BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCommunismDemocracyFascismGPUGermanyHitlerKaganóvichLeninismMoscow TrialsRadekSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyWorkers PartyZinoviev

January 15, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Reiss Diary Exposes GPU Crimes Young Communists, Murdered by Stalinist Firing Squads, Defiantly Cry Out: Long Live Leon Trotsky!
Independent Group Built on Firm Base in Teachers Union the and in the other de the poor condition of the city partments have been arresteci. economic life, city finances etc.
Kaganovich delivered a scurril29. Yevdokimov report on ous speech. According to Kagathose who remained after Brest novich, those responsible for Litovsk. Yevdokimov an invete everything were wreckers who rate drunkard.
must be punished in an exemp(Note: So far as we know, lary fashion. As he spoke he halfthe above refers to the fact that turned toward Messing. It is (Continued from page 1) You keep talking there about quired to testify to the spiritual Yevdokimov (of the said that Messing replied, Not a document transmitted to the state of those arrested! Know not to be confused with Yev. taking orders, e. orders for Slutsky comment: They (the Japanese ambassador. Why doing the tortures that await them, dokimov, an old Bolshevik, shat staging wreckers trials and that Czechoslovak authorities) are in you entangle me in this busi they prefer instant death to ar in the Zinoviev trial) compiled for this remarki Messing was reno hurry. After all, they have ness. Where am to get it? rest Tomsky, Gamarnik, Cher a report to the effect that all moved from his post in the legionaires in prison there. Note: This conversation per viakov, Lubchenko, etc. German, Austrian, and Hungar At any rate, this was the (Note: The diary of Ignace tains to the preparatory stage ian military prisoners remain rumor circulating in the Reiss, as well as statements of the Piatakov Radek trial. Ber German Heads Shot ing behind in Russia after the to explain Messing removal. It made by him oually, establishes man asked Slutsky to obtain, Brest Litovsk peace, the major is characteristic that in the the fact that the case against e. to manufacture, some sort sions (dead. 13. Felix Wolfe no confes ity of whom were party mem milieu of the all this the old Bolshevik Leninist, of document as proof of the conbers, remained in reality for the was recounted with unconcealed (Note: Felix Wolfe, Grylewicz, whom they attempt. nection between the defendants well purpose of espionage. Yevdoki sympathy for Messing. ed to accuse in Czechoslovakia and Japan. This minor circumshot as were other former lead tended to serve as a basis for known German communist was mov report was apparently in32 Rykov and Bukharin wholly manufactured in Moscow the behind the scenes mechanics ers of the German Rem reprisals against the foreign by Stalin Yezhov. Notwithstand of the Moscow trials. mele, Neumann, Werner Hirsh, communist emigres who are now brought from jail to the plenary ing the compliance of Czecho One Bekher or Brekher, etc. 14. Interminable negotiations being destroyed wholesale in the session (of the to defend themselves there. They categori.
slovak authorities, who acted in alias Edek, also Petersen, memcally refused to admit themselves accordance with directives from ber of the staff of the Polish with Adolphe (Hitler. Kandil.
the perhaps Not Taking Orders guilty. Stalin rejoinder: Take them back to jail. Let them de comrade Grylewicz collapsed mi lished in Moscow, has been ope Kandellaki, Soviet trade reprethe case against paper Tribuna Badziecka, pub Referred to here 30. Messing Kaganovich. Not fend themselves from there!
serably. rating as an agent provocateur sentative in Germany; and the 33. According to unverified ru2. Toward the end of February. for many years among fact that the behind the scenes taking orders. Can vouch. Note: story is current that mors, Piatakov was an opponthe well known Czech journalist the Polish comrades. He betray negotiations of Stalin with HitRipka (of Narodny Listi, be ed a great many comrades into ler went on through him. Ed. at a certain session in Moscow ent of the Stakhanovist move lieve) was called by phone from the hands of the three letters Slutsky comment on a conver at which under discussion was ment.
Paris. The conversation with (GPU. also, in the Ukraine. sation with Rouat in 1935 and him was in the name of a Hun Poses as an author, with Lvov as Dr. La. in Dec. 1936. Details unknown, Ed. garian friend of his, making him his birth place. In his day, was ar15. Remark by Yezhov during an offer of materials relating to rested and sentenced in Poland)
in the Departthe Trotskyist trial for use in for communist activity, but be a conversation the press. Ripka hung up. The cause of dishonorable conduct ment spring 1936 (1937. Shot individuals who made the call had been expelled from the party. several score.
are known to me.
He betrayed a comrade to the (Note: This is a familiar repolice.
frain of Yezhov in settling any Slutsky Trip Abroad question. Long Live Trotsky! 16. rumor about Yagoda cir Although the Independent bership on the war question. In (Note: The individual who lculating in the that he Group has made a good begin addition is necessary to train phoned is one of the resident Slutsky story about Leis an agent of the Gestapo whom ning and has in some instances a group of speakers who are agents abroad whose ningrad Communists: They die the Germans compelled by means compelled the Administration to competent speak upon this name is known to the Editors of shouting, Long Live Leon Da of blackmail to work for them, make coneessions, a number of question before Union groups in the Russian Bulletin. He spoke vidovich!
inasmuch as he had allegedly important problems are pressing the schools. In short, a persis.
under the dictation of Slutsky (Note: The above refers to a served in the Czarist Okhrana for solution. First of these is the tent campaign conducted all year who was in Paris at the time. conversation in the last But Yagoda is only about 40 question of what to do about Mr. round is necessary. It is necesOne of the aims of Slutsky May when Slutsky, under the years old!
Charles Hendley, Presi sary to strengthen the Indepentrip abroad was to spare no influence of fresh impressions, dent of the Union, who was the dent forces on the Union Commeans in order to dispose the become confidential and recount18. On the Spanish question joint candidate of both groups mittee Against War and Fascpress in favor of Stalin trials. ed how the Leningrad ers initial reaction, assistance, fol. In the last election. Mr. Hendley ism, which has in reality become The conversation with Ripka faced the firing squads with the lowed by a strict prohibition up is nominally an adherent of the a base for pro war propaganda centered around supplying the cry: Long Live Trotsky. to September (1936) to un Independents, but in practice he within the organization, a poli.
latter with some sort of The confession of Kippen ertake anything.
serves knowingly or unknowing tical base for people front forgeries intended to prove hauer or Kippenberg concerning ly as a socialist front for the treachery.
that the Piatakov Radek trial a conversation with Bredow.
22. Mysterious Tsik case: Ria people front administration.
was not a frame up. Note: Kippenberger, a Ger inin and Cherniavsky.
His recent undemocratic rulings Membership Must Be Remark by Slutsky to the rested and accused of espionage. to a fictitious attempt against of the Independents have become man communist, was recently ar. Note: The above reference against spokesmen and proposals Reached effect that holding an im. He confessed that he had once Stalin. Both of the men mention intolerable and raise the question of Mr Hendley adherency As the war clouds gather, the was an agent of the pre talked with Bredow (of the are army men. Reichswehr. But he had had to that group.
people sumably, Intelligence Service. front administration Trotsky and. Bauer will attempt to engage in still Sokolnikov, in his capacity of this talk ir. accordance with inambassador in urther repressions than hitherto.
London, had structions from Moscow. NowaUnity With 23. s residence in PrinkiAlready they have attempted to so maintained business relations days when it is a question of de Progressives reduce the delegate Assembly, the with him. The intentions of Agr stroying German emigreo burglarized, allegedly for the (obviously, Agranov) to coneoct communists living in the purpose of establishing ties betAnother question pending beyote is second in authority, which next to the membership a case out of these relations the unable to seize ween him and the Second International, and especially Otto fore the Independents is the prospaper and and Slutsky fears lest this conversation with Bredow to make Bauer. Cannot vouch for this. stamp existenposal for unity with the Proce. It almost impossible for cause great tinpleasantness (Note: The details of this ru gressives. Negotiations with this the opposition to obtain his department inasmuch as, a case against Kippenberger. He mor. are as follows: Among the group have shown that they reing for its views in the monthly, ibissima verba: Sokolnikov will. was shot. upon request, write so much more hours. Slutsky comment the New 10. Examinations lasting 90 staff of the tales cir fuse to accept the position of organ of the Union, on culated of how Trotsky home the American Labor Party. We Group, through its monthly bul.
the Independents in regard to York Teacher. The Independent (accompanying gesture)
about Mrachkovsky.
we ll be losers by the bargain. Note: To break Mrachkovsky en into in order to obtain Trot believe that for the Independents letin, has done a splendid job (Note: Agranov and Co. like cessant examination, lasting 90 lotto Belier. Trotsky is reported the sake of unity with the pro: membership with the AdministraSlutsky, were equally well aware hours at a stretch! The same to have succeeded in detaining gressives at this time would be tion attempts to suppress the were of a purely business na Smirnov who showed the greatest latter to put the gun aside, did pendent Group, It would result in It is urgent to expand the size ture. But while Agranov, one of resistance. the same himself and then invit bacle within the United Pro. so that a greater portion of the the direct stage managers of the 11. December 1936. Primakoved the man to sit down and ask gressives. We hold that it would membership is reached. Only in trials, was interested in piling had not yet made any confes ed him why the burglary was be far better and safer to follow this way will the pressure of the on as much as possible, Slutsky sions at the time. Slutsky com arranged, and just what they apparently tended more towards a course of united fronts with membership force ment.
wished to know. He himself was them upon specific questions as eessions from the Administrafurther concaution. He feared that being at liberty in London and not con12. Ruid on Rakovsky home. ready fined in the inner prison in Mos Kept 18 hours without food or rest to the burglar. Then Trot they arise in the Union such a time as events themselves cow, would begin refuting.
It rest. His wife wished to give sky said to him: It would be will buing more clarification BARN DANGE tell me what is may also be that Slutsky had him tea. was forbidden for fear best for you special plans with regard to that she might give him poison. taking place in Russia. When upon the question of independent Sponsored by the East Side political action and the Ameri: On Louis our informant was told that can Labor Party.
Branch of the Telephone conversation bet Can vouch for it.
Fischer say so.
this is all fietion and that there The Independent Group, after ween Slutsky and Berman. was no burglary in Prinkipo, he Slutsky the head, at pre Rakovsky wife to give him tell. in Moscow believed it to be true. against affiliation of the Union Socialist Workers (Note: The forbade replied that the staff Conducting an excellent campaign Party sent writing proba former fea that she with the American Leag hend, of the Foreign Department ment with him, give poison. What and that he considers this legend Peace and Democracy.
ins Saturday, Jan. 15th, of the other piece of evidence is revery indicative of the moods preſtituted petitions for referendvailing even in these circles. Berman an importante. P.
um on this question. We believe Reference to the not unknown that the Independent Group 159 RIVINGTON ST. functionary, brother of the bourgeois Stalinist journalist and 26. Yezhov on the vacillations should also conduct forums for New York City People Commissar of Posts and agent of the Louis of Djerzhinsky. All the Polish the education of its own member.
collaborators of Djerzhinsky in ship as well as the Union memSubscription 150 a hears until tion