BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalLeninLeninismMarxPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeVictor SergeWorking Class

January 8, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL. Popular Front Breaks Army for Fascist Coup, French Sit. Downs; French Hearings Reveal Gov Calls Troops recent By Pierre Naville group of men whom Thorez describes daily as the elite of PARIS. The trials the Republican army.
stemming from the revelation of Daladier, the minister of naex Premier Andre Tardieu that tional defence, in reality covered he had paid out secret funds up the preparations of which he French labor was given an By Terence Phelan led points; the Popular Front de la Rocque have strikingly could not have been ignorant.
other bitter and illuminating lestalks of its love for labor and confirmed the repeated warnings Under the debonair gaze of the son in the real nature of Popular Do these bland liars think the democracy, and calls out the of the Workers Inter People Front Government the Frontism last week when their nationalist Party) concerning the plans for the barbarous assault Government smashed with French working class is deaf, troops.
preparation of a fascist coup ripened. Thorez and Guyot preachin 24 hours the general strike of dumb, blind, and feeble minded?
Leadership Needed under the cover of the admini ed discipline and pride in being Paris municipal workers.
The Popular Front government stration, the police and the army. a soldier. and the minister of Opposed by the tra union mobilized the Gardes Mobiles and The wave is yet a ground swell While de la Rocque was plead the soldiers encouraged his Gebonzes, and only tardily support 1, 000 troops against the strike, only, but it surges and mounts. ing not guilty in the affair of neral Staff to prepare bloody reed by the band wagon Stalinists, prepared for even heavier army Whether it will be flattened again the secret funds, Pozzo di Borgo pression against the workers.
the strike was forced by the mi repression; and these cynical by the disillusion of repeated be and his followers were arrested At the de la Rocque trial, Pozlitant pressure of a rank and file Stalinist editors proclaim the go. trayals, or sweep up into a tri. on charges of plotting the re zo, addressing the Croix de Feu fed up with the failure of pro vernment. realized this must umphant wave like that of May. establishment of the monarchy. chief, said: When we spoke to tracted class collaborationist ne not be done. People Front June 1936, depends above all upon number of arms depots were you about arms, you adopted a gotiations! More than 120, 000 Victory alas it was a victory the workers finding true revo uncovered. third trial was modest air and said: Don worry responded to the strike call: all over the Paris municipal work lutionary leadership. In factories meantwhile going on against the about that in any case have by bus, and tram, was completely through its Popular Front lack. Leninists of the IV International that it was guilty of reconsti All that will be arranged. Pozzo stopped; gas, electricity, and eys; that even a compromise have not even been heard of save tuting a dissolved league (the thus quite cynically revealed the sanitary services were cut to the settlement has been precariously through the filthy slanders of the Croix de Feu. liaison between the army and the minimum; and only skeleton ser obtained is because the govern Stalinist press, the workers, kickThe witnesses who came to mercenaries of capitalism. The vice was maintained in street ment of the Front Populaire, ing over the traces of their re these trials to justify and glorify plot of the Cagoulards (Hoodlignting, water, etc.
though promising its finance formist leadership, are instinct their plans for massacring the ed Ones) is the plot of the Gecapital masters that it would lively carrying out the precise workers, fully confirmed our ac neral Staff!
Savage Threats use the utmost vigor. and slogans of the rapidly growing cusations. The official commun By the same blow, the role of despite all resistance ensure the but still small Bolshevik Lenin ique issued by Marx Dormoy, 80 the bourgeois army in civil war The answer of that great friend resumption of public service etc, ist party, the Workers cialist Minister of the Interior, became plain to the blindest, of labor, the People Front Go was afraid both of provoking the Internationalist Party. Only the spoke of a monarchial plot. despite the camouflage of Huvernment, was instantaneous and militancy of the aroused workers monstrous incubus of Stalinism But it also revealed something manite and Populaire, who on savage: it called out the Mobile too far and of revealing too stands between, slandering, be far more substantial than a this point no different from Guards, brought in 1, 000 troops plainly to its deceived working traying, defeating.
threatened resurrection of the the rightist press. When the mi.
ready to break the strike (as class following the mailed fist Time is short. French finance Orleans family. The plotters nister of the Interior admitted they were already doing in the within the famous foutstretched capital, though it still hopes te modelled their organization on that the plotters modelled their truck drivers strike. and to cap hand.
retain its choking grasp on that of the army. This little organization on that of the army, all, threatened to call the striking worker (who are army reThe Lesson French economy through its left phrase really means that the plot he was obliged thereby to admit hand, the Radical Socialist Party was organized by army chiefs that the army functions and is servists) the colors for strike duty, so that, as French soldiers, organized for combat against the and the Popular Front, before themselves, The hammer blows they had either to act as their facts are reforming the militancy and risky expedient open rule Army. Chiefs Involved workers. The myth of the army as an instrument of external deown strike breakers or face court and class consciousness of the through its right hand, Fascism harun mantial for desertion or mutiny French workers. The government of both Hitler and Franco va Maresquier and a number of ed to give way to reality, General Duseigneur, Capt. Le ſence of the fatherland vanishà method of repression which they elected and re elected to rieties, will yet inevitably, by the business men who are reserve The trial of the French Social marks a new low in the hypocri protect parliamentarily the gains very nature of capitalism, be tical cynicism of class collabora won in the revolutionary struggles forced to go Fascist. The French ficers are not on active service, knew quite well: that Roger Sa.
fficers, were arrested. These of Party also revealed what we tionist reformism.
of May June 1936 has given them workers must be ready: ready any more than But a strike is a strike. The the diametric opposite results: with workers militias, with na who, along with Tardieu, was of the interior, and Leon Blum Gen. Weygand lengro, the late socialist minister superiority of struggle mass action over round 1936 which established the fascist urally linked factory and soldiers probably at the head of the mo themselves legalized and covered table deals is shown by the fact principle compulsory arbitra committees, ready, above all this vement. But their activity would the organization of the French that fear forced the to tion and outlawing of strikes; the socialist revolution.
carry through to the end, be inexplicable without the sup Social Party when the Coix de couple to its military threats a the devaluation of the franc and port and cooperation of officers Feu was dissolved. The testimony half way concession it is report the unchecked skyrocketing of Time is shortening, but there on active service, of the higher of Ybarnegaray and Ottavi, both.
ed that they offered the Paris the cost of living; leniency to the is yet time to save Franee from ranking officers. Who prepared leaders of the establishworkers between 50 and 70 francs fascist gangs coupled with savage the fate of Spain. led, or, the training of cadres, the ar ed this beyond question. 85 to 81) a month instead repression of workers mass ac gropingly, self led or leaderless, maments, the connection with of the demanded minimum of tion. The lesson is simple: class the French workers are begin aviation centers the arsenals and Helped Found Party detween 100 and 150 francs as a struggle won the gains; class ning to find the way. artillery bases? It was the same barnegaray told how Salenspecial high cost of living grant collaboration lost them.
gro and Blum together approved (the French price index has in Tragically, however, the uninthe creation of the as creased 50 per cent in the last formed worker turned naturally successor to the Croix de Feu year. But the reports are conto the powerful which to and assured him that we have flicting; and, as matters stand him represented the extreme left; neither the intention nor the dein France, even this wretched and here the Stalinist bureausire to make your party subject amelioration may well be stolen cracy, prostituting the prestige to the decree of dissolution, from the workers, now they of the October Revolution it is even though admittedly, it was have returned to work, in the now liquidating, again tried to born of the Croix de Feu.
final negotiations.
canalize the worker revolt into Ottavi related that he had two Stalinist. Explanations class collaboration with its tactie interviews at the ministry of the of what the French worker calls Interior with Magny, director of French labor will not soon headstuffing. bourrage de crane.
forget this lesson, following im But that even this will not any Twenty Years After the Surete Generale (police. Langeron, prefect of police, and mediately upon the gwernment longer hold back the indignant Verlomme, chief use of the army of Salengro strike break French worker is demonstrated By VICTOR SERGE staff. They were discussing the ers in the walkout of grocery these days, as predicted in these. 00 workers and truck drivers. Even columns, by a rising strike wave.
methods of dissolving the Croix de Feu and Ottavi raised the the Paris council of the As question of the so called bene.
Franche una valenty of the testera store sit ins win their gains, the FREE si copy of Serge From Lenin to Stalin will be volent organizations of the and warehouseCroix de Feu: Why don you against the Popular Front fa men strike in Paris; then the Twenty Years After which is received by Jan. 31st. attach them to the party you are scist threat to mobilize the work transport workers in Valenciengoing to establish they said to me, related own strike. The Stalinist news settled by the army than the paper Humanité, These are two statements that however, coal miners are out at Anzin. As makes the following statement we write, the ship strike at Rouen The Rise and Fall of the Communist International ought to go down in history. The under the heading People Front goes on; the food handlers walk French Social Party was an inby JAMES contestable advance for Fascism.
Victory. out at Grand Combe; the powerWhile preserving intact its secret The workers victory is a fully organized metal trades vib. 50 military organizations and its victory of the People Front. rate with rank and file by connections with the General Doriot, de la Rocque, the trusts Staff, it developed more broadand the newspapers all urged singularly provocative lock outs.
the governme ly under the cover of legality to force, The opportunis with The Stalin School of Falsification by Leon TrotStalinist its propaganda among the masses.
to throw itself into the arms and their trained seals in the sky. 50: Both for 00 (Saving 00. The disagreements inside its of reaetion.
trade unions alternately soothe, Order From putschist wing do not change any But the government, re sabotage, or jump on the bandthing: in the regroupment of flecting the extent of the mo wagon; government arbitrators Pioneer Publishers İfascism under the People Front veient, its echoes and reali hastily throw clean collars and Government, Blum and Salengro zations, realized this must not assorted sell out plans into their 100 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, held the baptismal font for the be done.
Isuitcase and entrain for troubnew infant.
Excellent Gifts for yourself or others RUSSIA ers into the army to break their nes. Ao sooner have these been WORLD REVOLUTION: 1917 1936 Ottavi.
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