CommunismFranceJohn DeweyMoscow TrialsRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSS

Published Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing Branches.
Vol. No. 18.
401 Saturday, December 11, 1937 Cents per Copy SOCIALIST APPEAL Soviet Diplomats ExposeFrame Ups.
Corcoran Slain But Minneapolis is Not Moscow! Save Those Yet byLabor Foes Alive Is Plca Says Cannon To World Labor TROTSKYISM Party.
system is cracking. No one knows yet who The say that prevented the Russian revolutionists killed Pat Corcoran, but xhenever from speaking out and tellgood militant tabor leader like Pat is killing the truth about Stalin hideous purges, is being torn ed it must be laid at the off!
door of the enemies of la. The sensational, tremendbor, James Cannon, ediously significant report tor of the Socialist Appeal.
comes from Europe that two stated at a large mass meetprominent ofticials of the ing last night, at the 7th St.
Soviets, communists of long Hall sponsored by the Minstanding, have broken neapolis Socialist through Vincent Dunne, State Orthe bureaucratic ganizer of the Party, presCORCORAN conspiracy of silence.
MURDER Denounce Frame Ups (Continued on page 3)
One right on the heels of the other Alexander Barming, Developments of Charge Affaires of the Soviet Union in Greece, and Walter The Week In Tne Krivitsky, former Dirextor of the War Industries Institute, have resigned from Stalin srvice, Corcoran Case taken refuge in France, and written statements denouncing the Coroner inquest sessions Stalinist frame ups. They make ran five days, examining many perfectly clear what the Appeal witnesses, developing many leads has been saying from the beginfor continued search for the murning, namely, that Stalin is inurderers of Pat Corcoran, dering and imprisoning innocent County Attorney Goff speedpeople as part of his drive to ed up investigation, to provide smash the Russian Revolution.
new material and witnesses Following the statement by when coroner inquest re opens Barmine, which created a senseon December 22.
tion, Krivitsky declared in a letter Minneapolis Board of Union to the Permanent Administrative Business Agents meeting roted Conimittee of the Socialist Party, to recommend that the Central the Central Committee of the Labor a huge moeting behind the homt assassins and to protect labor from boas During these last years, preos and Stalinist slanders.
have followed the Soviet vern4. Threats against Corcoran ment policy with anxiety. Howand other drivers leaders, made NEW YORK. Concluding eight Chamberlain, noted literary critic his personal comments on the ever, subordinate my easiby enemies of labor, were record months of intensive investigation, and author, Benjamin Stolberg, Commission work and findings. ness to the defense of the Soviet ed by inquest witnesses. the Commission of Inquiry into labor journalist, Carlo Tresca, Dr. Dewey will also read a te Union interests. This consid5. total of eleven of the charges made against Leon labor leader and editor of 11 legram from Leon Trotsky which ered the legitimate thing to do, officials testified that their Trotsky at the Moscow Trials, Martello and Wendelin Thomas, will be Trotsky first comment knowing that my work served it names had been fraudulently used headed by Professor John Dewey, former Deputy in the German on the findings the Commis and was therefore necessary to by the Stalinists on a volunteer internationally known educator, Reichstag. Another speaker will sion.
the cause of socialism.
committee leaflet attacking the will report its findings to a mass be John Finerty, counsel to the honor of the Minneapolis labor meeting to be held on Sunday, Commission, who is noted for This program can be heard on But the course of events conthe following stations: vinced me that the policy of the movement.
December 12th, at the Hotel having reopened the Mooney case.
WABC Stalin Government enters more George Cole, Regional Direc Center, at P. 31.
tor of the cio, under questionand more into opposition not only The speakers at the meeting, BOSTON WEEI with the interests of the Soviet Ing at the inquest, repudiated in addition to Professor Dewey, At 6:35 Eastern Standard Time, CHICAGO WBBM Union, but with those of the workAl responsibikity and knowledge will be a number of his colleagues Monday, December 13, 1937, Dr.
SAN FRANCISCO KSSO ing class movement in general of the slanderous CIO Indus on the Commission, including Su John Dewey will broadcast over Like Barmine, Krivitsky exown trial Unionist paper issued by zanne LaFollette, former editor, the nationwide network of the or local Columbia the Stalinista Manoeth and Smith. of the Net Freeman John Columbia Brondonating System Broadcasting System station. Continued on page 2)
me eeling o Hear Verdict u Venthe General Confederation et Meeting To Commission; Chairman In Broadcast pour