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Workers For the SOCIALIST APPEAL of the World Unite!
Fourth International!
PUBLISHED WEEKLY AS THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY 401 Boss Court Holds Beal On Old Score Rivera Resigns From Profound Depths of Economic Crisis Revealed In Statistics On New Unemployment Wave won a plant. The hearings on the extradition California SWOC the Against Leaders Alleged Conspiracy Vol. II. No.
Saturday, January 29, 1938 Cents per Copy Roosevelt In New Jersey Steel Workers Win Strike In Heart Of The Notorious Anti Labor Modern Monthly Huddle With January 18, 1938.
Mayor Hague Own Hudson County To the Editor of the Modern Monthly: Mr. Editor: Businessmen MILITANT TACTICS BRING CRUCIBLE STEEL Up until now the undersignTO ACCEPT WORKERS TERMS IN 36 HOURS of the Modern Monthly. it is true that this actually was GASTONIA STRIKE ACTS TO PUT BRAKE not expressed in any way, BUT CP ACCEPTS ROOSEVELT SMOKESCREEN would be allowed in. The work being no more than a gesture LEADER MENACED ON ALARMING SLUMP Bosses Fail to Befogers showed their militaney and of solidarity. consider it in AND CHARGES WALL STREET SABOTAGE Issues By Attack lack of reliance on the capitalist possible, however, further to On Kaempf controlled police by maintaining give the impression of solidFight On Against Prevailing Wage Cut a picket line of 300 at the gate, arity with your publication. Falling Off In Employment In Clearly Shows Extradition To From Amendment HARRISON, At Cru prepared at the first sign of a For all workers organizations There Has Never Been Any Real and eve Carolina геоссиру cible Steel Co. 000 members of doublecross for individu pro Of Housing Act SWOC lodge No. 1280 gressive figures the deciding Recovery in Country Fred Beal, leader of the fa criterion at the present time Beneath the surface of the week. The strike victory is par but one demand granted. Griex.
smashing 36 hour victory last The strike was settled with all is their attitude toward Stamous Gastonia, North Carolina, iinism and the to the By Dave Cowles textile strike, in 1929, has been shots, the campaign against la ticularly impressive in view of ance cases that had been kicked ruling Moscow clique.
There has been much talk about the current economie decline arrested by the authorities in his bor outlined in these columns the fact that Harrison is a Hod around for months were settled The question here is not one home town, Lawrence, Mass. He took more specific form during son County town controlled by in a few minutes. Plant wide sebeing a temporary recession. If this is indeed a recession, it is of a struggle of ideas between is being held for extradition to the past week. All of the in Mayor Hague stooges. During niority replaced department setwo tendencies, as the hypocsleeper than any depression America has had during the present North Carolina where he is still dustrialists, with the very best a three months period preced niority. Union shop stewards and rites of the Workers Age generation, excepting only the depression of 1929 1933. It is also under a 20 year prison sentence will in the world, unite in ex ing the strike, Crucible, known committee men were given hightry to describe it, but of a under a frame up conviction of FRED BEAL plaining that they simply cannot as the toughest steel outfit in the est seniority rights in the plant, struggle among all trends in the best evidence of the bankruptcy and decline of American capiconspiracy to slay Gastonia talism.
the working class for selfpolice chief Aderholt.
duction while their costs that the seniority rights guaranteed vice. Long standing unsanitary preservation, against demoraThe severity of the current de is, the wages they pay are so the workers by the union con. conditions were remedied, lization, bribery, poison, sland.
cline can best be seen by com.
before the Governor of Massa high and the unions so irres tract. In addition to settling these 600 Give Support Judge Wham Fines earing the with long standing grievances er, frame ups and shooting that of 1929.
chusetts were scheduled to be Members Revolt in the back.
Within the past four months, the held in the middle of this week, The President and Congress workers struck for other pro. As proof of the class conscious. Mr.
Carleton who bele bindtes Illinois Miners For New York Times index of busi: too late to be reported in the are listening carefully. With gressive conecrsions which would ness of the organized steel work.
current everything he could to hinder issue of the Socialist very evident approval from the fortify the security of the unioners in this area, Lodge 1339 the investigation of the crimes seven points. This drop is far Appeal.
consisting of 600 workers in the White House, the prevailing in the plant.
of the Stalinist clique. In acworse than the one that followed Fred Beal is being defended wax struck At 8:15 a. January 17th, Jersey City Crucible plant, votwage amendment complishing this, Beals him the stock market crash of 1929, by the Boston attorney George REGISTER PROTEST from the Housing Act. This Union leaders stood by the gate, od to strike in support of their self did not stop at lies, slanul.
when it took five months for busiRoewer. The Boston Local of the amendment provided that on a while flying squadrons pulled Harrison brothers if called upon.
er and low intrigue. It was SAYS YEAR STRIKE ness activity to drop only one.
Socialist Workers Party is vigor. IN RUMP MEETING Supported enterprises concerti ken we telescopower the planet. com Another noteworthy feature of the elementary duty of the third as far. The ten point drop ously behind Beal in this case. Modern Monthly to brand DAMAGED BUSINESS upward movement which broke and the National Office of the Government wages should be as the plant manager admitted. mocratic manner in which it was its own collaborator as he Party in New York in preparing Say Lewis Appointees wages prevailing for the given declared the strike to be in vioing to ratify the agreement be paid at least equal to the highest Immediately the management conducted, the rank and file votdeserved and to drive him the steepness of decline. The in launching of from its ranks. But the owner present fall is straight down, a national movement to prevent Are Bureaucrats trade in the given locality. The lation of the contract. The boss fore there was any return to of the Modern Monthly.
Precedent Menace without the slightest sign of any Beal from crucial importance of this pro press of Newark followed by work, and in addition electing all being extradited to Mr. Calverton, has set To Labor If Upheld pause. The five months drop the prison hell of anti labor LOS ANGELES. The first vision, from the point of view spreading statements that the committees in charge of the himself against the execution that heralded the worst depres the the Los of labor, is sufficiently obvious. strike was opposed by two strike. After settlement North Carolina and to fight for substantial revolt in of this elementary duty. This his earliest possible relense if Angeles area against the dieta ts elimination from the Hous thirds of the workers, and that when the victorious workers sion in history was less than ten shows that the Modern By Albert Gates percent. The present four months the extradition fight should be torial policies of the Lewis aping Act not merely opens the the rank and file was opposed to wanted to lift Kaempf to their Montbly places its regard Organized labor was dealt a drop is almost twenty four per Jost in Massachusetts.
pointed bureaucracy in the rond to sub standard wages on the irresponsible leadership of shoulders, he refused, pointing for clannishness above the severe blow in the far reaching cent. If the drop continues as o. flared into action Sun Government enterprises, Edwin Kaempf. Northern out that every worker in the elementary demands of poli decision handed down by Feder long as that of 1919, it will caBecame Union Leader day, January 16, when delegates but, even more important, works New Jersey director of swoc. plant was as responsible as he tical hygiene. There is nothing al Judge Fred Wham, sitting tapult into a depression that will for the victory. At a meeting on Great Solidarity Shown New England textile work demanding democratic procedure as a wedge in lowering wages in left for me to do other than in East St. Louis, Illinois, when make the last one seem a little January 23, some 1, 600 workers er from early youth, Beal be held a rump session after the the building tradex generally.
to ask you to remove my naon January 13th he ordered the recession by comparison on For Aids Housing Rosses As the midnight shift came on of the Altha plant gave an overme from the list of your editcame one of the most effective adjournment of the regular disProgressive Miners union to pay already the disastrous the workers exposed the lie of whelming vote of contidence to ors and collaborators. 117, 000 in damages to the Unit workers are seen in news of staiunion organizers in that intrict policy meeting of the In point of fact, this action the fink prens. The newly arriv. Kaempf.
DIEGO RIVERA. ed Electric Coal Company in a cides, news of increased unem.
dustry, participating in and later o. lodges. The rump real ing workers were asked to give the staike victory has lifted leading a number of dramatic Planned action but merely the meaning of housing under en their lunchboxes to the strikers the morale of the Crucible work.
suit arising out of a long and ployment, news of business and bitter strike at the company government attacks on the or.
the Communist Party for several spontaneous expression of the pitalism. Far from being a inside the gate and then go home ers amazingly. The first meeting Red Ray mine near Freeburg, ganizations and living standards Mlinois.
protest means to provide cheap and nde until morning. The response was after the strike was so largo years, he went almost single militant rank and file of the workers.
handed into the South and orga. against the bureaucratie praet. quate living facilities for the 100 per cent. With this demons. be rented to hold all the workers that an additional hall had to TELEPHONES The United Electric Company nized the sensational Gastonia ices of Dalrymple, masses, and useful and wellinstituted suit against the PMA Capitalist Alibis strike in 1929.
Regional Director of California. paying jobs in construction, the tration of solidarity on the part with the past year showing The telephone number of for 400, 000 claimed as losses to to take whole governmental housing pro of the workers, the plant mana Crucible profits The strike held firm for a long! The meeting failed reaching new Local New York is the company as a result of the The reaction of the ruling clasa period of time under the most concrete action or make definite gram, in so far as it may be gement retreated from its pre highs, and with the company strike. The strike, beginning, has been to let loose a flood of savage attacks of the mill own. plans for the future. However, realized at all, is designed me vious intransigenney. With a fagetting fat navy contracts at the GRamercy 9142 on April, 1, 1933, lasted for propaganda that hides the whole ers, their police officials and as one delegate expressed it, rely to aid the building ma.
present time, the Crucible workthree years.
Those assessed for truth of capitalist decline.
The telephone number of ers are ready to meet the expithugs, until the Union Hall was the ball has started rolling: terial, construction, and real vorable settlement in sight, damages as a result of this The anti New Deal capitalista raided by a lynch mob. In the the first step in the direction of estate companies in reviving workers evacuated the plant ration of their contract on Feb. the National Offee is decision, were seven locals of the blame Roosevelt and the New course of the fring, Police Chief building rank and fue demo their profits. This will become after a promise by the local po 28, determined to win better PMA and 66 individual members. Deal for the depression. In (Continued from page 3)
Aderholt was shot. Beal and six (Continued from page 3) lice chief that no strikebreakers working conditions.
ALgonquin 8547 In handing down his decision doing this they spread the illu other union officials were indict.
Judge Wham found that thesion among workers and the ed for conspiracy to murder and company was entitled to actual middle class that unhampered railroaded to prison in an atmos.
damages only The figure was capitalism can overcome depresphere of typical lynch justice.
arrived at in the following mansion and restore prosperity. They Together with the other de.
mer: 70, 000 for net profits that hide the truth that it was the fendants, Beal went to Russia in Bow Down to GM would have been made had the unhampered capitalismo 1930, where his experiences under mine operated; 22, 000 overhead Hoover that crashed into the American losses, and 25, 000 shutdown ex. worst depression in the rule of the bureaucracy, penses.
State Dept. Refused Right graphy. Proletarian Journey.
The pro New Deal capitalists Words of Camouflage made him a confirmed opponent Presages New Terror WON BY WORKERS blame the opponents of the New To See Arrested Woman Judge Wham made sure to New York Times of Dec. 22 of the Stalin regime. Because he refused to be silent about the announce that his finding was 1937 reports that the President crimes of the ruling clique, he Following the fake Stalin elec vinov, he was again under fire, Proffer To Auto Makers By Junius relations between Washington made not because there was a his belie was left completely in the lurch tions, the equally fraudulent being attacked by Zhdanov and, that the Non Strike Contract and Moscow, to establish which strike but because there was a business recession was. largeby his former Stalinist leaders in Supreme Council convened in in a milder form. by Molotov.
Bulletin. Stalin long ago pledged himself conspiracy. on the part of the ly the result of a psychology Russia and in the United States, its first session in Moscow to go The attack on Litvinov Comand, after his return to this through routine, rigorously missariat not only involves the ship of Martin Frankensteen ton annonces a new demand to ist movement.
DETROIT. Under the leader As we go to press Washing to demobilize the American Marx union and the workers to harm which he said was not only be country, left to fight the Gas outlined in advance, company business. The Judge tered by the minority of business being fostonia frame up single handedly. per cent unanimity, for Foreign Affairs but presages Reuther, the big retreat of the see Mrs. Rubens, sent to Moscow Stalinist Jitters Mount declared that his decision in no Frame Up Is Frame Up large percentage of Nothing sensational dere a turn in Stalin foreign di United Automobile Workers despite pressure of the CP.
from the battles and victories of Tory bloc favoring ennivance loped out of this first session. In plomacy. nerhaps, in the very January 1937 has begun. The with Stalin. Hull, however, con Hike the genial Dictator himself ers to engage in strike action newspapers. This would Jull And while the Daily Worker. way questioned the right of work men and a The significance of that frameother words, Stalin, as is his near future. The attecks against provided that strike action is workers into believing that capiup and of Beal great work of enistom. ca contented himser on the agressor countries, in the above and the bordemes comieheni tinues to keep all details secret. continues mum casa clam on the Peral. That was the least he talism, controlled by the New The closeness of the jam the Stalinists in New York are workhas not changed by a single jot. ing the Supreme Council approve centered on Japan, with rather a fight.
The fact that he is now threaten everything that had been done significant silence or evasion The General Executive Board Stalin regime finds itself in being to dispel interest in the case existing laws upholding the right could continue to do so that the of of the Robinson Ruben growing feeling among nonwith regard to Germany.
ed with imprisonment by the thus far.
Detroit, is submitting the fol frame up fizzle, was startlingly Stalinist radicals, laborites and The right to strike is a right and widespread suffering is not Above all, Stalin needed a In connection with the first lowing iron clad anti strike guar. illuminated early this week when liberals that the Rubens ease is acquired by the workers in strug: led capitalists. But the truth the The as considerable publicity has. The union agrees in that city as believing that Stalinist degenerate methods has result of the continuous press: deep despite the tremendous critic of the Stalinist regime in newest and most important pubs given to the order to end the that it is the responsibility of the failure of the Soviet so frightened local Stalinists into sure of the workers in the strike aid given to industry by the New In spite of the fact that he is its seal of legality upon it, by Aun Stalin purges have been discipline and efficiency in the Consular officials here, despite Appeal series of startling dis the legal recognition or an ex price kids to increase profits, and of outright gifts.
his liberty for pro labor activity, vamped Council of People such orders. which invariably ployer to hire, discipline and dis. Mrs. Ruth Marie Rubens, now bens passport fraud will shortly oft purged brought in their wake not a di charge employees for cause is under arrest in a Soviet prinon, be followed by even more sensa. ers have struck on the job in From coast to coat the work. Stalinist Pairy Tales Stalinist auxiliary, has not lift body as reconstituted today has munition of the terror but, on expressly recognized, subject to will continue indefinitely. tional exposes of the criminal order to obtain recognition of ed a finger in his behalf. The on it only seven men who were the contrary, its accentuation the right of appeal through The Communist Party apes At the same time, the Appeal anti working class activities of their union organizations and an Roosevelt, only more bluntly, in Daily Worker, which a few years commissars at the last election to be sure with this difference, grievance procedure.
learns from Washington that the the here and abroad.
Other ago denounced the frame up for two years ago, the remaining 23 that there was a slight change The union recognizes and refusal of permission, coming on!
improvement of their working the Weekly Newsletter of the what it was and is now calls have been removed, e. arrested in the direction and scope of the agrees that unauthorized strikes, the heels of the six this latest of Stalin frame up mass action, they have rendered 1937: Wall Street is trying to new developments in and living conditions. By their Workers Alliance, November 17, upon the workers to let the or executed.
purge. The last time such an stoppages of work, and deliberate week long failure to admit they attempts are as follows: Southern reactionaries do to Beal anti strike legislation ineffective create a crash to prove that pro order was publicized in the Am reduction in rate of production had Mrs. Rubens in their clutwhat they want without interferFive Securely Seated erican press was on March 14, below standards established ac ches, has caused annoyance in the New Developments and influenced the new trend in gressive government and the New ence from the labor movement. of the seven remaining old 1937 (under the date line: Moscording to Section of the State Department.
labor law developed in the re. Deal are not successful. This At a time when a worker is be Bolsheviks, five are more or less icow, March 13. We cite two agreement, before all the steps The insistence of the Moscow class war refugee now administration. Fred Deal, Gastonia and formist period of the Roosevelt would spread the illusion among ing hurled through the prison securely seated: Molotov, Chu brief paragraphs: the most suppressed of all workset forth in the grievance proce on keeping Mrs. Rubens to them held by the Massachusetts police ers that the New Deal is sucgates, the Communist Party, bar, Voroshilov, Kaganovich and Year Ago dure have been complied with, selves until they have finished for extradition to North CaroTo Cripple Strikes instead of aligning itself with Mikoyan, while the other two, cessful in preventing depression, are indefensible; and for a viola questioning her which ercat. lina where he would face a 20him against capitalist justice as Litvinov and Pakhomov (Com. The Communist party today tion of this provision by the ive process may take several year prison term resulting from accept reformist labor legisla: men in a The boss class, compelled to that the present government is This would make is its elementary duty, is taking missar for Water Transport) called a halt mass expulsions union, its officials or members, months presumably due to an anti labor murder frame up, Lion, now seeks to cripple the Street the seape goats for de much hated Wall revenge on Belial for his composi: had warnings issued to them, werits members, many of whora tiene corporation liet this complex or the difficulties in both subjective on his post told me wapaper men strike movements of the workers pression. hehe ee hoofy its for with tion to its policies and facilitat. Pakhomov, severely criticized were said to have been dropped otherwise discipline the employee and objective in setting her to that he believed this was through other means, and one of Roosevelt plan to compel Whis ern dungeon.
until the opening of the next cials delivered caustic reprim found guilty thereof, and the ese. Trotskyite. Bukharinite him in the Rubens frame up.
capitalist opponents to submit The Beal case is a bristling open season to get his com ands to local committees, and be union responsible therefor.
union and its members for dam. to the controls of the New spy which the has. Beal, of course, has been de ages arising out of illegal Deal.
challenge to the entire labor missariat in functioning order. gan immediate reinstatement of Non compliance on the part written for her.
movement. It is a labor care being warned not to forget for a those whom they described as the of the union with the above prop The fact remains that Stalin the vicious slanders spread a strikes as a result of the thug Workers Alliance is planning fended by Trotskyites against strikes and violence occurring in the action also fits in The from beginnint to end. It is also single day the criticisms made victims of unjust expulsions. visions shall be deemed a breach adventurous frame up course has gainst him by the Stalinist mud and fink policy of the financial (Continued on page 3) of his department. As for Lit (Continued from page Continued on page 3) led to a situation that strains (Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 2)
Soviet Council Adjourns UAWA Leaders After Giving Stalin K narrated in higherocent autobio: Order To End The Party Purge GIVE UP GROUND Moscow In Difficulty With Robinson Case history.
wity, is not altered in the least legalization of the blood pure session of the Supreme Council. antee to the General Motors Cores Moscow. cable citedi Americans a crucially rotten expression of right to strike and picketing the that the current depression is