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401 Saturday, January 15, 1938 Cents per Copy SOCIALIST APPEAL Hail the Socialist Workers Party!
Amendment 209 to 188For Socialism!
FORMAT We are glad to announce that beginning with the next issue, the Socialis Appeal will appear in a new format. This is the last of the tabloid size, and from now on we will print a full size The Chicago convention of the revolutionary soBy the narrow vote of 209 to 188, the House of Rep newspaper format.
cialists has established the American section of the resentatives in Washington, under heavy pressure from Fourth International.
President Roosevelt, and with the solid reactionary bloc Marxists and for the working In forming the Socialist Workers Party of the casting its ballot for the majority, defeated the amend class in general by the LaFolUnited States, the convention shaped the indispensable ette Ludlow proposed amendment of Representative Louis Ludlow providing for a ment to the constitution, which weapon of the working class in its struggle against a national referendum to be taken before war can be de would make it necessary, before powerful and merciless class enemy, the exploiter of clared against another coun congress can declare war, to retry by the United States.
lican Party.
labor and oppressor of the people. With only the trade fer the question to a referendum, Not a single labor organiza except in the case of actual in.
unions at its disposal, the working class is but halfautying vieichtetion in the eponiewapresented the vision to oni necessary to armed with reputationary politicat party at its head, chauvinistic campaign a point of view of the revolution apply the accepted principles of it is invincible.
gainst the amendment for ary working class on the Ludlow evolutionary Marxism to solve amendment. Those that did not the problem correctly.
The Anti Labor Drive the past several weeks, were support it outright, criticized it all the forces of reaction, all only from a reactionary, pro Pacifist Cure All The Socialist Workers Party could not have been founded the war mongers, patrio war standpoint. We present be.
Revolutionary Marxists, esneat a more crucial anoment. The American working class is face low the Marxian view of the to face with a heavy employers onslaught upon its standard of teers, ably seconded by the amendment, presented in the cially since Lenin vigorous po living, already badly undermined by years of crisis and depresAmerican section of the Stalin form of a revolutionary anti war lemics against pacifism, have 8:on. The only solution that the wisest of the capitalist statesist Foreign Office the Commun criticism by our comrade Albert consistently taken the position ist Party. The Browderites stood Goldman.
that any policy which pretends men, Roosevelt, has been able to offer to the problem of hunger to solve the problem of war inin a single camp not only with By Albert Goldman dependently of the class struggle sior leading towards an even sharper crisis, the capitalists, own the production of food. Now, with a the Big Army and Navy Presiwhose rule Roosevelt hase been bent on preserving, are proceeding dent, but with Stimson, Landon An old problem in a new form creates illusions and is therefore and the Old Guard of the Repub is raised for the revolutionary (Continued on page 2)
to throw new hundreds of thousands out of work and to cut the wages of those whom they continue to employ. The most powerful capitalist nation of the earth has proved incapable of feeding, clothing and housing the masses of the population. The existing bankrupt and awaits only the revolutionary action of the working class to be flung into the discard so as to make way for the socialist economy of abundance and equality.
Even more menacing than the crisis and the nti labor drive, is the growing threat of war. The crisis condemns millions to hunger and slow starvation. The imperialist war condemns them to speedy death in muddy, blood soaked trenches victims of the imperialist lust for expansion and profit.
Preparing the War for Democracy Sensational revelations of the methods and aims pursued by the Stalinist Every capitalist country of the world is preparing leverishin its murderous persecution of revolutionists in the Soviet Union and abroad, are ly for the day when the world war actually breaks out. And the United States is not behindhand in war preparations. Under contained in the diary of Ignace Reiss, just made public.
the mask of the defense of democracy. the Roosevelt adminiComrade Reiss, who served the international revolutionary movement for years stration is is putting through the largest military and naval budget and was a trusted official of the Soviet secret service, was murdered by the this country has ever had in peace time. As the critical days in Switzerland several come nearer, it is obvious that all the political parties, from the months ago because of the sketchy and rather summary their author. This explains their of Stalinist methods and deeds. Republican Democratic to the Communist, are supporters The Reiss diary follows: of the imperialist war. The Stalinists are, in fact, in the very announcement he had made character, their terseness and, at The Diary of Ignace forefront of the war war mongers.
breaking with the Stalin times, unclearness. We did not Reiss the Socialist Workers Party, true to the great tradideem it possible to amplify the murder machine and adherJuly 24, 1937.
tions and principles of revolutionary internationalism, stands diary in any way, or even to ining to the Fourth Interna troduce editorial changes.
consistentily and firmly agaist the imperialist war mongers and All Judging by all indications, announces in advance its irreconcilable opposition to any war tional.
we have done is to delete entirely the Czech police was supplied certain passages in the diary. with material which depicted the undertaken by the capitalist government of the United States.
Shows Stalin Methods Wherever possible we have pro German political emigre, Gryle At its convention, it made it perfectly clear that if the war should vided the diary with notes, bas wicz, as an agent of the Gestapo.
finally break out, the party will seek to utilize the crisis. capiThe diary appeared for the ed upon oral statements of our The Czech police was apparently talism for the purpose of overturning the rotten social system first time in the organ of the deceased comrade.
no great hurry to proceed and thus putting an end to the war which is inherent in it.
Russian Trotskyists, Bulletin of Apart from the extraordinary with the case. Very frequent the Opposition, the editors of interest in the diary itself, it phone calls from Stalin to Yezhov, For the Class Struggle!
which provided the following in has become an historical docu wanting to know how the Gryletroduction: Unlike the impotent sect to which the Thomas Tyler Socialment. The diary adduces isolat. wicz case was getting along. He These notations jotted down ed and seemingly disjointed (Stalin) would do anything for ist Party has been reduced, the Socialist Workers Party shows to refresh his own memory were facts, but in their aggregate Trotskyist trial in Europe the seriousness of its position by its clear cut break with all not intended for publication by they provide a graphic picture (Continued on page Continued on page 3)
Diary of Ignace Reiss Reveals Criminal Methods of Young Communists Die Shouting Detiantly: Long Live Trotsky!
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