BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFranceGuerrillaImperialismImperialist WarInvasionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorking Class

4 SOCIALIST APPEAL January 1, 1938 Kuomintang Decrees Death For Strikers Pacifists the of selves and their robber interests in the Far East, SOCIALIST APPEAL which are essentially similar to those of Japan.
They want to stop the Japanese imperialist Vol. II. No. Saturday, Jan. 1, 1938 robbers from bagging China, so that they will Published every week by the be able to bag China themselves.
SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN. The struggle, now confined to the diplomatic Published at 116 University Place, field, but moving rapidly in the direction of war, Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for is a a struggle between rival camps of imperialist By Lo Sen months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order robbers.
The workers of America, of Britain, France, Cut off from North China and utilize the strength of the masses cents per copy. Single copies cents.
All checks and money orders should be made Japan, Holland and the entire world have nothing the rich coastal provinces and through guerrilla warfare, the to out to the Socialist Appeal.
gain from this tussle between the imperialist threatened with early loss of the only effective tactic that can now bandits. Whichever camp is victorious, the work Canton Hankow railway which is be pursued. But he also intends Entered as second class matter September 1, ers lose.
now his chief source of munitions to see to it that the movement 1997 at the post office at New York, New York, Every class conscious worker desires to aid supply from abroad, Chiang Kai is kept within the limits of miunder the Act of March 3, 1879.
shek is making a new bid for litary action alone.
China struggle against Japan, since every blow more effective military aid from Chiang remembers that ten struck at imperialism advances the cause of the the Soviet Union.
years ago the weapon of mass COOPERATION. WITH WHOM? exploited and oppressed everywhere.
The Kuomintang leadership power placed him in a position (Continued from page 1)
But the only entente which can effectively aid has already proved that it can to command terms from the imChina struggle and at the same time serve the organize only defeats. It has perialists. He wants to make Holland! What are the great stakes for peace interests of the proletariat is an entente of the proceeded from the beginning equally limited use of that which they hold in the Far East? These stakes international working class directed against the with the expectation of defeat. weapon again. And we know in are the colonial territories of French Indo China entire world system of imperialism.
and the Dutch colonies in Indonesia, where hor The bourgeois press in this country deceives enough of a show of resistance ists, having already abandoned rible oppression and exploitation of the native the workers by proclaiming the peaceful role of to win Anglo American interven. their agrarian program and peoples prevails and where agitation against the American imperialism, thus preparing them for tion or, that failing, to elicit pledged themselves not to mohifrom imperialist overlords is punished with ruthless recruitment in the coming war.
the imperialist invaders lize the workers in their own of savagery. The French imperialists have, too, an uninterests, will become once again every stripe help in the deception reasonable terms for peace.
These calculations have fallen his tools.
viable record of oppression and der capitalism. They Yet struggle against Equatorial Africa and in and plunder in Morocco, by creating the illusion that war can be avoided ing plane is no stranger. It was only a few short as the Ludlow amendment, which, by making a for three months of what might will become effective only when sponsor such enterprises through. The heroic soldiers who in Syria, where the bomb under Shanghai Japanese imperialism can and years ago that France fought a predatory war in war declaration a popular decision through a re be done in self defense if pro the masses are mobilized, not Morocco, a war accompanied by all the frightfulness ferendum, seeks to insure American participation perly led and supplied and if ani under the banners of the Chinese with which Japanese imperialism is now scourging only in just wars.
mated by national revolutionary bourgeoisie, but under the banner China The Stalinists brazenly line up behind the indetermination, have been aban of their own struggle in their And our own very peaceful American imperialist government at Washington and call upon doned and betrayed.
own interest. The present situaperialists? Can we forget the rape of the Philip Rovsevelt to move boldly forward, as the AmePolicies of Defeat tion offers incomparable opporpines, of Haiti, Nicaragua and other Caribbean rican people desire it, to join hands with the peacetunities for the revival of a reand Latin American countries, including Mexico? ful nations of the world. for war against The collapse of the defenses, volutionary mass movement and What, too, of the predatory activities of the Firet Japan.
the strewing of helpless masses the emergence of a revolutionary stone Rubber Company in the little African CO We, too, wish to castigate the Japanese impe of soldiery in the path of the party which will know how to Sony of Liberia. rialists, to help drive them out of There is no need to go so far afield in order aiding the Chinese masses in the china, thus Japanese troops, have had their break the grip of the foreign struggle for result. Carrying out wholesale exploiter by driving the native to expose the blatant hypocrisy of those demo the independence of their country and for their massacres in town after town, lexploiters to the wall at the same task cannot be cratic imperialist powers which now come for social emancipation. This entrust the Japanese have swiftly ex. time.
Road to Victory ward to champion peace against the Japanese ed to the American imperialists, who pursue extended their sway over the entire imperialist plunderers. Has not be the entire history clusively their own robber aims in China. Yangtze delta and with the im The Chinese bourgeoisie is reof China during the past century been a story Can minent completion of the oc sisting the Japanese invasion bewe consider entrusting the struggle for of the despoliation of a great country by these peace to the imperialist goverment at Washing they will hold all of the north imperialism will leave it no shred very power s, of the oppression and terrorization ton, when we know that war is inseparable from and the coast from Shanhaik of its. nominal sovereignty and of the Chinese peoples. capitalism?
wan to beyond Shanghai.
Can we forget the Opium Wars in the first Can we for a moment dream of entrusting the no corner to participate in the These easy victories have made exploitation the Chinese half of the nineteenth century, the suppression defense of the interests of the American workers it increasingly impossible for masses. Mme Chiang KASTER of the Taipings by the ever victorious army of to the Roosevelt administration?
Chiang Kai shek to sue for terms made this quite plain recently the American General Ward, the shameful inter How, then, can it be argued, as the Stalinists now. He will seek instead the when she wrote that Japan national military expedition which ravaged Peking do, that the working class of this country should cover of Moscow and the Chinese wants to make coolies of us the beginning of the present century? Coming support Roosevelt in a war against Japan on the Communist leaders for his all. But the events of the last more modern times, we might recall the ground that Roosevelt would be defending peace treacherous misleadership of the six months, certainly, if not the Nanking Road massacre in Shanghai on May 30, and at the same time serving the Chinese struggle Chinese defense against the in entire history of the last 15 years, 1925, when British imperialist police mowed down for liberation. vaders. The latter, instead of re have proved the incapacity of the demonstrating ting students and workers, followed by The cause of peace in general, and the cause lentlessly exposing him and of. Chinese bourgeoisie to wage an similar sacre at Shameen in Canton.
of China in particular, can be served only by the fering the masses a banner of effective struggle against impeShould we forget the British naval bombard methods of the revolutionary class struggle, by their own around which they can rialism, even in its own behalf.
rally, will rally to Chiang and ment of Wanhsien, Yangtze River port, in 1926? uniting the workers against imperialism in all enable him The revolutionary party in to strengthen his China today will collaborate in Or the bombardment of Nanking by British, Ame countries.
grip on the power that remains the military struggle with Chiang rican, Italian and Japanese warships in the follow The American workers can aid China cause to him.
Kai shek or anybody else but it ing year?
only with their own forces, by stopping shipments Left Turn will not abdicate for a single It is the imperialist authors of all these un of munitions and supplies to Japan, by preventing instant its complete political inspeakable crimes against weaker peoples who now the landing of Japanese goods in this country. For this, however, Chiang will dependence and its right to prodon the of righteousness and come forward Against the imperialists we raise the revolution have to make a left turn. The pagate its own ideas and its own to castigate the Japanese imperialist bandits! ary battle cry: Down with imperialist war! first steps in this direction have political program and to subject They have no desire whatever to save China Against the social patriotic lackeys of the im already been taken. Sun Fo, son the military and political leaderfrom Japan for China sake and they say so. perialists we proclaim: No confidence in the im of Sun Yat sen and one of the ship of the bourgeois KuominTheir concern is over Japan cruel and illicit perialist government at Washington! Only work most unscrupulous politicians in tang to pitiless exposure before warfare against friendly nations. meaning them ers action can preserve peace and aid China!
the Kuomintang hierarchy, has the masses. This road and this been reported sent to Moscow to road alone can lead to the defeat see Stalin himself in an effort of Japanese imperialism.
to strike a new bargain.
For Democratic Rights Wang Ching wei and Chang Chun, two of his aides In China the workers have to most fight back against decrees that ism in the Kuomintang appara try to prevent the bosses from CHICAGO, II. The Chicago to send delegates to do nothing of manufacture any goods com Mao Tse tung and Chow En lai, loading the cost of the war on Office Workers Local of the conferences like the Conference ing from or destined for Japan. leading Stalinists, are to be given fight for the broadest democratic United Office and Professional for Peace and Democracy recentWorkers Union, affiliate, a held in Pittsburgh. Confront tension of this boycott in all vernment. Wang Min, a leading their own ranks solidly enough at its last meeting adopted a re with the first concrete plan for union movement.
told an interviewer in Hankow to fight against the inevitable besolution on behalf of the Chinese action on the part of organized That we support a supple this week: We are satisfied with trayal by those who now lead them. They have to be inculcated people in their struggle against labor, their only contribution was mentary militant consumers boy the present policy of stubborn with the sharpest distrust and Japanese aggression. In opposi a proposal to postpone action on cott, which includes the organi resistance.
tion to the policy of the Stalin this resolution. The union mem zation of salespeople not to sell, But Chiang is making his leaders who for ten years drain suspicion of the Kuomintang ists, who advocate following bership, nevertheless, decided to as well as the organized refusal left turn characteristiced them of their life blood and President Roosevelt anti Japan consider the resolution and act to buy, Japanese goods.
manner. He will lengthen the ese campaign, the resolution ed overwhelmingly for its adop That we oppose any at leash by which he now holds the now, with the help of the Stalinists demand their docile subcorrectly states that labor must, tion.
tempt stop shipment of war Chinese Stalinists at his heels. mission under the hammer blows by its own organized strength After explaining the situation materials and general supplies to But at the same time he has al of the Japanese imperialist roband independently of the United in China, the resolution proposes China, no matter whence such at ready served advance notice that bers.
States government, organize a the following action: tempts may originate.
definite limits remain.
In this country we have to exboycott of producers who will Be it hereby resolved. Copy of this resolution to be Death For Strikers tend the inadequate weapon of a refuse to use in the process of That we support and act. sent to the International Office of consumers boycott into a workmanufacture, to load, ship or un ively extend a producers boycott the UOPWA, to all locals of the decree militarizing Chinese ers boycott, refusal to load or Joad, war materials destined for on Japanese war materials and UOPWA, to the to its industry was adopted last week handle Japanese goods and muJapan, or any Japanese articles Japanese goods in general, said local organizations, as well as to by Chiang government. Its key nitions and supplies going to used in this country.
boycott to be conducted by the of local organizations. provision is imposition of the Japan. This is the most effective For months, the Stalinists have trade unions, and to take the Resolution to be published in the death penalty for workers who way we can help the Chinese been showing their sympathy form of refusal to load, transport, press of our local for general strike or agitate for strikes. In masses in their struggle and at for China by getting the union unload or use as law materials publicity, other words, Chiang hopes to the same time advance our own.
at Dow to cap Chicago Workers Aid China Fight; Urge Independent Labor Action de las els mesos de mantenere una rete de la semana in