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6 SOCIALIST APPEAL December 25, 1937 Grocery Drivers Win Win INTERNATIONAL NOTES Strike in Minneapolis Illegal Conference of Austrian Revolutionary Socialists Esthonia Social Democrats and People Front Swiss Leader Exposes Stalin Director Repudiates Carpenters Oust Stalinist Stooge In an of its issue The at.
By John Wright The third Conference of the Austrian Revolutionary Socialists was held in October. While complete account of the proceedings at. this Conference has not yet reached us, the material at hand is sufficient to characterise the political platform under which the shattered ranks of Austrian social democracy are seeking to rally the working class movement there. The Austrian Revolutionary MINNEAPOLIS. Complete victory on December 13 over the wholesale grocery Socialists are pursuing a centrist course. The chief document bosses after a four days strike has demonstrated the undiminished power of the Min Mersun She Manifesto, after criticizing the sham of bourgeois de from the Conference is a Manifesto to the Austrian workneapolis Teamsters Unions. The bosses involved in this strike were the last die hards mocracy, goes on to say: Only a socialist struggle for emancipato yield to unionization last year, after a bitterly fought seven week strike.
tion on the part of the toiling masses can liberate Austria from the Despite the lesson taught yoke of National Socialism (Fascism. The manner in which the them last year, the bosses hoped, workers, the machinists, the to be able to take advantage of warehouse men, etc. bluntly had December 9, the Northwest Or Austrian Revolutionary Socialists propose to wage this emancipatory struggle may be gathered from the Resolution on party tactics any confusion created by the called the bluff of the boss press: ganizer said: Stalinist lander campaign. Threats of vigilantism are which was adopted. Every conceivable device is made by these hirelings of the being used by our enemies to deConferens placed itself on record against the Stalinist Issues of Strike bosses, for the first time since rail the hunt for Pat murder illusions. The chief point of criticism being that under the slogan Union demands for sole bar conscious agent of the reaction memory of Path and the integrity turn with propos the strikes of 1934. The most ers into a slimy attack on the of the People Front or the Democratic Republic the Stalinists to all kinds of groupings, down gaining power and a ten cent in ary forces, the St. Paul Daily of his unions. Let us cite an ex to groups in reactionary camp. Instead of a forthcrease of hourly wages were the News, made such an open threat ample which can be verified by right condemnation of the People Front policies and of Stalinchief issues of the strike. Al Jin a scare head editorial on the scores of labor officials. Last ism, the resolution on party tactics confines itself to a declaration though it involved only a few front page, on November 29, February, when the alleged that the Party struggles for political freedom and considers the hundred men, the strike was con after a 12 day campaign of iden threat revolver point was immediate task of this struggle to be the re establishment of the ceded by both sides to be a test tifying unionism with terrorism. made by unknown persons against organizational freedom of the labor movement. The party com.
of strenath which would deter. With this build up as prepara. Detlaf Wieck, he and his friends bines this struggle with the struggle for the economic and social mine who would hold the ad tion, the News finally screwed the Bean Mauseth Smith crowd demands of the masses.
vantage when contracts expiring up enough courage to bluster. reported it the night it allegedly next May, covering most of the If the terrorism continues, happened, to the Central Labor the Stalinists in Austria. Suffice it to say that the Stalinists in It is hardly necessary for us to delineate the course pursued by teainsters of this area, would vigilante movement will develop. Union meeting. At that time they come up for revision. The absolute Labor Answer made no reference solidity of the ranks of the strikers, their ability to shut The answer of organized laborto Pat Corcoran. Nor did they Front betrayal, complete solidarity on the part of the Austrian tight every house involved, and to such bluster is the answer we. im Pat lifetime, attempt to Socialists with the Moscow frame up. which prored a bit too speed with cave to it in 1934. Bring on your link him with the incident. But now Pat dead. He can tactics of the Stalinists, placed the blame for the break up of the which they forced the bosses to vigilantes, if they dare come out on the and then proceeded to empower the capitulate, indicate the of their comfortable clubs and speak up and defend himself. So anted unions will have cany time of mansions! Just try it! Yes, just Detlaf Wieck, in his testimony Central Committee to initiate steps aiming to convince the the ruinousness and worthlessness of its present tactics and urge it in the coming negotiations for even try thinking about it! There at the coroner inquest, introducthe whole industry.
is only one answer to such talk: ed an entirely new detail. invent the to cease its struggle against the Revolutionary Socialists Sole jurisdiction and the ten put up or shut up! Organized ed for the occasion: He said that so that the existing unity of action its not destroyed but rather cent hourly wage increase, rais labor knows that it has achiev his alleged assailants told him: made firmer and more effective in the interests of the socialist ing the drivers to a minimum of ed its victories because of its We re Corcoran boys. struggle for emancipation and against the Fascist dictatorship. We shall be blunt. Detlaf The Austrian Revolutionary Socialists claim to be seventy cents per hour and the own strength, and can continue to be the partipersist much inside workers to a bottom of Go to protect its victories only by Wieck, in saying this, acted as sans of the dictatorship of the proletariat. If cents per hour. Were embodied its own strength.
the mouthpiece for an attempt longer in the conciliatory, not to say grovelling, attitude towards in the dntract signed by the Neither the St. Paul Daily News to brand Pat Corcoran as an em Stalinism, they will at best only repeat the tragic experience of the bosses recommended for adop nor any of the boss papers called ployer of gangsters, and by so Anarchists and the POUM in Spain. The first condition for rett tion by the executive Board of to account by the Northwest Or branding him to discredit the olutionary action is to cherish no illusions about Stalinism but to 544, au adopted unanimously. Kanizer had the courage to ac anions for which Pat lived and brand it for what it is: the most dangerous and corrupt enemy of by a mass meeting of the strikers cept the challenge. Their slander died.
the working class movement.
bosses capitulated, Mayor Leach off.
Twenty four hours before the campaign immediately tapered Another Serious Blow Esthonian Social Democrats Reform Ranks attempted to go over the heads Pulls in Horns Within twelve hours after the For a People Front.
of the union leaders by sending appearance of the issue of the every striker a secret bullot on Beaten from pillar to post, the Organizer, the membership had tember 1936 negotiations for unity were initiated. One year later, In 1934 the Esthonian split into three sections. In Septhe bus proposals. Leach strike local Stalinists have pulled in ousted Wieck.
breaking attempt fell completely their horns. The five day sessions in September, 1937, two of the sections reached a final agreement flat strikers bringing all of the coroner inquest into the boss Stalinist slander campaign fused organization declared itself against any united front action Another serious blow to the to fuse, in order to lay a basis for a People Front. The newly.
ballots to union headquarters. The murder of Pat Corcoran gave the was the exposure and refutation, with the Stalinists. But recognizing that the Soviet Union is. y William Wright, National one of the main bulwarks of peace. the Esthonian social patriots consary day to see if any strikers and their stooges on the witness an affidavit which the Stalinists Russia or the in particular. Needless to say the Stalinists mayor, had not even wait the ne portunity to put the Stalinists of would respond.
Equally flat for the attempt against the Dunne brothers Lewis, William Green repre will not take kindly to this offer of non aggression. which is in of Mayor Leach to foment hostil. were effectively punctured.
sentative here, had plotted the essence similar to the attitude of the Austrian Socialists.
ity against the drivers leadership in a radio speech the second Director murder of Harry Bridges. Wright Former Head of Swiss Stalinists Exposes Stalin was able to prove that every renight of the strike. Utilizing the Repudiates Stalinists ference to facts which could be Berner Tagwacht, organ of Swiss social democrats has printed old formula of a plague on both your houses Leach called on the George Cole, Regional Director checked branded the affidavit as the revelations of Walter Bringolf former leader of the Swiss the instrument of a deliberate and follower of Brandler, who had broken some time ago with the labor movement to purge itself of the had to testify frame up.
Comintern. Citations from these articles have been widely reprinted, of both Stalinists and Trotsky that the attacks on Corcoran and ists.
the labor movement, made under among others by the Russian Mensheviks (Sots. Vestnik, Nov. 30, the the name of the indus, 1937. Bringolf deals primarily with the behind the scenes strug, ed indignation of the masses trialist Unionist, had been is. Hudson, president of the St. Paul Ele between Stalin and the opposition in Russia. He does not specify here against the attempts of the sued without his knowledge and General Drivers union, was elect the source of his information, but in the status of an old Bolshecapitali press to arouse a lynch that he did not accept any res led chairman of the North Centraz vik asserts that the idea of the New Constitution originated among spirit against the unions during ponsibility for that. Will you District Drivers council of campaign to bring the to fill the Red Army tops, as part of a cam expanding regime the first days after the Corcoran assume responsibility for the the post held until recently by closer in line with the demands of the production in oduction in murder. the prezs made no at statements in the paper. Cole the martyred Pat Corcoran. Russia. It was the plan of this opposition headed by Red Army tempt to bolster Leach speech. was asked by one of the jurors. Thirty five delegates from the generals to retire Stalin either by assigning him to some sinecure Seldom indeed has mayor No, sir! was Cole immediate 29 union locals of the district or by altogether removing him from the political arena. Stalin move to declare himself in a lacouncil gathered here for a spe pretended to go along, and then the By the end of the inquest bor situation received leas attento believe Bringolf, is is as follows: tion fimm the daily press which total of eleven of official meeting of the council ex. side story of Yagoda downfall, to elected hun and continues to supcials had testified that their na ecutive board to fill the vacant Yagoda had always been personally tied to Stalin and absolutely mes had been signed to a Stalinposition.
port him.
to him. Back at the time of the first trial against the opdevoted to innocent leaflet without position (Zinoviev, Kamenev. Yagoda went along with Stalin with Call Bosses Bluff their knowledge or consent. Ring In The New Year out any reservations. But following this trial some sort of inner conflict Yagoda. The thing is that in connection with this Northwest labor had been mo Stalinist Kicked Out By with a revolutionary spirit bilized against the capitalist a memorandum was handed to the Central Committee of the Union Membership at the only city wide party. press in one of the most strongparty, signed by 2, 000 old Bolsheviks and decisively condemning ly worded editorials that has ever Stalin methods. Among the signatories were a good many of Detlaf Wieck, a Stalinist and Leah Dillon Studio Yagoda old friends and comrades ir arms. Confronted with the appeared in a trade union paper. paid official of the carpenters 137 18th Street necessity of applying harsh measures against those whose names The Northwest Organizer, official local No. 7, was thrown out of New Years Eve. Dec. 31st organ of the Minneapolis Team his union post by the indignant adorned the memorandum, Yagoda wavered. This was his undoing.
at o clock sters Joint Council and spokes membership. at a meeting The avenging hand of Stalin descended on Yagoda himself.
man for the 26, 000 drivers of the December 9, after Wieck had Drinks Entertainment Bringolf considers Bluecher conduct of especial interest. GenNorth Central District Drivers testified at the inquest that allegFood eral Bluecher was taken by everybody for an oppositionist. And Council, as well as for the North ed gangsters who threatened him ADMISSION 50 cents.
there is no doubt that in the main Bluecher was in agreement with.
States Power Company had said, We re Corcoran men.
those of his comrades in the Red Army who where shot.
The in ist trial treintlict seized on ern