CommunismCommunist PartyDewey CommissionJohn DeweyMoscow TrialsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSS

December 25, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL CANNON EXPOSES ATTEMPT Firemen Take The Lead As Progressives Win Support In TO USE THE ROBINSON CASE West Coast Maritime Unions AGAINST TROTSKYISTS move press. people ers, Wipers were By Jack Cope this condemnation and it is expected that this local too will en SAN FRANCISCO. Once a dorse the amalgamation On December 17, when the traordinary fashion. On December Soviet political frame up trial is gain the West Coast maritime soon. The SUP is at present cona referendum on the first Moscow dispatches imp 2, Mr. Robinson was taken really complete. Or does he need workers are moving into the front dueting licating American Trotsky into custody. His wife was per more time?
lines in the battle against the question.
From the very first, the Fireites in the so called Robin mitted for a whole week to move Other questions which would bosses, not only on the picket son Case. appeared comrade James Cannon, National freely about Moscow, informing like to put to Soviet officials lines alone but also against the man has been a thorn in the American Journalists that her through the press, are as follows: most pernicious agents of the hide of the Stalinist clique which Secretary of the Socialist husband had disappeared. Only Are the two prisoners American employers within their own ranks, now controls headquarters local.
Party (Left Wing. issued the after she spread this news, the citizens? If not, what is their the Stalinists. Recent events in every meeting of the firemen following statement to the first to reach the public, was she nationality. within the Marine Firemen, Oil since its appearance they have arrested. Thus the Soviet police Are they the and Watertenders divided their time between cassame led the Purpose Clear United States Depart whose photos are filed in the Association have proven this to igating the paper and calling ment of State to inquire after United States passport bureau. their hilt. Nine weeks ago a small Harry Lundeberg of the SUP, a The development of the Ro citizens. Only after of alleged American Will the Soviet government per group of rank and filers in the fink, phoney and misleader in binson case constitutes an at two weeks was it announced that dents to photograph the Robin shers founded on the program of mounted. Even these notoriously delay of mit American press correspon union launched the West Coast general, but all to no avail. Week little fourt page by week the number of sponsors tempt by the Stalin regime to the Robinsons had forged pass sons. transfer to American soil its methods of government by frame ports, were alleged spies, and How did the Robinsons get amalgamating the three unlicen thick hided lads are beginning to up, which only a few days ago were in jail. These circumstances, fake birth certificates. sed crafts on the West Coast get the idea. They have begun was dealt such a powerful blow too, point to an elaborate frame At what mail address were the into one industrial union affiliat to let up on their wild attacks the risk up scheme.
in the report of the International passports really received? Wered to the Maritime Federation of and whereas it was Commission of Inquiry headed The latest development is a they received in the United States the Pacific, and with the per of life and limb the first copies distributed series of press reports tending by the prisoners, by Professor John Dewey. This to link the Robinsons with va sons and then shipped abroad for East Coasts to extend this union was distributed right in the hall by other perspective of joining with the pro of the paper new frame up, in which the Ro rious New Yorkers. To my know delivery to the prisoners. gressive elements on the Gulf and near headquarters, the last issue binsons are mere instruments. ledge, not one of these persons has as its primary aim the bes has now or ever had any connecter the Soviet Union? If before rank and file is rallying behind west Organizer When did the Robinsons en nationally. Today an aroused along with copies of the Northcarrying the mirching of that section of the tion with our organization. On he world press reported the So this program and an excellent story of Pat Corcoran murder American labor and socialist mo the contrary, more than one is viet ban on Robinsons, why did chance of realizing its aims.
vement which resists Stalin to connected with the Stalinist mo the Soviet government not arind the expose of the Stalinists attempt to lay the blame on labor talitarian regime. It has been vement.
contrived, moreover, as a desperest them when the ban was put 960 Endorse Fireman itself.
rate effort to rehabilitate in on? If after, how did they get Usual Frame Up Gain in Election in. American public opinion the Number of the Fireman Moscow frame up courts, whose Structure How did it happen that the carried 960 names of endorsers, Further indications of the verdicts have inspired widespread first news of the arrest came from a full one fourth of the entire growth and influence of rank and Nobody need be surprised if Mrs. Robinson?
scepticism and loathing in the the Robinsons membership of the union. Up and file sentiment against the union United States. Startling develop rooms fantastically in a few ment delay in answering affair mush Why did the Soviet governdown the coast, locals have gone wrecking of the Stalinists such the on record supporting the amal as their sabotage of the fight ments may be expected soon; but days. Already a Warsaw report, American inquiry as to the fate gamation move and calling for against the shipowners in the reshow that, despite extended ex leges that the Robinsons once probably of Moscow origin, al of the Robinsons. a referendum on the question. cent steam schooner beef was the Such frame ups may stick for Only Stalinist controlled registered during the election of perience and unlimited resource visited Trotsky in Mexico. How a time in the Soviet Union where headquarters local, at San Fran the balloting committer the Stalinist secret police are convincing! How true to form all criticism by oppositionists, es cisco, has held out; which This pro will count the ballots of the elecr still incapable of concocting the Moscow frame up would never pecially revolutionary opposition gram has also received the full tion of officers, now in progress.
perfect frame up.
So far. Izvestia. official visit to Trotsky.
be complete without a single ists who fight Stalin destruction support of all locals of the Sail. One of the two committe merMoscow organ, hints only that Our knowledge of thefts by the is answered with immediate ar: Stewards Association. The San group publishing the Fireman of the workers victory of 1917, ors Union of the Pacific and the ber elected in San Francisco was American Trotskyites are some and the choice of the progressive agents how implicated. When Stalin belonging to our associates, for elsewhere has just been demons Pedro local of the cooks which and all six of those elected by their implications, we will be has prepared us for endeavors to week witnessed the ignominious it first appeared has rescinded port of this group.
ready to answer them. We have implicate American Trotskyists rout by an indignant trade union nothing to hide and nothing to in the endless frame up chain. movement of a local Stalinist fear.
Nothing is too fantastic for the frame up machine.
Feared Outcome of police mentality, not Inquiry even a hysterical charge that the Dr. Dewey Prediction Robinsons are the nucleus of The planning of the present tablish Japanese rule in the day, Prof. John Dewey explaina Trotskyite ring seeking to es Speaking over the radio Monat the frame up began when the Communist Party in the United Sta United States, Italian rule ined to the American labor and tes, the Soviet Embassy staff, Mexico, and German rule in the liberal public that it must exand the Stalinist secret police, Soviet Union, attended, of course, pect the Stalinist frame up maCONVENTION BALL failed in their attempt to block by the usual mythical assassina chine to force the Moscow trials the creation of an impartial tion plots that never come off, issue on them right here.
commission of inquiry into the irrefutable evidence which is prophetic words find fulfillment Douglas Park Auditorium Moscow trials. The Kremlin de unfortunately unavailable and perhaps sooner than he expected.
Ogden Kedzie The time has come when every cided on a new frame up to cover the like.
American worker, liberal, and Chicago, III.
the holes in the old one.
Some Questions to Soviet friend of labor must answer the On December 3, nine days beFree Favors. Door Prize. ADMISSION 750 Officials fore the publicly announced date question: how prevent the naturalization on American soil of December 31. 10 on which the Dewey Commission One wonders only whether, the brutal and bloody methods of was to announce its findings, having had at least since April the Stalinist The Auspices: and Left Wing)
news of the Robinson case first to prepare this frame up, and frame up authors aim primarily appeared in the press. The coin two weeks in which to work on at us Trotskyites, but they will cidences of the dates in these the Robinsons in the not hesitate to use the same two developments is one clue to secret chambers, the Soviet pro methods against every worker, the motives of frame up: the secutor is ready to produce the every Socialist, every honest liKremlin desire to head off the customary enthusiastic, if some beral and friend of labor, who much feared outcome, of the what nonsensical, confessions of dares oppose Stalin force inside Dewey Commission study.
complete guilt without which no or outside the Soviet Union. NEW REVOLUTIONARY PARTY LAUNCHED!
Background of Affair It is now alleged that the COME AND HEAR Robinsons are deep dyed consJames Cannon Vincent Ray Dunne pirators, members of a powerful international spy ring, who Editor, Socialist Appeal Prominent Minnsapolis Labor Leader entered the Soviet Union in November. It is significant that last summer Soviet authorities took Crary Trimble IRVING PLAZA Max Shachtman Secy California Socialist the unusual step of barring from Editor, New International 15th STREET AND IRVING PLACE Party Soviet soil American tourists equipped with visa and papers WEDNESDAY. DEC. 29. 8:30 ordinarily sufficient to effect ad Tickets: In Advance 55 cents At the door 75 cents mission. At that time the world Randolph Room, Steuben Club press reported that special pains 188 West Randolph St.
were taken to bar all Americans named Robinson. Here is an indi For Sale at: Labor Book Shop, 28 East 12th St. Enter thru main lobby)
cation of another preliminary Admission 25c.
step: the preparation of the public mind to attach sensational Auspices: Socialist Party (Left Wing)
significance to the name of RoAUSPICES: Convention Arrangements Committee Room 308, 160 North Wells St.
Socialist Party (Left Wing)
The arrest was effected in exChicago, Ill.
WELCOME THE DELEGATES New Year Eve His ad Left Win Chicago Mass Meeting Christmas Eve Dance Friday, December 24th, at P.