BolshevismCommunismDewey CommissionGermanyJohn DeweyMoscow TrialsSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotsky

SOCIALIST APPEAL December 4, 1937 Lay Offs And Rising Cost Of Living be som sia. 37 18 50 Many ar INTERNATIONAL NOTES Economic Crisis Grows With More Soviet Election to Be Uncontested. List of Candidates Reveals New Social Composition of Ruling Stratum. Continued from page 1) tions. index has gone up 42 per cent.
The United States Iron and The index shows that the price of 1929, By John Wright crash. Seventy so called Steel Institute estimated on eggs has increased 90 per cent representative industrial issues November 22 that steel ingot pro in this period. The cost of meat With the official registration of candidates elected to run for avea down 100 points from the duction was at 33 per cent of is up 70 per cent.
Cereal and the Supreme Soviet, Stalin has stripped his plebiscite of all the 1929 high, after having recorded bakery products, at retail, are ornaments and pretences that have hitherto adorned it. In the first recovery of 30 points in 1937. capacity.
The Iron Age of the same date 36. per cent higher. Fruits and place, the elections will be uncontested. That is to say in 99 of according to the New York pointed out. that the automo vegetables have increased per 93 91 Herald Tribune stock the electoral districts, if not in all of them, only one candidate will chart of November 22. Leading industry hopes had been pinned up 17. per cent.
market bile industry upon which the steel cent and sugar and sweets are run. In his graciously worded dispatch to the Times, Denny railroad stocks have shown simil for many weeks is not only taking With prices still rising, the pubventures to guess that in a few isolated instances, more than one ar losses, less steel but its December pro lic debt mounting, unemployment candidate may perhaps appear on the ballot. That still remains to (8) Construction contracts have duction schedules have been re growing and Big Business deThus far, there has not been any official notice of a decreased in thirty seven States vised downward to an extent that manding a reduction on the proFrom the data already in October as compared with the promises little aid for the mills fits and oth Kvalitete, he potisibility of suche elections being hela is reduced to corresponding moment de 1936. ale promis taxes, the governorders should be placed ment has taken preliminary steps dozen or a districts still to be heard from. breakdown of the candidates already registered, and in effect, index, and cotton sales slumped sometime next month for January for further devaluation of the already elected. reveals that among them there is not single more than 100, 000 bales in one shipment. This blunt announce doliar, if necessary. The conse ment foretells layoffs for thous quence would be still higher rank and Ake werker or peasant. The candidates have been hand month.
picked exclusively from among the ruling tops in the party land banks have reported a halt in the States, in addition to the 200, 000 ing standard. 9) All the large commercial in the East and Middle Western another blow to the workers livands in the steel and auto plants prices, a slash in real wages and government and from among the new aristocracy of Stakha demand for business expansion already dropped from the paynovislx and well to do kõikhozniki, and the Stalinist intelligent loans. Instead of extending credits rolls.
Cn November 22, the the banks, to build up earnings Treasury reported monetary gold Breakdown of Candidates List assets, are purchasing Federal Ingot production has dropped stocks of 12, 789, 000, 000 as comsecurities. This the procedure from 4, 543, 246 tons in October, pared with 11, 127, 000, 000, for 1) Party and government functionaries 138. 41 followed by these institutions 1936, to 3, 392, 691 tons for the the same date last year, indicat21 Army, Navy, Air Corps officers 11 during the entire period of the same month this year. Shipments ing the government inclination 3) last crisis.
of the United States Steel Corp. Ito amass the metal as fore1) Stakhanovists etc 15 (10) The National public debt, have been cut from 1, 007, 41. runner to possible devaluation of 5) Kolkhoz aristocracy 55. 16 totaling more than 37 billion dol tons in October, 1936, to 792, 310 the currency.
G) Intellectuals 21 Insistence by Wall Street upon lars is 20 billions higher than in in October last. And now a glance in the country the special session of Congress 1932 and the government is in at conditions Total 96 319 for a slash in taxes on corporacreasing its monetary gold stocks, light industry.
The remaining 12 candidates are miscellaneous e. they may apparently in anticipation of intion profits has quickly borne reCost of Living Rises sults. In his message to Congress, be assigned to any one of the last four groups. It goes without say flation measures.
Roosevelt made it plain that going that a few among those listed in groups 4, 5, and may be party (11) Always ready to make the According to the cost of living Ivernment projects and home relief menhors. But these figures constitute incontestable proof that the workers pay, the powerful indus, index of the National Industrial funds would be cut drastically non auty Bolsheviks compose in point of number a bloc as lurge trial corporations have launched Conference Board, all items en and that the jobless and their as that of the arty Bolsheviks. with the and the mili new drives to cut wages, increase tering into the cost of living have families would be thrown upon tary functionaries holding the majority in a bloc with either one hours and of these two groups an item which may prove of decisive signin unions. As a result, strikes have of 71. in April, 1933 to 89. 5, an the mercies of local charities and multiplied and militant trade increase of 18 points or 25 per private business.
cance in future developments. In our previous comments we had unions are fighting with their cent. In this index the 1923 costs Big Business Reassured forecasted thal the mechanics of the election would reveal Stalin backs to the wall before the sa are used as a base of reference.
plan to shift his base from his previous supporters in the old bureau vage unslaughts of Big Business. The cost of living index has Senate Democratic Leader cracy to a new hase. In the above data, we observe the concrete (12) Department of Commerce five component parts, namely, Barkley announced on November realizatif this plan. It is further to be borne in mind that Stalin figures show a slump in exports food, housing, clothes, fuel and 24 that we will pass a tax rehas in addition renovated thoroughly his old Bolshevik base. to China, Japan, Spain and other light, and sundries.
vision bill before corporations the party candidates appear in the lists with a signi countries.
The cost of fuel and light has have to file their returns ficant notation that this or that candidate is fulfilling the duties of thin or that party or Soviet functionary, e. the original incum reflecting the seriousness of the gone up about per cent in the March 15. This statement carried da substitute appointed at the very last situation. does not, of course next smallest increase has been ment intended to raise its revemoment without even the formalities having been observed. tell the whole story.
in sundries, a rise of per cent. nues by means that would be Fear Boycott of Elections Repetition of 1929 In this period the cost of ſatisfactory to Finance Capital Om should imagine that with a set up such as Stalin has clothing in the family budget has neans that, inevitably, would be In 1932 the Democrats blamed jumped 30 per cent.
engineered, there is nothing for him to worry about. Yet the press the economic cataclysm, which largest increase of the interests The next against the continues to be filled with alarm signals that the class enemy brought distress to one third of living subdivisions in the cost of masses of the people.
While thus has been in reassuring Big will attempt to disrupt the elections, and do dirt. Says Pravda: the nation population, upon the rent. It is impermissible to forget that the good nature and dopiness of Hoover administration and Frank April, 1933, to October, 1937, the ration still seeks to hold the con Taking the period from Business, the Roosevelt Adminisseveral party and Soviet organizations is being utilized by enemy lin Roosevelt, then governor, cost of housing has gone up 40 fidence of misled workers and elements who are attempting and will continue to attempt in every promised a New Deal for the per cent.
farmers. Accordingly, Roosevelt way inaginable to do us dirt in the election campaign. Nov. 15. forgotten man. Now, after This em matic language covers up the mortal fear of the ruling four years of the New Deal. in the essentials of tife has been Deal program, which boasts: Most striking of the increases has drafted a renovated New clique of a boycott of the elections. According to the provisions of America workers and farmers in food. At the high point for the Wages and Hours Bill and a crop control plan.
in now district to be elected. Should the voters stay away from most repetition of the bitter May, 1937, the cost of food in enacted into law, will be used as The Wages and Hours Bill, if the matts, or should they pursue the less dangerous course of going days of 1929 33.
The forgotten creased 42. per cent.
to the polls, and seratching the lone delegate, a very compromis man has been forgotten with a ing situation would ensue. Pencils are no longer necessary in Sta vengeance.
The index of the Department a bludgeon over the workers. even Tin elcction. But every man with a pencil is a potential threat: very dull reading they are, never under the Roosevelt Administration to slash wages and inaugurMindful that statistics make of Labor throws more light on Bosses may utilize the spread100 of the votes, and much more directly in the speeches of the study of economic conditions and tion, with, by no means, a propor late the new speed up methods.
dignitaries themselves. Thus Kossarev a member of the Central Elec since activity. in heavy tindustry tionate rise in wages. The law may culminate into toral Committee, recently issued an appeal to the youth regarding serves as a barometer for judging Higher Prices Coming another share the misery prop their role in the elections. He stressed their duty to expose and trade gains or sluggishness, it is agitate against the enerris elements, and he indicated three infal vital to make at least a brief Fron March 15, 933 until Oct. Walter Teagle of Standard elements hostile to the Soviet system, and the Communist e signs whereby any dutiful youth could immediately discover survey of that sphere of opera 112, 1937, the department food oil during the early days of the last crisis.
We fist them, as given by Koszarev. 1) Those who atte The Truth About The Moscow Trials!
As to the crop control prothe populace out of active participation in the elections gram, it is sheer insanity. Cotton (i. e. tim advocates of boycott. 2) those who attemp for IS TROTSKY INNOCENT OR GUILTY? and grain products would be curward their hostile candidates. 3) those who spread antitailed or plantations levelled.
Hear the Soviet anecdotes and generally carry on hostile agitation. Where?
Crops would be destroyed at a Sarnetimes says Kossere cautiously, even at political meetings.
FINAL REPORT time when millions face hunger but as rule, be continues in stores, baths, barber shops, street and, many, utter starvation.
of the Commission of Inquiry into the Charges made While some farmers, especially cars, toyers of movie hores, bazars and houses of prayer.
Diplomats in Grip of Purge against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow trials.
those owning their own farms would benefit by the government With the latest purge of the Soviet consulate in China, the SPEAKERS: aid and a slight increase in the list of foreign offices thus far affected now includes: Germany, JOHN DEWEY price for raw material, the rePoland (Davtyan. Lithuania (Podolsky. Finland (Asmus. Latvia duced output would offer the big (Bredarsky. Esthonia (Ustinov he committed suicide) and Spain Suzanne La Follette John Chamberlain manufacturers a golden opportu(Antwov Ovseyenko. While the head of the English embassy, Benjamin Stolberg Wendelin Thomas nity to skyrocket prices and swell Maisky is still intact, his staff has been riddled. Shuster, one Carlo Tresca John Finerty profits at the expense of the conof the embassy secretaries is being held in Russia. The naval Sunday, December 12th, 8:00 It is patent that the flimsy attache, Antipo Chikunsky; the military attaches Sirkov, and at the HOTEL CENTER 108 West 43rd Street Ivan Gaerny have been recalled. Sirkov and Cherny were appointpatch work legislation proposed by the administration will neither ed in Putna place. The arrest of Yureney, one of Litvinov most Tickets 50c Reserved (Box) Seats 25c Gen. Adm. solve the new crisis nor make intimate friends raises of course the question of Litvinov imeasier a severe winter for the napengine dernise. persistent rumor is circulating in the European American Committee for the Defense of tion toilers.
prets that a Moscow trial of ambassadors is now in preparation.
It is said that Yurenev, Karsky, Krestinsky and Antonov Ovseyenko 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City Of Leon Trotsky (Wall Street view of the ecoALgonquin4 4950 Inomic situation will be dealt with have already confessed.
in a forthcoming article. on.
GWE sumers.