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6 SOCIALIST APPEAL January 1, 1938 Plans Framing French Trotskyists in Secret Fascist Plots INTERNATIONAL NOTES French Press on Soviet Election Fathers of Stalinist Constitution Now Traitors World Mounting Armaments.
to in of ו וf By John Wright Echoes of Stalin Fake Elections Stalin plebiscite met with polite but pointed razzing in the editorial pages of the world capitalist. democratic. press. The fraud was so brazen and crude that the bourgeois editors stood only to gain by understatement. It goes without saying that they did By Pierre Naville not let the opportunity slip to cover Marxism in general and Bolshevism in particular with the muck that Stalin pumps out of PARIS, France. The clandestine arming of the French fascist parties has never been a secret for anyone. in support of an uprising prepare the noteworthy thing is that the French partners of Stalin in South Western France Moscow.
The participation of the heads of the army in this entered in Catalonia by the Fifth the People Front treachery have finally unbuttoned their lips.
prise has also been quite obvious. As to the complicity of Column as well as by the Even Le Populaire broke on this occasion its non aggression policy the People Front government in this conspiracy M, elements and the anar toward Stalin, dropping its pretext of diplomatic consideration to chists.
criticize the electoral frame up. The French social patriots had against the working masses, thato has been just as patent, if not! Attempt to Smear 4th For the the covered Stalin judicial frame ups with silence. Now that it is represents the Spanish no longer expedient (or possible) to keep mum, Populaire virtuously quite as avowed. Patent, because Trotskyists. Ce Soir launches declares that Stalinism has succeeded quite convincingly in de International the arms depots have been exforth with this dastardly calum monstrating to the populace the grave personal risk every citizen posed many times for more than Their first attempt: In Hu: ny of the at the very incurs by adhering to the opposition.
a year (particularly by the So manite of November 21, one of moment when the attempt cialist Populaire and the Com, its editors writes: One finds (in implicate the in an frame ups. Says Populaire: The January trial of the so called They dare even to mal reference (somewhat belatedly) to the munist Humanite) without any the conspiracy)
government action; because the provocateurs, headed by Trots tirely collapsed. The parallel center (ie. Radek Piatakov trial the June Surete National (the federal ky. This sheet writes thus with does not give up its aim very execution of Tukhachevsky and seven other generals, the purge police) has been kept well in out the slightest attempt to jus easily. To implicate revolutionists in the party, the trade unions, the Komsomol, the Comintern, the formed in the matter, thanks to ify such a statement. Pure calum in counter revolutionary enter administration, the journalistic and literary circles; the havde its stoolpigeons, spies and provo ny! In what role are they found. prises controlled and fostered by wrought in the so called federated republics all this nipscateurs without any interven on what occasion. Under which the government with the classic the bud the very possibility of an opposition crystallizing.
tion on the part of the ministry; circumstances. police technique of the bourgeConcludes the Populaire:. the system Soviet (read, Stabecause fascist propaganda and linist) elections has nothing in common with democracy despite In reality, although no Trots oisie there is the aim!
organization have been developing in the army with the support kyists are to be found mixed up La Rocque Agrees the fact that the Soviet government has had the call to declare of Daladier, the Minister of De in the fascist conspiracies, the its electoral law the most democratic in the world.
agents of the on the It must also be remarked that Now that they have broken the negotiations for unity with other hand, are not, probably, Stalin agents find themselves in the the French social patriots declare that they cannot but Government Complicity entirely absent from such a frame good company with La Rocque, view with disparagement the system of rule which is a complete work. It has already been proven in pursuing this aim. Here is a denial of democratic principles.
Porno di Borge, Duseigneur. that the leaders of the White statement made by the latter at La Rocjue and the others have Russians (Skobline, Kondratiev) the Lyons Congress of the Co. and Stalin Thorez Co.
Naturally, this cannot but widen the breach between Blum een and still are preparing their and some elements in the Gesta. etit Journal, November 29. forces without any restraint be 10, as well as in the French and if the safety of the country and hind the backs of Daladier, Elum, Czechoslovakian police, are mem the defense of the republican in100 Per Cent for Stalin Dormoy and Co. just as branco, bers of the counter revolutionary stitutions. demand it, he toThe Stalinski electoral district in which Stalin himself chose Moia and the others prepared police of Stalin. Why shouldn it gether with his collaborator run was in the nature of things destined to set the record in themselves under the benevolent have its mon among the French will unmask the enterprises of getting out the vote. Nothing less than 100 per cent would dy! When eyes of Companys, Azana, Ca fascists?
ballero and Co.
the anarchists and the Trotsky the zealous officials completed the All the revelations about the (the Stalinist evening paper in the purpose of making France more than 100 per cent. The official explanation is that voters in Their second attempt: Ce Soir ists, associated with others, for slightly embarrassed to discover that Stalin had been elected by conspiracy show that the govern Paris) of November 30 writes: the charnel house of their sava other districts seeking the great honor of voting for the beloved ment, with the knowledge of the The aim of this military orga gery.
butcher flocked to the Stalinski district, where apparently the vote Socialist and Communist leaders, nization (fascist groups in the Once more, by denouncing the was so secret that baliots could be cast even by those who were has tried to canalize fascist ac South West of France) thus ap enterprises of the provocateurs not registered there.
tivity in continuing to play off pears to be very clear. It was a in advance, their failure will be one force against another as a matter of provoking an armed assured.
Stalinist Constitution Work of Spies Ete.
balance for itself, sort of game In February 1935 a Constitutional Commission of 29 was apwhich can only result in the worst kind of catastrophe for the work pointed to draft the Stalin Constitution. Of these Founding ing class. At the same time, the Fathers, five have been officially reported shot as enemies of Pozzo di Borgo LaRocque trial the people; one (Cherxiakov) committed suicide; two are prehas displayed before the eyes of sumably in prison (Radek, tried and sentenced; Bukharin, rethe public some Punch and Judy ported to have been sentenced and probably dead. one is reported secrets: the Radicals secretly virtual prisoner (Litvinov. one is under a cloud (Petrovsky. subsidized La Rocque; Blum and PARIS, France. The entire taken another road, the three (Molotov, Voroshilov, Kaganovich, Zhdanov, Kalinin, Mikoyan, nine are missing Jeaving still to be accounted for, eight others of Interior who committed sui French press has made public young people took a mountain Chibar, and Vishinsky) plus, of course, Stalin.
cide about a year ago) negotiat the assassination by a Spanish load bordering on the frontier ed with La Rocque regarding the (Negrin Stalin) frontier guard, and penetrating Spanish territory by a Commission composed two thirds of Germano JapaneseIn other words, the notorious Stalin Constitution was drafted organization the of young Sebastian Januola, 18 in part of its course. French Social Party the newly years old, on French territory, three persons suddenly came restorers of capitalism, etc that is, if you believe Stalin.
Fascist Trotskyito Bukharinist etc. spies, wreckers, poisoners, formed fascist party La at St. Laurent de Cerdans. Jan head on in front of three govern Rocque) subsequent the uola stopped bullets destined for ment guards who, finding them Fate of Austrian Revolutionists in pseudo dissolution of the Croix Fons, a young Spaniard who on Spanish territory, asked them de Feu (La Rocque military accompanied him. The latter for their papers. Fons being a Early in 1931 the heroic little army of 600 Austrian socialists, organization) ctc.
escaped assassination. This crime Spaniard, they ordered him to members of the Schutzbund, went to the In a feature has aroused great indignation follow them. ons refused. Jua article for December 15, the Daily Herald reports that The men Role of among the population and the nola began to insult the frontier who went to Russia full enthusiasm are now trickling back in However, there is one organi. Negrin government has been guards and to follow after Fins a steady flow auxious to go home to Austria where prison awaits which holds that these forced to arrest Corporal Martinez who had turned about and jump them. They are reported as leaving of their own choice. The forced revelations about fascist and two of his men (on December ed over into French territory. Daily Herald also reports that at least 10 Austrian Socialists are conspiracy are of interest only 9) who will be tried in Barcelona. Juanola was at his side. shot in prison in the city of Kharkov.
if they can be made to comproBut who are the real culprits rang out. He fell, fatally woundmise the revolutionary organiza in this crime? The Stalinists de ed. Cannon Balls, Cannon Balls, Jingle All Around!
tions of the proletariat: that signate themselves in this role The arrest of the murderers the It is obvious that in a dispatch from Perpignan gives the lie to the fundamental and good will on earth (hailed so graciously by the Daily Worker)
The League of Nations adds to the prevailing spirit of peace the facts revealed on different published in Humanite on De point of this impudent article: by issuing its Armaments Year Book fox 1937. The world military occasions by Humanite were cember brought to its attention, partialL Humanite writes: territory which they had not at expenditure which in 1932 was estimated at 4, 300, 000, 000 gold dollars reached in the ly at least, by the But It is reported from St. Lau all left (as the Havas corresstaggering total of 7, 100, 000, 000 these Spanish dollars with still greater expenditures in store.
that a young pondent attests. there is only one thing that in rent de Cerdans figures are terests e. are far below the actual and its Frenchman, 18 years of age, Sc guards, commanded by Stalinists French lackeys: how to compro bastian Juanola, a farm worker leaders (Pozas, Burills and their amounts invested in the impending war. The admitted amount is mise the Fourth International from the Nautilla region, came successors) openly draw upon almost three times times as much as the world military expenditure in In spite of all their strong de, here last night at o clock, ac anyone who displeases Mr. Sta. 1913, on the eve of the first world slaughter. Europe share is sires, the agents of Stalin have companied by his sister and a lin. The will of the Kremlin has approximately two thirds of this total. The plans of the imperialnot succeeded in linking the cousin from the neighboring vil become their task. The dispatch ists in the sphere of war preparations may be gathered from the the French party of the lage of Coustouges. The cousin, in Humanite is an admission armament budget of den seratie Britain which calls for: Fourth International) either to one Fons, a native of Massanet of this fact. Fons and Juanola 1936 188 million the Etoile bombings or to the de Vabrenys (Spain) and a mili have been reviled because they 1937 278 million first investigation of the Cagou tant in the Trotskyist belonged to the Sta1938 340 million lards, the 80 called Hooded whose actions in favor of the re. lin orders: exterminate the TrotsIn 1913 14, Britain war budget was 77 million.
Ones. The provocateurs are now bels are known, had deserted the kyites! And the guards obey: Browder and Co. strangely forgot to extend the greetings of once more taking up the charge ranks of the Republican Army they shoot. One more crime one in two articles which must be some time ago and fled to France. more warning. It is time to or the season to the greatest beneficiaries of Santa Claus. and the immediately unmasked. Although they could have ganize for self defense! New Stalinist Crime: The Murder of Januola of of to zation 000 gold on the