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8 SOCIALIST APPEAL January 15, 1938 Trotsky WritesontheLesson Left Of the Civil War in Spain Jabs (Continued from page 5)
of the People Front have to desert their last capital National Unity.
THE DENOUEMENT they will, before embarking on steamers and airplanes, The dictatorship of the Stalinists over the republi perhaps announce a series of socialist reforms in order War for the defense of Amcan camp is in its essence not long lived. If the defeats to leave a good memory with the people. Nothing, will erican Imperialism should be conditioned by the politics of the People Front will help them. The workers of the whole world will remem Front formed by Henry the slogan of the new People once more launch the Spanish proletariat into a revolu her with hatred and scorn the parties that ruined the Stimson, Secretary of State untionary assault, this time successfully, the Stalinist heroic revolution.
der Coolidge, Clarence Hathaclique will be swept aside with an iron broom. If, as is, un The tragic experience of Spain is a threatening way, editor of the Daily Worker fortunately, more probable, Stalin will succeed in bring. perhaps the last warning before still greater events under Stalin, and William Green, ing the work of a grave digger of the revolution to its addressed to all the advanced workers of the world. President of the of conclusion, he will not even in this case earn thanks. The Revolutions, according to the words of Marx, are the loving nations to take aggresmanifesto calling on the peace Spanish bourgeoisie needed him as an executioner but locomotives of history. They move faster than the sive action against aggressor he is not at all necessary to it as a patron and a tutor, thought of half revolutionary or quarter revolutionary nations was signed not only by London and Paris on the one hand and Berlin and Rome parties. Whoever lingers falls under the wheels of the but by more than one thousand the above mentioned notables on the other are in its eyes considerably more stable firms locomotive, whereby and this is the chief danger the others, the Daily Worker assures than Moscow. It is possible that Stalin himself wants to locomotive itself is also not infrequently wrecked. It is us.
The name of the organizacover his traces in Spain before the final catastrophe; necessary to think out the problem of the revolution to tion is the Committee for ConIcerted Peace Efforts.
he thrust hopes to put the responsibility for the defeat on the end, to its final concrete conclusions. It is necessary his closest allies. After this Litvinov will plead with to adapt policy to the basic laws of the revolution, e. Yellow or Red. Franco for the re establishmentof diplomatic relations. to the movement of the classes in conflict and not the One of the delegates to the Ap this we have seen more than once.
prejudices and fears of the superficial petty bourgeois Chicago convention of the SocialHowever, even a full military victory of the so groups who call themselves people and all kinds of ist Workers Party recalled the called republican camp over general Franco would not cther fronts. The line of least resistance proves in a St. Louis convention of signify the triumph of democracy. The workers and revolution to be the line of greatest disaster. The fear Against the war or for it? was peasants twice placed the bourgeois republicans and their of isolation from the bourgeoisie means isolation from the first question asked him. At left agents in power: in April 1931 and in February the masses. Adaptation to the conservative prejudices that time, in Montana, his home 1936. Both times the heroes of the People Front ceded of the workers aristocracy signifies the betrayal of the state, it wasn known that a call himselt the victory of the people to the more reactionary and workers and the revolution. superfluity of cautious. Socialist and support capitalist more serious representatives of the bourgeoisie. The ness is the most baneful rashness. Such is the chief War. It wasn long before we third victory, gained by the generals of the People lesson of the destruction of the most honest political or saw anyone who opposed the War Front, will signify their inevitable agreement with the ganization in Spain, that is, the centrist POUM. The spy. Today its Japanese Fascist being denounced as a German fascist bourgeoisie on the backs of the workers and peas parties and groups of the London Bureau evidently do spies and the Spargoes of 1937 ants. Such a regine will be but a different form of a not wish or are not capable of drawing the necessary call themselves Communists.
military dictatorship, perhaps without monarchy and conclusions from the last warning of history. By this The Robinsonwithout an openly dominating Catholic Church.
token they doom themselves to catastrophe.
Rubens Mystery. Finaly, it is possible that the partial victories of the But then a new generation of revolutionists is now republicans will be utilized by the disinterested Anglo being educated by the lessons of the defeats. It has in The best laid plans of: mice French intermediaries in order to reconcile the fighting action verified the base reputation of the Second Inter and men oft go astray, wrote camps. It is not difficult to understand that in the case national. It has learned how to judge the Anarchists not applies not only to mice but to Bobbie Burns. That this saying of this variant the final remnants of the democracy will.
by their words but by their actions. It is a great ines rats as well is the lesson whiclo prove to be stifled in the fraternal embrace of the gen timable school, paid for with the blood of innumerable he GPU and its stooges on. 13th erals Miaja (Communist. and Franco (fascist. Once fighters! The revolutionary cadres now gather under Street are learning from the Rothe banner of the Fourth international. Born anid great all trails, lead to the Stalinist again: victory will go either to the socialist revolution, All clues, or to fascisny.
defeats, it will lead the toilers to victory.
lair. Their whole proposed frameIt is not excluded, incidentally, that tragedy will yet December 17, 1937, up apparently horribly mis carried and now all that is left is to at the last moment give place to farce. When the heroes Coyoacan, Mexico.
have the Lubianka firing squads and their counter parts abroad correct the mistakes in the usual Stalinist manner.
Delieve it or not (W. Some hundred received a work and residence Bureelona.
spersed with applause, were demembers of the Acstrian social permit for one year. After the Will these gentlemen, who livered by none other than Stalin The following lines appeared in democratic Schutzbund (defense expiration of the year, the pol took up the defense of the Vien himself and reported in the Daily a message of greeting from the organization) journeyed to the mit was renewed for only three nese workers against the Heim Worker of December, 13.
Executive Committee of the ComU. after the February months and finally, for only three wehr, look on quietly while these munist International to Josepby 1984. street fighting in Vienna. days. Thereupon, the got same workers are being destroy Lenin, Liebknecht, Stalin. Proof of this fact almost, Their trip to Moscow was or what it wanted: he decided to ed in the jails of the Luxemburg Memorial December issue of the Commununbelievable, can be found in the ganized as a triumphal march the country.
leave Did these gentlemen really rise and they were feted is heroes. refugee coming from Khar to defend cause at that time Meeting ist International, page 882. Inwherever they went.
kov reports that ten members of or were they merely in the pay firritely beloved leader, friend and Speaker: NATHAN GOULD teacher, dear to the hearts of The Swedish newspaper Sozial the Schutzbund have been jailed of Stalinist propaganda demokraten hax only recently there, among them one of the millions of working people.
If their present silence is to be (Nat Org. Together with Lenin you led the come into possession of informa most famous of the Schutzbund taken as an indication, then the lenders, Erjautz.
Full Length Showing of masses of the people twenty years tion on how the heroic defenders latter assumption is justified and Photoplay Ten Days That of the Karl Marx apartments The Austrian February fight the world will know how to eva Shook the World ago to the storming of capitalism. Wherever the Soviet Rehave fared since that time. Severs were only an item in the luate protests and appeals from Auspices of District public was menaced by danger eral of these Austrians have re propaganda apparatus for Stal these sources in the future. We Young People Socialist there it was that Lenin sent you turned from the Soviet Union in, nothing more. After they had however, will not leave the VienLeague and the people called for you and have found refuge, for the been used up for propaganda nese February fighters to the 916 NINTH AVE. 59th St. Comrade Stalin. Obedient to the time being, in Stockholm. They purposes, they were subjected, mercy of Stalinist despotism!
report that they had to put up just as other immigrants and the summons of the Party and the The entire non Stalinist labor ADMISSION 250 call of the people, you went to a stiff fight for permits to leave Russian workers themselves, to movement must demand from the defense of Tsaritsin and tothe country. Some 130 requests the arbitrary will of the Stalin the immediate release for such permits remain undeAfter the February struggles, from his jails of all political re Don be an Idjit!
gether with the unforgettable cided as yet in the hands of the a number of famous European fugees.
Kirov you did in truth defend FOR DANG GOOD TIME Austrian consulate in Moscow. and American writers appealed get out your Mountain Boy it. you went forth to crush number of the refugees was for aid to the Austrian workers Modesty rags and come to Denikin and Wrangel, and you even forced to resort to the pro and refugees. Mr. Mya Ehrentection of the Austrian consulate burg.
did. Against the White Guard above all, praised the For my part should like to OLD FASHIONED BARN against the One of the heroes of the Karl Marx Apart assure you, comrades, DANCE AND HILL Poles who had burst into Kiev.
you BILLY PARTY refugees, recently arrived in ments in innumerable articles. may confidently rely upon Comyou drove them out. You Stockholm, told the Sozialdemo Mr. Ehrenburg is at present busy rade Stalin. You may count upon Sat. Jan. 11th. 8:30 crushed the enemy on all fronts.
kraten reporter: would much vilifying Spanish revolutionists it that Comrade Stalin will be 159 Rivington St.
organized the victory.
rather go to jail in Austria than and French writers, possessed of able to fulfil his duty to the SETBACK 3c Long live the leader of the work return to the more honesty and more of a so people, to the working class, to Thrown by East Side Branch Another reports that upon his cial conscience than he, from his the peasantry, to the intelligen.
of Socialist Workers Party.
ing people throughout the world, arrival in the he had rooms in a pent house hotel in tia. The above remarks, intercomrade Stalin.
Austrian Militants Bitter at Stalin Asylum Six you