BolshevismCapitalismDemocracyFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismParis CommuneSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

3 December 18, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Convention Date Near; New Jersey Meets Locals Elect Delegates Challenge of Boss Hague a By Jack Wilson After two months of a thorough going discussion in To Defend Marxism JERSEY CITY, The wide spread publicity all locals and branches on the most important questions Conscious of the tremendous given to the organizing drive here because of the facing the American and the world working class in this tasks facing them and proud to outrageous actions of am the Law Mayor Frank Hague period of storm and stress the Rank and File Convention carry aloft the banner of revolu revealed the shocking extent to which this sweat shop area of the Socialist Party is to convene in Chicago on New tion amid Stalinist treachery and is controlled by the Democratic party machine as a brutal Year Eve. The convention, called by the State Committees tion, the delegates will come to dictatorship without any civil of the Socialist Party in MinneChicago to revive once more the rights for the exploited workers. fers great profit making possisota, California, Ohio and India. Third International, the militants flame of Marxism which once lit Labor is terrorized in this city bilities at the expense of the dena, together with the National gathered at Chicago will no up the workers world in the by the cops acting under Hague fenseless workers.
Executive Committee of the doubt join with the revolutionists Paris Commune and in the Ocorders. He promised the chamber Young People Socialist League all over the world in the firm tober Revolution in Russia. The of commerce that he would keep Appalling Conditions proletarian Jersey City open shop and he the Left Wing organizations in instrument of international revo struggle which crushed Czarism doing his best in that direction. laste eest revealed that over 30, The state Department Chicago and New York, has since lution in the Fourth International. along with all other obstacles in been endorsed by numerous locals 000 women and children were em The Chicago convention will the glorious victory of the BolRaid on Organizers and branches all over the country, mark a milestone not only in sheviks twenty years ago will insployed for less than a week as American, but in world socialism. pire the thoughts and the actions were run out of town recently and When forty CIO organizers working over 40 hours.
Rochester, New York; Boston; Revolutionists everywhere, in the of the convention participants. thirteen others were arrested for 000 women were employed at less It also reported that over 292, Kansas City and St. Louis Coun Fascist dungeons of Hitler and Their will be the glorious job distributing leaflets, the oppres than 17 a week, which is conty, Missouri; Philadelphia, Bucks Mussolini, in the jails of Austria of laying the basis of a party sive conditions here were first sidered the minimum wage net County, and Allentown, Pennsyl and the Balkans, on the battle. which, carrying aloft the banner exposed.
yania, among others.
cessary to stave off starvation.
Everywhere the revolutionary battle front in France fields of Spain and on labor of Marx and of Lenin, will not The railroading of the arrested Over 326, 000 are employed at socialists are determined to throw cheered by its decisions. win bed to the establishment car wwbers organizers into prison without starvation wages in New Jersey out from their ranks the La world overshadowed by the aders state in the United States, fair trial (no jury or bond rights)
giving them a Magnificent prospects for profits!
lidly the foundations of the Mane: vances of Fascism, the Chicago but more than that, is destined emphasized the nature of the threatens the unions in the Northist workers party.
convention will be a beacon light to play an important part in build Democratic party regime here.
ern states because of lower wage ing the Fourth International, the to workers fighting capitalism in international of working class that lesson, Hague clos not only exploit their own emNot content with teaching the levels etc. the Jersey sweatshops Model of Discussion every country.
victory all over the world.
ed all union halls and kept ployes but drag down wage scales The internal bulletins issued unions already organized in nearby areas, especially New by the Convention Organizing from holding meetings.
York, whose runaway factories Committee have given expression Convention Agenda Hague influence not a local have settled in Hague domain.
to the widest latitude of opinion affair. Last summer an exposure Even though the deepening of among revolutionary socialists. Proposed by the Convention Organizing Committee)
of Nazi activities in New Jersey the crisis makes organizing camAll views have been represented.
brought a demand for a congres paigns infinitely more difficult, In sharp contrast to the stifling Opening Address by James Cannon sional investigation. Hague call the is seeking to smash of democracy in the organization Organization of the Convention ed Jim Farley, right hand man through the dictatorship over the controlled by the Thomas Altmanof President Roosevelt, and told sweatshops. Political Resolution Clarityite faction, the atmosphere him to get it called off! It was One of the leading militants in in the Left Wing has been vib4. Trade Union Resolution. Reporter: Cannon. called off.
the Bill Carney, veteran rant with live discussion.
Supplementary Reports: Glen Trimble The militants in the ranks are Tie Up With Roosevelt of the Goodyear and General Widick Motors strikes, is directing the now preparing to draw the practical conclusions from the discusV. Dunne Roosevelt plurality in New o. campaign in New Jersey.
Jersey was due to the Hague sion at Chicago and to settle Unemployed Resolution machine, and Hague hasn been Underground down to the serious work of build Russian Resolution. Reporter: Shachtman a political boss for twenty years Organizing ing the party of the American Spanish Resolution. Reporter: Albert Goldman without knowing how to extract revolution.
benefits for votes given!
While the various legal moves Delegates are being elected International Resolution. Reporter: Maurice from every section of the countNot since the late Huey Long of the o. have been receiving Spector ry. Steel workers from Ohio, autosmashed every pretence of so the bulk of the publicity in the Youth Resolution mobile workers from Michigan, called democratic government and drive, the chief work of the trade unionists steeled ruled by the might of the National organizers remains in the 10. Declaration of Principles. Reporter: James Guard has America seen a more carrying out underground orstirring organizational progress Burnham made in Minnesota and on the dangerous menace to Organized ganizational activity in Jersey, 11. Party Organization and Constitution. Reporter: Labor than am the Law City.
waterfront on the West Coast Hague.
Martin Abern are making ready to depart. Until the workers of Jersey wealth of experiences in the class 12. Party Press. Reporter: Martin Abern The Hague Democratic Party City themselves can be placed in struggle of America will be conmachine in New Jersey is smooth struggles against the Hague Supplementary Report: Robert Browne centrated in the delegations, ly organized and operates with machine and the employers whom 13. Election of National Committee.
the power and influence that only he represents, the camAgenda is Revealed Tammany Hall, in its greatest paign cannot assume major prodays, could be compared to it. portions.
The convention agenda, made Besides building a party bureauLegal battles against Hague public this week by the Convencracy on the basis of government have been won, time and again, tion Organization Committee, has jobs, Hague has devised a new but he merely ignores the court allotted a place high on its list and more effective method of decisions, with the silent approval to an exchange of these exinfluential.
his men.
petiences and to the elaboration of a line of strategy and tactics The outstanding lesson to date for mass work based upon them. 000 delegates, representing as tional convention.
PITTSBURGH, PA. Over as the meeting is not a constitu Basis of Hague Control of the Jersey City situation is that the workers who voted Decircumstances which will make many Locals of the o. steel struggle by rank and file Every open shop employer is mocratic because Roosevelt and workers unions it of world historic importance.
were gathered delegates to establish an inter guaranteed no labor trouble, if his administration pretended to Under the impress of the start. here this week to participate in national industrial union with the he allows Hague to control part be friends of labor were deceiving events in Russia, it will have the first rank and file gathering same autonomy as the United of the jobs in the plants. Any ed and are beginning to realize ing the attitude of revolutionary Kanizing Committee since it was international unions was Hague thus builds his political is partly based in Jersey on the to hammer out a policy embody called by the Steel Workers Or. Automobile Workers, and other man going to a factory with an it.
is given work. The sentiment for a labor party socialists to the Soviet Union set up two years ago.
While policy that will stand up under under the impression that the many delegates were machine among the workers on fact that the workers see they It was evident that no effort the basis of his job distribution cannot get anything by tagging Towards the crucial situation gathering would be a regular Workers Organizing Committee would be made by the Steel power.
along with the capitalist parties, created for the Spanish workers union convention to elect officers, to draw the real lessons of the machine has withstood various Is it any wonder that Hague Republican or Democratic.
adopt a constitution, and create In fighting to smash the dicand their fight against Fascism Little Steel trike fiasco. On ttacks for the past twenty years. tatorship of Hague and the Deby the disastrous policies of the an autonomous international industrial union, authoritative rethe contrary, the mistakes of the The employers know the power mocratic machine, the workers past would be covered up with of Hague machine and have learn that until capitalism itself linists and their :P. the the top leadership had control a bloc of the delegates. erect sweatshops because it of remain.
abominable treachery of the sta poets beforehand indberetning that the approval of the Stalinists who been flocking to New Jersey to is destroyed the sweatshops will convention will likewise have the an entirely different program, in progressive bloc at the contask of evolving a clear and cormind.
rect policy.
It was a surprise to the inex vention was preparing to lead perienced delegates to hear that the rank and file in its desire to ALWAYS EXCITING SWELL TIMES to be had at For 4th International the New York Times published a create an international union.
story by Louis Stark, its expert Also, the slogans of democracy The Upper West Side Branch. 916 Ninth Ave. near 58th St. Finally, the convention will de labor reporter, whose connections within the union movement and PARTY DANCE MUSIC AND DRINKS cide the question of affiliation to with thể top leaders is for independent working class an international organization. well known, which said, the political action were among the Saturday, December 18th Drawing the balance sheet of the question of electing officers rallying points of the progresDON MISS THE FUN!
betrayals of the Second and will not be before the delegates sive platform.
Steel Workers Meet; Progressives Ready To Fight for Democracy and Autonomy and pinguis machine intime and efl the judges who took otice as