BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyFranceItalyMoscow TrialsSocialismSovietStalinStalinismViolenceVoroshílovWorking Class

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL December 11, 1937 Diplomats Expose StalinFrameUps Bureaus Restrict Rights of Jobless Locals; WAA Purged?
In Moving Appeal For Threatened Bolsheviks take The dent of knew personally for a short time but of whose honesty and devotion am deeply persuaded.
Face Death would like to make the most (Continued from page 1) went to the school of Red Army pressing, most desperate appeal officers and held various com to public opinion in behalf at posed the police measures used mands on the Western front. least of those of them who are to extort false confessions from After the offensive against War still perhaps living and against By Neil Harrison rough, thus eliminating the Alliance locals from the bureau althose tried and murdered, and saw, the military council of the the false and ignoble accusations.
NEW YORK. After added: ten together.
16th Army named me am thinking of my friends re months of unity the Alliance is courses at the Academy of the maining at their posts in other completely in the grip of StalinVictims Were Innocent General State. In 1932 was countries of Europe, Asia or ist leadership. Immediately after Stalinist Line retired with rank of brigade America, threatened daily with a taking control of the Alliance. Each new trial, each firing commander. functioned as similar fate and placed before the the Stalinists started a campaign Guardia a demonstration was Before the election of LAsquad, shook my conscience more Consul General in Persia from tragic dilemma: go back to certain of suspension and expulsion of held at City Hall which had all tion to know how these trials 1923 to 1925. have belonged death, or, renouncing seeing their militants who dared offer any head appearance of a funeral were staged, and to realize that Commissariat of Foreign Trade of the agents of the Secret Police First, Clarence Roth was expel was food and rent must come of their leadership. march. The main slogan raised innocent persons were perishing. and was, from 1929 to 1931, di abroad, of those agents who quite led on trumped up charges. Then down.
Both of the former Soviet ofrector general of Imports in recently still shadowed my every militants like Sol Berkowitz and tants who shouted down with the Some progressive milt ficials have been members of the Communist Party of Russia vir France and Italy, official agent step.
Weinberg were suspended for sales tax were nearly beaten up tually since the Revolution, and of the USSR in Belgium in 1932. To remain in the service of daring to criticize the leaders. by the Stalinists, took this public step only because, delegation in Poland in 1938, pre been to doom myself to the worst George Aranoff and Ida Lipping should be done to embarass of the governmental Stalin government would have Finally, leading workers such as On WPA the line was that nothin Krivitsky words, believe it sident of the central export trust demoralization and to assume my were expelled. Hoodlums were Roosevelt. Thousands of dollars is my duty bring all these to the knowledge of the interna: ducts in 1934 35. Such were, in crimes committed every day a control to take them over and, Washington which was held after of automobile and aviation pro share of the responsibility for the sent into locals not under Stalinist were raised for a march to tional workers organizations. brief, my posts before my appoint gainst the people of my country. tailing that, to disrupt them. Congress adjourned. The campaign Barmine and Krivitsky have made Whatever my It would have been to betray the other locals were packed with against the lay offs inaugurated public the fact that their foot ment to Greece.
steps have been dogged by functions, have thought only of cause of socialism to which have ommunist party members.
by the Stalinist leadership consistagents since their break with wholeheartedly serving the inte devoted my entire life. am obeying my conscience in ed of phoney job marches, Stalinism, but that they are de rests of my country and of socialRelief Officials Take ism.
termined to rehabilitate the imbreaking with this government. post card campaigns to the Presi, recent Moscow trials am fully aware of the danger to Advantage and Congressmen, and prisoned and executed Russian Alled me with stupor and horror. which expose myself in acting marches to the Chamber of Comrevolutionists in the eyes to In the meanwhile the Emer. merce, the net result being that public opinion regardless of the cept the execution of the old lead death warrant and expose myself gency Relief Bureau started the government laid off from Ignace Reiss, former agent of ers of the revolution, despite the to the blows of paid killers. This cracking down on the unemploy. WPA their desired quota anyway.
the who took a similar confessions they lavishly made, consideration could not modify ined and putting the Alliance in Vow with further WPA dismisconfessions which only added to any way my line of conduct. its place. New rules were put sals in view, the Stalinists have step several months ago in deinto force. First, clients were se brought in no concrete plan on nouncing the Moscow frame ups, my disquiet while prolonging my last illusions.
Obeys Conscience parated from delegates; the how to fight this. Nothing must was murdered by assasStalinist leadership yielded at be done to embarass the two ains in Switzerland a few weeks Illusions Ended have sent my resignation to once. Then the size of the griest white hopes of the People ago. Remembering the fate of the Commissariat of Foreign Af ance committee from each local Front, Roosevelt and LaGuardia.
Reiss, Barmine has written in his My profound attachment to fairs at Moscow and, renouncing was cut down to five; on this statement: know the danger the working class and to the So the benefits of diplomatic immun the Stalinists yielded again. Then incur, but am obeying my iet people, my difficulty in believ ity, am today only a political the Bureaus ruled that only one Progressives Organize conscience in breaking with this ing in the possibility of crimes refugee who place himself under representative from a local could government. group of progressive milion the part of its leaders, led the protection of the laws and present grievances; and once tants, early seeing the trend that me at first, in all sincerity to do opinion of the country which more the Stalinists yielded. Fi the Alliance was taking, started Stalin Crisis Seen violence to myself and resign gives him hospitality. have nally the Bureaus ruled that the laying the groundwork for the Reiss, Barmine. Krivitsky myself to the facts. hoped, in obeyed my conscience, sure in this Alliance could come in with formation of a progressive group a week, around the general slogans of a they are only the first! The Stalin. making this effort, to serve still way of having been more faith grievances only twice Lint cannot forever keep further the cause of Socialism. ful than ever to the ideas which Mondays and Fridays, irrespect democratic organization a miliold revolutionists terrorized into But the events of recent months have served all my life. May my choice help clarify ive of whether the case was an tant fighting program, against silence! The crack is widening on convalescence leaves have left opinion on a regime which denies emergency or not. Through the the government administration and foreshadows the final crisis accumulated red tape it now responsible for WPA dismissals in the Bonapartist regime of theme o further illusions. Startling in fact all Socialism, all humani takes at least three weeks before and the cutting relief standcounter revolutionary bureaucotrials prepared the wholesale ex ty. With my salutations, a relief applicant can get on re ards; against the disruption of racy that is undermining all the termination of the cadres of the lief; one week before an appoint the locals by Stalinists, against Communist Party of Alexander Barmine (Graff. conquests of the proletarian re e. of militants USSR, ment is made, one week before the the anti union signs put up by who led the Dec. 1, 1937.
volution in Russia.
Herewith we investigator calls, one week be Mayor LaGuardia in the bureaus.
reproduce the The Socialist Appeal is fortu struggle in illegality, made the the civil letter sent by Walter Krivitsky course, saves the city hundreds of to any organization or pay any fore the check is issued. This, of. It is not necessary to belong nately able to print below the war, assured the victory of the to the French authorities, re thousands of dollars.
statement made by the couragemoney to anyone ous Russian officials. The first first Workers State. covered to questing the right of asylum.
only recently The Stalinists continued to lief is one of Mayor LaGuardia one, by Alexander Barmine, is day with slime and handed over Krivitsky was addressed the French Com me then that a reactionary dick vernment with a special mission after victory, and if they deceivto the executioner. It seemed to entrusted by the Stalinist go claim they were winning victory Fordisms in every bureau. The Progressive Group now mittee of Inquiry into the Moscow tatorship had installed itself in abroad, but had been previously ed. the rank and file, they did numbers approximately 200 Trials, with a copy sent to the Central Committee of the League my country. for the Rights of Man in France: saw disappear into prison Red Flag and given a sword of Guardia or the relief administra locals of the Alliance. The group Having just left the service perhaps executed or suppressed honor. His letter to the French tion who cinched their advances has received considerable support of the government of the USSR. my chiefs and companions, all Minister of the Interior follows: with the plan to set up a central from the rank and file formerly complaint bureau for each bo under Stalinist leadership. consider it my duty to bring to old Bolsheviks: the former am The undersigned bassador and People CommisSamuel your attention following facts and to raise an indignant protest sar of Foreign Affairs Krestins Ginsburg, bearing in the USSR was convinced that my work my wife nor my child. have to you, in the name of humanity ky; the chairman of the Society as a Soviet citizen the name of served the supreme interests of often risked my life for my chase and the rights of man, against for Cultural Relations Abroad Walter Krivitsky, and the politie my workers fatherland and that But do not want to die forume the crimes which are becoming Arrosev, former vice Commissar al pseudonym Walter, born June it was too important to be aban thing.
my personal Aware of Danger more extensive every day. and Ankara ambassador Karak 28, 1899 at Podwoloczyska (Po doned whatever First secretary of the Lega han, said to be shot; Ambassador land) has been a member of the opinions. The most recent poliCPSU since 1919.
tical events in the USSR com feel in solidarity with all tion of the USSR at Athens since Yrunev, former commissar genepletely changed this situation. the militant workers of the US December, 1935, then Charge ral of the Red Army in 1918 19; Twice Decorated Faced by the physical suppres SR, with the tens of thousands Affaires of the USSR at Athens Elivia, vice commissar of Foreign sion of all the old militants and of imprisoned, deported, murderbeginning in March, 1937, have Trade whose collaborator had passed 19 years in the service of the honor to be; my friends and the service of the Communist selves from the beginning From 1919 to 1937 was in all who, like myself, placed themed, executed by the present rulthe ers of a regime which they the Soviet Government, have be comrades (with whom struggl. Party and the Soviet State, en disposal of the Soviets, under brought to power. In remaining longed for 19 years to the Russian ed and worked at different times trusted with missions of a politic stood that could not continue abroad, hope to have the posCommunist Party, and fought for during the last 20 years. Zu jal military and economic nature. to work with the Soviet Govern sibility of rehabilitating the methe Soviet regime and devoted all kerman and Fechner, directors at loyally and with absolute devo ment.
mory of these militants of the my strength to the Workers the Foreign Affairs Commissariat tion fulfilled these missions, con Faced with the choice of fol working class, treated as spies State.
in Moscow; the Soviet ministers vinced that was best serving lowing all my old comrades to and agents of the Gestapo. It is Asmus (Helsingfors. Podolsky my cause. My efforts were re death, or of trying to save my also for them that ask you to Is Old Revolutionist (Kaunas. Ostrovsky, friend and cognized many times. The State life and those of my near ones, protect me, me and mine, to protege of Voroshilov (Bucha and the Party testified to their decided not to hand myself over authorize me to remain in France volunteered for the Red rest. Generals Guekker, Schmidt confidence in me. was named silently to the Stalinist terror until will be able to go to anArmy in 1919, was named six and Savitsky, heroes of the civil to important posts and was twice which has nothing in common other country to earn my living months later political commissar war and comrades of the Military decorated.
with the cause which is inine. for me and mine in full independ. battalion and then of a re Academy; finally the ambas For several years, however, know that a price has been dence and security.
giment. For having distinguished sadors Davtian, Karsky, Bogomo have followed with anxiety the placed on my life. Assassination (Sgd) Samuel Ginsburg myself under fire, subsequently lov, Rosenberg, Brodovsky, whom policy of my government. But dogs me and will spare neither (Krivitsky get on re