BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeViolenceWorking Class

11 December 18, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL The Massachusetts Red Investigation: Disrupts Alliance; Further Stage in Degeneration Drives To Expel Harrison as name By Hal Draper the has mass influence by giving figures: a membership of The investigation of the Communist Party by the only 1, 000 in the state; its vote Charging Neil Harrison, chairman of Local 15 of the special Investigating Commission set up by the Massachu only 6, 000; its budget only about Workers Alliance and an active member of the Progressive setts State Legislature marked a new stage in the unfold draws the moral that the legislat Group, with calling bureaucrats and dictators by ing of the Stalinist line. The result of this investigation ors really shouldn be afraid of their proper names and with agitating for and engaging received scant notice except in the Boston press, but it is the in militant aggressive actions for the unemployed, the. They know we are no danger. Stalinist leadership of the Workaware of the exact degree of de baiters and assorted fat boys They know that we do not, never ers Alliance has moved for his Chairman Benton, in the name of have, and never will threaten generacy that the Stalinist move making up the Commission: ment has reached. Dear Madam and Gentlemen: democracy!
expulsion. This action, but one the Executive Committee, proposIn connection with the investigaof a series of similar steps takened charges be presented against Three thousand dollars was appropriated for this inquiry to wish to offer you our most sin the proper head, but we must paign of disruption, expulsion, carried by the majority. to tion you are now conducting, we sion will be considered later under earlier in New York City, is in Harrison. Immediately a stooge cite its contribution to the sub slander and revocation of charters ganda in Massachusetts com cere and hearty cooperation. We believe that your Commit ject of Family Life and Com carried on by the munist, Nazi and Fascist, which tee through this investigation munism. The Communist Mani Party and its stooges Communist The Charges is a successor of a similar inves can perform a truly distinct and festo likewise takes up this ques. Workers Alliance all across the include the following: That Harin the The written charges presented tigation of the P: about two great service to the people of our tion, it will be remembered, and country including Chicago, Wis rison called the leaders years ago. The Commission as State and to the cause of Dem the clownishness of the Stalinists consin, Pennsylvania, State of bureaucrats and dictators; that set up provided for three addiocracy.
becomes evident in comparison.
tional appointees by the GovernWashington, etc.
he wrote an article in which he or, who thereupon named three Unbiased Red baiters Some Twentieth Century said that members of the Alliance former State Commanders of the Tries to Discredit American Legion Rose, Paul and stoned a relief administrator; Beliefs The spirit of fair play will Progressives that he tried to cause bloodshed Halloran.
undoubtedly characterize the in Communists do not believe in and hysteria at the relief buvestigation. Any and all pre free love. Communists believe in The action against Harrison reaus; that he permitted degeFrankfeld Eats His judices will be cast to the winds getting married according to the was first made officially at the nerate expelled members of the Words beforehand, and your Commit given statutes of our common City Central Committee of the Alliance to speak at meetings; tee will enter upon the investiga wealth and living in wedlock. Unemployed Division of the that he organized the Progressive The denounced these three tion in a truly judicial spirit. We Communists believe in having Workers Alliance held December Group, a dual organization gentlemen notorious red Communists expect that we shall children and raising families. At this meeting Chairman within the Workers Alliance.
baiters, which was only stating come before a tribunal unbiased Clownish as is, this state Jerome Benton in his report to The Progressive Group is dethe facts. But when Halloran con towards the Minority Party in ment is the reflection of the new the Central Committee stated termined to fight against this exfronted Phil Frankfeld (secretary whose we appear and attitude toward the role and pri that. 1) stool pigeons had been pulsion to the end. They have of the Massachusetts with speak. As legislators of our vileges of women that has deve sent into the Workers Alliance been heartened in the fight by these insults, Frankfeld back great Commonwealth, you will, loped in Stalin Russia.
by the Administration. 2) that the letter sent to the Alliance by watered. wish now to apologize we are confident, protect and In this world of respectable, other stool pigeons had develop Charles Mack, Chairman of Local for the statement, he said; and safeguard the inalienable right of law. abiding, God. fearing and ed within the organization. He The letter follows: all was forgiven.
Senator Burke, who was the speech, free assembly and a free breath of the class struggle is a the Progressive Group and Neil Official Resigns profanation, and indeed not a Harrison in particular. For more In Protest most aggressive in his question All this refers to Calvin Coo whisper of it can be found any than an hour this young bureaing during the hearing, was lidge Great Commonwealth where in the Confession. Its ex crat, plagiarizing from the old of by where This was substantiated by murdered Sacco and Vanzetti in iinted at. It belongs to a differan unbiased tribunal stence is not mentioned or even time reactionary union leaders Unemployed Section the hearings. he their attempts pronounced to discredit Executive committee:ent world.
a truly judicial spirit!
bourgeoisie boor ga wa zee for progressive opponents, did everyI hereby resign from the adexample but it is not on record The confession, of course, goes In the next article, we shall thing he could to discredit Harri justment committee of the Unemployed Section of the 4: that Burke objected to this cha in extensively for American tra take up the answers of the Sta son and his group.
inist spokesmen before the ComMy reasons for resigning are Proving their oft proclaimed It is indicative of the intent Yankee revolutionist and Brook titude toward overthrowing the style. Earl Browder becomes a mission with regard to their at love of democracy, Harrison the bureaucratic methods pursued of the hearings that the testi Farm is singled out to prove government, toward force and was allowed three minutes. no for daring to express ho mony was recorded only by a that modern is violence, toward socialism through these brief minutes to pose ques the This, in my opinion, more to reply. Harrison used nest opinions within the ranks of Communism Police Department stenographer, Twentieth Century American he ballot that is, their attitude tions to the leadership in line is the outcome of the desire of not by the Commission itself.
on the most elementary principles with the program of the Progress. the leadership of the to The legislators felt apparently of revolutionary Marxism.
that they were just setting the People Front ive Group. Why not fight against drive out anyone who does not stage for the cops to listen in. The the anti union signs in the home Commission received only carbon Mayflower Product Membership relief bureaus? Why was the being carried out in all parts of agree with them. This policy is copies of the police transcripts, And it would seem also that Meeting Sunday Washington march held after the country and is wrecking the and the official record of the proeven the People Front came over ceedings is still not available on the Mayflower. The People (Left Wing. announces an im Against the paradwal telimination. The culmination of this proce Local New York, Socialist Party fight on the part of the Alliance organization The quotations given in these ar Front in Massachusetts would be portant membership meeting to of the Workers Alliance from the dure here in is the slandticles are all taken from the a contimation under present day be held Sunday, December 19th, bureaus?
erous attack upon Neil Harrison Boston press the Globe, Post, conditions of the same kind of at 2:30 at Manhattan at the delegates Muncil meeting and Herald (none of them Hearst paper, by the way. lished against British tyranny in a. People Front that was estab Plazı 66 East 4th Street. Embarrassing Questions an attack such as would not be tolerated in any other trade which covered the case quite com 1776 and against slavery in LaGuardia and the pletely, citing much of the testi 1861 which is true enough since Why no fight against the dis union.
missal of aliens from have served faithfully the mony verbatim. The accounts in both movements behalf Gravediggers Harrison was answered by over Workers Unemployed Committee, these papers check against each of American capitalism, when it other, though only one may be was progressive.
With Mayor LaGuardia threat two hours of slanderous attacks the Workers Unemployed Union Workers Alliance.
quoted here for any question.
ening to send in City employees zy inembers of the Communist and the There can doubt and ism has become reactionary impe. gravediggers Today when American capital as strikebreakers, the strike of Party, in which he was called refuse to be used as a front and the Greenwood all the names in the Stalinist re a stooge for the Communist Party this appears also from the hear. rialism, the People Front is still Cemetery, Brooklyn was ended pertoire: procuren; stool pi leadership in the ings that shortly before the in advocated by the in order last week. The men returned t) geon. thief. etc. Only two op Very truly yours, vestigation started, the national to preserve it. The People (Signed) Charles Mack leaders of the held a conclave Front, defines the pamphlet, is work, pending probable appoint Jonents of the Stalinists, Bertha to determine their strategy. The Member Adjustment Comm. ment of fact finding committee Butler and Larry Selman, were Member of City Executive sense of their deliberations one reform under present day society conditions at the cemetery and ison was not allowed to reply, movement for improvement and by Mayor La Guardia to study llowed three minutes each. HarCommittee of Unemploycan imagine: Boys, we ve hedg and conditions purely a moveed Division.
ed up to now and used weasel ment to reform capitalism.
recommend possible changes. Following this barrage of slander, words, but now we have to come The committee is probable. the The entire tenor of the Conclean. We ve got to go the whole fession has hog. And they went the whole the legislators that the is strikers are members of the one aim: to convince recommendations possible, the return to work definite. The hog no danger to anything they hold United Cemetery Workers Union, dear, and that in two ways: first, The Mayor is a member The Stalinists Confess by proving that they, the StalinFriday, December 24th, at P.
of the Before the investigation start ists, do not want to overthrow ed, the State Committee of the capitalism, and secondly, by abIRVING PLAZA published a pamphlet entitl jectly describing how they are Relief Şit Down Erds 13th STREET AND IRVING PLACE ed Confession of Faith, with too weak to do it if they wanted In Settlement Protesting against delays in Known to the People of Mass proved in the next article; the assisting relief applicants 76 men the slogan: Let the Truth Be to. The first statement will be Tickets: In Advance 55 cents. At the door 75 cents achusetts. This pamphlet, one second appears from the Confeswomen and children staged a sitsion.
of the most degrading ever issued down in the Department of by any working class organiza No Danger Public Welfare building, 376 Lation, is sold only in Massachusetts fayette Street, New York. After For Sale at: Labor Book Shop. 23 East 12th St.
and is unobtainable elsewhere. It. The reactionaries deliberately some 60 hours during which no begins properly enough with exaggerate our strength and in food was allowed to enter the some extra fancy belly crawling fluence, it reads. We Commun building the strike was settled AUSPICES: Convention Arrangements Committe: before the Commission. The ists are the best and most real with a promise of immediate acSocialist Party (Left Wing)
is addressing the American Le istic judges of ourselves. And tion on the 25 cases which were gion commander, illiterate red it repudiates the slander that the direct cause of the sit down. be Christmas Eve Dance