BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyFranceSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers Party

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL December 25, 1937 Midwest Conference New Frame ups Prepares Work Exposed;Purge Continues of Party Convention visited late as (Continued from page 1) Case of Juliet Stuart Moscow Izvestia printed a story Poyntz announcing that had declared the Robinsons to be innocent And a word of advice to the American citizens, and implying Stalinist liars when they prepare By Blake Lear that the American Trotskyists their denials. For your own CLEVELAND, Ohio. mid west active workers must therefore have had early and sake, let them be a little better conference was held at Cleveland, December 12th. Nearly. ference must be held.
cember 30th, an unemployed con conspiratorial contact with the than your statement on the dis suspicious Robinsons. appearance of Juliet Stuart fifty comrades, active in eleven different unions, were The following urgent recomThe Izvestia story is a typical Poyntz.
mendations were also made to Stalinist lie, woven out of the We do not know what hapThe conference, which was an rades to industrial cities to get committee. 7) The sending out of com the convention arrangements whole cloth!
We challenge the pened to Juliet Poyntz, where she outgrowth of the Ohio active into industry. gutter press to produce a is and how she came to be there workers conferences, was char(1) That the conference urges single quotation from any news if she is still alive. But we do acterized by a high enthusiasm (8) The aid of all unemployed the committee to give a major paper interview with Shachtman know enough about the unto the or any of his comrades in which scrupulousness of the and intensity of discussion among comrades in the field of industrial part of the convention the comrades, who arrived direct unemployed organizations. trade union, unemployment, labor the phrase innocent American and its record in the Soviet Union. 9) of joint from the front lines of the class of and relier League, and party organization this because, like the Stalin fortified against any surprises.
Non. Partisan citizens appears. We did not say in Spain and in France, to be struggle from the steel mills of committees.
Youngstown, the production lines questions.
ist prostitutes, we believe the that may yet develop in this case. 10) The holding of regular in Detroit, the rubber shops of (2) That the conference urges. Robinsons to be guilty, on faith For the time being, we need only national Akron, and from other industries and sectional trade the committee to draw up a spe and in advance, but because we say that the first statement isof this industrial heart of Ameunion conferences.
cial resolution on the question of do not know who they are, where sued by the was not only rica.
Organized Unemployed Partisan League.
the labor party and Labor Non they come from, what they are false, but subpiciously false charged with and whether or not for it declared that Poyntz had Prepare for Party Work Reports individual com they are guilty of the charge severed her relations with the in 1928, which was promptConvention redes, which preceded the draw. at least, not yet.
Two resolutions on the un ing up of the resolutions and Lie No. 2: the report that the ly disproved in the press by facts Meeting on the eve of the con ed to the conference, the Min the resolutions were elaborated, Trotsky in Mexico before leaving her party membership for years employed question were present provided the basis upon which Robinsons comrade and photographs demonstrating cialist party, this conference not neapolis resolution and the To gave a sharply defined picture of for Moscow. We challenge the after that date. The second stateonly drew the balance ledo resolution. The Toledo re the status of the basic industries Stalinists to present an iota ment of the that Poyntz trade union work during the past ing analysis and proposals was of our solution, embodying the follow in the mid west area. evidence to prove their charge. was not a party member after period, and provided for the The comrades active in the We state categorically that this 1934 is also a lie, for we know closer organization of the comadopted: following unions were present: story, appearing first in the ca that she spoke in public as a The rank and file in the unions The rades in this sector, but formu. are pressing for relief help and Amalgamated Clothing Workers, disseminated Workers Alliance, The Ritalist press, was deliberately! representative lated recommendations Moscow 1935.
to the for relief legislation. The unions Ane Gaitede Automobile Workers, newspapermen by the Soviet ofconvention arrangements comThere is no perfect murder, it mittee upon the trade union and are not giving effective leader The United Rubber Workers, ficials at the very time when is said. However, that may be, unemployed questions.
ship through present methods The American Federation of these same officials were denying the Stalinists are certainly inand linists and other achers, The Teamsters, The that they had the slightest know capable of a perfect frame up.
Comrade McKinney, the class collaborationists too often Retail Clerks (A. of The Ledge of the whereabouts of the These clumsy, police minded burepresentative of the convention giving leadership. The Workers United Retail Clerks (c. Robinsons or that they had any reaucrats trip up at every other arrangements committee, opened Alliance is completely Stalinized, The Painters Union, The Swoc, charges against them.
the discussion Let the step. Their most recent attempts from the Center, and outlined and is becoming attached to the land The Office Workers. Stalinist penmen dare deny that apparatus.
thę points of the draft resolution Through every report, through the story of the visit to Trots are no exception. The brand of Frame Up The influx of young workers every discussion, through every ky was deliberately and lyingly is still engraved, of the Center upon the trade union question. This was follow into the Workers Alliance offers recommendation to the center inspired by the Moscow author ineradicably, on their brázen foreed by reports on rubber, auto, cialists, especially as disgust with factories!
a fertile field for revolutionary so pounded one theme: Face to the ities!
discussion upon each report, re the Stalinized leadership is chan Every comrade realized that solutions were drawn up and re neled into militant action.
now, because of the business commendations formulated for We must advance upon the recession, because of the wave the conventions arrangements basis of the following proposals: of unionization which has sudcommittee. 1) We must continue and inten denly replaced trade union prob The resolution on the trade sify our work in the Workers Al lems with political problems in union question listed the followliance. 2) We must press for re the theatre of the class struggle, ing points as the absolutely ne lief committees in the unions and because of the onrushing war cessary and immediate steps work for unification trade crisis, because of the decadent which must be taken to imple union and committees. and vicious and because of NEW YORK. The drive hy Members, afraid of losing the ment the work of the comrades ments committee must initiate which the unionization wave has against the rank and file con lotted on relief, are blackmailed convention arrange the cadres of young militants the Workers Alliance leadership miserable pittance they are alin the field: discussion on the unemployed thrown into class action, that itinues.
to support Communist Party Proposed Steps question. 4) In connection with now if ever we must entrench With the membership rallying drives for this, that or the other the national convention on De ourselves in the masses. more and more around the pro money grubbing purpose of the (1) The immediate establishgram of the Progressive Group Stalinists. Stamps issued by the ment of a trade union committee, in the Alliance, the top bureau. Communist party are pasted into with full time trade union crats are getting really frantic. Worker Alliance books. and secretary, which will collect data, Yathe Alliance jammed the city of member who refuses to shell out.
Over one hundred members of woe to the poor unfortunate receive reports, and provide regular national tours of inspecfice demanding an open hearing With such disgusting and AKRON, Ohio. Speaking on Davis and Richard Ferguson.
for Ida Lipp, militant member cheap tricks to milk the un(2) The establishment of na The Crisis France, before from Brooklyn, who was bureaue, employed of their sorely needed tional trade union fractions in a crowd which packed the headDespite the opposition of an ratically expelled from her local nickels and dimes, it is no all unions, with a corresponding quarters, Robert Stiler, organiz administration owned body and for daring to criticize the so wonder that the Alliance is rasecretary to keep all comrades er of the Akron local, last week soul by the rubber barons, a So called Washington March which pidly declining in membership in touch with one another.
concluded a two weeks round cialist Club has been established arrived in the Capital after and that those stalwart enough (3) The formulation of a conc of speeches which brought the upon the campus of the Univer Congress had adjourned.
to remain are coming into greater rete program of cheap publica message of revolutionary social sity of Akron. An uncompromisThe trumped up charges against and greater conflict with the tions on trade union questions for ism before many groups in north ing fight by the youth comrades Neil Harrison, chairman of local leadership.
the broadest distribution. Assign eastern Ohio.
stretching over period of 15, show to what degrading ments for the writing of these Stiler also spoke before the months finally forced the hand depths the Stalinist leadership of of the unemployed are truly apIn the meantime the conditions pamphlets must be made at the Yipsels in Cleveland on The of the india rubber man, Hezz the Alliance has fallen. The palling. Even if one is starving convention and their date of is. Beginning of Bolshevik leton Simmons, president of the charges being made up of a pack and freezing suance set also.
Party. before the Parlance Club, university, and his to death, it still faithful of lies and slanders, the local takes from three to six weeks (4) change in the treatment a large liberal discussion group hound, Dean Donfred Gard to a man has asked for an open to get on relief. Thousands are of articles in the Socialist Appeal. at Kent state university, on ner.
hearing on this case, too.
being worn down and driven More articles in the worker Spain. at the Akron Jewish An open hearing on all expullanguage must be written on Center on The Coming ImperialCLEVELAND. Left wing So sion cases against the militant away by the red tape at the busubjects which are of immediate ist War. at Youngstown before cialists of Cleveland have arrang rank and file is what the leader reaus of the little Flower.
concern to him the a meeting of Yipsels and steeled a mass meeting and dinner ship fears most. Their interests fered by the Stalinist leadership? of struggle, Roosevelt, workers on Trade Unions and with Max Shachtman as main are best served in the dark. They march on Wall Street to emCongress, national and state le. War. in Akron for the socialist speaker for both events to ini fear open hearings the accused barrass the bankers! Combined, gislation, trade union problems, party (left wing) on The Pre tiate the new Revolutionary So and etc.
sent Relief Crisis. and at the cialist Party in Cleveland follow do not fear them, but welcome rences with the mayor behind (5) The compilation of bul Young Circle League on The ing the national convention. Ithem; what more, will fight for closed doors.
letins by comrades in each in Political Situation in Europe. The mass meeting will be held them. The open hearing before dustry on production, decentraliat Cleveland Public Auditorium the eyes and ears of the mema Group, organized by rank an It is only the Progressi zation, labor policies, business At their meetings last week on Friday, January 7th at P. bership that is the best method ile militants of the Alliance, that trends, etc.
the two Akron branches selected 6) The formation of progres their delegates and alternates to Schenley Restaurant, Saturday, rupting, framed up charges of has offered any serious plans toun sive groups, who will project the the national convention. The de January 8th at P. All in the Stalinist bureaucrats at the combat the drive against the issuance of papers in the name legates are Widick and dications point to record attend head of the Alliance.
employed by the Federal and cit of progressive groups.
Blake Lear; the alternates, Ed lance at both events.
Militants are being persecuted. administrations.
Expulsion of Militants, Meets With Strong Opposition a With The Party the