BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismImperialist WarInvasionLeninMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL January 15, 1938 New Front Organized; Drive Is On Roosevelt Prepare Labor for War o The path is cleared for con Mass. They have increased their sistent building of the Socialist weekly bundle order from 50 to Appeal. The historical conven 100 and have promised to start tion which launched the Socialist a subscription drive at once.
Workers Party was a signal for Chicago has appointed a circul.
intensifying every activity in ation drive manager and has alwhich the participates. ready sent in several new subs.
With our slogan of Face Tow Newark, New Jersey, has inard the Masses no more effective creased its bundle order and avenue of approach can be util pledges to double it in the near ized than the pages of the So future. Continued from page 1)
cialist Appeal. In your unions the probability is that future wars supporting the war on the ground in your shops, amongst Now, let go! More subs, inyour creased bundle orders, plans for netrimental to the interests of the will all be undeclared wars. It that the majority voted in its friends push the Appeal.
working class. It was on the is absurd to think that any kind favor.
The first signs of a determina free distribution in the unions, question of the advocacy of dis of a constitutional amendment It goes without saying that tion to double the circulation of MAKE THE APPEAL MASS armament advanced by iiddie would prevent the ruling class revolutionary workers would not the Appeal come from Boston, PAPER. its class pacifists as a cure all for from guarding interests. fall for such argument but we war that Lenin developed his There are already many consti must recognize the possibility of Socialist Appeal struggle against pacifism. The La tutional provisions which are greater confusion if a referend116 University Place Date Follette Ludlow amendment falls ignored in an emergency and um should precede a formal de into the same general category one more will be immaterial.
claration of war.
New York City as the policy of disarmament. In enclose. for which please send me the so far as it adds an element of Objections of Capitalists Attitude of Lovestoneite democratic procedure it carries Leadership Why then does the big capitalSocialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Monthseven greater dangers to the re ist press raise such lusty objec( 00. volutionary struggle against war. tions to the Ludlow amendment? who call themselves socialists That the pacifists and liberals enclose.
as my contribution toward Will the proposed amendment It is a mistake to think that be should favor the Ludlow amend building the Socialist Appeal.
have any efticacy at all in precause certain sections of the ca ment is to be expected. Lacking venting war? We shall not speak pitalist class object to certain any Marxian base for theit Name here of a war which will com measures that they represent any thinking they grasp at every mence by an actual invasion of danger to the rule of the bourge formula, outside Address any territory belonging to Ame oisie. Almost every measure of class struggle, offered to solve of the bitter rican imperialism. The amend the least liberal character was the problem of war. It was left City ment does not require a referend fought strenuously by the re to the Lovestoneite leadership um in such a case. We shall con actionaries but that does not to lend a Marxist coloration in be expected except opposition to to the nature of and cure for war fine ourselves to such cases where mean that when such a measure support of the amendment. In the Ludlow amendment. Difficult and our participation in the class the American imperialists will was passed it affected adversely the January issue of the Work problems confront Commun struggle for the purpose of or.
be convinced of the necessity of the vital interests of the ruling ers Age an editorial favoring tha ist party bureaucrats. To poseganizing the masses for the overan appeal to arms and where they class. Bourgeois democracy, it is amendment bases its argument on as the champions peace when throw of imperialist governments.
can not afford to wait until the true, prefers to cover itself with the proposition that Today, it in reality they are the most con The issue of war is only one enemy invades their territory.
legality and hence it is prefer is this resolution which marks sistent advocates of war involves of the issues upon which we atable in the eyes Marxist Conception of of the ruling the vague, the half formed line them in many section not to have any provi dividing the pro war contradictions. tempt to organize the masses and anti They have succeeded in rallying and at certain times may become Cause of War sions in the constitution or on war forces in America, separating many workers and middle class the most important issue but we the statutes Unless the Marxist conception have to disregard but in a crisis tatorship froin those calling for munist party leads the struggle the general class struggle at any which they might those heading for military dic people who believe that the Com do not separate that issue from of the fundamental cause of it bourgeois democracy perialist wars is to be discarded bourgeois legality ignores a measure of democracy on such against war. The Ludlow amend time.
completely a vital issue.
the answer to the question: will or at best interprets the law to nent appears to be an excellent We too will take advantage of the amendment prevent any kind suit its interests.
So, the people are now divided measure to such people. The the agitation around the Ludlow into pro war and anti war forces Communist leaders, common amendment. But we shall tell the of war? must be a very emphatic negative. An impertarstwar capitalists class will disregard all mined not by the necessity of of the capitalist class, want no not have the sightest effect Just as it is certain that the and our politics are to be deter with all the realistic politicians American workers that it will (and the United States can fight its laws in case the proletariat educating the working class to hindrance whatsoever no other kind of war) is not threatens its existence so to quick upon imperialist wars. Some caused by the invasion of any certain that it will not permit war and rallying the workers as of imperialism, especially oppose it the real nature of imperialist action against a possible enemy wise acres will allege that we enemy power. It is caused by im any laws to stand in the way of a class in the struggle against if that popular referendum perialist rivalries enemy happens be before war is declared by confor markets, its making war when that is es imperialist war but by the ad hostile for raw material, for fields of the Soviet Union. It gress, thereby favoring that sential investment and these rivalries For the workers, visability of taking our stand is therefore compelled to line up war be declared without a pohowever, with the forces who call for a with all the conscious forces of pular referendum. The question inherent in imperialism. especially for the politically ad measure of democracy on such a the capitalist class and thus of the referendum is absolutely They exist long before the de vanced workers, the question can vital issue.
claration of war and the act of not be settled by the undoubted come into conflict with many of immaterial. We oppose the idea invading enemy territory.
The editorial proceeds to ex its supporters who are sincerely that any kind of a referendum fact that the necessity for a re plain its support of the amend against war.
will help the workers in the least.
It would be far more sensible ferendum will raise no barrier to ment by asserting that it would 1or pacifists to advocate a refe an imperialist war. It is also offer at least the possibility of to the Ludlow amendment The opposition of the Stalinists What is material is the necessity and of the workers to understand the rendum on the question of pre important to understand that the raising our voice against the our refusal to support it is an nature of war and to have no venting capitalists from attitude of the workers on the predatory wars of American im excellent example of the possibi illusions about it.
making foreign investments. question of supporting or oppos perialism. As if we could not lity of diametrically opposing Around the Ludlow amendment Possibly the pacifists of social ing a war must not be determin aise our voice without a refe and hostile forces voting together we must carry on an agitation ist persuasion will go to the ed by the irrelevant factor of rendum and as it American im for totally different reasons. that the only solution for war is hoot of the problem. by present who struck the first blow. What perialism would permit us freely The opposes the amend the destruction of the capitalist ing the bright idea of abolish is important and conclusive is to raise our voice ing war by referring the question the nature of the war. It will be crisis. Not so much as an ef. imperialism to go to war against in time of ment because it wants American system.
of the existence of capitalism to a struggle for imperialist booty feet end war as Japanese and a leferendum vote. For the re. on the part of the American go offering a tribune for anti war ism since the latter two threaten German imperial The Budget volutionary worker it is quite e vernment whether it is invaded agitation in the struggle against the safety of the Soviet Union.
Roosevelt touching solicitude vident that to abolish war it is first or itself takes the initiative capitalism, do we support the We do not favor the Ludlow for the unemployed and his love necessary to destroy capitalism in invading some other, country. movement itself and therefore to consider and revolutionary workers can around the that is gathering amendment because it will have of peace are both written in LaFollette Ludlow no effect on the question of war dollars in the new budget. Over the struggle against war as part not support an imperialist, war amendment. Is it necessary to and will create dangerous illu 800, 000, 000 was cut from the of the struggle against the capi. regardless of the amendment which sions and throw the working unemployed relief appropriations talist class.
events that led up to that war.
will create illusions and confu class off from the track of the and just about that much put One can say with the utmost One of the most dangerous sion in order to carry on agita class struggle against war. The into the navy. That how those tertainty that a provision in the aspects of the amendment is its tion against imperialist war? favors collective security touching fireside radio talks are constitution requiring a referen democratic nature. Does it not should not Marxists take ad of the capitalist states to pretranslated action. The Daily could not possibly prevent require a popular vote and is that vantage of the agitation around vent war and considers the Lud Worker endorsing the budget is the government from entering not exceedingly democratic? Un the amendment into war it the decisive section doubtedly there are people suffi nature of imperialist war to explain the low amendment ineffective. We apparently operating under a new and also consider it ineffective but slogan All unemployed funds of the capitalist class deemed it ciently naive or formalistic in thus help clarify the minds of we favor the proletarian revolu for the war.
necessary. Should we assume the their thinking who will support the masses about such a vital tion prevent war. That some impossible, namely, that the the amendment on account of its question. Our agitation be of the arguments of the Com SOCIALIST APPEAL Ludlow amendment would be democratic character. But to a thousand times more effective munists are borrowed from the Vol.
11. No. Sat. Jan. 15, 1938 come part of the constitution, forget that democracy under the if we do not support the amend Marxist arsenal (see Hathaway Published at 116 University Place one of three things would follow capitalist regime is essentially ment. For then we can really article in the Daily Worker New York.
in case the capitalist government the right to deceive the masses explain how wars can be abolish Jan. 6) merely proves the old Published every week by the would be convinced of the neces is to forget the very essence of ed. The Lovestoneite centrist proverb of the ability of the Socialist Appeal Publishing Ass sity of going to war against an correct working class politics. leadership succeeds in covering levil to quote seripture.
Subscriptions: 00 per year; imperialist rival. Either Con We can very well envision a stre itself with revolutionary phrases The position of the revolution. 00 for months. Foreign: gress would declare war without mendous war propaganda, a re in a great many situations but ary Marxists is unambiguous. 50 per year. Bundle order a referendum on the pretext ferendum during which the re when vital problems arise it also we are opposed to imperialist cents per copy. Single copies that our territory was invaded volutionary opponents of war succeeds in exposing its real na wars but we realize that such cents.
or a referendum would be taken will be ruthlessly suppressed and ture.
wars cannot be prevented by All checks and money orders quickly in the midst of a tre a huge majority rolled up in favor anything except the overthrow of should be made out to Socialist mendous war incitement with a of war. What follows? That the Attitude of Communist the capitalist regimes and the Appeal.
favorable vote absolutely certain, war has been formally consecParty establishment of workers goverr. Entered as second class matter or the requirement of a referend rated by the vote of the people.
ments. Our struggle against war September 1, 1937 at the post um would be ignored altogether. And the formal democrats will From the leadership of the consists of two elements: the con office at New York, New York, Judging by recent experience then be under the necessity of Communist Party nothing could stant education of the masses as under the Act of March 1879.
ale out mes immediate support an um of