CommunismCommunist PartyImperialismInvasionJohn DeweyLeninMoscow TrialsRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers Movement

FULL ABSTRACT OF COMMISSION REPORT Page Published Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing Branches.
Vol. No. 19.
401 Saturday, December 18, 1937 Cents per Copy SOCIALIST APPEAL Trotsky Innocent Trials Frame Ups 99 Withdraw America Forces from China!
Dewey Broadcasts on Trials; Hits Minneapolis Frame Up ins8 against Japan.
Trotsky Telegram to The Commission We find the Moscow Trials to be a frame up! We find Trotsky and Sedov not guilty!
The thunderous applause of 2, 500 people greeted these findings of the International Commission of Inquiry ir to the Moscow Trials as announced by John Dewey, world famous educator and commission chairman, at a mass meeting held Sunday, Dec. 12 in New York City.
The commission report was the greatest triumph of truth against frame up since the brilliant Emile Zola, French author, exposed the Dreyfuss trials at the close of the 19th century.
It was a mortal blow to Stalinism.
The commission conclusion flatly challenged the verdict of the Moscow court on twenty one separate An Editorial counts. Basing its judgment both on the trial records and The sinking of the United States gunboat, Panay, in on a mass of new documentNEW YORK. Warning that the methods used in Chinese waters by Japanese bombers, has let loose a veritable wave of jingoism in the United States.
ary evidence and new af the Russian frame ups are increasingly being transported All the war mongers are screeching for strong fidavits, the Commission af for use against opponents of Stalinism in the rest of the measures. Both the yellow press and the respect firmed, among its more im world, Dr. John Dewey followed up the publication of the able Big Business press are demanding action.
Join portant findings: findings of the International Commission of Inquiry Into ing the blood pack is the Daily Worker, the organ of the Charges Made against Leon the Communist Party. It rushed to endorse Roosevelt That Trotsky never Trotsky in the Moscow Trials Monday night in which he discusand to demand that American imperialism join with tructed any of the defendants with radio broadcast last sed the implications of the verFrench and British imperialism to take common action or witnesses in the Moscow (Continued on page 2)
trials to assassinate any political opponent. engage in Our gunboat has been sunk.
sabotage, wrecking, and diver Our flag has been insulted.
sionism. or to enter into Our honor has been sullied.
agreements with foreign powers We must be avenged.
against the Soviet Union.
These are the cries of the hypocritical scoundrels who On the basis of all the eviwould like to rush the American workers and farmers dence we find that Trotsky never recommended, plotted or The commission condemned nobody to death or to into another war to make the world safe for demattempted the restoration of ocracy.
prison. Yet it is impossible to imagine a more tercapitalism in the We say, however: Call a halt to the imperialist warrible verdict. The commission says to the rulers of mongers now, before it is too late. Fantastically Falsified a great country: All our sympathy and support go to the valiant Trotsky Role You committed a frame up for the purpose of Chinese people who are fighting against such terrific justifying the extermination of your political adverodds to preserve their independence from Japan at We find further that the prosecutor fantastically falsified saries.
tempt to convert the country into a colony. In China, Trotsky role before, during, You tried to deceive the toilers of the world.
and after the October Revolufight to the bitter end against the monstrous invasion You are unworthy to serve the cause which you tion.
by Japan. În Japan, it is the elementary duty of every invoke.
Once again, Trotsky place in working man, every peasant, to promote the defeat of history as the co leader with The commission, which includes people of different his ruling class, to sabotage its criminal war, to over Lenin of the Russian revolution political views, could not follow our political aims.
turn its despotic sway by revolution. In the United in 1917 was re affirmed by the States, it is the duty of every worker, especially every commission findings.
But its verdict has an immeasurable political imone in the maritime industry, to refuse to load any Once again, Trotsky role in portance. The methods of lying and blundering ships destined for Japan and to speed all ships destined world politics as the frame ups which contaminate the inner life of the (Continued on page 12. Continued on page 2) and the workers movement of the whole world received today a terrible blow.
Let the official friends of the and the other pseudo radical bigots say that the verdict will be used by reaction. This is untrue. Nowhere and never did the truth serve the cause of reaction.
Speaker And nowhere and never is progress fed on lies, The commission, it is true, delivered a blow to the James Cannon bureaucracy, but this bureaucracy has become the main brake upon the progress of the Soviet Union, Just Returned from Minneapolis Aiming to serve the truth, the commission served FRIDAY EVENING, DEC. 17, 1937, 8:00 the liberating struggle of all mankind. From now WEBSTER MANOR, 125 East 11th Street (Near 4th Ave. on the work of the commission as well as the names Auspices: Socialist Party (Left Wing. New York Local of its participants belong to history.
greatest The Stalinist Frame. Ups From Moscow To Minneapolis