CommunismCommunist PartyGermanyHitlerMussoliniSocialismStalinStalinismStrike

8 SOCIALIST APPEAL December 25, 1937 Bridges Pulls a Boner; Votes Fundsto Sue Slanderers of Lundeberg Left Plot Fails to Thicken Jabs and of SAN FRANCISCO With 735 Party, its stooges in the members present at one of the in No. (of the West largest meetings held recently at Coast Maritime Federation. in By Jack Cope For some time the operators of headquarters of the Sailors Un the CIO, and that they were Peace on Earth coastwise ships have been becom ion, the membership took action spending unlimited sums SAN FRANCISCO. According ing more and more bold in vio on the libelous attacks on the much space in the yellow rags The disciples or prophets of to Mr. Harry Bridges, Westlating their agreement to serve and its Secretary Treas in an attempt to discredit him the Prince of Peace are at it Coast o. director, there are hot meals, or pay their equiva urer, Harry Lundeberg by the and the officials of the again and the Times number of conspiracies afoot. lent, to the crew while the ships rat sheet, the Western Worker, so that they could take over the which has no comic page runs These plots are being hatched, are in port. The most recent and official organ of the Communist Union.
excerpts from their sermons.
he indicates, to rid the West flagrant attempt was made a Party of California. The parThe Right Rev. Shirley Coast of its most militant, board the James Griffith. ticular issue in question carried Sailors Nail a Lie Nichols, Protestant Episcopal courageous, honest and efficient Angered by these attacks on their two articles, one of these chargBishop of Kyoto, Japan delivers representative of rank and file conditions the crew walked off ing Lundeberg and the Sailors That we answer them pro the following gem. The Japalabor in the American labor mo this ship in San Pedro and re Union with beating up members perly in the next issue of the nese worship the forces of navement, namely, Mr. Harry Brid fused to work her until they were at meetings.
WEST COAST SAILOR, and ture and the war heroes of the ges. Conspiring together to paid for all missed meals and The stool pigeon charges of that we sue the libelers the past. How then can we expect achieve this dastardly end, says certain other bad conditions were the Western Worker, printed in Western Worker and News them to do anything else than Harry, are to be found such eliminated. Harry Lundeberg its Dec. 13 issue, were based on week end that the secretary those things which are shocking people as the Dunne Brothers of took up the beef for the Sail an item in a national magine be authorized to draw 500 us in the present struggle? How Minneapolis, William Green, Dave ors Union and went to meet with called Newsweek.
out of the general fund as a does the Right Rev. Bishop Beck of Teamsters Union, the owners to negotiate a settlebond in a suit for libel against explain Christian Britain shockHarry Lundeberg of the Sailor ment. Enter the plot.
Demanded Retraction the Western Worker, and that ing Opium War which was Union, Mayor Dore, the shipwe give Brother Harry Lun settled by compelling China to Bridges Against the Lundeberg informed the memowners, and every one else who deberg a rising vote of confi allow the importation of opium for good reasons or bad does not Griffith Crew bership that on Dec. 6th, his atdence as our answer to the and missionaries?
tention had been called to this Or maybe approve of the Communist Party attacks of the Western Work that didn shock the Bishop.
in general and Mr. Bridges in meeting of District Council, item in Newsweek and he had imer and the Communist Party.
No. 2, Maritime Federation of the mediately night lettered the editor Rising vote taken: 715 Yes. 1914 18 The most recent of these plots Pacific (Bridges controlled) is, and publisher of the magazine No.
uncovered by the Bridges Bureau called at the very moment the that they had been completely From the West Coast The Rev. Dr. William Ward Sailor.
of Investigation, Inc. have like negotiations are taking place. At misinformed, and that he de Ayer held dictators Stalin, many of these discovered in the this meeting the action the manded a retraction of them for Hitler, and Mussolini as the past redounded to the great dis Griffith crew is denounced a the information they had pubenemies that are thwaiting the comfiture of their discoverer. scheme of Lundeberg and the lished, e. that Lundeberg had Lundeberg repeated his chal prince of peace today. Did the Plots there are in plenty but it shipowners to precipitate a coast instigated the present deporta lenge to anyone of the stooges to Doctor ever hear of that peace would seem that it is Mr. Bridges wise lockout and word is sent to tion proceedings against Brid come before the membership and ful period of the prince of who has a hand in their hatching the shipowners in the conference ges. He added that he had, in present his facts. So far not one peace 19144, 18. and that District Council No. does cluded in his wire the demand has had any proof to present. before dictators. At that time, Who Really Plotted not support the demands of the for a retraction, or suitable ac Resort has been had, instead, to recall, Very Rev. handing sailors!
tion would be taken against them. slanderous whispering campaigns out this star from the crown. Two weeks after the murder! Meanwhile the San Pedro local However, on Dec. 18 the West and stoolpigeon activities against You can love your enemy as of Pat Corcoran in Minneapolis of the Marine Firemen, Oilers, ern Worker came out with its any union man who refuses to yourself even while thrusting. Harry rushed to the microphone Wipers, and Watertenders Asso phoney charges, which had al take the dictates of the Stalin bayonet in him. You should with the startling information ciation has come out in support ready been printed by the Daily ists.
have seen the eyes with love that certain Minneapolis labor men were out to get him. Why, ist officials dash to the rescue that this is just a continuation it was high time we took action erend advice was carried out Several members stated that light shining when the revof the Griffith tie up. The Stalin Worker. Lundeberg pointed out he had a confession from Ro They call a meeting together and of the constant campaign of against these rags and moved in later.
bert John Bell himself, the very rush through a motion giving slander, lies, and vilification on these stool pigeons in the man sent to do the deed. Among them the authority to wire San against him by the Communist maritime unions.
God Spokesmen other things, Bell confessed Pedro ordering that local to that Minneapolis officials of the furnish crew Give the Huns hell. was the to the James Teamsters Union had given him Griffith and threatening that parting words of another a 1, 000 check for the job. He failure to do so will be held acGod spokesmen as we left the cashed the check, his confession countable for precipitating a base camp for the front. Op ancontinued, at the Marquette Na coastwise lockout.
other occasion, a sawed off, fivetional Bank, gave 600 to his Never remiss in its duty to the. foot nothing messenger of God wife and left for the West Coast. Ruling Clawss the Western stood on a table and screamed, Unfortunately, for Mr. Bridges Worker described the dispute as If hell was turned upside down that is, an investigation disclos another disturbance. cooked you find Made in Germany on ed that no such check had ever the bottom.
been cashed at the bank named up. by the shipowners and designed to effect legislation and Bell wife admits she never before Congress which would LOS ANGELES, Calif. Or first time that felony warrants Labor Mayor even saw the 600 in question.
hamstring maritime unions.
ganized Labor rallied here this were issued against sit down Now who was plotting. If Under the title Unpleasant As though to clinch all this week to fight the outrageous strikers.
this confession is questionable, strikebreaking sabotage Bridges anvictions of 22 aircraft workand its failure to check with facts now rushes into print with the ers Fin Superior Court on ed with machine guns and gas lets out a whine which reveals huge army of deputies arm Things Which Must be said the Social Democratic New Leader certainly indicates as much, then following: charges of conspiracy to felony bombs caused the strikers to leave the anguish in its soul. It seems the motives of Mr. Bridges in This whole thing (the schoon which grew out of a sit down the plant and submit to arrest.
publicizing it are doubly so. If er dispute) is a rovocative plot strike last February at the Doug first trial held with the 22 that the appointỉents of our his implication that the Minnea cooked up by the Sailors officials las Aircraft corp.
polis teamster officials are mur in collaboration with the ShipIncluded among the 22, all of the jury disagreed and no con aroused in many breasts.
defendants ended in a victory as sreat mayor are not in line with which derers is founded on a phoney owners Association.
The whom are member of the United victions resulted.
confession then it would appear Automobile Workers of America, This second trial lasted six new office of deputy mayor, we that Mr. Bridges is collaborating Sailors Win; Stalinists were William Busick and Andrew weeks before the powerful anti learn, has been filled by a Re plot to frame these same Beef Schmouder, organiz labor forces combined with the publican known as a conservaleaders.
ers who led the sit down. law enforcement agencies obtain tive with reference to the great This conclusion aquires its full The sit down pulled ed the convictions. An appeal to city treasurer when he was acsocial problems. As for the new In order to allow the air to force when it is understood that Bridges used this confession clear itself of this class collabor against dismissal of union work higher courts was announced by cumulating his millions in the as an excuse for calling ation smoke the Sailors Union ers and the prevalence of low defense attorneys.
Freedom for the strikers must cloak and suit industry, his shop Federal Investigation by Depart agreed to let the Griffith proceed wage rates in the plant. District Langthe sit be won since the trials were part was strietly non union.
ment of Justice agents! Just ex to San Francisco and there take Attorney Fitts broke actly what the bosses and the up the whole matter anew. This down by issuing, felony comp of a carefully planned employer don Post, an outstanding er Stalinists are trying to get in was done and the dispute settled laints against 287 men who oc campaign to bust the union mo: ample of what is far too rare the sort of public servant who Minneapolis in order to turn the in short order, the sailors win cupied the factory. It was the vement here.
really serves the public faithfully has been fired. It must search of Corcoran killer into ning all their demands with very an anti labor investigation of little opposition from the owners, tying up an industry (exactly violating their agreements in a be made clear that no candidate, unions.
thus proving the sound and Bridges argument. the Chronicle case so clear cut as this one then by being elected, becomes big.
fury about lockout to be continues: it is high time, for the good of ger than the party or with Case of Lundeberg only stage thunder engineered by our Sherlock himself.
the men and their union (oh, of impunity act as if he thought he Bridges Real Aim Another plot was discovered But if Harry Lundeberg and course, of course, Mr. Editor. owned it, concludes the New by Harry in the recent steam the other officials of the Sailors It seems probable that the that their official structure be Leader. Appointing conservative Republicans to the good schooner dispute on the West Union reorganized.
are not involved in a speedy return of the sailors to This hardly needs jobs while there are all sorts of Coast. This time Bridges lifts the conspiracy with the shipowners, reason. was due to their offveil on the devious doings of then why is Bridges shouting ficers seeing, or being made to ment. Both Mr. Bridges and the deserving and willing Harry Lundeberg, leader of the lockout so loudly. glance at see (by Mr. Bridges perhaps. Chronicle agree publicly that the ers is certainly enough to cause lors Union People Front with the Repub Pacific. Lundeberg, according to editorial comment on the dispute jumped into. The question still should be reorganized. And licans was really the road to SoBridges, is working hand and may furnish us with a clue to remains what sort of control the with the election officials now cialism in our Time. Horn And glove with the shipowners. But this enigma.
Union officers have over their in progress in the Sailors Union Hardart strikers, clubbed, arrest alas, again the facts indicate that Referring to the complete stu men that permits such a stupid anything that discredits. Lunde: ed and jailed are getting another the converse is true, that it is pidity of the walkout and berat. outbreak to occur in the first berg may redound to benefit angle on. Labor mayor apg Mr. Bridges himself who is work ing unions that would let their place. If the officers do not main. of the Stalinist candidates. At we hope, on the leaders who took ing with the employers. Let us men so heedlessly break their tain sufficient discipline to be least there is no harm in trying, them into the Popular Fusion examine these facts.
agreements with the threat of able to prevent their men from Mr. Bridges seems to think. Front as well.
Aircraft Strikers Convicted were s