made up under short, capitalism has disinherit have gained control of the Central Committee, and have been taken from the official communi Walter Duranty, vies for honors working class, does not fear to from view their platform which, pened to employment?
Judged by the number of work the controlled capitalism of ed them from production and utilizing the League and its pub cations and the official record of with Mike Gold out on Brighton demonstrate its real aims and he had declared, could not be ers employed, the working class Roosevelt, and will never be made them an additional burden lications in their internationa: the Trial: no defense counsel, no about spies and spies and more on the contrary, goes to the Nor is Stalin satisfied to stop depression following the rerash of exists. For capitalism is on the workers. This burden will. in. of Stalinism and to win the peal, execution. No one can get But while these puppets and convince it of the correctness of confusion. Why did Kanenev and 1929.
If we leave out of reckon decline and one of the tokens is crease during the coming years. masses to social patriotic support away from these facts, and the prosecution itself does not try to others so through their paces, an its views. 14, Mastering Lenovias formed hele asks. They bulk of workers on emergency the heavy goods industries was population growth rate to drop, brought the far too long delayThe decline of employment in Despite the tendency for the of the coming war.
The issue of the Moscow Trials get away from them. Carry these brute facts over Political Bureau to the districts Having given this definition of did it, Stalin answers, because relief projects, the estimated not offset by increased employs there will still be added about a ed ferment to a head. The non into the mind of a member of and in turn to the sections and a political trend and after re. Continued on page 3) total of non agricultural wage ment in the distribution and ser million people each year. Stalinist minority of the Central (Continued on page 3)
o The innocent center. He wains party men with workers in shops, mines. Destroying the New Deal can brings out clearly the extent to 1929 and March 1937 stow a dewere framed and murdered by the premise that Trotskyists do not ing the opposition to present its capitalism can restore prosperity a drop of five per cent.
are sly whispers and rumors is a political trend? and pro the working class. And, he adds more and regular employment. Itation, mining and public utilities. ment fell there was an increase spies.
PRESENT WAR IN FAR EAST AND THE TASKS OF OUR PARTY Text Of Resolution Adopted By SWP Convention attit of same time, in pursuing their pre only by the exploited masses of shevik Leninists were to stand British and French interests and current breakdowns in American war into civil war for the over in. this country, promote inter class The war in the Far East bet great market and field for ca into the war. The Chinese bour tional while taking part in the of American interests in Mexico. intervenes in the Far Ecastern government in this or any other war among the widest layers of ween China and Japan lays hare pital investment, has become an gcoisic and its government fear war, in the front lines and at the But it is the historic or future struggle, it will do so, not in country can serve the interests the workers and to build a strong some of the principal symptoms arena of struggle between the the masses more than they do rear. They seek to effect the imperialist interests of the Unit order to save China for China of the workers and at the same sentiment of working class solidof the crisis of world capitalism big imperialist powers. Japan imperialism. This explains the mobilization of the Chinese cd States, rather than the im. sake, but in order to preserve time befriend and help the arity with the exploited Chinese in its final, most highly develop aim is to forestall her rivals and weakness of China defensive masses around independent revo mediate stake involved, which and extend its own predatory in masses of China and other op masses in their struggle against ed, imperialist stage, and opens to make of China her own ex campaign and the comparative lutionary slogans corresponding determine the Far Eastern po terests in China and the ar pressed countries.
Japanese imperialism. In this up perspectives of great revoluclusive colony. The Chinese na case with which Japan has been to each given stage of the strug. licy of the Washington govern. East. With these aims, the workThe American working class connection, we condemn the eritionary development in a decisive tional bourgeoisie, due to his able to win a series of important gle and to the life interest ment. It Japan aims in China ing class of America has no is not yet prepared to take over the ult part of the globe. On the one toric belatedness and tics of mu military victories. It also ex the masses themselves. Thereby should be realized, this would thing in common, while the power. It can, however, invoke left sectarians who stubbornly hand, Japan, weakest link in the tual interest with imperialism, plains the capitulatory mood of they advance the indissolubly signify not only the loss of the Chinese masses would be just as its own class sanctions against refuse to recognize the differchain of world imperialism, is proves incapable of conducting the Chinese bourgeoisie and its united tasks of the class strug present stake, but the closing of badly off as the slaves of Wail imperialist Japan and in this ence between a predatory, impe seeking to overcome the mala with energy and consistency, government, which, dismayed by gle and the national war against the door to future American Strect as they would be as the way bring effective aid to China rialist war and a war of national dies of its decline by a war of China struggle against Japan a succession of military defeats, imperialism.
trade and investments in that colonial slaves of imperialist struggle. Our party has the duty liberation. Their attitude, which colonial conquest. On the other in the only way that is possible: would like to lay down its arms Japanese imperialism, by its country. More, it might also mean Japan. In such a war, the only to point out to the workers their has nothing in common with rehand, by their invasion of China, namely, by mobilizing and arm and come to terms with the predatory invasion of China, the loss of America lucrative poliey which can possibly serve close community of interests volutionary Marxism, can only the Japanese imperialists have ing the masses and drawing them Japanese imperialists. threatens the position of all its trade with Japan, since Japan the interests of the American with provoked a defensive campaign the struggling Chinese give aid and comfort to the rivals in the Pacific, including hopes through the conquest of workers and the Chinese masses masses and to carry on an agi Japanese imperialists.
which, despite its initial weakA Revolutionary Party Needed the United States. The present China to achieve a considerable will be the policy of revolution tation for the application of ness and inadequacy under the China liberating struggle a our party would condomn itself actual interests of American im. degree of economic self suff. ary defeatism.
Our party, at the working class sanctions. Such a paign in the trade unions, through assumes the character of a war gainst imperialism can be care to a sterile sectarian existence. porialism in China are relatively cienty; There Washington severe head of the working class, will tion by the American workers the medium of the party nuclci. ment is alive to these perils. Re seek to convert the imperialist will advance the class struggle for the invocation of workingfor national liberation. At the ried to a successful conclusion Similarly in China: 1f the Bol small, both in comparison with sanctions against the imperialists These datory aims in China, the Japan that country, united under the aside from the war struggle on with American interests in Latin terveis, serve warning shattenzive: throw of the imperialist bourge national working class solidarity, Japanese of the inter imperialist antagon exemploie party and aided by the leadership is reactionary, treach counts for only per cent of ricamo capitalism, throttled by the visieerand the establishment of and further the cause of the sanctions should take the form (a) Refusal of maritime workto the brink of a new world other countries. But in order to condemn themselves to complete while American investments in its markets and investments Boycott Alone Is Insufficient crs to sail vessels transporting be able to build a revolutionary isolation from the masses. The China amount to less than 200. abroad or resign itself to percargoes to or from Japan.
Revolutionary Marxists have party which will have the sup. workers and soldiers would turn 000, 000, which is only one tenth manent decay.
The campaign for a consum. iveness of the boycott as a (b) Refusal by longshoremen always drawn a sharp line of dis. port of the overwhelming masses, a deaf car to their criticism ers boycott of Japanese goods, weapon against Japanese impe to load or unload cargoes des Seeks World Domination tinction between imperialist wars the revolutionary vanguard in of the Kuomintang conduct of sponsored by the Stalinists, pa rialism, it is necessary to utilize tined for or coming from Japan.
the war, and all hope for building cifists and trade union bureau. the boycott sentiment as a basis (c) Refusal by workers in inRecognizing that and wars of national liberation. China is obliged to wat revolutionary party and a reo Japan can only be stopped by establish the position of the crats, is becoming an instrument upon which to agitate for inde dustry to use materials, either In the case of the former, our pol actively in the struggle ultimately weak nations in reality, to icy is one of revolutionary defeat a time when the leadership is in volutionary mass movement war, which was the sense of Rc United States as the world boycott is a characteristically The hoycott of Japanese goods have been made in Japan.
The pendent working class action. crude or partly processed, that ism in all the warring countries the hands of the bourgeois Kuo would be lost.
the international socialist revolu; revolutionary party and a re pation in China struggle while eie gelek toe tunited the working in consciousness, einen Stalinists extremely a pneffectuan, bewapon befective only when it ceased ist League of China (Chinese as the only means of advancing mintang and its Stalinist allies. Support of and active partici can imperialisin and all its agen the work of drugging proletar petty bourgeois, and by itself an in Shanghai in 1931 32 became To extend to the Communtion unconditionality of support the not be conjured up out of thin Icadership does not, however, of the coming armed struggle. stripe, including the trade union receives tacit support from the shops and warehouses and seiz moral aid in order thereby to tion. In the case of the latter, volutionary mass movement can. it remains under Kuomintang class of this country for support and the reformists of every The present consumers boycott when bands of pickets raided tional) the fullest material and imperialist oppressor, since every ninists can bring them to life ists to lower their own banner, to establish American domina role, with the Stalinists in the Roosevelt government in line ed all Japanese goods found on assist our Chinese comrades in blow struck against imperialism, only by tireless and the renounce their own independent tion of the Pacific as a stage van. The latter newest expan If the boycott remains the sole when mass sanctions were apwith its war mobilization plans, the premises in other words, discharging the great revolutionwhether on a national or inter sacrificing participation the revolutionary program, merge toward world domination. With nents of twentieth century social form of popular action against plied at the source of distribu rallen upon them.
lities which have national scale, serves the inter war against Japan, in the course themselves ests of the international prole of which they explain events to amorphous People Front, ab of bourgeois opinion all sing the concerning the peaceful cha play into the hands of the im the consumers boycott, but re4. To unmask the predatory tariat, and at the same time fa the soldiers and civilian masses, dicate the right of criticizing same song: Preparedness. The racter of American imperialism perialist war mongers aims and war preparations of cilitates the revolutionary and be gards it us secondary to the ur. American imperialism.
vance of the peoples of the co ery of the bourgeoisie and its war. This is the line of the Sta. Washington government, includ vernment in Washington to help tional unity and class collabo gent need to impose active work To conduct an agitation lonial and semi colonial countries. government, and mobilize the linist traitors. Political self re ing arrangements for parallel save China from Japan in the ration. In order to combat this ing class sanctions against the for the withdrawal of American warships and forces from China, tion, it is the duty of our party tionary action. Cur party does fails to advance China strug East, are shrouded in a smoke They brazenly offer services as danger and to assure the effect Japanese imperialists.
where they are stationed solely to aid China defense against not hold aloof from the trade gle but prepares in advance its sereen of pacifist propaganda in recruiting sergeants in the war How Our Party Must Aid China to protect the interests Japanese imperialism in every unions because they are domi betrayal and defeat. The Chinese order to render casier the mobi which the American imperialists way possible.
nated by a reactionary bureau Bolshevik Leninists keep aloft lization of the masses for war in are preparing to undertake a American imperialists, and to Specifically, in order to aid is the duty of our Party: link this up with a nation wide China, a semi colonial country, cracy which frequently betrays the revolutionary class struggle defense of freedom and demo gainst military fascist Japan China progressive struggle To propagandize the prog campaign against the growing because of its importance is a the workers. With such a policy, Ibanner of the Fourth Interna teracy and the independence of When American imperialism against Japanese imperialism it ressive character of the Chinese: danger of world imperialist war.
in of the