BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismFascismFranceIV InternationalLeninLeninismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Workers For the SOCIALIST APPEAL Of the World Unite!
Fourth International!
PUBLISHED WEEKLY AS THE OFFICIAL ORGAN ON THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Vol. II. No. 401 Saturday, January 22, 1938 Cents per Copy Roosevelt Confers CIO Leaders New French Crisis With Big Business Urge Lewis To Stirred By Break To Save Capitalism Talk With AFL In The Popular Front Prepares Drive on Labor As Sham New Peace Move Will Give Impetus To Unity Urge Sharper Clashes Loom In Class War Fight Against Bosses Nears End As Workers Burdens Increase o Moscow Admits Robinsons Held For Espionage Coast Unions Pre pour cette Score Victories Over Stalinists New York City. Dissatisfaction with the break up of unity negotiations between the of and the In a headline making move harking back to the old Hoover days, Roosevelt last was voiced last week when two prominent Top The breathing space offered French capitalism by the People Front has come week issued summons to scores of the Best Citizens to drop in at the White House leaders attempted to place the responsibility of the break to an end.
for a series of confidential Fireside Chats. The personnel of the first get together up on John Lewis and urged resumption the peace The fall of the Chautemps government last Friday ushered in a new period of must have been a stiff dose for our New Deal socialists to swallow. Three of the conferences.
instability which, unless war intervenes, will not be terminated until the workers five present were leading directors of the Liberty League: Alfred Sloan, Jr. Dave Dubinsky, president either take power or are beaten into submission by a frontal attack on their orgachairman of General Motors; Ernest Weir, the great champion of the right of of the Int Ladies Garment nizations.
labor to remain for ever free from unionism; and Colby Chester, president of Workers Union, and Max After 19 months of the General Foods and chairman of the National Manufacturers Association. The remain. Zaritsky, president of the People Front the workers ing two were Clement, president of Pennsylvania Railroad, and Lewis Hatters Union, made the ace the same bald alternaBrown, head of Johns Manville Corporation, one of the biggest companies in the bleas for peace.
tive which has been before building supply industry.
Although Dubinsky statement them ever since the Fascist few days later, a new being used by of spokesmen like Mathew Woll and rising in February, 1934.
set arrived, this time includ William Green in an attempt to ing Thomas Lamont oi Workers Headed off white wash the executive council Morgan Co. Ower bureaucrats of the of The power that was in their Young of General Elecand to weaken the his grasp during the great strikes public appeal for unity will have of June, 1936, way saved for the powerful repercussions in both bourgeoisie by the People Front.
occasion our Best Citizens sections of the labor movement.
Stalin Latest Frame Up Gets Under Way After ly the joint and strenuous efforts The workers were headed off were found to include ale The publie criticism of John Lewis by Dubinsky brought Long Preparation of the Socialist and Stalinist none other than John into the open a long mouldering parties. Through them, the bourLewis and Philip Murray clispute that has existed within geoisie dispersed the titanic And, lo and behold, the Sailors, Firemen Deal Heavy Blows To Bridges. The militant tactics of the auto the top leadership of the BY JUNIUS energies of the aroused masses far more efficiently than it ever spokesman for the group at and rubber workers, especially the end of the interview Fakers The Soviet authorities have finally made formal ad could have done by using the their use of sit downs, were tole.
turned out to be the same John rated by the but always mission that the couple variously known as Robinson weapon of Fascism. In this con Lewis. The newspapers report and Rubens are in custody and under arrest.
claim that People Prontism SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. Progressive and militant unionism frowned upon by Dubinsky.
ed how Lamont, Young and the Will Not Withdraw The admission was made after many weeks of eva saved France from a Fascist Yest agreeably nodded their heads won two smashing victories here over the larry Bridges Stalinist zion, and two weeks of downright silence in the face of the services of Blum Thorer to coup. The bourgeoisie prefered as Lewis completed his genially terreaucratic clique when the Sailor Union in a land slide clec. want to tale here that, al non committal statement. cable of inquiry from the State Department at Wash de la Roque Dorlot, especially Linn endorsed the policies of Harry Lindeberg and the West Coast thongh we are in disagreement point on several fundamental ington, Stages Sham Fight after it found itself helpless in Marine Firemen union ousted the Stalinist fakers who lalleen MAX ZARITSKY of policy and straty we will While carrying out this move running their union and replaced them by a full opposition Klate.
Despite its fears that the Robinson Rubens case is the face of the paralysing June not withdraw from the I, ible for the break off than Lewis.
on one salient, the President was In the annual election, Lunde domination of Fitzgerald has been ing lewis for, breaking off ne after all, forced the split in the botch the has found itself too deeply involved to social legislation of Blum was Dubinsky declaro, when eritieix The of executive council, withdraw.
equally active on another and berg was re elected as secretaryrushed through parliament with seemingly widely separated front. treasurer of the Sailor union smashed.
With the acknowledgement of the fact that the Robin scarcely dissenting vote.
In his best rhetrorie he was baek by u majority of nearly six to Storm Created ing up Jackron and Ickes in their one. He got 2, 196 votes against Zaritsky We have assurance the industrial union drive wher con hiel been in a Soviet prison since early December could not solve the fundamental over possible.
Fitzgerald tried to shove the the last peace conference that denunciation of monopolies; and 453 for another candidate. that is, some six wecks ago came the announcement crisix of French capitalism any in thunderous periods he was The policy of remaining in firemen union into the Bridges the spokesmen for the of Sentiment For Inily that the prisoners were being charged with espionage more than it could provide any calling once more for death to dependent during the next period dominated National Mari conceded the main points at the Utilities llolding Companies. from both the 0, and the time Union where it would be issue advocated ly the founders en behalf of a foreign power. trial is expected shortly. permanent satisfaction to the The recent action of the PennFor the twentieth time, the of which Lundeberg and subjected to the tender mercies of the They pecifically sylvania Federation of labor The trials we have predicted from the beginning lances and the increased burdens double dealing of New Dealism the entire progressive forces of of Stalinist bureaucrats. His bus accepted the principle of the in which refused to obey Green of this case will be another in the series of infamous of national defense, cheerfully was upsetting the politienl pro the union advocated was over reaucratic activities in that di dustrial form of organization in orders to split the ranks frame ups concocted by the Stalin regime and its supported by Mum Thorez phets.
whelmingly approved.
rection created a storm of resent the mass production industries; Pennsylvania labor by expelling During the past weeks, of course, while hesitating as of the employers to make the Co. coupled to the determination However, Roosevelt cannot ment among the rank and file.
the reinstatement of all the the unions from the fepossibly afford to dispense with Endorse Amalgamation The progressive paper, The o. unions in the of Leleration is an indication of the to whether to go through with the affair or scuttle it with workers bear the charges of the such oratorical ventures as the The proposal to have an amal West Coast Fireman, rallied after adjusting their proper ju sentiment for unity in the ranks an announcement that the missing couple had never been shortened hours and increased current series against monopo gamation of the West Coast Fire around itself all the militant risdictions; the removal of the of labor. It symbolized the attitound, the has been preparing and rehearsing its wares, soon led to a new impass, elements fighting the power from the executive council tale of militant Fof Lunion instruments for a trial.
Gains Wiped Out He won the confidence of the union to serve as a genuine base Bridges Fitzgerald bureaucracy, to suspend international unions ists towards the reactionary ex masses in this country and holds for real industrial unionism wax and led the campaign for elec without a convention mandate. ceutive council.
NOT them in line through his elabo. also endorsed.
DOUBT Prices and the cost of living tion of progressive officials Other leaders answer The increase in resolutions and rose stoeply, wiping out the rate front of social mindedness Vism and in the Firemen union, Significantly, the election in ed that the of committee telegrams sent to Washinxtar To Drop Fitzgerald was defeated in his the Sailor union was the largest which attended the peace confc by Local Unions of both the All circumstances of the Robinson Rubens case meager gains of the June strikes, point with deadly accuracy not only to frame up in ge ities rose from 400 in september, this now would gravely under campaign for re election as see vote cast in the history of the rences was without authority 19 and the of demand ineral, but to its particular nature and to the purpose it 1936, 15 cos on January 8, 1938.
mine mass support not merely retary by a vote of 1, 472 to union, although a large percenta negotiate so settlement. The attiring unity with full recognition pursues.
Foodstuffs rocketed in the same Roosevelt must continue tho ap Bridges and the other stalinist or in ports where no branches L. officials subsequently offers of the principles of industria pear in the public eye as the fakers who cover themselves with were maintained and therefore proof that the of ex unionism is forcing the top offiThe fact that the Moscow statement declares that Ru period from an index of 438 to champion of the people against the banner of the O. He was couldn cast a vote.
bens was apprehended in the industrial region of the The flight of capital, the steady ecutive council is more responsecials towards unification.
minority. The defeated by Malone, the the Pandons that role his candidate of Urals, is additional emphasis.
depletion of the gold reserves, day he the progressive political doom is sealed. The idea, forces in the union.
From the very beginning, the Stalinist press has and the weakening of the franc widely discussed during the past cautiously sought to connect the Robinsons with Leon famous pause followed by his In all other contested posts in six months, that Roosevelt might both the Sailor and the lire.
Trotsky, the American Trotskyists and. a Japanese removal in favor of Chautemps give up New Dealism and become men union, the progressives spy plot in the United States and the Soviet Union. No in June, 1987. Drastic retrenchan orthodox conservative politi swept into office much to the discoubt the will now attempt, by means of the devalued and the cost of living ments followed. The franc was cian along Liberty League lines, may of the Stalinist bureau is, therefore, excluded for the crats.
restomary confessions, to realize this despicable scheme rose to prohibitive heights. The present.
All the howls of the Stalinist in the open.
workers soon made their answer The anti monopoly and anti press and the pompous claims Strikes began to break out and Holding Company emphasis is of Bridges as beloved leader of INSPIRED RUMORS BEGIN assumed the proportions of a particularly appropriate and the West Coast labor movement new major wave of struggle even necessary for Roosevelt at were drowned in the thunderous They started their newspaper campaign with inspir when at the end of the year the the present moment. It is chiefly chorus of the rank and file of the To rumors (including a phony dispatch from Moscow via employers unitedly resisted rohis middle class popular support sea going unions for real pro.
Warsaw, that the Robinsons had been to Mexico to concluded in June, 1936, contracts, which has lately been sliding gressive unionism.
REVOLL 12 MARYA away under the impact of the Bridges plan to split the Fire. Continued on page 1)
incidentally, they had consistentslump and the Tory attacks. men away from their support of ly sabotaged and vitiated from Anti monopoly propaganda that the Sailor union through hix the very date they were signed is, propaganda against the bigChautemps Fails gest of big business is above all an appeal to the fears and preChautemps tried to stem the judices of the middle classes on side of strikes by calling another capital labor conference and al.
To Shift Dlame though Jouhaux and the SocialJames Cannon, national sec.
At the same time, this propa Tatin ist Stalinist leadership were ready ganda, together with these conretary of the Socialist Workers ing class today.
ferences with the big industrial Party, will speak at the Lenin will be the first public presentato collaborate, the employers de ists, prepares the ground Memorial Meeting this Sunday tion of the decisions and plans manded more drastic methods.
They boycotted Chautemp conevening, January 23, 8:15 of the founding convention of Roosevelt to shift the blame for ference. What they wanted be the slump, if it continues and at Irving Plaza, Irving Place and the Socialist Workers Party.
came clear last Friday when There is no more suitable oc Chautemps told the Communists 15th Street BOSTON, Mass. An deepens, on to the shoulders of The speaker will summarize casion for such a beginning than in the Chamber to quit the gu the Tories who, he will elnim, siastic audience of more than refused to cooperate when coo 135 greeted the launching of the the teachings of the great leader the anniversary meeting of Levernment majority if they chose.
peration was offere trgod. Socialist Workers Party here at fourteen years ago. As a repre ako cleared the road for the sta the Stalinists a clear held with In this way, he avoids taking a Lenin memorial meeting last xentative of the American Con linist reaction.
the discontented masser, pulled responsiblilty himself in the pub Sunday, Olic eye, and hinders the people Our Party is founded on the munist Party in its carly days. DETROIT, Mich. Although government and forced its full.
their mine ministers out of the from tracing responsibility to its basic principles that Lenin taught Comrade Cannon visited the soviet Union on several occasions. motor company production Georges Bonnet, the finance mitrue source in the very nature the working class movement of In 1992 he attended the fourth sehedules for the 1938 season are nister whose policies have been of capitalism.
the workl. Widick, labor Congress of the Comintern the expected to be higher than in any synonymous for the workers with Roosevelt has, however, more secretary of the who last muder Lenin leadership year except 1929. 100, 000 less new privations, taxes, and high concrete aims in these White was the speaker, told the workand had the opportunity to dis workers are employed in the prices, was repudiated by the House Conferences. There is no cuss many problems with Lonin. auto industry, according to a Socialists. Leon Blum, however, doubt that he would like to ers.
ar Scripps came forward with an open prorange certain compromises The previous night a Lenin given to the specific meaning of Howard reporter. Technological pokal for the creation of a go Particular attention will be survey made by with business, which would con memorial meeting was held in Lenin theory and practice for improvements caused the unem vernment of national union and (Continued on page 3)
705 SEET Lynn, with the same speaker.
the tasks of the Ainerican work, ployment. Continued on page 3)
Leninism Can Be Embalmed STALINISM All Out At Lenin Memorial MeetingSunday BOSTON GREETS NEW PARTY IT WEEK END MEET enthuLENINISM Carlo