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SOCIALIST APPEAL December 11, 1937 Are You Ready for War?
Filling Station Left Workers Win Frisco Strike Jabs of ot way Discussion on Imperialist War, Past and Present, on the Presidential Peace Lovers and How They Prepare the Minds of the Masses in Support of a New World Wide War for Plunder and Exploitation.
Life Under Hitler Not Red But Yellow Synthetic bacon made from only when the working class has taken power.
SAN FRANCISCO. Expression of a strong sentiment for pig blood and synthetic eggs Many people, who have become accustomed to other government agencies seeking to militarize and AFL unions against both sets blessings enjoyed by German laAre we for the abolition of the ROTC and the unity of the rank and file in CIO made from fish are among the regarding the Communist Party as the reds. the the young people? The fight against war must of bureaucrats led to the speedy bor since Heiling Hitler has been arch revolutionists, may not be aware that in 1e be carried on NOW, not only after war is declared, and favorable settlement of a substituted for cent years they have thrown aside their whole rev. through a concrete struggle against militarism. Strike in a General Petroleum goose stepping for labor unions olutionary past and have instead taken over comt. Against ROTC, both compulsory and optional, as service station here last week. in Germany.
pletely the ideas of the pinkest reformist social the goose step agency on the campus. Against the The four men in the station struck ists. The Massachusetts investigation stoutly insisting that they believed in achieving militarization of the CCC camps, which are under when Jerry Driscoll, member of Life Under Mussolini the army control for the purpose (as army officers the Filling Station Employees Conditions close to serfdom, Socialism through peaceful means, through the have boasted) of preparing the youth for war. Union, Local 410, CIO, was fired election process, that they were against the Against Roosevelt sky rocketing military appro for union activity.
growing poverty, miserable suboverthrow of the government by force or priations, and his plans for military industrial Bridges agreed to support the of labor, uncertainty of employ.
sistence wages, increased hours otherwise, and against world revolution. These they said, had been believed by the Com. dictatorship in war time. Around such issues wide action but attempted to turn it ment, decline in quantity and thumist International only in its infancy that united fronts can be forged.
into a CIO AFL beef when the AF of officials sent members quality food consumption is, while it was led by Lenin. Today, Stalin, hav to refuse to support any war conducted by the to work behind the cio picket small farmers are among the Do we in the support the Oxford Pledge of their Garage Employees Union worsening of conditions of share ing grown wiser. is devoting his time to wiping out the revolutionary past of the Communists bined on different grounds revolutionists and government. This pledge, which has com line.
by framing up and shooting all the men who led pacifists in the immediate struggle against the nuever the men on strike issued Fascist regime according to Dr.
In reply to this splitting mablessings bestowed on the masses of Italy Mussolini and the the great Russian Revolution.
This degeneration of movement has happien concrete imperialist war which is being prepared, a leaflet to the rank and file of ed before. The Second (Socialist) International has more than anything else in the student move the AF of Union declaring they Carl Schmidt of Columbia Unibe ment provoked the Hearsts and ROTC colonels to were for presenting the station versity who spent eight months too was founded as a Marxist organization; be frothing denunciations. They could see no more owners with set of joint de studying conditions in Il Duce fore the World War it too was regarded as a red favorable symptom in the student movement than leadership of both unions that, Patriotism: Last mands and demanding of the paradise.
in the World War came as a shocking surprise now doing this work for them. We call upon all trider mot the workers to present Refuge of a Scoundrel to all. Today the Communist International an sincere anti war fighters in student ranks to smash a solid front to gain their denounces its betrayal of the working class in adthis drive in the If Communism is 100 per cent vance. Both the Second International and the mands.
Third (Communist) International have gone the Opposition to War Requires Fighting tributed, he has leaflet mens were and it is then why shouldn The day this was dison a of Organization withdrawn from the station and same kind of patriotism for their ist war.
But the working class struggle for Socialism But the Oxford Pledge is a correct statement one day later the strikers were and against war demands evolutionary Inter only of what NOT to do when war comes. One back the job with their de neighborhoods. Clarence national to organize that fight on a world wide must go far beyond it. We do not look upon an mands won. There is nothing like if old Sam Johnson was alive to: scale and revolutionary parties in all countries imperialist war merely as a horrible catastrophe, and file to bring the bureaucrats day would he not change his de.
that will take up the red banner. We of the move though it is that; to us it represents a crisis of and their bosses into line.
finition to, Patriotism is the last ment for the Fourth International have our own the capitalist system, when it is staking its all, refuge of a Stalinist?
answer to the questions that were asked Dave when the workers are given arms and told to Grant the answer of our leader Lenin. fight for the bosses. Our aim is to utilize this Good Meeting Mickey Mouse in Concentration Camp The Answer of Revolutionary crisis for the purpose of abolishing the capitalist For Milton Marxism war system itself, to teach the armed workers to turn their guns not against their fellow workers In St. Louis Believe it or not, here the headline from the Times: Writer Do we differentiate between the capitalist in the opposite trenches but against their enemy ST. LOUIS, Mo. On the even in trouble over Mickey Mouse. democracy of the imperialist countries and the at home. Our aim in opposing imperialist war is ing of November 30, Harry Milton Times Man is Ordered from soviet democracy of a workers state? wa the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism. Do addressed an enthusiastic meeting Yugoslavia after his Story of Ban tainly do. Capitalist democracy is a sham which we believe in turning imperialist war into civil ponsored by the St. Louis District on Comic Strip. That tough is not believed in by the capitalists themselves, war? This is the way by which the Russian work of the Socialist Party (Left on Mickey and the reporter but who are ever ready to throw aside all democratic ers secured peace in 1917 while their brothers in Wing. About 70 persons attend watch the Storm troops and expretenses in strikes, in the lily white South, in other lands were still struggling under the yoke ed.
ecutioner go into action if Hitler.
its Cubas; it cover for the cruelest exploita of imperialism. This is the only way by which Taking as his general topic ever hears Donald Duck go Quack!
tion of of the masses of people. We do not defend permanent capitalism, democratic or otherwise, whether it from the peace can be gained and war abolished The Truth About Spain. Milton Qua a ak. Qua a a a ak. the face of the earth.
gave a devastating analysis of is allied with the Soviet Union for its own imperi This fight is not an easy one. It is not sufficient the miserable history of the Po Shopping Notes alist reasons or not. But we do defend the Soviet to stand on the sidelines and say Attaboy every pular Front regime in Spain, and in particular, of the role played Leopold of Belgium and his broMorning papers eport Union against imperialist attacks: within the once in a while at a mass meeting or while read by the Spanish Stalinists.
Soviet Union we support its war against the im ing a pamphlet. Our enemies are the organized In the discussion period ther Charles are in England in perialists; in the capitalist countries we carry on forces of capitalist terrorism, military dictator Ispokesmen for the CP, unwilling search of brides. They will atthe revolutionary struggle to establish a working ship, war hysteria, betrayers within the working or unable to deal with specific tend the Worshop shopping festclass state as the only possible reliable ally of class who act as direct agents of the war machine. cases, confined themselves, at the ival to be opened by Lady Anne the Soviet Union. Under capitalism the workers Our answer, if it is not merely fatalistic or det beginning, to long winded and Cavendish Bentnick. We hope have no fatherland; we have a country to defend featist, must be a fighting organization. very reasonable dissertations they find some bargains. Our own on the theme that since the policy supply of and 10 heiresses is of the Popular Front Government completely gone, not even a used is correct, any measures it may one on hand. But if the boys can take to enforce that policy are pick up something at the festival, justified. Finally, after Milton we might mention that our Mr.
had introduced the testimony of Simpson is on his way to Europe.
12 Stalinist and veteran of the in: Pins and Needles ternational Brigade who recently If you live in or near New York exposed the frame ups against the or if you are visiting our village, SAN FRANCISCO. Facts are to Dave Beck in Seattle. He gave transaction.
stubborn things. And James 600 to his wife before leaving And Bell own wife denied that revolutionists in Spain, the re. don fail to see Pins and Neeck Niel, personal publicity man for on this mission, it is alleged. he gave her any 600. She even their presentatives of the CP dropped les, the Players Harry Bridges, is rapidly learn After a prolonged stay in the stated before the publication of Fascism disguise and proceeded Saturday because the players are League Against War and hit. It shows only on Friday and ing how true this is. Less than Northwest, Niel said, he was the confession that her hus rapidly to lose control of theni working men and women who twenty four hours after making called into the office of a union band had gone to Minneapolis, selves.
the startling accusation over the official, given a police revolver according to the Chronicle.
make dresses five days a week.
radio that he was in possession and told to get Bridges. In Clarence Hathaway and Al All the theatre critics have given of a confession which linked stead, according to Niel re Richmond will have some diff. Homer Martin Wisdom it high praise and what more Minneapolis Teamster officials port, he refused and ran imme culty giving their Daily Worker with a plot to kill his boss, re diately to a CIO representative and Western Worker prostitutes The International Union is shops are enthusiastic. It a muports in the press were already and told all.
a line that will explain how their ready and willing to accept res sical review though we are sure refuting the stupid but nonethe Without naming the Minneapo frame up got nipped the bud. ponsibility and will make every Hitler and Mussolini would find less significant attempt at a lis union heads he was implicating Steps are already being taken in effort not only to fix responsi other names for it. All numbers frame up. Niel ran off a typical Stalinist San Francisco to set up a commis bility for unauthorized action on are good but the Mussolini HandiDuring his hursday night amalgam in summ up his sion to gather and publish the the part of the members of the cap or the Baby Marathon and the broadcast on the CIO Tune in statement. He linked Ben through facts about how the Communist union, but will gladly recommend Four Little Angels of Peace on the Truth hour, Niel said the Minneapolis Teamsters to Party works in the labor move joint penalties by the union and Eden, Hitler, Mussolini and Japan that CIO officials were in posses William Green, Dave Beck, Mayor ment. Progressives of all shades of the corporation. as every one are the two best or in any case sion of a confession signed by Dore ete.
opinion are being approached to knows this is no time for strikes, the most popular.
Robert John Bell of Minneapolis. Friday morning press reports join this movement which will Business, government and labor Bell is reputed to have said that were already shattering this ob have as its aim the exposure of should cooperate honestly to sta The National Industrial Conferi he was sent by teamster officials vious frame up attempt. The the methods of Stalinism right bilize employment and to mini ence Board reports unemploythere to the West Coast. That Marquette Bank at which Bell here at home and isolation of mize the evils of the present ment for the month of October they gave him a 1, 000 which he claimed he cashed his check de their influence from the labor business recession. Bill Green, increased by 298, 000 over the cashed and told him to report clares it has no record of the movement.
himself, could do no better. September figures.
certhat the Try To Bolster Midwest Frame Ups With