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SOCIALIST APPEAL December 4, 1937 Organized Labor and the Corcoran Case Answers Slanders of Boss Press and in With Counter Attack Union Militants Meet To Map Campaign For Investigation to (Continued from page 1) The Stalinists lie, and they mies of labor to assassinate other 1sm in the Minneapolis labor move know they lie. Not a single labor leaders and blame it on ment which resulted in the murder of leader here has ever labor! The clumsy stupidity with But before which the Stalinists have moved, of Patrick Corcoran. Incre Corcoran body was even in the in their desperate determination ran was found murdered, the la of the authorities to the assasst few hours after Pat Corco. Dissatisfied with the reaction dible as it may seem, this is a earth, the Stalinists had run toto frame up Ateral quotation of the Stalinist Mayor Leach: not to demand a lead the Minneapolis labor move bor unions of Minneapolis launch nation, on Monday evening, Nov.
leaflet! Despairing of getting any search for Corcoran murders, ment is simply an indication that ed. a most vigorous campaign to 29, a special meeting of all of attention by further parading but to declare that Corcoran they rush to obey their get Pat murderers.
ficers and business agents of all under the name of the paper slaying was the work of gangs bosses at the crack of the whip, polis Teamsters Joint Council. will be held at the Pioneer Hall, The first action of the Minnea AFL local unions in Minneapolis office here, which they ters imported by the AFL and to without daring control, the Stalinists issued this all upon Le take the time stigate even to ake a good job it.
leaflet over the name of a Vo the gangster and lacketeering That servile obedience to their November 18, twelve hours after investigation will be reviewed and meeting on Thursday morning, where the present status of the lunteer Committee for driving elements in the Minneapolis la masters Corcoran death, was to post a plans laid to bring further presgangsterism from Minneapolis. bor movement.
the root many of cash the blunders of the reward of ten thousand sure to bear to intensify the Like the boss press propaganda, dollars for information leading search for the murderers.
The most notorious of all reits Stalinist echo serves to ex Labor Indignant at onerate in advance all enemies of actionary American papers, the to the arrest and conviction of In its issue of November 25, Tactics his slayers.
Chicago Tribune, seizes upon the the labor movement and to brand the Northwest Organizer, weekly Stalinist charge of racketeering The special edition of the North organ of the Teamsters Joint the labor movement as Pat CorWho is Mayor Leach! In a re in the labor movement to draw west Organizer, organ of the Council, reiterated its demand coran murders. Like the boss solution of the Minnesota the conclusion, in an editoria. teamsters council. which now has that a Special Investigator from ing a prominet leader of the trade erized as this ambitious Repub on November 27, that the un thousand, on November 18 called assigned to the Corcoran case. In mion movement and shielding lican faker and fascist minded principled racketeers in the labor upon the Farmer Laborite State calling for a Coroner Jury, the his assassins! The Stalinists are general, who is the agent of the movement who caused Corco Attorney General, Ervin, to ap Northwest Organizer said: Every giving a blank check to all ene trike breaking Citizens Alliance. ran death flourished because point immediately Special In agency which can throw additionmies of labor. If the Stalinist It is to this man and his police. Minnesota became the field of vestigator to be assigned to un al light on the cowardly and line prevails, any labor leader that the Stalinists run to clean radicalism. The Tribune concbrutal murder of Patrick Corkilled will not only be killed with gangsterism out of the Minnea ludes: impunity by labor enemies, but polis labor movement. While the Offer 10, 000 Reward coran must be made to function dishonored in death!
bona fide labor movement is de Reactionary Tribune In radio speeches delivered the be obtained. There must be no Bosses Utilize manding of all governmental Gloats same day, Miles Dunne and other delay. No possible agency must be agencies that they concentrate on Slander drivers officials, in announcing permitted to withhold its powers.
finding Pat Corcoran murder, The radical government of plans for the city wide cessation Labor demands an inquest The Minneapolis Star, less bold the stalinists provide the bosses Minnesota has set up the prinof work during the morning of Coroner Jury into Pat Cercoran In its anti labor moves than the vith a way to shield Pat murder disputes of employer and em: and the fascist minded general ciple that lawlessness used in Corcoran funeral, broadcast to murder.
other sheets here, found in the the country the offer of the ten Benson Asks Help Stalinist charges a heaven sent lers.
ployes is a proper method of thousand dollars reward.
Local trade unionists are re adjustment, and from that opportunity to stab labor unionism Daily since then, General DrivGovernor Benson, reacting to in the back. Concentrating its coiling with bitter indignation established principle it would ers Union Local 544, the Minnea the union pressure to draw the stories about the Corcoran murder against the attempt of the Stalin follow that in any dispute crime polis Teamsters Joint Council state Attorney General office around the Minneapolis Board of Union into the investigation, called upon the Stalinist frame up ists to link up alleged charges of racketeering in the gangsterism with the foul murder conclusive method of gaining Business Agents, and the Central the Federal Bureau of Criminal tinions, the Star puffs up the of Pat Corcoran, and their appeal success. Of course, other Labor Union, have demanded of Investigation for aid in the forms of lawlessness and vice. charges made by union leaders to Mayor Leach for a police asthe authorities that they activise search. After stalling for a few the labor movement. meaning the Stalinists as the sault including kidnapping, take en all possible agencies in the search days, Attorney General issue of most importance.
What the boss press is really Homer couragement from such condi for the assassins. Cummings announced that the As a result of labor rising after is revealed by the alleged tions, and Minnesota is a distressed state. Department of Justice would Spur Coroner to Act Indignation at the way in which acts, which the St. Paul Daily not enter case unless the Stalinists are joining the News lists under the slogan, The strike weapon, say these bosses in linking Corcoran to of these is. terrorism, not unionism. One Bourbons, leads to crime. ThereOn Tuesday, November 23, dence is produced that a federal angsterism in the unions, the The Daily News fore? The remedy proposed by Miles Dunne presented to the crime was committed. As it is Stalinists are trying now to get knows of dozens of cases where the Tribune on other occasions is County Coroner a resolution pass not a federal crime to assassinate out from under, by claiming that out of town truckers were stop outlaw strikes. The absurd lengthsed by the executive boards of progressive labor leaders, there Tribane goes would Local 544 and the Teamsters seems but a slight chance that demanding that the men will be brought into not the Stalinists, who first sug forced to return to the town from be laughable were it not for the Joint Council, the case.
tested the possibility that Corco which they had started. What protective collaboration provided Coroner Gilbert Seashore summon From day to day, the Minneatan murder was the result Inter union warfare.
District Drivers Council is con tion that Pat Corcoran death proceed with an inquest into polis police, according to the em In its only editorial so far onducting a unionization campaign. was caused by union gangsterim. Corcoran murder. The resolu ployer press, anticipate a break the Corcoran case, the Stalinist controlled labor paper in only ly hailed on the highways and Has International Source by the Board of Business Agents end of each day that they are urged to cease playing the game also, and as a result Seashore right back where the case started.
the state, Midwest Labor of of the bosses. This is the most Only a clear understanding of has announced that the jury will Whereas local authorities and Duluth, now tries to accuse the elementary, most traditional, and the international plight of the be called and the inquest gotten the boss papers are showing an of here of first intimat most fundamental method of Stalinists helps one understand under way, on Tuesday, Nov. 30. increasing disposition to drop ing that the murder was an out building unions. To stop this, as what mad desperation drives General Drivers Local 544 and the case and shunt it aside, the growth of friction between the the Daily News demands, would them to such moves. The Moscow the Joint Council continued press. progressive labor movement is AFL and CIO.
mean the end of the unions. And trials are universally discredited; ing the Attorney General to ap determined to press with the utthat is just what the capitalist their attempted Trotskyist frame point a Special Investigator, who most energy until the murderers press want. It is positively re ups in Spain have not materializ would have the confidence of or are discovered. The Teamsters Hunter College Bronx volting to read these attacks on ed; four agents seized ganized labor. On Tuesday a Joint Council, and General Driv.
the North Central District Driv red handed are soon to tried Council representative introduced ers Local 544 are determined to YPSL ers Council, brazenly linked up in Switzerland for the murder of a resolution to this effect before leave no stone uncovered until PARTY by the kept press to the murder Ignace Reiss; their attempt to the Board of Business Agents, the brutal and cowardly murder of Pat Corcoran, who was chair. frame up Grylewicz in Czecho which unanimously approved it. of the martyred union leader is at W. Burnside Ave. man of that Drivers Council! Slovakia as a Nazi agent was Finally, the state Attorney solved. Everything possible is December 11th Thus the prostitute press seeks quickly exposed; the whole Eu General, Ervin, granted an inter being done to make the coroner to make its own filthy capital ropean labor movement charges view to a delegation from Drivers inquest a serious investigating Refreshments. Entertainment out of the death of a union man. them with having kidnapped and Local 544.
body, to uncover new angles to the case.
Admission 20c Every worker in the labor move transported from Spain to Russia, ment must help to combat this Mark Rein, son of a leader of the Press For Special It is hoped and anticipated that poison by pointing out to his Socialist International.
Investigation the special meeting of all AFL shop mates, to his neighbors, to The police minds of the union officials and business agents Friday, Dec. 3rd all oppressed by the bosses, how can think of only one kind of so Pleading lack of funds, at the to be held Monday evening, Nov.
at 8:45 the kept press does the work of lution for their plight: try some interview on November 24, Er 29, will give new impetus to the the enemies of labor.
more frame ups. Europe hasn vin refused to appoint a Special search for the slayers.
QUINCY HOWE been so good, let try America. Investigator. Instead, Ervin reof Editorial Dept. Simon Executing Orders And in America, they are con ferred the drivers committee to Bektester will talk about his stantly plagued by the fact that the chief of the State Bureau of STALINISM book England Boxpects every But to do that job thoroughly, Trotskyist Fascist Assassins Criminal Investigation, Melvin American to do his duty! every decent union man must are the acknowledged leaders of Passolt, a former member of the and Question and Discussion. point out, too, how the Stalinists militant Minneapolis labor union Minneapolis police force. Passolt BOLSHEVISM play the game of the bosses. ism. Orders go out from the assured the delegation that his Thomas ine Society Blind to all aims except the task The locel flunkies rush office was active in seeking a by 88 Seventh Avenue South dictated to them by the to obey. Clumsily, stupidly, in solution to the crime, as part of 100 Greenwich Village, get the Trotskyists by hook or sanely, but obey they must. An the bureau regular activities.
TROTSKY (7th Ave Subwxy)
crook! the Stalinists have tarr other bungled job of the The drivers unions, however, Christopher Street)
ed the Minneapolis trade unions, But we must make every worker continue to press the need for Pioneer Publishers Admission with this Adv.
have slandered a fallen leader, understand the frame up methods a special staff which could under 100 Fifth Avende. Only 25 cents heve seconded the boss propagan of the now exposed to take to concentrate on finding New York, da, have made it possible for ene sight in Minneapolis.
Corcoran slayers.