Andrés NinCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninMoscow TrialsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL December 4, 1937 Are You Ready for War?
Progressives Win in Akron CIO Council Left Jabs 1936; policy: Col.
Stimson, Hoover leadA Discussion on Imperialist War, Past and Present, on the Presidential Wilmer Tate, ex CLU Chairman, Is Chosen Peace Lovers and How They Prepare the Minds of the Masses in As New President Support of a New World Wide War for Plunder and Exploitation.
AKRON, Ohio. Progressive Stalin Stages forces in the labor movement an Election The Second Principle of the War but in a war against the fascists would join here won a decisive victory re President Kalinin speaking on Makers the armies of the United States. Boston Herald, cently when their slate of cand the Soviet elections said, But if Oct. 1, 1937. dates for offices in the CIO in our country, in a number of The second principle of the war makers is to Just as clear were the replies of Dave Grant dustrial union council was elected places, candidates withdraw their split the working class opposition to war, winning who testified as the representative of the L: labor leader, was chosen president candidate, it is a result of their Wilmer Taté, well known Akron names for the benefit of some over sections of the workers. No army ever goles.
Sen. Burke: Do you believe in teaching boys of the council. He had been oust social kinship and common poliinto battle against the foe in front when its rear they shouldn connected with the National ed as president of the of tical purpose. Of course, of is threatened by another army. And no capitalist Defence of the country?
Central Labor Union by direct course, but isn it just possible government goes to war against the foreign foe Grant: have never said anything of the orders of William Green because that the rattle of the firing when its rear (at home) is menaced by a hostile sort. don believe it.
Tate strongly advocated indus squads was a contributing facworking class. It must first assure the support Burke: Do you believe in doing away with trial unionism and condemned tor?
of the workers. To split the working class opposithe National Guard, the CMTC, the ROTC and publically the splitting policies tion to war is a life and death question for it.
turning any war into civil war according to of the of executive Back to 76!
The greatest deterrent to imperialist war, therethe resolution of the 8th Congress of the CP?
Among the many persistent Grant: No.
The vice president of the council rumors of fore, is the threat by the workers that the outpatched up peace Burke: Do you support the resolution of is Charles Collins, president of in Spain the most amazing was break of war menns class struggle, strikes, internel disturbances, the threat of revolution bethe 8th Congress of the Communist Party General Local, URWA. He is the one that proposed a Monarhind the lines threat expresed not alone in words calling for the abolition of the ROTC? recognized as the most militantchy under the Constitution of bat mainly in daily class struggle now against and progressive rubber workers 1876. That this proposal can be Grant: No.
Burke: The resolution calling for the aboliunion president in this area.
the government. This is how to postpone the war seriously put forward is indien.
The post of corresponding tive the success of the Peotion of the National Guard and the CMTC?
which is inevitable as long as world capitalism Grant: secretary won by Redmond ple Front Government and its lasts.
Burke: Do you believe in defending your Greer, Goodrich Local. He had Stalinist hatchet men in destroyAnd conversely, when the workers organizabeen floor leader of the progressing the Revolution.
tions announce voluntarily, in advance, that they country in case of war, would you fight?
Grant: Yes!
are behind the government war policy, or that the past two years. Financial Seeing Things Groves: Do you know what the Oxford in any event they will support war when it comes secretary elected was Cal The Socialist Call reports that is a greater encouragement to the outbreak Pledge is. houn, of the Bus drivers union, Zam speaking to the tattered of war than all the Hearst editorials and big navy Grant: Yes!
and recording secretary is Ann remnants in Reading, see a propaganda put together. It is the green light Groves: Do you know the Young CommunTahensky, of the CIO office work particularly bright future for the ers union.
Party. Boy, that optimism which signals to Engineer Roosevelt of the war ists support the Pledge which urges students machine: The way is clear. Full speed ahead. to refuse to support the government in war. The temporary officers who had for you. The brightness of the Grant: No, we don been chosen with the approval of future pictured by Zam officially Jumping on the Bandwagon for War Groves: Do members of the YCL take the the leadership of the internation is only surpassed by the gloomy pledge in the American Student Union?
al officers of the United Rubber darkness of his internal docuAnd Roosevelt opened up the throttle in ChiWorkers did not run against the ments.
engo on October 5: Quarantine the aggressorGrant: No, they don progressive slate since defeat The Murder of organize the peace loving democratic nations Holmes: Do you differentiate, as did your was impending.
leader Lenin, between imperialist democracy against the aggressors against Japan. All the Andres Nin!
forces of American imperialism hitched themselves and soviet democracy as quoted by another Anyone wishing to see the member of the Commission. Frisco WPA Workers squirmings of behind him and loudly applauded his poisonous ret Knox, Landon running mate in Grant. No, we don differentiate.
Ishould read George Soria ar(Concluded in next issue)
Face Mass Dismissals ticle in the Daily Worker attempof State; Sen. Borah, ting to explain away the Stalining Republica and (hitherto) isolationist; the SAN FRANCISCO. More than ist murder of Nin. The frame up Herald Tribune, organ of reactionary Re WHO KILLED PATRICK 300 WPA workers employed in rtists are getting panicky. Soria publicanism; these Republicans found no difficulty CORCORAN, AND WHY?
the Area Statistical and Research attempt will convince nobody agreeing with the unanimous chorus of approval as the Office here are faced with im. outside the circle of 20th Century that (Continued from page 4)
rose from the Democratic ranks. It is interBut with all that, in my opinion, they haven Morons.
esting to note also the favorable reaction of Fasannouncement made by WPA Research oist Austria and Poland and of the reactionary got enough in Minneapolis. Their intended vict Director Emerson Unity in the National Government of England. tims are too closely integrated in the labor move Ross. This slash into the work Opium Trade!
ment here. It is too clear that the frame up gang, relief program is in line with the The labor agents of imperialism also Unity between Catholics and came in striking at the hated Trotskyites, the Dunne nation wide economy drive now through. William Green of the American Federa brothers. are trying to smear and discredit the being conducted by the Roosevelt Communists is necessary, is pos.
tion of Labor backed Roosevelt in an enthusiastic great trade union movement they represent. The Administration.
sible, is on the way to accomplishment. Thorez, French Staspeech. And there is no doubt of John Lewis labor movement of Minneapolis is on guard Ross announcement, which linist leader as quoted in the on the question. These rivals on the trade the The elementary class interest declared that the research office Daily Worker. With the dictum union field, the one conservative, the other pro of the national labor movement as well would be discontinued, came on of Saint Paul the Pope Enimperialism. And not to be left out of this peo evidence, the circumstances, the motivation the out the Aree offices in New York, Olutionists for practice, we can gressive. both unite on the basis of American as of nis ngainst theme mehe vention for action had already been taken in for theory and the murder of revple Front of American imperialism, the Com. the murder of Pat Corcoran are all against them. Philadelphia and Chicago.
munist Party rushed to join the bandwagon, en But, above all, against them stands the record of see a real basis for unity. Cerdorsing Very weak resistance is being tainly, no questions of principle Party and Young Communist League (the Stalin character assassination, of corruption which has rica, But the war position of the Communist and terrible record of trame up, of murder, or receimat top hentes obey the divide them.
ists) may be seen most clearly in its latest ext revolted the conscience of the world and warned pledged not to strike. Delegates a CIO affiliate which is Ludendorff and Hitler!
inquiry by the Massachusetts Legislative Com enlightened workers everywhere to be on guard. are being sent to Washington a period of antagonism, again mittee investigating subversive propaganda.
The frame up gang has to operate in the full light on the famous merry go round, ported to be near death. Turn The Communists Pledge Allegiance of publicity here. The attempt to stage a Min and protests. are being sent about being fair play, let hope Queried by the Committee with regard to his become, instead, a trial of the Stalinist frame up That the workers involved want it that Hitler rejoins the Genpatriotism, Earl Browder, leader of the re Igang, and will result in their exposure and their action is to be seen in the fact eral at an early date.
plied clearly and vigorously. In 1917 tried to conviction before the public opinion of the work that joint committees of union and non union workers have The Great Democrat.
prevent war and went to prison, said Browder, ing class!
been set up to campaign for con That hoary old wagcutting tinuation of the projects. These slogan Lower wages and steady drive for subscriptions and con non union workers will support work. trotted out by oor tributions. The subscription total a joint committee while refusing great democratic president in will be a good barometer of the to join a union that has already his housing proposal. Labor growth of our party.
tied its own hands.
candidate is certainly handing Over three months have elaps. its period of growing pains. But out labor reward!
ed since the new Appeal appear it has come to the point where Socialist Appeal ed on the revolutionary horizon. the pains must be eliminated and THE NEW INTERNATIONAL 116 University Place At times that horizon has seem our income stabilized.
New York City The first number of the reed dark 80 dark that we found it Through this column in the vived NEW INTERNATIONAL necessary to resort to an emerg near future, unless there is rel enclose.
magazine is now on the press ency appeal to prevent suspert sponse from the lagging locals. for which please send me the and can be obtained in another sion of publication. At other we shall report the progressor Socialist Appeal. One year. 00. Six Months day or two.
times, when locals like Minnea lack of progress being made in. 00. The Subscription rate is 00 polis came through in the nick various sections of the country, enclose.
as my contribution toward per year. Bundle Rates are 14 of time and contributions. came We shall report the failure of cents per copy in bundles of five.
in from unexpected sources, the some locals to pay for bundle orbuilding the Socialist Appeal.
or more. Canadian and Foreign horizon brightened.
ders. There is no reason why Name Rates: Subscriptions: 50 per The fluctuating financial con one or two locals should bear the year: Bundle rate: 16 cents per dition of the Socialist Appeal is burden of financing the Appeal.
Address copy.
not an unusual one. Without ex From now until the convention THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ception, every organ of a revolu of the Socialist Party (Left City 116, UNIVERSITY PLACE, tionary party in the past has had Wing) let us make a concerted NEW YORK, against attitude tions. Growing Pains Date