BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsGermanyHitlerMarxMoscow TrialsSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking Class

December 18, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL C. Acquits Capitalism; Plot Against Grylewicz Bad Monopolists Held Collapses; Old Militant Freed Responsible for Crisis on of of a the tionary PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia. Another clumsy frame up has collapsed of its own weight. Anton Grylewicz, old German trade union militant and revolutionist who was arrested by the Czechoslovakian political police By James Casey last Summer and imprisoned for several months as a Ger(This is the third article of a series on the the economic situation. man spy on the basis of faked documents, has finally been released and expelled from the, With the industrial decline in its sixteenth consecutive week, Wall Streeters and country of his refuge.
12 under charges of espionage.
Stalinists, alike, continue to refer to the new capitalist crisis as a business recession.
The political police confronted Veteran of 32 Years him with extracts from his Workers will recall how, during the whole first year of the last economic debacle, Big archives and files, which he had Business had steadfastly refused to admit the existence of a crisis.
Grylewicz has been in the orgiven for safekeeping a friend While misery and unemployganized socialist movement for named Batany at the end of Deland, Herbert Hoover kept pout not yet fully exploited all possi of clipping coupons!
ment were spreading through the time because, by all signs, it has Down with dividends, we re tired thirty two years. Active in the tober, 1936. And here the clumsy metal workers union in Germa hand of the emerges, ing about prosperity being bilities present for the continuan They can also send the stock ny since the days of his youth, with blunders as gross as those around the corner. Today Wall ce of the recovery trends. market soaring, but these sebou he became during the War one which permeated the Moscow Street is pursuing a similar cour After cramming unemployment, taging monopolists simply spurn of the leaders of the anti chau trials. Among other documents se. Only today Wall Street ef the high cost of living, the steel the idea of fleecing the public. vinist struggles of the Indepen presented was a short report alforts to blind, America toilers industry and the chamber of com They deliberately refuse to aid dent Socialist. Party, which he legedly written by a Czechoslovt.
to the facts of the situation are merce into one paragraph, Bittle industrial recovery because, in the afterwards left to adhere to the akian soldier concerning the being aided through the develop man embarks upon exploiting terms of Stalinist analysis, the Communist Party of Germany movements of his troop, and a ed People Frontist role of the some of the possiblities of the monopolists vindictively have de In subsequent years he played a brief report in German concernParty new line. lared a moratorium on profits. prominent role as functionary of ing the plans of the German And Now. Honest and Moreover, says the Political the and as deputy in the embassy for the occupation of Honest Monopolists Bureau report, these monopolists Prussian Landtag. In 1926 he Czechslovakia the latter dated Dishonest Bosses Too. are threatening the national was expelled from the as February 17, 1937; that is, over In August, 1937, the Centhree months after the archives The blame for the economic up reactionary economy. Just think of it! The a Left Oppositionist.
monopolists are As one of the chief founders from which it vas supposedly tral Committee, in a statement set Bittleman places on the re conspiring to wreck their own of the German Opposition move taken Had left Grylewicz hands!
published in the Daily Worker actionary monopolists. It will be profit system and the plot has ment, he incurred the enmity of the furtherance People Front. distinguished and dishonest bourgeois ele a lather.
the noted here that from honest sent the Stalinist leadership into both the Stalinists and the rising and imprisonment emerges with Fascist movement. For many striking, clarity from the procebetween honest and dishonest ments discovered by the Central Such is the analysis on the years he served as the translator dure of the investigation itself.
bourgeois elements and decreed committee last August, the Stalin economic situation offered up by and publisher of Trotsky pam Several police officials begin to that the Party membership sup ist leadership, By October, had the party of Twentieth Century phlets in German, as editor of cross examine the prisoner. Sudport the honest bourgeoisie a unearthed the startling phenome. Americanism. But the thesis the German Opposition organ denly all but one leaves. The regainst the dishonest capitalists. na of reactionary monopolists carries other implications.
In that statement, the Communist on the one hand, and non reacand of the Russian Bulletin of maining official, conducting an the Left Opposition.
examination Hitlerite Party for the first time acknow. tionary and, presumably, ho How To End Recession.
agent. begins a lengthy discus ledged its alignment with a sec nest monopolists on the other.
Hounded by Nazis tion of the American ruling class.
sion, replete with names and de Says the Stalinist theoretician: If these reactionary monotails, of. Moscow trials! GryApplied now to the economic very important contributing polists can create a recession situation, the advanced role of factor to the decline This oldtime revolutionist, now ewicz is shown prescriptions for by studied sabotage, can they not denounced and framed by the the compounding of secret ink, People Frontism embraces the market, and the uneven recession end the decline by expanding and its police cohorts in false passports; and other ele.
gravest attempt undertaken thus in various branches of industry is and investing? Naturally the friendly Czechoslovakia as a ments of the stock in trade of far by the American to this: that big capital, the reac Stalinist leadership does not yet Fascist agent. was one of the the conspiratorial profession, all undermine militant working class activity and to bury, the class may be considered as be file the proposition of monopolist (emphasis dare to present to its rank and furst to feel the blows of the allegedly taken from his files.
orga Hitler regime. His home raided On December 1, and 3, the ing on a sort of political strike. nized capitalism, but the Peop and destroyed by the storm Fraud Collapses Daily Worker carried articles by Ile Frontist line implies this very troopers, his person hounded by The Bosses Strike Earl Browder purportedly on the position.
the Hitlerite police, he was forc Grylewicz was able to estab economic situation. The essence Inasmuch as the reactionary ed to flee from Germany imme lish irrefutably that this docu They have refused to expand, monopolists plan recessions diately after Hitler assumption mentation was a police fraud of the first was the usual wild. to make new investments, they through sabotage and political of power, and finally went to from beginning to end. He was ac the sabotaged recovery, thereby strikes. Trotskyites. The second assur: threatening the nation economy, monopolists must be, according to fugee.
the role of the pure Czechoslovakia as political recordingly conducted back to his cell, kept imprisoned until No correctness of Roosevelt view ment program for control of guard and promote the interests continued his activities in the country in a most brutal fashion But in exile, too, Grylewicz vember 2, then expelled from the of the situation, as well as his the stock market and program, with only a gentle hint other ways are striking against ment. The logical conclusion to the publication and distribution even a word of explanation. But to the President to be less con the well being and security of the this thesis is for the non reac of the works of Trotsky and other this fact in itself furnishes the ciliatory toward the economic people.
royalists. Browder added that tionary monopolists to win over Opposition literature. When the best expose of the vicious framposition proved And still further on, in discus to their side the naughty mono set to work executing ed up nature of the accusation, the correctness it he didn bother sing the special session of Con. polists and, at long last, there its directives, received in May of the political exigencies which to explain how) of the aforemen: gress, Roosevelt program and would be an end to all capitalist this year from the Communist motivated it. and the complicity the role of the reactionary mo recessions and crisis.
International, exterminate of the in the entire aftioned Central Committee statenopolists, Bittleman asserts: ment on the furtherance of the But, most particularly, big capi is correct in its People Frontist to bolster up the Moscow trials If the Political Bureau Trotskyism on a world scale and fair.
The and with it the People Front. The third article tal sabotages the further develop analysis, then Marx and Engels by transporting them to other entire. Stalinist bureaucracy, is the private lives of the Party do the traditional thing, that is. tion of the origin and historical upon as one of the first victims out the world. For the first time members. For reasons not to be discussed here Browder pointedly to come to the support of a weak development of society and their of its campaign. The police of its international system of rewarned that this order for spot. Jening market and weakened spots works must be shelved at once democratic Czechoslovakia, pressions, terrorism and framein industry during a period of as a curiosity.
lessness applied to every mem recovery, by failure to energe.
eager to satisfy its Russian ally up is cracking. The first blows Millions of the nation work and, in its own interests, to were the apprehending of the In all these articles Browder tically exploit the basis of stillers, who will not be blinded by crush every vestige of revolution agents who assassinated Ignace Bittleman analysis of the economic situa pansion, narrow though this basis the right, by its rabid support of ling to cooperate in the technic the collapse of the Grylewicz tion. It is this analysis that will is. Let us for a few moments the Roosevelt wing of American al work of manufacturing accusa frame up, a new impressive depow be given attention here.
examine these statements of the capitalism, will see in the Bittle tions and fabricating documents. feat of Stalinist terrorism has Stalinist spokesmen.
man thesis a frightful counter Grylewicz was arrested on July been registered.
Official Position The reactionary monopolists revolutionary role on the part of refuse to expand, to make new the Stalinists, on both the labor Bittleman, Communist investments, and further, they and political fronts.
Party foremost theoretician, sabotage by failure to do the Revolutionary Socialists and all submitted a report to the Political traditional thing, to come to the militant workers will expose and Bureau which was published on support of the market and indus combat this counter revolutionary October 18. Political Bureau re try. This Stalinist thesis affords activity in the trade unions, unports, when published for the con no two meanings.
employed groups, fraternal bodies sumption of Daily Worker readand in all other assemblies of the ers, constitute the Party official Tired of Clipping labor movement.
position on respective issues.
Coupons. The next article will deal in By JAMES.
440 pages. 50 Along with the Wall Streeters, detail with the tasks of RevoluNew Statesman: book which is unique of its kind, very Bittleman concedes the existence There are possibilities for a tionary Socialist in the crisis. badly needed, and likely to excite more anger than anything of a business recession and a growth in trade, but the reacyet published this year. history of the last twenty years decline in the stock market. The tionary monopolists don want coming on of this recession was it, according to the view SOCIAL and DANCE from a Trotskyist angle. POSTGATE. not necessary, Bittlema says, point. The monopolist NEW Leader. It must be read three times to realise its Saturday Eve. Dec. 18 and he continues: make new investments in unsignificance. It is a book which will influence substantially at LEAH DILLON STUDIO American capitalist economy exploited fields that will garner 137 13th Street the thought of our time. Fenner Brockway. has not yet entered the phase of more dividends for themselves, Auspices: ADMISSION 20c PIONEER PUBLISHERS a new cyclical crisis; or more but they prefer to sabotage on Lower Manhattan Branch 100 Fifth Ave.
correctly it need not necessarily whom? According to the Stalin and enter the crisis phase at this ists, the monopolists are saying: on to the WORLD REVOLUTION can