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6 SOCIALIST APPEAL January 15, 1938 Young Communists for INTERNATIONAL NOTES Fourth International; Join YPSL in New York Purging the Polish Big Bank Depositors Grow in French and Organic Unity.
Ferment in the Stalinist ranks litical disagreentent approached tionalists. The former Literature is deep and extensive. Among the YPSL circle there for a class Agent of the Harlem Section of third period Stalinists especial on the war question. number the YCL issued a public resignaly this ferment is reaching a have already joined. In another tion and joined the Yipsels. At crucial stage. The Stalinist youth part of the city a group of 35, New Utrecht High School three, has openly shown signs of dis twelve former YClers and the and, at De Witt Clinton High content with the present Popular others former Stalinist sympa School two of the key YCLers Frontist, class. collaborationist thizers, have organized a class have left the Stalinist ranks to policy. The support of LaGuar to re study the war question and join the YPSL. This is far from dia in the last elections the Popular Front. They have the end of the list. Fully oneblasted the illusions of many approached the YPSL for a third of the 60 new members of YCL ers for any possible return groupleader. At CCNY Evening the YPSL who have joined in the on the part to the revo the large YCL unit there was last few months come from the lutionary path.
so weak on the new class colla: ranks of the demoralized StalinThroughout the country YCL. boration that a study circle had ist youth.
ers have been abandoning the to be organized on the nature of Stalinist ranks, disillusioned the Popular Front. At the first many disgusted with all politics. meeting of the group three YCLOthers, and they are the more ers openly declared disagreement OPEN FORUM!
militant and intelligent, have The War in China turned to the Fourth Internation one broke there and then.
Speaker: WIDICK At CCNY Day, two YCLers, alists as the sole revolutionary Friday, Jan. 14th at P.
force capable of clear thought one the Literature Agent of the ADMISSION FREE branch and the other an editor WORKERS CENTER Evidences of this trend are of the undergraduate paper, have statements abundant. At Brighten Beach 15 resigned with open 1723 Amsterdam Ave. Room Corner 145th St.
young Stalinists expelled for po and joined the Fourth InternaJan.
1933 rubles. and action tute on Jan.
By John Wright Polish Purged by Stalin The Bulletin of the Russian Opposition (No. 60 61) reports that the most prominent members of the Central Committee and the Political Bureau of the Polish have been placed under arrest in Moscow: Prukhniak, Bronkovski, Ryng, Vera Koscheva, Genrikovski, Valetski, together with other well known Polish commurrists: Krayevski, Guberman, Jan Gempel, Lapinski, Bronik and Bruno Yassenski. There are also unverified rumors to the effect that the General Secretary of the Polish Lenski, has likewise been arrested.
Caste of Bank Book Owners Flourishes in the Finansovaya Gazetta for Dec. 18, 1937 carries a significant item on the growth of the privileged caste in the Beginning with the Second Five Year Plan, and coincident with the introduction of Stakhanovism, there has been a marked growth of savings deposits, which have almost doubled in one year, from 24 billion in 1936 to 1 billion rubles in 1987. In the amount in savings accounts totalled 974. million of the total number of of depositors (14 milion) less than one third are listed as workers. Functionaries consti34. Kolkhozniki 22. Says Finansovaya Gazetta: The notable thing is the growth of big depositors, those having savings accounts of 1, 000 rubles and over. At the beginning of 1935 there were 436, 000 such de positors; at the beginning of 1936 they numbered 681, 000; and 1, 1937. 1, 053, 000. Of these, 210, 000 had over 3, 000 rubles cach.
These statistics indicate not only an accelerated growth of big depositor e. of the privileged caste, but an ever increasing disproportion between a tiny fraction of the population and the bulk of the masses. Taking the figures in the indefinite form given, and assuming that eaen of 201, 000 depositors has only 3, 000 rubles while the rest of the big depositors have only 1, 000, these statistics show that of the total number of depositors possess almost one third of the total savings of the population. The disproportion is of course even greater in reality (millionaire kolkhozniks, millionaire artists, etc. etc. It appear especially monstrous when compared with the average monthly wage of the unskilled: 110 115rubles a month!
French Drives For Organic Unity The Third Session of the Congress of the French which convened in Arles in the last week in Deceniber was devoted to a fervent appeal by Jacques Duclos for unity with the Said Duclos: Don you know that the realization of unity will be decisive for the integral application of the measures inscribed in the programme of the People Front?
Among the achievements of the People Front which Duclos forbore to mention in his passionate plea was the following: After a recent sit down strike in the Gondolo biscuit factories had been settled. the workers upon returning to work found the factories occupied this time by armed gangs of Fascists.
From two to hundred of these Fascist in the Gondolo plant as Humanité itself reports, refused to allow some 80 workers to enter, among whom there were those who had worked 15 and 16 years in the plant. Humanité, Dec. 28. Elsewhere (as at Heaudebert Nanterre) the bosses merely contented themselves with firing numerous strikers.
What do the Stalinists propose? The headline of Humanité screams: The Government Must Put An End Immediately To This Scandal.
And, indeed, instead of screaming separately as they do now the Socialists, if they listen to the ardent wooing of Duclos, will be able to scream for the Government to intervene in one unity party with the Stalinists.
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Jan. 14. CHINA. Robert Graves (Authority on Far East)
Jan. 21. SPAIN Harry Milton (First hand report from the front)
Jan. 28 James Burnham (Prof. of Philosophy. LABOR TEMPLE 14th St. at Second Ave.