BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceImperialismLeninMarxismRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismTrotskyVictor SergeWorking ClassZinoviev

8 SOCIALIST APPEAL January 1, 1938 Trotsky Urges Backing For Pioneer Publishers Union Lawyers Plead Memorial Day Massacre Defendants Guilty Akron Court Decision Outlaws Closed Shop CHICAGO Without consultPioneer Publishers has just Soviet bureaucracy is completemade public letter received ly evident. Pioneer Publishers ing the workers who were arrestfrom Leon Trotsky on the occa from the very beginning set itd for participation in the mass By Blake Lear for street car operators and bus sion of its seventh anniversary. self the task of bringing out a picketing demonstration staged drivers, who had lost an election The letter follows: serious library of revolutionary on Memorial Day before the ReAKRON, Ohio, Dec. 26. with the and who had thought for advanced workers public Steel Co. the lawyers, ap the closed shop in Akron was local of the Transport uling which virtually outlaws been denied membership in the Economic Crisis and Ideologies During the last few years the pointed by the union to defend handed down here last week by workers of America, were fired, first step along this road have those arrested, entered into an judge Fritch.
since the transport workers had According to all indications, been taken. They have been met agreement with the State At. Since the court decision will secured a closed shop. They took the present crisis should bring with manifest and encouraging torney of Cook County to plead be used as precedent, the ruling their case to court and the deci about tremendous changes in the sympathy. But there yet remains all the defendants guilty.
constitutes a blow not only to sion was the result. The court, whole world and perhaps first of immeasurably more to be done the working class of Akron and ironically enough, did not even all in the The crisis of than has been accomplished.
When the case came up in the of Ohio, but to the working class recommend that they be taken 1929 has already dealt a serious There is weight in the idea that Criminal Court of Cook County nationally as well. Labor must back on their jobs.
blow to the traditional ideologies the center of social revolutionary on December 20, the lawyers en unitedly fight this decision tooth The ruling beautifully exposes of Americanism and created the and and nail.
revolutionary philosophical tered a plea of guilty to charges the role of the courts as the necessity for a new orientation. thought will shift in the next of unlawful assembly and rioting Essentials of Decision the slogans of preserving the watchdogs of capitalism. Under The economic revival of the period to America.
past year has, it is true, some blows of the crisis and social placed against 61 workers. The what damped theoretical searches shake ups there will here arise judge thereupon fined six of the The essential portion of the and defending the public interright to work, fighting monopoly, and social criticism. Hopes arose a generation of revolutionary defendants 10 and 10 costs. decision reads: a contract by ests, which translated means that the process of economic theoreticians capable of saying The remaining got off with a one the employer to employ only preserving the right to work growth interrupted by the crisis a new word. All the more neces dollar fine and one dollar costs. union labor is contrary to public at slave wages, fighting unionwould again be re established. sary is it to create this The small fines were in return policy when it includes an entire ism, and defending the interests But sooner than one could have awakening social criticism a for the plea of guilty.
industry so as to operate gener of the capitalist class, the court expected the hour of a new crisis stable base in the form of a pubwhole ally in the community, prevent has given labor a stiff blow.
struck. It started from a lower lishing house not bound by any farce was explained to the de ing workmen from obtaining emlevel than the crisis of 1929 and other considerations and obliga fendants after they walked out ployment without joining the Higher Form of is developing at more rapid tions outside of the objective to of the court room and most of union.
tempo. This demonstrates that it open to humanity a new road of them, prepared to go on trial contract against public Deception not an accidental recession nor development. Pioneer Publishers and fight it out to the end, were policy is void and illegal.
Since by and large the old ar even a conjunctural depression can accomplish a great historie bitterly disappointed and resent, light and power employees, cereal gument that the workers anomia but an organic crisis of the whole task. Our common duty is to help ful.
capitalist system. That is why them.
workers, fishing tackle workers, one can with assurance predict (Signed) Leon Trotsky.
Both the Republic Steel Co. building tradesmen, and mem ty and hence should not be grantthat in all fields of human ideo Nov. 29, 1937, Coyoacan.
and the Chicago police force will bers of the newspaper guild and ed recognition seldom holds any logy in economics, politics, phinaturally use the plea of guilty the typos are forbidden to have longer, the courts have to resort losophy, As the to justify the murderous attack to a higher deception.
literature, art there. will open an epoch of bold critic As a non commercial publish upon workers exercising their theiremployers have a monopoly struggle gets sharper they make in their field in Akron or because up new rules.
ism, liquidation of old prejudices, ing house Pioneer Publishers de lawful right to picket.
They outlaw the Not all compromises with the where the monopoly is split two sit down illegal, immoral, and closed shop. They declare the scarches for new systems, cou pends on the support of everyone interested in the develop enemy are to be condemned. But ways, as it is in the newspaper revolutionary.
Revolutionary thought in Ame ment of a genuinely revolution a compromise which is based feld, the typos have a closed press laws invoked against the rica, with immeasurably more ary publishing house in America. upon plea of guilty in a case shop at both plants. In both bosses.
stability and vigor than hitherto, Among the volumes scheduled that has will begin to study different so for publication are: Revolution publicity, where the bosses and would mean that it would pre That is why struggle torr cial doctrines in order to resolve and Counter Revolution in Spain cops were placed on the defens vent a workman from obtaining ducted on straight trade union the question of the fate of the by Felix Morrow; Ten Years of ive in the role of murderers, is employment without joining the lines alone can only lead up a blind alley. Such a condition United States and of the capital World Politics by Leon Trotsky, nothing short of a betrayal of inion.
ist system as a whole.
What is Imperialism? by Zi the interests of the whole workThe breadth of interpretation has been reached in France, noviev; The Year One of the ing class.
can be so great this ruling could where magnificent struggles have What to Expect from Russian Revolution by Victor The Daily Worker of December easily be made to extend not only led only to the breaking of conSerge; Marxism and Philosophy 21, 1937 simply mentioned that to the Other Publishers bakery workers, coal tracts by the companies and a by Franz Mehring: Selected the bad judge found the 61 pickets drivers, and other trades, but discreet averting of the head by On the other hand, one can Works of Rosa Luxemburg, etc. guilty. It carefully concealed the could be applied to the large the courts. The trade union probetc.
expect that the bourgeois pubfact that the lawyers, by agree rubber shops as well, on the basis lem becomes a political problem In themselves lishing houses which from time these works ment with the prosecution, plead that there are certain depart and can be solved only on the to time printed radical works in more than warrant the supported them guilty. The Stalinists, ments in each plant which are political field. This is the stage the firm belief that the was earlier Pioneer publications.
of those who have profited by being in control of the Steel, unique in the city, and that were at which many unions in the Workers Organizing Committee a scab denied the right of em United States, plagued by lay offs, immune to the actions of destructive ideas will in the com Pioneer Publishers. 100 Contributions should be sent to in the Chicago area, are the ones ployment in such a department cursed with the problem of una ing years become more cautious; Avenue, New York, Fifth actually responsible for the ma he would be unable to obtain a employment, beset with a rise in lodorous deal. e. reactionary, and will compjob elsewhere in the industry. the cost of living, and harassed by the courts, have now reached.
letely ostracize revolutionary theoretie thought.
Socialist Appeal Background of Decision For, lacking the revolutionary answer to these problems, many It is impossible to place the 116 University Place Date The decision is part of the unions, especially those in the slightest hope in this respect in the publishing activity of the soNew York City poisoned fruit of the of mass production industries, are split. Thirteen mem going to be thrown into a severe called Communist Party. With enclose.
for which please send me the bers of the old of union crisis in the next few months.
time it becomes ever more hostile to theory. No wonder: every Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months page of the revolutionary classics. 00. is an accusation against the pre enclose as my contribution toward sent politics of the Comintern.
Frame up and falsification have building the Socialist Appeal.
become its basic method all Name fields. It is impossible trust any book, any article, any quoAddress tation issued by the Comintern press. Sooner of later all these City Compiled Over Period Of Thirteen Years By works will be placed on a special Index under the general title, HERMAN AXELBANK The library of pseudo Marxism and lies, Edited, With Commentary Written and Narrated By As far as the Socialist Party is concernéd one cannot in geMAX EASTMAN neral speak about it in relation to the problems of theoretic. Who knows when he will have a chance to view thought. This party lives on vulgar commonplaces. Its leaders an unexpurgated story of the Russian Revolution are ingrained with an organic again. Ludwig Lore, Post.
a version to scientific analysis. By JAMES.
410 pages. 50 Concern over revolutionary theo New Statesman. book which is unique of its kind, very. film that is so impressive, so exciting, so ry appears to their eyes as an badly needed, and likely to excite more anger than anything thrilling that it immediately goes on your list of unmistakeble sign of sectarian yet published this year. history of the last twenty years photoplays that must be seen not once, but again ism, if not a form of lunacy. from a Trotskyist angle. POSTGATE. and again. William Boehnel, World Telegram Serious Task Faces NEW Leader. It must be read three times to realise its Pioneer Publishers significance. It is a book which will influence substantially the thought of our time. Feaner Brockway. Under thase conditions the necessity for PIONEER PUBLISHERS revolutionary publishing house, independent 100 Fifth Ave.
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