CommunismCommunist PartySocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers Movement

C. Faking of Signatures Hit by Mpls. Unionists Meeting of Business Agents Denounces Daily Worker Lies wonder they SOCIALIST APPEAL December 4, 1937The of unions, that is, the bona fide SOCIALIST APPEAL labor movement as far as this section of the Vol. No. 17. Saturday, Dec. 4, 1937 country is concerned, reacted militantly to the assassination of Corcoran. flood of statements, Published every week by the letters and telegrams poured into the office of the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN. Teamsters Joint Council and all struck the same Published at 116 University Place, note: sympathy and solidarity with the driver Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for unions, denunciation of the murder as a blow inmonths. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order spired by labor enemies, esteem for the martyr. cents per copy. Single copies cents.
MINNEAPOLIS. That agents of the Communist party atvirtual roster of the officials of the trade union tached the names of Minneapolis labor union officials to a leaflet, All checks and money orders should be made movement.
out to the Socialist Appeal.
The rank and file turned out ten without the knowledge or consent of the union officials listed, was thousand strong to honor the memory of the assas revealed at the Wednesday morning session of Coroner Seashore Entered as second class matter September 1, sinated leader. Grief and rage and the militant 1987 at the post office at New York, New York, inquest jury investigation.
will to carry on these were and remain the senunder the Act of March 3, 1879.
timents of the Minneapolis labor movement as testified that the vicious leaflet, issued by an anonymous volunteer One after another, officers of local unions took the stand and a whole, and of all that is honest, genuine and committee. had listed their names as of sponsors withWHO KILLED PATRICK decent in it.
out their ever having been approached for authorization.
CORCORAN, AND WHY? The Bosses and Their Press: Among those testifying to this were Lewis Benecke, carpenters. Continued from page 1)
Who killed Pat Corcoran and why? Well, at Herman Osland, carpenters; Hackett, electricians; Ray StelWager: the great truck strike of July 1934 was any rate, you can say the bosses didn shed any fens, sign writers; Peter Murck, sheet metal worker; Carl Hagland, settled on the basis of 422 cents per hour min tears about the killing. Ther or rather, their Building Trades Council; Desmond, floor layers local: imum and 524 cents maximum. Today the stand dirty tools killed Henry Ness and John Belor in Spitzenberger, cabinet makers; Johnson, carpenters; Ture ard scale for drivers in the Twin Cities is 70 cents the 1934 strike and another union man blood Hendrickson, cement workers.
per hour, with time and one half for over time, wouldn make their union record any blacker.
Beaten by the drivers in every test of strength and paid vacations!
These figures of membership and wages. cell since 1981, obliged to witness and pay for the the real story. Call it Trotskyism or what you consistent spread of unionism to other industries.
will with its ruthless militancy and it has cost the once arrogant bosses tens of mil order of the Communist Party innocent clubs pressure for more wages and better conditions, to various disguises and subterfuges on the lions of doliar: since 1934 and driven the once the black gang of the Citizens Alliance sought No to utilize the killing of Corcoran to cast discredit thiey holler blue murder and denounce the on the trade union movement.
They began to moan MINNEAUOLIS. More than 150 officials of the Minneapolis Minneapolis union system as a racket. But in and sigh about racketeers and gangsters. It truth cleaner, more democratic and more scrupul they displayed not the slightest interest in the labor movement assembled Monday night at the call of the Minously honest unions do not exist anywhere. That apprehension of the murderers, they were ready neapolis Board of Union Agents voted almost unanimously to adopt is no small part of the secret of their power and to join a movement to start an investigation of a resolution on the murder of Patrick Corcoran which is a slashof the unchallenged authority of the leadership. the trade unions, out of which might come who ing condemnation of the fake anti gangsterism meeting called Pat Corcoran: knows. purge of the movement and, per by the Stalinists and their stooges and an excoriation of the foul The martyred labor leader was a representative licenser also a neat frame up of its most authentic slander campaign conducted against the best elements of the Minof the old school of trade unionism who, like not neapolis labor movement by the Daily Worker.
a few others, adapted himself to the spirit and Here, like a troupe of actors getting the cues, The stinging blow at the pro emethod of the great organizing campaigns in the agentry of the the American con fessional liars of the American the Daily Worker published by augurated in 1984. and played a significant part tingent of the international frame up and murder organ, voted against by a the Communist Party have joinin their further development. In the bitter inter machine, otherwise known as the Communist par tiny minority of the union offi: ed in a campaign to smear and union struggle which followed the revocation of ts, and sometimes in Minneapolis as the sials led by the Stalinist Harold discredit the martyred Corcoran the charter of Local 574 in the summer of 1935. took a hand in the game.
and the trade union movement. WHEREAS, The brutal mur with the charge that his assasand lasting for one year, Corcoran, then head of der of Patrick Corcoran, Sec sination was caused by racketeethe Enter the milk drivets, stood on the side of the retary Treasure of the Team ring and gangsterism in the was bitterly and justly assailed Who killed Pat Corcoran and why? Well, you sters Joint Council, was a blow trade unions, and of Local 574 for his part in that can say one thing without fear of going wrong. at the labor movement of Minreactionary jurisdictional war. But it was Cor The gang was ready too ready! to neapolis obviously inspired by has been called for Wednesday. WHEREAS, a public meeting coran who initiated the peace negotiations which point the accusing finger at the unions repre the enemies of organized labor, December 1, at Eagles Hall, by led to the truce, then to the reinstatement of the sented by Corcoran and to his co workers in the and outlaw unicit. and to the union of forces which leadership.
They didn need ans an anonymous Volunteer com WHEREAS, The Teamsters they didn wait for any investigation.
As for Joint Council has offered 10, mittee under the announced sloborite in politics, a Catholic and a man with a led the past year and a half. Fariner Lissidence they have a ready formula employed with 100 reward for information lead gan, gangsterism in the Minneabackground of traditional, conservative unionism. such proficiency in Russia, Spain, Czechoslova ing to the arrest and conviction polis labor movement resulted in Pat Corcoran nevertheless made a real peace with kia, China and other places: frame it up! As for of the assassins, and the terrible Dunne brothers and other leaders investigation, they have already finished it be tect the labor movement and its THEREFORE BE IT REof Local 574 (now Local 544. found a common forehand and have the verdict ready.
line with them in union policy and in building up Nevertheless, Minneapolis is not Moscow. One tic murder campaign, the most chosen officers from a terroris SOLVED: The assembled official reprethe unions and making the bosses pay more wages. must proceed more cautiously and deviously here. relentless efforts must be made sentatives of the of un.
to the admirable personal collaThe adopted formula is: first smear the unions, to bring the assassins to deser ions of Minneapolis hereby call boration in the new set up after the peace. How slanders, and discredit the leaders, malign the ved punishment, and for the full concentration of all else account for the great gains. the expansion of dead man memoiry and then who knows? WHEREAS, Every attempt to efforts in an unrelenting camunion organization to St. Paul. Duluth and all something can be cooked up in the way of a legal attribute the murder of Corcoran paign to bring the murderers to to forces inside the labor move justice, strength of the expanding unions, the firm units. AND BE IT FURTHER REdiscipline and morale?
The Minneapolis no relation to the ment, and to besmirch the trade Pat, a stalwart figure, a distinctive human per ted out in the Communist party office to the ef inside labor rankos is responnational bobs up with a statement bat unions with the accusation that SOLVED. gangsterism and racketeering We condemn the mass meeting Bonality and a militant unionist, won the confi fect that labor gangsterism is behind the as sible for the murder, constitutes announced for Wednesday, Den dence and esteem of the rank and file. He was sassination. The daily pres elected Secretary Treasurer of the Teamsters tions grab that up it is right down their alley labor movement and its martyred no way representative of the at Joint Council of Minneapolis, and Chairman of the and turns attention and suspicion away from the officer, and shields the real mur titude of organized labor, as be.
North Central District Drivers Council. Denounced forces which killed Henry Ness and John Belor. derers and the dark forces being an aid to the mortal enemies habitually by the Stalinist wrecking crew as a The Daily Worker manufactures news about hind then, and of organized labor, and further Trotskyite, he made no denials or apologies. the rising popular indignation against gangsterevidence of an unscrupulous camHIT DAILY WORKER paign by irresponsible elements thousand workers turned out to his funeral, stop scient, omnipotent and omnipresent Dunne bro controlled by the employers, and movement of Minneapolis. WHEREAS, the daily press to discredit and split the labor ping all trucks for the occasion. That silent tes thers the Stalinist name for militancy, courage timony of the rank and file is a powerful answer and incorruptibility in the Minneapolis labor moveto the slanderers of Corcoran, to the blackguars ment.
who defame his memory.
The agentry are past masters at the Attitude of the La bor Movement: art of frame up and other dark and bloody devices, The labor movement of Minneapolis does not resources in this respect. At first glance it may follow the national pattern. The bona fide labor appear that they have a good set up here. They Friday, December 24th, at P. of onions, revitalized by the organizing lasercibe natural interest of the bosses to divert IRVING PLAZA campaigns of the recent years and generally pro at their hated enemies the leaders the teamgressive in their policies. The movement sters unions. They have church, social and civic 15th STREET AND IRVING PLACE here socalled outside the textile and clothing org unions, consists for the most part of Stalinist of the community and public to say nothing of leading persons Tickets: In Advance 55 cents At the door 75 cents paper organizations and split offs from progrespublic spirited persons sive of unions split offs crimes in general, to whom they are now appealing in public statements and circulars and who can alengineered by these buzzards of the labor move. ways be relied upon when an opportunity presents ment. The as national movement itself to stooge for the bosses and stab labor in For Sale at: Labor Book Shop, 28 East 12th St.
in the name of millions of organized the back. The Stalinists have money in unlimited workers, but in Minneapolis it is only the Charlie amounts, vast agencies for slanderous publicity, McCarthy of the Communist party, the stooge and a retinue of conscienceless scoundrels ready AUSPICES: Convention Arrangements Committee for its crooked maneuvers and the scapegoat for for any infamy. They have what is known here Socialist Party (Left Wing)
Its crimes. Continued on page 8)
of group and the leaders evidence and ran, All hands testir testify Christmas Eve Dance