Andrey VyshinskyAndrés NinAntifascist FrontBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismHitlerJohn DeweyLeninMarxMarxismMoscow TrialsRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTerrorismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL December 18, 1937 Trial Procedure Flimsy and Vicious Hits Minneapolis Frame Up (Continued from page 1) of Trotsky and the 4th Interna upon which the foundations of tional civilization are laid.
In presenting the report of the Iving exponent of Marxism, of commission, Dr. Dewey declared corruption of the idealistic heri It signifies an extraordinary the teachings of Lenin, the genius in part: of the Russian Revolution. It the October revolution, has been emphasized by the exposure Dr. Dewey Speech signifies a danger against which of the hideous crimes and beour own people must guard themtrayal of principle by the Stalin It is not too much to say that, selves without illusion and without Lat.
particularly as this new evidence compromise.
The Commission report is an accumulated, the members of the Much of the new documentary 80, 000 word document, soon to be Commission have been without ex evidence obtained by the Compublished in book form, continu ception appalled by the utterly mission focused upon the testi(Continued from page 1) believe that, because Moscow ing the series of publications discreditable character of the mony given at the trials by Holtzcourts held Trotsky guilty of begun with the report of the pre whole Moscow trial proceedings, man, Pyatakov, and Vladimir diet for workers and free minded conspiring with Hitler and Japan, liminary hearings held by the at once flimsy and vicious. Others, Romm. At the first trial people in the United States. therefore Minneapolis workers Commission in Mexico City and like a distinguished colleague of Holtzman testified that on the There is the question which friendly to Trotsky assassinated published by Harpers as The mine who declined to share our invitation of Leon Sedov, Trots is constantly asked: What of it. Corcoran. When unionists who are Case of Leon Trotsky. labors, may still take the position ky son, he went to Copenhagen Dr. Dewey said. What difference not in any way connected with that it is impossible to prove a during Trotsky stay there from does it make to us in the United Trotsky ridiculed the charge, they Signatories of Report negative, hence, in that technical November 23 to December 2, States? want to tell you why were at once denounced Trotssense impossible to prove Trotsky 1932; that by previous arrange the Moscow trials and our inquiry kyite stooges. This is a fresh exThe final report is signed by guiltless of the fantastic charges ment he met Sedov in the lobby have a claim on the attention of ample of the way what went on Professor John Dewey, Chair made against him.
of the Hotel Bristol and went every American citizen, especially in Russia is used to disrupt the man; Suzanne LaFollette, editor It is, however, possible to from there with him to see Trots. those who call themselves pro ranks of labor in this country.
and author, secretary: John prove beyond reasonable doubt, ky. The Commission found that gressives, liberals or who are in. It won be the last time. AmerChamberlain, formerly of the staff the existence of a frame up, and there was no Hotel Bristol in terested in labor. want to tell ican labor and progressive groups of The New York Times, Alfred submit that the Commission has Copenhagen in 1932, and that you why the Russian situation, as are going to be asked over and Rosmer, former member of the done that.
Sedov was not in Copenhagen it is illustrated in the Moscow over again to decide local quesExecutive Committee of the Com The implications of this find during his parents stay there.
munist International and former ing are of course profoundly disframe ups and the blood purgestions on the basis of charges :editor in chief of Humanité; turbing. These implications are reported almost daily in the co gainst Trotsky and Trotskyites in Checked Dates Closely lumns of the press, are living Moscow.
Professor Edward Alsworth Ross, not a matter of intellectual speDepartment of Sociology of the culation; they have been fulfilled events, in the consequences of One of the most important While making clear that he University of Wisconsin. and demonstrated by the events witnesses against Trotsky and which the American people, and was opposed to Trotsky poliOtto Ruehle, biographer of which followed close upon the Sedov in the second trial was tical views, the eminent educator Calling attention to the fact expressed the opinion, concurring Karl Marx, former member of the trials.
Vladimir Romm, former WashGerman Reichstag and close po The continuing arrests and ington correspondent of Isvestia, that the frame up artists have with Trotsky s, that the results litical associate of Karl Liebk executions of Soviet officials and who claimed to have met trots already intervened with disastr of the inquiry and the establishes necht and Rosa Luxemburg; Ben citizens on charges of terrorism, ky in the Bois du Bologne in Pa os results in the internal life ment of the true facts cannot of the Spanish working class and help reaction, but on the contrary, jamin Stolberg, labor journalist; wrecking, sabotage, Trotsky ris at the end of July, 1933.
the anti fascist front, Dr. Dewey are the surest way of aiding the Carlo Tresca, editor of Il Martel ism, etc. have strengthened the The Commission cited a mass of said that the method of brand progress of humanity. The brief lo; Zamora, liberal Mexican suspicion of thousands of genuine cohesive evidence covering the ing Trotskyists and other oppo summary he gave of the Compublicist; and Wendelin Thomas, friends of revolutzonary Russia movements of Trotsky from his nents as Fascists is being car mission findings, and his appeal former member of the German that the present regime is seeking departure from Turkey on July ried into every other country by to every thinking man and woman Reichstag; John Finerty, counsel to identify political opposition to 1933 to October 9th of that year, the Stalinists by means of propa to read the facts contained in to the commission, concurring. itself with criminal activity a which conclusively disproved Contradicting the assertions of gainst the Soviet Union and Romm testimony. The Commissande arqund the fake court the full report and judge for oceedings in Moscow.
He themselves, were especially pertithe English jurist, Pritt and people.
sion declared that, despite six pointed out that a start in this nent and effective.
others, Commission reported Still more shocking is the separate efforts on its behalf, two direction has already been made The reply attempted by Corliss that the conduct of the Moscow systematic use by the Communist of them by high French officials, in the United States.
Lamont, Chairman of the trials violated Soviet law at every parties throughout the world of it was unable to obtain the exist Friends of the Soviet Union important point. In support of the vicious Trotskyist terrorist ing police records of Trotsky Brands Frame Up in and a Stalinist apologist, sounded this statement the report cited an fascist amalgam as a means of movements at this period. In Minneapolis official Soviet textbook on cri destroying political opposition every case the answer was that feeble in its hysteria, by contrast to Dr. Dewey sober presentaminal law. by Professor and even of justifying gross for reasons of State the record Only the other day, he con tion.
Strogovich, published in 1936, and frame ups and assassinations, as could not be given out.
tinued, a trade union official was edited by the state prosecutor in Spain in the case of Andres On the charges of sabotage, the murdered in Minneapolis, which Another powerful blow has himself, Vishinsky.
Nin and others.
Commission presented new evi is certainly an American city.
been struck against Stalinist re Even in this country, the dence in the form of a long and Already Communists and their action, a blow which is bound to Contradicted Precepts of Communist Party and its labor completely documented deposition sympathizers are asking us to resound the world over.
Soviet Law and liberal sympathizers have by Ivar Windfeld Hanson, the used this strictly amoral tactic, Danish engineer mentioned as In this Professor Strogovich indistinguishable from the tactic Wienfeld an alleged Trotskyist writes that denunciation. the of Fascism, to slander and perse saboteur, by the accused Hrasche testimony of a defendant impli cute opposition, with a resulting in the January trial.
cating another defendant or ex confusion and disruption of the traneous individuals is regarded forces of economic and political ments submitted with it prove This deposition and the docuunder Soviet law as the least progress which cannot be too that from the time of his arrival meritorious category of evidence. strongly condemned.
in Russia in 1982, Mr. WindfeldThe Commission found that it Cannot Be Ignored Hansen warned the Soviet authorwas upon precisely this category, The International Commission was rammed down the throats of ities that the chemical fertilizer investigating the charges made the capitalist press and the Staof evidence, entirely uncorrobo This is no strife of personal industry was headed toward di against Leon Trotsky and his son linist frame up artists.
rated by documentary proof, that Sedov in the Moscow trials has The Socialist Appeal must conTrotsky and Sedov were declared ities or of political factions, which saster.
The complete text convicted in both verdicts. Pra the American public can afford of the found them Not Guilty. Truth is tinue to spread the truth not fessor Strogovich declares that comfortably to ignore. It signifies Abstract of the Commission of truly on the march. The historic only about the Moscow Trialswhereas The Fascist criminal the repudiation by a disciplined Inquiry full report is publish al significance of these findings but about every phase of the trial fixes its course upon the ad political organization, world wide ed on pages 5, 6, 7, and of can be translated into every day struggle of the international mission of guilt by the accused, in scope and influence of the this issue of the Socialist political action through the So working class with the internaextorting this admission principles of truth and justice Appeal.
all cialist Appeal which has always tional bourgeoisie and the Costood for the TRUTH.
Barts of violence and torture, the Soviet procedure requires Even the capitalist press has If you want the truth to be been forced to accept and publish known you can do your part by that the testimony of the accusthe innocence of Leon Trotsky subscribing at once to the Socialed, particularly his admission of guilt, like every other piece of and Sedov. The Appeal which is evidence, is subject to verification official organ of the American ist Appeal or by contributing and careful evaluation as a resection of the 4th International toward its maintenance. blank Bult of juxtaposing it with all knew the truth long before it is provided below.
the other evidenee gathered in the LONDON, England. report, quietly one by one, Brockway was received here from Fenner says.
The Commission found that Brockway, leader of the British The two voting against the despite this stated requirement of Independent Labor Party that the freedom of the lead Socialist Appeal Soviet law, no other evidence of People Front regime in Spain ers were the representatives of the Date any importance was presented in was forced to absolve five arrest Stalinist party.
116 University Place either case than the confessions ed leaders of charges New York City Putting pressure on the cabinet, of the accused and of self incul of espionage.
the Stalinists forced a reconsidepating witnesses. enclose.
According to the report, the ration of the question and it was for which please send me the Besides Dr. Dewey, the full Minister of Justice, Senor Irujo, finally agreed to keep the prisonSocialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months Sommission was represented at informed the People Front ca ers in confinement without penal. 00. the meeting by the folletring binet that after a thorough in conditions, but not to proceed enclose.
as my contribution toward members: LaFollette, Stolberg, vestigation into the charges made with the trial.
inerty, Thomas, Treses and against the leaders, The Stalini indicated that building the Socialist Appeal.
Chamberlain. Each told why he he and his advisers have conclud failure to vote for their proposals Name Joined the commission and howed that there is no case against would be considered a major isthe inqpiry wus contueted. thent to present to the Special Address The Commission members made Tribunal for espionage.
sue in the Kremlin and might ruite clear their opposition to the The cabinet voted.
to affect the co operation between City political and theoretical poeition two, to liberate the prisoners Spain and the Soviet state: Truth Report Cabinet Absolves Jailed Leaders case.