BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunardsCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionKirovLeninMarxismParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL Decembor 25 New Soviet Deputies is the Tiher socialism, than one occasion the restraints which the governSOCIALIST APPEAL to Vol. No. 20 Saturday, Dec. 25, 1937 impose on them.
Even on the political field, where the American Published every week by the working class has lagged behind so badly, the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS forward movement is clearly visible. The illusions Published at 116 University Place, of Rooseveltism are being broken by the realities Tass dispatch for Dec. 17sin; Apse of the Military Coupodl Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for of capitalism and the class struggle. The prole gives the number of ballots of Trans Caucasia; Genner, the months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order tarian party that links itself inseparably with voided in the election for the acting President of Biro Bidiin cents per copy. Single copies cents. the working class in its ranks and by Supreme Council as 1, 487, 582, Chamurzin, acting Presidopt All checks and money orders should be made its side in the daily battles, will speed their dev and the number of Ballots on Kirghistan; Gersteld of the there elopment out to the Socialist Appeal beyond the stage of a reformist Labor which the name of the only can. man Volga Republic; Abraktion party and towards revolutionary political action.
didate running was struck oft Kirghistan Commissar of Entered as second class matter September 1, The present period is one that is also filled with 42 562, 402. About the only of culture; Barakanov, secretary 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, under the Act of March 8, 1879.
grave difficulties, which demand the greatest achalmodreasene forte con validating Komsomol Young Commandlet a ballot, if the alleged of. party. The infamous the part of the newulating the elections were adher rova and Goldbrot, secretarios spirit responsibility on the persecutions which every ed to, would be the failure to of the Central Caucasian kot HAIL THE NEW PARTY! section of the Fourth International is subjected seal the envelope in which the somol; the President of the Par to, both by the Stalinists and the bourgeoisie, will ballot was enclosed. It is hardly tar Republic; Sidersky, Coromia The New Year will witness the birth of a not leave our movement unnoticed. The attempt likely that the trusted persons sar of Agriculture for the new revolutionary working class party in Chi: to hound and isolate the revolutionary Marxian supervising an election would Ukraine; Niazov, Commipaar of cago, where the delegates representing the left ovement an part of the prepara throw out a ballot on this ground. Education of Tadjikistan; Petelwing socialist movement will gather to consolidate are being made so hectically for the It must be assumed therefore chenko, Chairman of the DrittenThe new party will be launched under the most and bourgeoisie rightly recognize us as their most figure in this category were tor of Azerbadjan Petroleum auspicious circumstances. It represents a fusion irreconciliable foe. They see in the new party scratched in one form or an plants; Jutchenko, member of of all the best elements who came out of the old that which it will alwbitterest enemy of their an admission on the part of the ber of Georgian Komsomol, be: the most determined other. These figures constitute Poltava Geladze, man Communist party and the Socialist Party, as well fighter for as. hundreds of revolutionary militants who ral murdering imperialist wars.
Stalin regime that there was a Burbian, director of Agerband lied to its banner without having passed through The new party in undeterred by the difficulties sizeable opposition vote cast in jan Theatre; three chairmed of either of those organizations.
eing it, and is inspired by the great traditions portions of which will be estab bov and Kazakstan respectively: the last election, the true pro the in Ordjonikidae, Tape It moves into action in the class struggle, for and principles on which it is based and by the lished only at some future date, two party secretaries, the leadership of the working class. without tac great prospects of growth which lie before it. It is ODO propagandist from Taganrog.
ing any rivals in the revolutionary field. The Com will march forward in spite of all its detractors Much more symptomatic of munist Party has long ago stricken its name from and enemies, for it marches with the confidence political opposition, however, is said laşt week: the full scope of the rolls of the revolutionary movement. It is of the ultimate victory of the proletariat and of the evergrowing list of candidat the purge among the candidates not only simple tool of the Kremlin autocrats, socialism.
tes (who were in effect delega will only be revealed when the but the most persistent force for reformism and Long live the new revolutionary Marxist party! tes) removed either on the very complete list of the deputies is It no Long live the Fourth International!
eve of the election or immedi finally published. To this we must longer even claims to be the enemy of present day Long live the triumph of the working class of ately thereafter.
now add, that the purge among murderous capitalist society, but the most active the world!
We have already listed among the deputies, allegedly elected is, of capitalism.
the missing deputies the names has began, and its full scope:wfi What is left of the old Socialist Party is a melanof Rudzutak and Postyshev be revealed only when the Coun On One Condition: That History choly collection of reformists and confusionists. members of the Polbureau. cil convenes.
dominated by a righ wing bureaucracy and its Be Falsified Yakovlev (at the July Plenum centrist friends, and looking about anxiously for We reprint the following news item from the of the he delivered the reNOTICE port on the electoral law. Ruksome pleasant way of committing political suicide British New Leader: To mark the twentieth anniversary of the Rus Industry) and Mezhlauk; and the International, mailed over a week himovich (head of the Defense The January issue of The New by self dissolution.
The new party will make its appearance in a sian Revolution (the London Evening Standard elimination of Generals Alksnis ago, should now be in the hands period of tremendous ferment in the ranks of the tells us. the News Chronicle planned to serialize and Bokis. Now comes the re of every erature Agent and workers. Never before have so many workers John Reed Ten Days That Shook the World. port of more than a score of pro Subscriber. If any Agent or Subbeen organized into trade unions in this country. The copyright belongs to the Communist Party. minent names to be added to this scriber has not received. The Never before have they had so much power to ad When approached, the gladly gave permis roll of deputies for a day. New International, please advise vance their class interests. Rarely have they dis sion for its publication, without any fee, on one Dybenko (head of the Leningrad the office immediately.
played such militancy and aggressiveness in fight condition: that all reference to Trotsky should be military district. Tupo Literature Agents and Subing for the own cause, breaking through on more eliminated from the text.
lev, famous aeronautical engineer scribers are requested not to send (the initials of his name NAT cash in payment of bundles and.
have been reported removed from subscriptions, but instead to 128 Pickets Soviet airplanes. General Veli either Money Order or Check. TsartoLenin tary district (Bluecher bai checks and money orders to. Ozolin of the Military THE NEW INTERNATIONAL vividly horrifying lesson in imperialist frightfulness has been 116 University Place furnished Military Council of White RusNew York, mintang regime in China.
Newspaper correspondents have told of the mass slaughter of non combatant civiljans, the wholesale execution of defeated Chi PHILADELPHIA, PA. From nese soldiers, the rape of women, and the wild looting of the city Tsar to Lenin opened in Philaby the conquering hosts of Japan.
delphia Sunday, December 19, in Although months indeed years. were available to Chiang a small neighborhood theater Kai shek to prepare the capital against invasion, the Nipponese at 6th and Poplar Sts. The mantroops had, by all accounts, relatively little difficulty in entering ager opened his show in the face investing the city. As they surrounded the city, the claimed test from the Communist Party educational organ for PEACE, course to follow to create a sockets The Socialist Appeal is not Marxist newspaper that can teach of telegrams and letters of pro only a newspaper it is also an the American workers what officers in charge of the defense deserted their commands and fled to safety. The rank and file of Chiang armies on the outskirts and its stooge organizations. The while the capitalist press and in which there can be no war.
be Nanking, pressed back within the city walls by the onslaughts to see the picture.
manager invited them all down the Stalinist press prepare the On the eve of the convention of the invading hordes, ran disorganized through the streets in international working class for of the Socialist Party was search of military headquarters. Champions of another imperialist war, friends and party tem The search was vain. There were no more headquarters. The Democracy against it. It is not a passive scriptions and contributions to Appeal wages a consistent battle bers make a final drive for sub whole tribe of Kuomintang officers had deserted and left the soldiers to their fate. It was too late for the men to retreat. The enemy These champions of democracy fight that the Appeal makes put the Appeal in a position to was closing on all sides. Realizing that they were trapped, the that tell us they fight for free against war, but a militant, re carry out its program atter the Chinese soldiers shed their arms and their uniforms, seeking safety dom of expression, picketed the volutionary, Marxist fight which convention when we will make in the guise of theater carrying placards read in the last analysis is the only public our position on the bar The problem and the other great, What followed is is reminiscent of the Paris Commune. Just as ing Trotskyites with the aid of means of preventing war.
the cannot stop the burning questions of the day of Thiers examined the palms of the Parisian workers, Hitler killed Kirov and hundreds Appeal alone shooting all those found to have gunpowder marks (which indicated of the workers in the Soviet Un coming war. But it can be a tre position which will represent that they had fought in the ranks of the Communards. 80 the ion. Tsar to Lenin is an his mendous factor in educating the le true Marxian analysis of the. understand the nature Japanese conquerors of Nanking ripped the clothing from the backs the real leader of the October of it. And should it come despite world situation, of the male inhabitants in search of marks left by the shoulder Revolution. Trotskyites fight the inherent hatred of the workUse the blank below and the straps of military haversacks. Men bearing such marks were against the people of Spain, ing class, the Appeal is the only it now.
herded together and mowed down by machine guns.
China and Soviet Union. The.
The bestial terror ted by the Japanese imperialist manager replied with a sign read Socialist Appeal conquerors, copying simil similar events at Shanghai and in North China, ing, Respect our Pickets, we 116 University Place Date stands in murderous contrast to the hypocritical formulation from have no labor trouble, etc. New York City Tokyo: the establishment of permanent peace in eastern Asia and friendly cooperation between the Japanese and Chinese peoStunt a Boomerang enclose. for which please send me the ple. As always, however, the methods used indicate the real aims, Far from keeping people out and the real aim of Japanese imperialism is terrorise, cowe and of the theater, the Stalinist Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months rubdue the Chinese people in order to convert them into colonial picket line created considerable. 00. slaves.
publicity and attracted crowds enclose.
as my contribution toward Workers in the United States must rally to the Chinese cause. of people that would not, ordin building the Socialist Appeal.
Not single ship should leave these shores with munitions and arily, have attended the show.
supplies for the Japanese imperialists, nor should a single shipload Our comrades selling papers Name of Japanese merchandise be unloaded any United States port. outside of the theater were pushOnly international solidarity action by the working class, mani ed arbund a bit by the Stalinists.
Address ested in workers sanctions, can really aid the cause of the op. We had too many people present City pressed masses of China.
for them to get rough.
Horror at Nanking by the Japanese capture of Nanking, shpital of the keen In Philadelphia Cornell of Kharkov; Wezil oli WAR!
the let civilians.