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SOCIALIST APPEAL December 11, 1937 Lovestoneites Change Change Line Under INTERNATIONAL NOTES in soviet Nov.
19, 1937. The Franco Soviet Pact and the Maneuvers of the Imperialists. Soviet Union Elections Featured by Continued Purge.
By Joseph Carter The so called Russian question has been and remains By John Wright the touchstone of international Marxist politics. The Moscow Trials Rumors that the Franco Soviet pact is about to be scrapped twentieth anniversary of the Russian Revolution is not have been revived of late. The democratic European press keeps only an occasion for the celebration of this great event Radek Piatakov trials were like macy has been particularly active in recent days in pointing out The Zinoviev Kamenev and the stressing the growing isolation of the Soviet Union. British diplo but simultaneously the moment to evaluate the meaning wise defended by the Lovestone that there are no insurmountable barriers to divide the imperialist of the present crisis in the Thermidorian degeneration.
Soviet Union and how it can asked the jury to overlook the camp into two irreconcilable wings, e. peaceloving democratic Or is this an exaggeration? Let circumstantial evidence which states, versus the bellicose Fascist states. The official and unbe resolved in the interests us listen to Jay Lovestone rointed to frame ups, the inconsis official visits paid to Hitler by British statesmen are indications of revolutionary socialism.
August 1935: tency between the politics of the of a similar trend. curious incident that occurred toward the This task is undertaken by Yesterday Position defendants and the charge of in end of last month may be directly connected with these maneuvers Mautner, for the Lovertonedividual terror, discrepencies in ites, in Workers Age (Nov. 20. The Soviet workers them testimony and indisputable false to reconcile the existing antagonisms. The Paris correspondent of one of Mussolini newspapers sent 1937. In line with the resolution selves with their own forces, hoods. The trials should be on the Soviet Union of the Inter without armed proletarian aided with historical objectivity. in a dispatch on the desirability of establishing a Franco Italian national Communist Opposition from outside can build a social hey insisted; and pretentious ana rapprochement. It was published in Tribuna. The issue in which (see August 14, 1937. ist society in Russia. Soviet logies were made with the revoMautne: justifies his group de Foreign Policy, Pg. 28. Even lutionary terror of the Jacobins this article appeared was thereupon confiscated, and the corresfense of Stalinism against Trots more, he adds: If the CPSU (See Workers Age, Feb. and pondent recalled. The official explanation was that this correskyisin in the past on the ground were not correct in concluding Feb. 13, 1937. pondent had merely expressed his personal opinion. It is of that the Soviet bureaucracy then that the Soviet proletariat was An editorial of February 20th course secret that no personal opinions are permitted to slip played a progressive role. capable of overcoming fulls all declared: When objective judge into the rigidly censored Fascist press. In any case, Mussolini is capitalist elements within its ment is passed on the Moscow unofficially on record as ready for reconciliation. Belated Echo country, that is, of building a trials, it must surely be done pri Trotsky himself declares that really have no reason for main absorbing question: Is it Stalin or published in Geneva hardly carries any news about the Soviet Union.
socialist society, then it would marily on the basis of the allJournal des Nations, the organ of the League of Nations it would he criminal to deny the taining power. We should then the Trotskyist opposition that by An occasional brief notice may appear from time to time dwelling progressive work accomplished by stop fooling the workers in the and large represents the basic inthe hurocracy the USSR and everywhere else and terests of the socialist revolution in some latest achievement. Not a word about the purge, the author tells us. And ades: But give up power to another class. in Russia, that is the bearer of trials etc. utside the Comintern press of the activities of the it is calls true that this pro. Pg. 28. the fundamentally sound policies ed accounts out the other hand, it carries perhaps the most certaines gressive mission has been compof socialist construction? And on Stalinists, especially with regard to France and Spain.
letely exhausted In the past, its And today, Mautner Lovestone this question our position has Thus, Journal des Nations devoted several issues to reports of (Stalini m) positive and come tell us quite casually that the in been made clear more than once. the recent plenum of the Spanish Communist Party, giving contrictive aspects predominated: it ternal crisis is due to the fatal The course of events itself, more siderable space to the speeches made there, and in was th: builder of socialism. To isolation of backward Russia over, has pretty generally con. the oration made by Anton the political Commissar of the Cenday it has entered its negative which can be broken only by in:firmed the viewpoint of Stalin as tral Front. Anton, we are informed by the Journal, devoted and destructive phase: it is tin ternational socialist revolution. against that of Trotsky dermining. degrading, endanger. In other words, the Russian work showing the relations between the Trotskyites his entire speech But life itself so ruthlessis and the Fascists, between the members of the and the ing it own achievements. ers by their own forces, without threw to the winds the despicable partisans of Franco. There follows an extract from his speech: The In. far as the above is cor armed proletarian aid from out apologetics of Lovestone, that fol poru rect, it is a belated echo of the side cannot build sediális lowing the execution of rucha: struggle against Tretskyism, he declared, is not a question whick Trotekyot analysis. Horrever. To follow Lovestone old logic chevsky, the arrest of Yagoda: solely concerns the Communists, but is the struggle of the Spanish and this is the nub of the matter he should today conclude that etc. the resolution of whole. That is why we want to denounce the peril that the Lovestoncites saw (and therefore We should stop fooling June 25, 1937 stated. Such is constituted by the Trotskyite elements. Journal des Nations, see) connection between the the workers in the USSR and methods (Stalin terrorism)
yesterday and today save Stalin everywhere else and give up deal communism the most disasThe French newspapers, however, devote a great deal of at (see trous blows it has received at any tention to the purge. Matin, for example, insists that the Red Army completely divorced by them from above. But his logic was as time from any source. is undergoing another cleansing.
Havas Agency has been circuhis general program, social, eco deceptive as his theory (of social. August 14, 1937. lating unverified reports that many army divisions are now benomic and foreign policies. ism in one country. today he Could anything reveal greater ing headed by officers of subordinate rank. Matin likewise reports Trotsky objective analysis of abandons both without the neces bankruptcy! The Lovestoneites the rumored suicide of Postyshev, and the arrest of Victor Keen, the pressive role of the bureau sary re evaluation.
now unwittingly admit that they editor in chief of Journal de Moscou and former Tass correspondent of the function of Stalinizm, which it The Stalinist Constitution tionary terrorism for revolution mistook Stalinist counter revolu in Rome and Paris.
performed despite itself, its wn The Stalinist Constitution, the ary terror.
reactiwary program and prac trials and purges, the foreign In the Soviet Union there are 33 republics, of which 22, are Nor were the Lovestoneites autonomous and 11 independent Soviet entities. No other sphere ise: under the pressure of the px»licy (in which are included the more successful in understanding appears to have been more thoroughly purged than the administrarialista on the one hand, and the merely symptoms of the present lation to the policies of the Ce: reached even into Biro Bidjan where the Jewish party heads, Proa tive machinery of these republics. The hands of the executioner Trotskyist opposition on the other. situation but necessary prere mintern, In August 1935, Love fessor Lieberberg, Chafkin and several others were arrested as (This is clear by an examination quisites for the bourgeois counter stone wrote: of the origin and development revolution from within. The Trotskyist theory that men had been credited officially as the builders of Biro Bidjan. sabotagers, bourgeois nationalists and These of the first Five Year Plan. For the Lovestoneites, eference The Constitution expresses in between the interests of Russian Latest dispatches leave no room for doubt that the republics to yesterday progressive role of legal terms the political expro, state policy and the interests of are being re purged. Thus, in the Ukraine where Lubchenko, the the bureaucracy serves merely as priation of the proletariat and the international proletariat is Chairman of the Ukrainian Soviet Government, committed suicide an apology for its defense of the the omnipotence of the bureauc false from top to bottom. Soon Aug. 30, and the secretary of the party Popov was arrested as Stalinise program. internal and racy. The trials and purges des viet Foreign Policy. Pg. 27. a Trotskyite. the newly appointed Chairman of the Government, foreign policies.
troy actual and potential defend He polemized against those who Bondarenko, also committed suicide. In White Russia, The Sources of Stalinism lations. Soviet foreign policy social patriotism of the French Chairman ers of nationalized property re declared that, for example, the kov, the President of the Republic, committed suicide, and the the Soviets and the secretary of the party were arMautner, however, clearly re maintain the absolutism (and Comintern policies) aims to communist Party was due to rested. In Tadjikistan, Muksumov and Bobokalov, the successors veals the untenable position of linism against Fascist destruction Sta Russian foreign policy. of Rakhimbayev, the Premier, and Shotemir, the President, were the Lavastoneites. He tells us that and prevent at all costs a workAnd today! Lovestone (and arrested on September 21st. The Kirghiz Republic had been purged, the sources of the present crisis ing class revolutionary victory in Mautner) remain silent. However, but again the Chairman Isakeyev and others who had replaced the in the Soviet Union are not to be Western Europe which would August Thalheimer, their interna the spies and traitors were themselves purged. On Nov. 20, found in the Thermidorian reac make impossible Stalinist ab tional theoretican, presents a there was reported another plot in Uzbekistan. Seven plotters tion thut rather: solutism in Russia and threat hitherto not unknown view: were shot. Among them the head of the Kaipov.
in the specific conditions in on the Stalinist policy of sub What is responsible for the Writing in the Manchester Guardian on this aspect of Stalin which the Russian Revolution ordination of the working class change in the policy of the Comblood purge, Dr. Steinberg comments as follows. It is has developed, in the incredible to its democratic imperialist manist International. he writes impossible to believe that in all the national states states simul.
handicaps it has faced of the back allies.
wardness of the country and its (August 20, 1937. The crisis in taneously all the most important leaders should be nothing but own innlation in a world of impe The new constitution was hail Russia is the explanation. Be political and moral criminals. This mass campaign seems to be riahism.
ed by the Lovestoneites: cause of the absence of proletarian (Manchester Guardian Weekly, November a purely Russian national state.
For the solution of this crisis. The new constitution of the democracy, Soviet Russia To demonstrate to the world how securely he sits in the Kremlin, he add: And it is the Interna Soviet Union is living proof that going back and the bureaucracy tional socialist revolution alone the proletarian dictatorship makes is defending itself under terror. Stalin promised to free 15, 000 political prisoners on the XX annithat can break the fatal isolation for the full development of the The rulers of Russia are satis versary of the October revolution. But, of course, they remained of the Soviet Republic in the rights of the tolling masses. As fied with Socialism. in their in jail and in the concentration camps.
world imperialism.
result of the new constitution own country and status quo in With this, Mautner not only the Soviet state is nearing its other countries. Their policy is question have been refuted by either inside or outside the party goes beyond the analysis given in goal of abolishing the state al the Isolated Socialist State. history itself, as inadvertantly ad the removal of Stalin (that is, the the re lution but sinks to the together. we read in the Workers Is it not clear how critics of mitted by the Lovestoneites overthrow of the bureaucracy)
depths of Trotskyism! For he Age of Nov. 14. 1937. Seven Stalinism must borrow (more themselves. can take place thru the channel presents the crux of the Trotsky. months later we are told by these accurately, plagiarize. from the What remains. Bewilderment, of evolution (ICO resolution, ist argument against Stalinism same people that the articles of basic views of Trotskyism which spiced with critical bits taken June 25. the impossibility of constructing the constitution read like they yesterday declared counter from Trotskyism; apologies for And with this eclectic program socialism in one country alone. Rruesome mockery. reso frevolutionary. their old position, and a utopian without the aid of the interna lutionJune 25. 1937, We thus see that the Lovestone conception that although in Rus the International of Lovestonetional socialist revolution: that is, August 14, 1937. Mautner does ite fundamental theories, analysis, sia There can be no hope for Thalheimer Brockway Gorkin is to the objective conditions for the Inot even mention the constitution. logic and conclusions on this basic any kind of democratic rights be organized!