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December 11, 1937 SOCIALIST APPEAL Raidson Hooded Ones Letters from Our headers Stir France;P. Calls For Workers Militias nberg Olivia, Minnesota, Local Backs Left Wing We are reprinting below, ex file of the party members of the cerpts from a copy of a letter Chicago convention who passat to Roy Burt, sent to us by Com fairly revolutionary resolutions rade John Enestvedt, the Sec and realize now that they have retary of the Socialist Party been betrayed by the Right Local in Olivia, Minnesota. The Centrist which they National Secretary of the So elected through the short sightedcialist Party (Right Wing) had ness on the part of the Clarity By Terence Phelan demanded a loyalty oath from ite caucus at the convention.
ories, as in June 36! for nathe Olivis comrades, a demand You take me to task for calling Spectacular charges and counter charges in the inter tion wide wage contracts, for a which had previously been re the expelled comrades revolutionFascist libel suit, paralleled by even more spectacular police sliding scale of wages based on jected by the Minneapolis, St. ists. Then you go on harangitraids upon Fascist arms caches, have for the last month plete workers control over hiring Paul and Austin locals in Mining about their being disrupters kept France in ferment. LaRocque has used court pro and firing. Against the protested the expulsion of the nesota. The Olivia comrades had and therefore are being expelled. would like to call to your ceedings, ostensibly brought for libel against 17 persons Stalinist line of compromise and latter for refusing to comply attention the record of these reand newspapers ranging from the Stalinist Humanité retreat, they raise the cry that with Burt order. Ed. volutionists, particularly in so far the only real defense is attack to the Royalist Action Francaise, Olivia, Minn. Nov. 22, 1937. as Minneapolis is concerned. as a base for attacking rival on the other, tend to lul! the and workers victory. direct Dear Comrade Burt: short while ago, a report from mass action. for mass occupafascist groups, particularly those workers to a false sense of se. tions, for workers militias, for peal Group or Trotskyites as a Minneapolis the best organized When you refer to the Ap the Government declaro under Pozzo di Borgo and General curity.
Duseigneur, of which the theatri Summed up, the Front Poputhe general strike.
dual organization in the party, union city in the country. short cal French Ku Kluxers, the Cag laire whole behavior, in a situa Congress Prepares for things that happened at am reminded of some of the five years ago, Minneapolis was oulards or hooded ones, are the tion that obviously precedes either the an open shop town that the Citifanciest.
revolution or counter revolution, Action Chicago convention: For instance, zen Alliance of any city would leads inevitably, not as in 1917 when either the Right Wing or point to with pride. We hold Sudden Raids Russia, to the former but as in the militant slogans adopted by ed the Trotskyites. the rank because they have been able to These are outstanding among pure Stalinists got up and attack these people to be revolutionists 1936 Spain, to the latter.
the Second Annual Congress of and file at the convention got up combat not only the forces of the With a remarkable promptitude, the Popular Front police Calls for Struggle the Pol, held, despite LaRocque one after another and virtually Citizens Alliance, but also tho protests to the Front Populaire, drove them back into their seats. union splitting and disruptivo suddenly discovered a revolt plot, involving LaRocque rivals: two Against the false and fatal po October 30 31 and November in Which only goes to show that the tactics of the Stalinists.
Paris raids, for example, uncover icies of the Popular Front, only Paris. No adventurism, they are wish of the convention was not If you mean by staying 48 the French section of the Fourth backed by a carefully planned to drive the Trotskyites or the members in the Socialist Party, edin 1480 hand grenades: 45 ma: International, the Parti Ouvrier practical program of organiza so called dual organization out of that the Olivia comrades must munition, subterranean forts and Internationaliste, raises the tion leading through the dual the party, but that they welcom denounce the principles of Revoarsenals, and elaborate military slogans that can prevent France power to a workers state. The ed the political principles by lutionary Socialism which the dethroughout France. Duseigneur, the provocations and plots of the France, pledged its continued de gether. Let me also remind you endorsed, that no revolutionist who evidently fancied himself as Fascist gangs, and equally against fense of the conquests of October that the so called Trotskyites or will do. We reaffirm our solidarity the French Franco, and DiBorgo of the Front Populaire toward the Spanish workers and peasants refer is composed not only of but we do not consider ourselves the feeble and treacherous policy in the USSR, its solidarity with dual organization to which you with the expelled revolutionists, allies, the Monarchists, counter those gangs, the Bolshevik Lenin in their fight against Franco, and former attacked from Switzerland with ists call for workers militias. their aid to the world proletariat, Party but also the real militant upholding the principles of Ree elaborate proclamations by the Against the increasingly violent whether under democratic, fascist, Left Wing of the Socialist Party volutionary Marxism. We cast royalist pretenders (which fell attacks by the nationally orga or colonial domination, in its which was developing even before our lot with those politically flat. The government of the nized bosses against what few struggle against the real enemy, the so called dual, organization exiled who are subjects of buFront Populaire, slowly tapering remnants are left of the work capitalism, and its Stalinist and entered the Socialist Party.
You refer to the fact that the at the top of whatever institution of the raids, issued communi ers gains in the great strike of other reformist lackeys. Checred qués which for their exaggera Mayl June 1986, and equally a by a great organizational growth convention (to be hald) on Dec. they may be, including our comfair and for their self congratu class peace, legality, and merely in the last year, the Por turns gruntled people. think you are in Spain. Torte de protectie latory complacency, are theatrical symbolic hour strikes foisted its face to the masses, to give generally correct: It is made up ism.
upon the aroused workers by the them true revolutionary counsel of the whole Left Wing tendency Fraternally yours, John Enestvedt, Secretary This performance has received reformists, the Bolshevik Lenin in the most critical year the within the party. In other words, Olivia Local an excellent official press; but ists raise the slogan of general French workers have had to face it is made up of the rank and the applause of the truly advanc ized mass occupation of the fact since the last imperialist war.
ed workers has been more polite Letter to the Editor of the Modern Monthly than enthusiastic. Regarding with well founded cynicism the sudWe reprint below a copy of contributor in this case is bound deness of the police discovery of a letter sent by comrade Trots. by a reciprocal bond to all the the arms caches of LaRocque ky to Calverton. To date, others. consider it impossible momentary political adversaries, no reply or acknowledgment to carry any responsibility not they point out the significant has been made to it. Ed. only for Mr. Beals himself but fact that somehow none of LaOctober 15, 1937.
also for the publication which toRocque far more numerous and The Socialist Appeal has been scribers who do not renew their lerates him in its ranks.
well stocked arms depots were mailed regularly to former sub subscriptions. The number ap. 46 Morton St.
Mr. Calverton, Stalinism is the syphilis of the workers movement. Anybody who been treated to exciting detect old Socialist Appeal. We did not wrapper indicates the issue with New York City, chances to be a direct or indirect ive story reports of complete want subscribers to either of these which your subscription expires. My Dear Editor: carrier of such a contamination membership lists found, and of publications to feel that they were This issue is No. 18. If your great figures involved, they note not getting their money worth. wrapper shows a lower number article on war for the Modern quarantine. The hour has struck You propose that write an should be submitted to a pitiless that the arrests have been ex Now, in literally hundreds of than this, your name will be re Monthly. Before entering direct for the unsparing demarcation of in tremely few in number, and in cases, subscriptions have expired moved from our subscription list ly into discussion of your amiable honest people from all the agents, volve, apart from DiBorgo and but we have continued mailing until you renew.
Duseigneur, no one of any note; the Appeal with the hope that proposition, am forced to put friends, lawyers, publicists, and and that, furthermore, most have renewals would be forthcoming. don forget that subscriptions list of your associate editors is tion in a journal like yours in And while you are renewing, one preliminary question. In the poets of the Collaborabeen released again.
Each person whose subscription alone will not finance the Appeal inscribed the name of Mr. Carle necessary for such as Beals in The Fascist Danger has expired has been notified by The blank below provides space ton Beals. After his participa order to preserve their mask of letter and there has been some for contributions. If you can spare tion in the Inquiry Commission independence. The less reason This is far from meaning that response.
any amount to keep alive the only on the Moscow Trials, there can has an independent journal to French Fascism is not to be taken Much as we would like to, it is Revolutionary Marxist newspaper the moral physiognomy of this not be the elightest doubt about give its cover to such gentlemen.
If the name of Mr. Beals reseriously. Quite the contrary, financially impossible to continue published in the United States, gentleman. Beals article on the mains on your list only through Staged and limited as the raids were, their revelations are a supplying the Appeal to sub spare it now.
Commission hearings in Coyoacan oversight (and should be glad was nothing but a geries of lies to hear from you that this is the symptomatic warning of the sort and falsifications dictated by the case) then you can immediately, of which Spain had plenty prior interest of the enu correct this error. In the opposite to July 1986. They show once Socialist Appeal merated the most important of case shall be forced to ask you more that, just as in Spain, the 116 University Place Date these lies and falsifications in an to publish this letter in your Fascists are preparing, right under the nose New York City article, a copy of which, so far magazine in explanation for my of the Popular as know, was forwarded to you. taking away my name trom the Front government, their eventual armed insurrection. The arms enclose. for which please send me the You have not yet, however, react roll of your contributors.
ed in any way to the attitude of Sincerely yours, seized are only a drop in the Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months Mr. Beals.
Leon Trotsky.
bucket. Just as in Spain, the army. 00. can give an article to a of Acers are overwhelmingly enclose.
as my contribution toward bourgeois publication without any Rightist in sympathy: the French building the Socialist Appeal.
concern about the other contriSOCIAL and DANCE counterparts of Sanjurjo, Franco, butors, as may ride in bus Saturday Eve. Dec. 18 Foded, and Mola only await the Name without concern about the identi at LEAH DILLON STUDIO ignal. Just as in Spain, the Poties of the other passengers. To 137 13th Street ular Front government takes Address Auspices: tally different is the case with only foeble half mensures that, ADMISSION 20c Lower Manhattan Branch on the one hand, are a positive City a magazine which appeals to and rovocation to the Fascists, and, Marxism and revolution. Every. Renewals