BolshevismFascismIV InternationalImperialismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers Movement

Published Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing Branches.
Vol. No. 20.
Saturday, December 25, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL On to Convention!
401 Cents per Copy New Frame Ups Panay Incident Chicago Mass Meeting Exposed; Purge Continues Unmasks Aims To Welcome Delegates of Imperialism com. even By Max Shachtman CHICAGO, III. Rank and file delegates of the SocialThe Stalinist frame up system continues to work at ist Party branches throughout the country were heading top speed. With brutal and monotonous regularity the By Li Fu jen this week towards this city for the Emergency Convention firing squad of the mows down all the real and The sinking of the United of the Left Wing of the Party to reconstitute it on a repotential opponents of the Stalinist regime, concentrating States gunboat Panay and volutionary basis.
especially upon all those old Bolshevicks who are a living three American oil tankers December 31 at 10 a. at the Among those listed to speak are The convention will begin on of the emergency convention.
reminder of the Russian proletarian revolution of 1917. in the Yangtze River at Harrison Hotel, 57 Harrison James Cannon, National SecThe Assassination of Nanking, occurring as an Street, it was announced by the retary of the Left Wing branches, wish to add only few com accompaniment to the cap Convention Arrangements Com Max Shachtman, editor the Karakhan which mittee.
New International, Vincent Ray me directly.
ture of China erstwhile All delegates have been re Dunnes Minneapolis labor leader, Hardly a day asses without a new report in the press of Stalinists Distort capital by the armies of quested to register immediately and Crary Trimble, Secretary of sensational execution of indiviJapanese imperialism, has upon arrival in Chicago with the the California Socialist Party Interview duals and groups of persons by (Left Wing. posed before the working convention arrangements plenum of the National Acthe al powerful bureaucracy. Soon after the news of the class of this country, in mittee at the Harrison Hotel.
tion Committee of the Appeal sassination of Leo Karakhan published in the press, aims of American imperialNow comes the news of the asRobinsons disappearance was sharpest form, the role and To Hold Mass Meeting association is expected to be held assassination, because no serious gave an interview to the New ism in the Far East.
or informed person can lend the York Daily News in which A large mass meeting to wel will make recommendations to come the delegates has been arthe convention delegates.
slightest credence to the charge pressed a hypothetical opinion During more than five months ranged for Wednesday December Delegates From Class that this old Bolshevik, who served on the case, none other being warfare in China, the act 29, in the Randolph room of the the revolutionary movement and possible in view of the meager ivities and aims of the Japanese Steuben club at 188 Randolph Struggle Fronts the revolution itself for decades, details. The Stalinist news hacks imperialists have come into re Street. It will begin at 8:30 in the horribly distorted in New York immediately wired peated collision with the interests according to the Chicago SoPreliminary reports indicate form of working silently for Sta a completely garbled version of of Japan imperialist rivals cialist Party (Left wing) which that delegates from points as far lin, was guilty of having provid my interview to Moscow. first of all, Great Britain and the is sponsoring the meeting.
apart California and Massed Fascism with Soviet govern few days later, the capitalist United States. But both of these Prominent revolutionary social achusetts are on their way to ment secrets.
press here reported that the powers, unprepared to challengests will be speakers. They will this historic gathering. Rubber With Karakhan, the Continued on page Continued on page 3)
murdered seven others, includexplain the aims and purposes workers, steel workers, auto workers, maritime workers, and ing Aveli Yenukidze, another old many other industrial unionists revolutionist whose whole life was have been elected as delegates.
given to the cause of the workThe convention culminates a ing class, framed up on the utlong struggle of the revolutionterly unbelievable charge of ary socialists in the Socialist counter revolutionary activity in Party to build a revolutionary alliance with foreign imperialism party. The expulsion of the enin his native Georgia.
tire Left Wing by the ThomasHoan Tyler bureaucracy of the Ravages Abroad national committee compelled the PITTSBURGH, Pa. On De of the United States Steel Corpo tect the convention from the dis calling of a rank and file conBut it is not only with citizens cember 14 to 16 nearly one ration. The present contracts ex ruption caused by drunks of the Soviet Union that the thousand steel workers met in pire February 28.
some delegates thought but was vention.
counter revolutionary terror of Pittsburgh to attend the conven On the first day of the conven for the purpose of stifling any three months discussion on Stalin concerns itself. The mur. tion called by the Steel Workers tion one delegate took the floor persistent and militant oppose all key questions before the reder of Nin, Berneri and Durrutti Organizing Committee. In the and moved that the convention tion to the plans of the bureau the emergency convention. Spele in Spain, and the imprisonment call for the convention the lead constitute itself immediately as cracy.
in private dungeons of ership labelled the gathering a a constitutional convention for When delegates took the floor cial active workers conferences hundreds of other revolutionists, Wage and Policy Convention. the setting up of an internation to amend resolutions they were in various sections of the country, is adequate proof of the world. This meant that the convention al. Chairman Philip Murray de declared out of order by Murray laid the basis for the trade union wide activity of the frame up would be asked to confine itself to clared the motion out of order under the rules. No changes, Recommendations from the conat the convention gang. The hectic attempts made certain immediate practical ques but promised that he would ans amendments or subsidiary mo: ferences will be taken up at tha to involve militant revolutionists tions and not go into convention.
in Minneapolis the frame up organizational matters, particu gate before the convention ad made from the floor until after charges of gangsterism and larly the all important matter of journed.
the report of the resolutions murder, in connection with the the formation of an international If there was any doubt in the committee had been voted up or ing steel locals with officers slaying of Patrick Corcoran, is union and the discarding of the mind of any wide awake delegate down. Upon being pressed elected and controlled by the proof that the labor movement fake Amalgamated Association as to who ran the gathering it further by a delegate Murray rank and file. Insisting that of the United States is not ex of Iron Steel and Tin Workers. was dispelled when the rules of said that if the delegates did not district councils be composed of empt from the sphere of the the convention were read and in like a resolution they could vote delegates elected by the locals devastations.
Reason for Calling the course of Murray explana it down and send it back to the and not appointed by the And now comes the latest at Convention tions of the rules and his refusal committee for reconsideration. organizers. Insistence on tempt to frame up the whole to permit amendments to resolu. Without exaggeration it can be the calling of a convention within movement of the Fourth Interna The real reason for calling these tions from the floor. One rule said that this convention was a six months to set up a real intional in this country, and com thousand steel workers to Pitts was concerned with order in the useless expenditure of time and ternational with delegates electrade Trotsky in connection with burgh was to give the leadership convention. Any delegate who money for the rank and file steeled by the individual locals.
the disappearance of the two a neck in iness of acted in such a manner as the workers. could have remain convention to elect con Visitors to the Soviet Union who negotiating wage contracts and opinion of the chairman wa ed home and handed over all vention committees from the travelled under the name of Ro determining the policies be disruptive tended hamper power and authority to the floor, adopt a constitution, estab binson.
pursued in dealing with the steel the work of the convention would o. by mail.
lish policies for the union. Wage, The statement of our organiza manufacturers. Specifically, the be warned for the first offense. There are some things, how policy, executive and other major tion on the Robinson case, ap leadership wanted If he persisted the chairman could ever, that the steel workers committees to be elected by the pearing elsewhere in this issue, full and unlimited power and order his name erased from the should have learned from this convention. The establishment gives a clear enough view of what authority to bargain with and list of delegates. It was clear experience: The imperative of a genuine system of abop is involved in the new frame up. sign contracts with the companies that this rule was not to pro necessity for digging in and build stewards.
Full Power to Negotiate Contracts.
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